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Created April 14, 2021 04:05
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Sublime Merge Commands
create (Command)
bound (Command)
resize_window (Command)
default_redo_or_repeat (Command)
show_changelog (Command)
show_about_window (Command)
remove_license (Command)
show_license_window (Command)
open_dir_in_sublime_text (Command)
open_in_editor (Command)
open_url (Command)
open_dir (Command)
copy_to_clipboard (Command)
update_check (Command)
clear_recent (Command)
open_recent (Command)
open_repository (Command)
handle (Command)
filter_window_select (Command)
filter_window_cancel (Command)
filter_window_move (Command)
git (Command)
on_repository (Command)
exit_file_view (Command)
select_tab (Command)
previous_file_tab (Command)
next_file_tab (Command)
set_upstream (Command)
input (Command)
show_all_refs (Command)
refs_except_refs_at_commit (Command)
hide_all_refs_except (Command)
hide_all_commit_refs (Command)
show_ref (Command)
hide_ref (Command)
adhoc (Command)
edit_commit_contents (Command)
fixup_commits (Command)
squash_commits (Command)
drop_commits (Command)
move_commit (Command)
sync_submodule (Command)
update_submodule (Command)
open_submodule (Command)
add_submodule (Command)
clean (Command)
resolve_merge_conflict (Command)
revert_file (Command)
cherrypick_file (Command)
delete_file (Command)
discard_file (Command)
unstage_file (Command)
stage_file (Command)
gitflow (Command)
gitflow_rebase (Command)
gitflow_publish (Command)
gitflow_finish (Command)
gitflow_start (Command)
edit_gitflow_config (Command)
init_gitflow (Command)
cherry_pick (Command)
navigate_to_stash (Command)
navigate_to_tag (Command)
navigate_to_branch (Command)
navigate_to_commit (Command)
file_history (Command)
view_tree (Command)
blame (Command)
git_config (Command)
search (Command)
clear_stashes (Command)
drop_stash (Command)
apply_stash (Command)
pop_stash (Command)
stash (Command)
reset (Command)
git_redo (Command)
git_undo (Command)
push_tag (Command)
delete_tag_on_remote (Command)
delete_tag (Command)
create_tag (Command)
rebase_branch (Command)
merge_branch (Command)
rename_branch (Command)
delete_branch (Command)
create_branch_from_remote_branch (Command)
create_branch (Command)
checkout_local_branch (Command)
checkout_branch (Command)
show (Command)_palette (Command)
squash_commit (Command)
revert_commit (Command)
commit (Command)
toggle_console (Command)
rename_remote (Command)
delete_remote (Command)
add_remote (Command)
push (Command)
pull (Command)
fetch (Command)
set_word_wrap (Command)
toggle_preference (Command)
set_preference (Command)
toggle_ignore_diff_whitespace (Command)
history (Command)
render_git (Command)
empty_git (Command)
run (Command)
cpc_move (Command)
extra (Command)
command_palette (Command)
full_screen (Command)
drag_select (Command)
adjust_slider (Command)
tab_context_menu (Command)
table_move_to (Command)
table_move (Command)
px_notify (Command)
open_context_url (Command)
detect_indentation (Command)
trim_trailing_white_space (Command)
toggle_inline_diff (Command)
text (Command)
revert_hunk (Command)
revert_modification (Command)
prev_modification (Command)
next_modification (Command)
swap_line_down (Command)
swap_line_up (Command)
duplicate_selections (Command)
wrap_lines (Command)
expand_selection_to_paragraph (Command)
xbound (Command)
prev_misspelling (Command)
next_misspelling (Command)
ignore_word (Command)
add_word (Command)
correct_spelling (Command)
paste_selection_clipboard (Command)
context_menu (Command)
select_bookmark (Command)
select_all_bookmarks (Command)
clear_bookmarks (Command)
prev_bookmark (Command)
next_bookmark (Command)
toggle_bookmark (Command)
hide_popup (Command)
auto_complete_open_link (Command)
replace_completion_with_prev_completion (Command)
replace_completion_with_next_completion (Command)
replace_completion_with_auto_complete (Command)
replace_completion_with_tab (Command)
hide_auto_complete (Command)
insert_completion (Command)
commit_completion (Command)
auto_complete_prev (Command)
auto_complete (Command)
reopen (Command)
set_encoding (Command)
revert (Command)
set_line_ending (Command)
assign_file_type (Command)
set_file_type (Command)
toggle_option (Command)
set_option (Command)
clear_fields (Command)
prev_field (Command)
next_field (Command)
expand_snippet (Command)
insert_snippet (Command)
close_tag (Command)
reindent (Command)
run_inline_macro (Command)
run_macro_file (Command)
save_macro (Command)
run_macro (Command)
toggle_record_macro (Command)
bound_text (Command)
expand_selection (Command)
paste_and_indent (Command)
paste (Command)
copy_as_html (Command)
copy (Command)
cut (Command)
repeat (Command)
redo_or_repeat (Command)
soft_redo (Command)
soft_undo (Command)
redo (Command)
undo (Command)
select_lines (Command)
scroll_lines (Command)
move_to (Command)
move (Command)
invert_selection (Command)
select_all (Command)
delete_word (Command)
right_delete (Command)
left_delete (Command)
overwrite (Command)
append (Command)
insert (Command)
phantom_revert_hunk (Command)
phantom_hide_inline_diff (Command)
load (Command)
history_move (Command)
log (Command)
hide (Command)
show_git (Command)
show (Command)
always_show (Command)
press (Command)
last (Command)
last_modifying (Command)
prompt_run (Command)
repository (Command)
find (Command)
preview (Command)
build_stash_git (Command)
set (Command)
on_text (Command)
on_post_text (Command)
describe_git (Command)
build_git (Command)
predict (Command)
extract (Command)
binding_for (Command)
format (Command)
parse (Command)
make (Command)
add_event_to (Command)
clear_cached (Command)
try_run (Command)
read (Command)
find_target (Command)
find_input (Command)
skyline_text (Command)
g_log (Command)
g_menu (Command)
on_create (Command)
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