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Created December 31, 2018 16:36
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/system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=bgp_watchdog_script owner=adminos policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="local state 0;\r\
\nlocal scriptName \"bgp_watchdog_script\";\r\
\n:local nameif \"VPN_NAME_INTERFACE\"\r\
\n:local namebgp \"BGP_PEER_NAME\"\r\
\n:local timeout 30s\r\
\n:local token \"bot342410789:AAE4UDFGDFGDFDFHDFHDFGSvaZYIabGwx4gPHc\"\r\
\n:local tokenchat \"-00000000000\"\r\
\n:local text \"BGP - \$namebgp does`t work! Restart!\"\r\
\n:local text1 \"BGP - \$namebgp restart!\"\r\
\n:local text2 \"BGP - \$namebgp work!\"\r\
\nif ( [len [/system script job find where script=\$scriptName]] > 1) do= { error \"single instance\" };\r\
\ndelay 15;\r\
\nwhile (true) do {\r\
\n:if ([/interface get number=[find where name=\$nameif] running]=true) do={\r\
\n[/routing bgp peer enable numbers=[find where name=\$namebgp disabled=yes]];\r\
\nif ( [/routing bgp peer get value-name=prefix-count number=[find where name=\$namebgp disabled=no]] ~\"^\\\$\" ) do= {\r\
\n:local dt [/system clock get date];\r\
\n:local tm [/system clock get time];\r\
\n:log info (\"\$text\");\r\
\n[/tool fetch keep-result=no url=\"\$token/sendMessage\\\?chat_id=\$tokenchat&text=\$dt - \$tm %0A \$text\"];\r\
\n:log info (\"\$text1\");\r\
\n[/routing bgp peer disable numbers=[find where name=\$namebgp disabled=no]];\r\
\n:delay \$timeout;\r\
\n[/routing bgp peer enable numbers=[find where name=\$namebgp disabled=yes]];\r\
\n:delay \$timeout;\r\
\nif ( [/routing bgp peer get value-name=prefix-count number=[find where name=\$namebgp disabled=no]] > 0 ) do= {\r\
\n:local dt [/system clock get date];\r\
\n:local tm [/system clock get time];\r\
\n:log info (\"\$text2\");\r\
\n[/tool fetch keep-result=no url=\"\$token/sendMessage\\\?chat_id=\$tokenchat&text=\$dt - \$tm %0A \$text2\"];\r\
\n:delay \$timeout;\r\
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TerAnYu commented Dec 31, 2018

VPN_NAME_INTERFACE - Интерфейс, например VPN, откауда получаем анонсы
BGP_PEER_NAME - /routing/bgp/peers - название пира
bot342410789:AAE4UDFGDFGDFDFHDFHDFGSvaZYIabGwx4gPHc - токен бота Telegram
-00000000000 - токен чата

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