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Created November 7, 2019 14:16
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Webpack 4 plugin to measure how long an entry takes to build
const { performance, PerformanceObserver } = require('perf_hooks');
const PluginName = "TimeReporterPlugin";
class TimeReporterPlugin {
constructor(filterPattern = /HtmlWebpackPlugin|mini-css-extract-plugin/i) {
this.FilterPattern = filterPattern;
apply(compiler) {
let _timeEvents = [];
const createEventFromEntry = entry => ({
package: process.env.npm_package_name,
duration: Math.round(entry.duration),
const obs = new PerformanceObserver((items) => {
_timeEvents = _timeEvents.concat(items.getEntries().map(entry => (createEventFromEntry(entry))));
obs.observe({ entryTypes: ['measure'] });
const start = name => (`${name} - start`);
const end = name => (`${name} - end`);
const entryAdd = newEntry => {
try {
const { loc: { name = "" } = {} } = newEntry || {};
if (!name.match(this.FilterPattern)) {
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`${PluginName}: ${e}`);
const entryDone = (_ent, name) => {
try {
if (!name.match(this.FilterPattern)) {
performance.measure(name, start(name), end(name));
} catch (e) {
console.warn(`${PluginName}: ${e}`);
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(PluginName, compilation => {
compilation.hooks.addEntry.tap(PluginName, entryAdd);
compilation.hooks.failedEntry.tap(PluginName, entryDone);
compilation.hooks.succeedEntry.tap(PluginName, entryDone);
const onDone = async (stats, done) => {
try {
//TODO: Log these events somewhere ;)
} catch {
stats.compilation.warnings.push(`${PluginName}: Error reporting timing statistics`);
} finally {
compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync(PluginName, onDone);
module.exports = TimeReporterPlugin;
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This is a sample of how to make a webpack plugin to time how long entries take to build. You should edit the comment on line 57 and actually send your data somwhere

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