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Created October 26, 2023 13:08
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Use downloaded half-hourly readings to do an Octopus Agile vs OVO price comparison
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Use historic readings records by my SMETS smartmeter and downloard in MySQL with Octopus
# Agile per half-hour prices to do a 2023 price comparison.
use strict; use warnings; use v5.10;
use DBI;
use DateTime;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
my $octDailyCharge=0.4752;
# A few commonn functions
sub Sum { my $t=0; $t+=$_ for @_; return $t }
sub AnyUndef { foreach (@_) {return -1 unless defined $_;} return $#_}
sub vformat {my $fmt="\t".shift; return map {sprintf($fmt, $_)} @_; }
# Argument processing. <No of debug cycles> <start date>
my ($cntDown, $startDate, $debug) = ($ARGV[0] // 0, $ARGV[1], 0);
# SQL queries to fetch the data from the CH system DB
my $getOctPrices = "SELECT * FROM octopus";
my $getOVOdailies = <<'ENDSQL';
SELECT dts, Duse, cost, Rstand FROM daily_readings
WHERE dts = ANY (SELECT dts FROM octopus)
my $getOVOreadings = <<'ENDSQL';
SELECT DATE(dts) AS "day" ,
FROM meter_readings
WHERE date(dts) = ANY (SELECT dts FROM octopus)
# connect to MySQL database load DB data into local Hash scructures
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql(PrintError=>0,RaiseError=>1):$ENV{MYSQL_DB}",$ENV{USER},'');
# The Octopus table is a daily aggregate, with one row per day with the date then 48 prices
# for each half-hr slot These are imported into a Hash of day=>[48 prices]. Not that some
# prices can be NULL if missing in the Octopus REST query used to import the price data only
# reports a part day.
my %octPrices = map { my $d = shift @$_; $d => $_} @{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($getOctPrices)};
# The Ovo daily Hash is built from two tables. The first is recors the actual kWh used by
# half-hour slot in day. This is aggregated into a 48 vector in its {rates} entry. Again,
# there can be missing readings.
my %ovoDaily;
foreach my $row (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($getOVOreadings)}) {
my ($d,$s,$use) = @$row;
# The second collects some per day data reported by Ovo. The fields for daily use (Duse),
# cost (cost) and standing charge (Rstand) are copied into the ovoDaily date entry if
# there is readings data for that day.
foreach my $r (@{$dbh->selectall_arrayref($getOVOdailies, {Slice => {}})}) {
if (exists $ovoDaily{$r->{dts}}{readings}) {
$ovoDaily{$r->{dts}}{Duse} = $r->{Duse};
$ovoDaily{$r->{dts}}{cost} = $r->{cost};
$ovoDaily{$r->{dts}}{Rstand} = $r->{Rstand};
# There are a couple of days where some of the data elements needs to do pricing calcs are
# missing. These odd days are discarded, so that subsequent calcs can assume complete data.
foreach my $d (sort keys %ovoDaily) {
delete $ovoDaily{$d} if
(not exists $octPrices{$d}) ||
(not defined $ovoDaily{$d}{cost}) ||
AnyUndef(@{$octPrices{$d}}) != AnyUndef(@{$ovoDaily{$d}{readings}});
print "Date\tUsed\tOVo\tOctopus\tOct Optimsed\n";
foreach my $d (sort keys %ovoDaily) {
# Set up startDate and debug filters on 1st pass
$startDate = $d unless defined $startDate;
$debug = ($cntDown > 0) if $startDate eq $d;
# As a first cut we only sustain ~600W during offpeak. Anything else is time-shifted
# load that has been scheduled during the cheap rate window, such as CH, DHW, dishwasher,
# washing machine, and these in priciple could be time shifted to any 14 slots that are
# the cheapest, so:
# - Form a 14 elt array by removing the excess over 0.3 kWh into this and sort high to low;
# - Add the i'th excess to the corresponding slot.
# - Sort the price <=> slot hash into ascending price.
# - Allocate the biggest excess to the cheapest Octopus priced slot ...
# - Calculate the price data and print TSV summary
my @checks;
my @timeshift;
my $op = $octPrices{$d};
my $od = $ovoDaily{$d};
my $r = $od->{readings};
my $Duse = $od->{Duse};
my $cost = $od->{cost} + $od->{Rstand};
my ($octPrice, $totuse) = ($octDailyCharge, 0);
$octPrice += 0.01*$op->[$_]*$r->[$_] for (0..47);
$totuse += $r->[$_] for (0..47);
my @summary = ($totuse,$cost,$octPrice);
print "\nRrg \t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @$r), "\n" if $debug;
push @checks, Sum(@$r);
foreach my $i (0..13) {
$timeshift[$i] = $r->[$i]>0.3 ? $r->[$i] - 0.3 : 0;
$r->[$i] -= $timeshift[$i];
my @srtTimeshift = sort { $b <=> $a } @timeshift;
my @priceNdx = (0..47);
my @srtPriceNdx = sort { $op->[$a] <=> $op->[$b] } @priceNdx;
push @checks, Sum(@$r) + Sum(@srtTimeshift), Sum(@$r), Sum(@srtTimeshift);
if ($debug) {
my @ndx = (' ') x 48;
$ndx[$srtPriceNdx[$_]] = sprintf('%2d', $_) for (0..13);
my @xtra= (' ') x 48;
$xtra[$srtPriceNdx[$_]] = sprintf('%6.2f', $srtTimeshift[$_]) for (0..13);
print "Rrg \t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @$r), "\n";
print "Clp Rdg\t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @timeshift), "\n";
print "Srt Clp\t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @srtTimeshift), "\n";
print "Prc \t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @$op), "\n";
print "Srt Prc\t$d", vformat('%6.2f', map({ $op->[$_]} @srtPriceNdx)), "\n";
print "Ndx \t$d", map ({"\t $_ "} @ndx), "\n";
print "Rng Inc\t$d", map ({"\t$_"} @xtra), "\n";
$r->[$srtPriceNdx[$_]] += $srtTimeshift[$_] for (0..13);
print "Rrg NEW\t$d", vformat('%6.2f', @$r), "\n" if $debug;
push @checks, Sum(@$r);
my $check = $checks[$#checks] - $checks[0];
$check = - $check if $check < 0;
die "Total readings mismatch after rate time shifting" if $check > 0.1;
my $octNewPrice = $octDailyCharge;
$octNewPrice += 0.01*$op->[$_]*$r->[$_] for (0..47);
printf "%s\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\n", $d, @summary, $octNewPrice;
exit if $debug && --$cntDown == 0;
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