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Created February 22, 2022 00:06
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Docker Compose Example / Database + App
version: "3.9"
# Definitions of the Services related to the Compose File.
# Each service is it's own container, Docker Compose handles
# starting the services
# Database (MongoDB)
# Image is related to a image locally or on a remote Docker Registry
image: mongo
container_name: mongodb
# Environment allows you to set environment variables within the container
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
# Volumes sets up a local to remote mapping. Allowing you to persist data between restarts
- ./database:/data/db
# Ports defines which ports your container should expose.
# In this case, we expose 27017 and map it to port 27017 inside the container
- 27017:27017
restart: unless-stopped
# User Service
# Build tells docker that we are using a local Dockerfile instead of pulling a remote image.
# The name of our local Dockerfile
dockerfile: Dockerfile
# The name of the Image once built See Dockerfile for why it is important
target: dev
# Where the docker file resides.
context: .
container_name: shield
# Depends On tells docker to start the database before running this service
- "database"
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- FURIOUS_CONFIG=config/staging.yaml
- ./database:/data/db
- 6710:6710
restart: unless-stopped
# Dockerfile References:
# Start from golang:1.17-alpine base image and name the image `dev`
FROM golang:1.17-alpine as dev
# Add a work directory within the Container (not locally)
# Copy local files from the current working directory into ./ in the container
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
# This Command is RUN inside of the Container.
RUN go mod download
# Copy app files
# This is copying local files in the CWD into the CWD of the Container
COPY . .
# Install Reflex for development
# Another command run inside of the container
RUN go install
# Expose port
# Exposes the following port from the container to the local environment
# Start app
# CMD is the entry point. The final command which should be long running.
CMD go run main.go serve
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