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Created September 21, 2019 17:25
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  • Save TerminalRootTV/9e6edc6cae411e57eceb1a83831b558b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TerminalRootTV/9e6edc6cae411e57eceb1a83831b558b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Clone Only a Git Subdirectory
# author: Marcos Oliveira <>
# describe: Clone Only a Git Subdirectory
# version: 1.0
# license: GNU GPLv3
if [[ "$(echo $LANG | cut -c 1-2)" != "pt" ]]; then
declare -x l=( "usage"
"Use this flag to inform the REPOSITORY, this option is not optional."
"Use this flag to inform the Directory/Subdirectory, this option is not optional."
"If you want to clone with a new name."
"Enter only the repository without subdirectory for the '-r' parameter."
declare -x l=( "uso"
"Use este sinalizador para informar o REPOSITÓRIO, esta opção não é opcional."
"Use este sinalizador para informar o Diretório/Subdiretório, esta opção não é opcional."
"Se você desejar clonar com um novo nome."
"Digite apenas o repositório sem subdiretório para o parâmetro '-r'."
"versão" #7
cat <<EOF
${l[0]}: ${0##*/} -r REPOSITORY -s SUBDIR [-d NAMEDIR]
-r REPOSITORY ${l[1]}
-s SUBDIR ${l[2]}
-d NAMEDIR ${l[3]}
* git-dir ${l[7]} 1.0 - Marcos Oliveira <>
** ${l[4]}
[[ ! -z "$1" ]] && exit 1
[[ -z $r || -z $s ]] && usage 1
[[ ! -z $(echo "${r}" | cut -d"/" -f6) ]] && usage | tail -n 1 && exit 1
[[ -z $(echo "${r}" | cut -d"/" -f5) ]] && usage 1
p=$(basename "${r}")
[[ ! -z "${d}" ]] && paramd="${d}" || paramd=
[[ -d "/tmp/gitdir" ]] && rm -rf "/tmp/gitdir"
mkdir "/tmp/gitdir"
cd "/tmp/gitdir"
git init
git remote add -f origin $r
git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "${s}" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull origin master
cd -
mv "/tmp/gitdir/${s}" "./${paramd}"
exit 0
while getopts 'r:s:d:' flags 2>&-; do
case "$flags" in
r) [[ -z "${OPTARG}" ]] && usage 1 || r=$OPTARG;;
s) [[ -z "${OPTARG}" ]] && usage 1 || s=$OPTARG;;
d) [[ -z "${OPTARG}" ]] && usage 1 || d=$OPTARG;;
*) usage 1;;
# vim: et ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh:
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