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Last active May 3, 2022 11:56
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(Host) Lua utility to convert Lua source file into module fast include
#! /usr/bin/env lua
The purpose of this utility is to convert one or more Lua source files into an include block
suitable for inclusion into the Nodule "fast" C module. Files are treated in one of two
categories: plain and chunked. A plain file is treated as a single chunk. A chunked file
is identified by having a special SPLIT MODULE comment on the first line and is divided into
separate chunks using the special SPLIT comments:
--[[SPLIT MODULE name Module name. <the rest of the line is not parsed>
--[[SPLIT IGNORE]] <the whole line is ignored>
--[[SPLIT HERE name]] <a new chunk "name" is started; the whole line itself is ignored>
These special comments allow a Lua source file to have a dual purpose: it can be compiled
as a single source file into a LFS module; it can also be split into separate dynamically
loadable chunks. (See the Lua ftpserver module as an example of how this works)
Each chunk is source-compressed using LuaSrcDiet and this stripped source is then converted
into a valid compilable C string, and these strings are then assembled into a valid format
to include into fast.c
getmetatable('').__mod = function(s, b)
if not b then return a end
if type(b) ~= 'table' then b = {b} end
return s:format(unpack(b))
local cmdName, outFile = arg[0], 'output.h'
local LuaSrcDiet = os.getenv('LUASRCDIET') or 'LuaSrcDiet'
local function get_help()
print ([[
Convert a list of Lua sources into an include file compatible with module fast
Usage: %s [options] parameterlist
> %s -o /tmp/funcs.h *.lua
-h prints this usage information and exit
-o output file. Defaults to output.h
The parameters are a list of lua source files to be processed
The environment variable LUASRCDIET can but use to specify the LuaSrcDiet command
]] % {cmdName,cmdName})
if not os.execute() then error('%s requires a shell to execute' % cmdName, 0) end
local function basemod(f) -- Extract module name out of full filename
local name = f:sub(2+#f-(f:reverse():find'[%\\/]' or #f))
local dot = name:find('.',1,true) or (#name+1)
return name:sub(1,dot-1)
local function encodeChunk(name) -- Pack chunk in compressed Cstring source
local tmp = os.tmpname()
if not os.execute('%s -o %s %s >/dev/null' % {LuaSrcDiet, tmp, name}) then
error('LuaSrcDiet on %s failed' % name, 0)
-- Convert the compressed but syntactically correct Lua source into a format that can
-- be included into a C source file as a valid CString of the format "somebit" \<CR> ...
-- that can be compiled by gcc. Since the lua source is going to be double quoted,
-- any " and \ character must be converted into their escaped \" and \\ equivalents.
-- The line are concatenated using \n and the broken into 100-110 char chunks on a
-- suitable boundary.
local f = -- temporary file that contains the compressed Lua source
local p = {} -- array used to assemble the input lines in one output line
local len = 0 -- len of output line corresponding to p[1..#p]
local o = {} -- array used to assemble output lines in the chunk
local l = f:read()
local doEscape = true
while l do
if doEscape then
l = l:gsub('%\\','\\\\'):gsub('"','\\"') -- map \ to \\ and " to \"
doEscape = true
if len + #l < 100 then
-- if the output line is going to <100 chars then just add l
p[#p+1], len, l = l, len + #l+2, f:read()
elseif len + #l < 110 then
-- if the output line is going to <110 chars then add l and start new output line
p[#p+1] = l..'\\n'
o[#o+1], p, len, l = table.concat(p, '\\n'), {}, 0, f:read()
-- we need to break l on a suitable boundary
local i0 = 101 - len -- skip this bit before looking for a break
local ltrunc = l:sub(1,i0+10)
local i = ltrunc:find('[%.%[%]%(%)%+%-%*/%^%%#;= ][%w ]', i0) -- after sep/op
if i == nil then
i = ltrunc:find('[^%\\]%\\', i0) -- before \
if i == nil then
i = ltrunc:find('[%w_ ][%w_ ]', i0) -- between two letters / spaces
if i == nil then
i = l:find('[^%\\][%.]', i) -- after any non \ on whole line
if i == nil then
i = #l
end end end end
p[#p+1] = l:sub(1,i)
o[#o+1], p, len = table.concat(p, '\\n'), {}, 0
doEscape, l = false, l:sub(i+1) -- new l (might be empty) already escaped
f:close(); os.remove(tmp)
o[1], o[#o+1] = ' "'..o[1], table.concat(p, '\\n')..'\\n"'
return table.concat(o, '" \\\n "')
local cstring = {}
local function processFile(name)
local f,e =
if not f then error( e, 0) end
local line = f:read()
local modName = line:match('%-%-%[%[%s*SPLIT%s+MODULE%s+([%w_]+)%s*%]%]')
print('module='..(modName or "???"))
if not modName then
local chunkName, chunk = modName, {}
line = f:read()
while (line) do
local split, param = line:match('%-%-%[%[%s*SPLIT%s+([A-Z]+)%s*([%w_%-]*)%s*%]%]')
if split == 'HERE' then --close the previous chunk and start the next 'param'
if #chunk > 0 then
local tmp = os.tmpname()
local of =, 'w')
for _,l in ipairs(chunk) do
cstring[chunkName]= encodeChunk(tmp)
chunkName,chunk = param, {}
elseif split ~= 'IGNORE' then
chunk[#chunk+1] = line
line = f:read()
-- Process command line. On completion, the table cstring is
-- of the form {chunk_name = Cstring_for_chunk, ...}
local i, argn = 1, #arg
if argn == 0 then get_help() end
while i <= #arg do
if arg[i] == '-h' then
elseif arg[i] == '-o' then
i, outFile = i + 1, (arg[i+1] or get_help())
i = i + 1
--[[DEBUG print ('writing to '..outFile)]]
--[[DEBUG for k,s in pairs(cstring) do print('cstring',k,#s) end]]
-- To make the chunk lookup efficient, the algo groups the chunks by chunk
-- length and does a select(len) + case chain. For each length a strcmp()
-- is done to match the chunk names for that length.
local of,msg =, 'w')
if not of then error(msg, 0) end
local selectcases = {}
for name in pairs(cstring) do
local l = #name
local case = selectcases[l] or {}
case[#case+1] = name
selectcases[l] = case
--[[DEBUG for k,l in pairs(selectcases) do print(k,table.concat(l,',')) end]]
local lens = {}; for k in pairs(selectcases) do lens[#lens+1] = k end
for _,l in ipairs(lens) do
local case = selectcases[l]
--[[DEBUG print(l..":"..table.concat(case,','))]]
of:write(' case %u:\n' % l);
for j = 1, #case do
local name = case[j]
of:write(' if (!strcmp(name, "%s")) { src = "local FAST=1;" \\\n' % name)
of:write(cstring[name], ';%s}\n' % (j==#case and '' or ' break;'))
of:write(' break;\n')
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