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Created October 28, 2023 22:53
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NodeRED Function to Download OVO Smart-meter Readings
// This function uses a companion HTTP Request node to load data from the OVO API
// service, with the HTTP response looped back into this node's input.
// - Hence an initiating request will be cycled through this node many times
// - The state and context is maintained in msg using the msg.state object.
// - used to sequence the cycles.
// - The initiating cycle has a null state with msg.user and msg.pwd containing
// the OVE creds, and msg.body the dates for the last download.
// - Each of the subsequent cycles processes the results of the previous OVO
// request optionally creating a SQL insert to load the data in the DB and a
// URL request for the OVO API service to load the next data chunk.
const MYOVO = '';
const PAYMAPI = '';
let body = msg.payload;
Object.assign(msg, { // Override various msg properties
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0',
'Accept': 'application/json,text/html',
'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en;q=0.5',
'DNT': '1',
'Host': PAYMAPI,
'Connection': 'keep-alive'
method: 'GET',
cookies: (msg.responseCookies || msg.cookies || {}),
payload: null,
responseCookies: null,
if (!msg.state) { msg.state = { id: -1 }; }
const state = msg.state;;
const setDataURL = s => {
let start = new Date(s.start);
start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1);
s.start = start.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
return `https://${PAYMAPI}/usage/api/half-hourly/${s.account}?date=${s.start}`;
const extDate = d => (new Date(d)).toISOString().substring(0, 10); // extract YYYY-MM-DD
const nextDay = d => {
let start = new Date(d); start.setDate(start.getDate() + 1);
return start.toISOString().substring(0, 10);
const processingStage = [
() => { // On first page move stuff to state
state.user = msg.user;
state.pwd = msg.pwd;
state.dailyStart = extDate(body[0][0].date);
state.meterStart = extDate(body[1][0].date);
msg.url = '/login';
msg.headers.Host = MYOVO;
delete msg.user; delete msg.pwd; delete msg.topic;
return [null, msg];
() => { // Now do OVO loging to establish credentials
msg.method = 'POST';
msg.payload = { username: state.user, password: state.pwd, rememberMe: true };
msg.url = '/api/v2/auth/login';
msg.headers.Host = MYOVO;
return [null, msg];
() => { // Setup API session
msg.url = '/first-login/api/bootstrap/v2/';
return [null, msg];
() => { // Lookup account details
state.account = body.selectedAccountId;
state.customer = body.customerId;
msg.url = '/orex/api/plans/' + state.account;
return [null, msg];
() => { // Cache account details and request meter readings
const contract = body.electricity;
state.mpxn = contract.mpxn;
state.msn = contract.msn;
state.price = { standingCharge: contract.standingCharge.amount };
for (let r of contract.unitRates) { state.price[] = r.unitRate.amount; }
msg.url = '/rlc/rac-public-api/api/v5/supplypoints/electricity/' +
return [null, msg];
() => { // save daily readings in MySQL and start daily ½hr reading poll
const v = => ({
dts: e.readingDateTime.substring(0, 10),
peak: Number(e.tiers[0].meterRegisterReading),
offpeak: Number(e.tiers[1].meterRegisterReading)
})).filter(e => e.dts > state.dailyStart);
let BV = [];
for (let i = v.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const P = state.price;
const [e, el] = [v[i], v[i + 1]];
const [p, op] = [e.peak - el.peak, e.offpeak - el.offpeak];
const Rs = P.standingCharge;
const [Rp, Rop] = [, P.night];
const cost = ((Rp * p) + (Rop * op)).toFixed(3);
BV.push([el.dts, (p + op).toFixed(3), cost, p.toFixed(3), op.toFixed(3), Rs, Rp, Rop]);
const updateExtTempSQL = `
UPDATE daily_readings, meter_readings
(SELECT date(dts) AS Tdate,
length(substring_index(value,',',2))+2) AS temp
FROM eventlog
WHERE event='external-temp' AND
dts > '${state.dailyStart}') AS T
SET extTemp = T.temp
WHERE daily_readings.dts = T.Tdate
AND daily_readings.extTemp IS NULL;`;
state.start = nextDay(state.meterStart);
msg.url = `/usage/api/half-hourly/${state.account}?date=${state.start}`;
return [[{
topic: 'INSERT INTO daily_readings(dts,Duse,cost,Puse,Ouse,Rstand,Rpeak,Roffp) VALUES ?;',
payload: [BV]
{ topic: updateExtTempSQL }],
() => { // save half-hourly readings in MySQL
if (!body.electricity) return [null, null];
let BV = [];
for (const h of {
const t = h.interval.start;
BV.push([t.substring(0, 10) + ' ' + t.substring(11, 16), h.consumption]);
state.start = nextDay(state.start);;
msg.url = `/usage/api/half-hourly/${state.account}?date=${state.start}`;
if (! { msg = null; } // turn off next query if next is false
return [{
topic: 'INSERT INTO meter_readings(dts,`use`) VALUES ?;',
payload: [BV]
}, msg];
try {
try {body = JSON.parse(body);} catch (e) {} // nearly all bodies are JSON
const [SQLmsg, URLmsg] = processingStage[]();
if (URLmsg) {
URLmsg.url = `https://${URLmsg.headers.Host}` + URLmsg.url;
return [SQLmsg, URLmsg];
} catch (e) { // after last batch add ext temp field for new daily_readings rows
node.warn(e.stack); return null;
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