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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save TethysSvensson/11396878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#![feature(macro_registrar, managed_boxes, quote)]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]
extern crate syntax;
use syntax::codemap;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ext::base;
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector;
// Entry point
pub fn macro_registrar(register: |ast::Name, base::SyntaxExtension|) {
~base::BasicIdentMacroExpander {
expander: expand_syntax_ext,
span: None,
// Struct for returning multiple Item's as a ~MacResult
pub struct MyMacItems {
i: Vec<@ast::Item>
impl MyMacItems {
pub fn new(i: Vec<@ast::Item>) -> ~base::MacResult {
~MyMacItems { i: i } as ~base::MacResult
impl base::MacResult for MyMacItems {
fn make_items(&self) -> Option<SmallVector<@ast::Item>> {
fn expand_syntax_ext(cx: &mut base::ExtCtxt, sp: codemap::Span, struct_name: ast::Ident, tts: Vec<ast::TokenTree>) -> ~base::MacResult {
// Contains to resulting Items to be returned as a MacResult
let mut res = Vec::new();
// Get the fields of the struct
let fields = get_fields(cx, sp, tts);
// The total number of bits
let mut total_bits: uint = 0;
// Count the total number of bits
for &(ref _name, _prot, _sign, bits) in fields.iter() {
total_bits += bits;
total_bits = ((total_bits - 1) | 7) + 1;
let total_bytes: uint = total_bits / 8;
// Generate the actual struct
pub struct $struct_name {
pub bytes: [u8, ..$total_bytes]
// Generate a Default instance
impl std::default::Default for $struct_name {
fn default() -> $struct_name {
$struct_name { bytes: [0, ..$total_bytes] }
// Total number of bits added so far
let mut cur_offset: uint = 0;
// Generate the impls for getting and setting fields
for &(ref name, prot, sign, bits) in fields.iter() {
if name.get().char_at(0) != '_' {
// Generate the actual getter and setter
// Update the offset
cur_offset += bits;
fn generate_methods(
cx: &mut base::ExtCtxt,
sp: codemap::Span,
struct_name: ast::Ident,
name: &str,
prot: ast::Visibility,
sign: bool,
first_bit: uint,
size_bits: uint,
) -> @ast::Item {
// ast::Visibility does not have a to_tokens, so we work around that
let prot = match prot {
ast::Public => quote_tokens!(&*cx, pub),
ast::Inherited => Vec::new(),
// Create the type and get a variable for the type size
let (ty_bits, ty): (uint, @ast::Ty) = match (sign, size_bits) {
(true, 1..8) => (8, quote_ty!(&*cx, i8)),
(true, 9..16) => (16, quote_ty!(&*cx, i16)),
(true, 17..32) => (32, quote_ty!(&*cx, i32)),
(true, 33..64) => (64, quote_ty!(&*cx, i64)),
(false, 1..8) => (8, quote_ty!(&*cx, u8)),
(false, 9..16) => (16, quote_ty!(&*cx, u16)),
(false, 17..32) => (32, quote_ty!(&*cx, u32)),
(false, 33..64) => (64, quote_ty!(&*cx, u64)),
_ => cx.span_fatal(sp, format!("bitstruct does support bitsize {}", size_bits)),
let skew = first_bit % 8;
let first_byte = first_bit / 8;
let last_bit = first_bit + size_bits - 1;
let last_byte = last_bit / 8;
let used_bytes = 1 + last_byte - first_byte;
let get = token::str_to_ident("get_" + name);
let set = token::str_to_ident("set_" + name);
let mask0: u64 = if size_bits == 64 { 0 } else { -1 << size_bits };
let mask0: u64 = mask0 | ((1 << skew) - 1);
let mask1: u64 = !((1 << skew) - 1);
impl $struct_name {
$prot fn $get(&self) -> $ty {
let mut arr: [u64, ..2] = [0, 0];
unsafe {
self.bytes.as_ptr().offset($first_byte as int),
let val: u64 = if $skew == 0 { arr[0] } else { (arr[0] >> $skew) | (arr[1] << (64 - $skew)) };
let val: $ty = val as $ty;
let val = val << ($ty_bits - $size_bits);
let val = val >> ($ty_bits - $size_bits);
$prot fn $set(&mut self, val: $ty) {
let mut arr: [u64, ..2] = [0, 0];
unsafe {
self.bytes.as_ptr().offset($first_byte as int),
let val = val as u64;
arr[0] = (arr[0] & $mask0) | ((val << $skew) & !$mask0);
arr[1] = (arr[1] & $mask1) | ((val >> (64 - $skew)) & !$mask1);
unsafe {
self.bytes.as_mut_ptr().offset($first_byte as int),
fn get_fields(cx: &mut base::ExtCtxt, sp: codemap::Span, tts: Vec<ast::TokenTree>) -> Vec<(token::InternedString, ast::Visibility, bool, uint)> {
// Parse the tts to a struct
let parsed = parse_tts(cx, sp, tts);
// Return value to be populated
let mut fields = Vec::new();
// Iterate over the fields to get the relevant data (while doing sanity checking)
for field in parsed.fields.iter() {
let field = &field.node;
let (name, prot) = match field.kind {
// Get name and protection. The catch-all case should never be hit
ast::NamedField(n, p) => (token::get_ident(n), p),
_ => cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct only support named fields")
// No attributes please
if !field.attrs.is_empty() {
cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct does not support attributes");
// Get the path of the type
let path = match field.ty.node {
ast::TyPath(ref ps, _, _) => ps,
_ => cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct only supports types of format [ui][0-9]+")
// Only non-pathed types
if || path.segments.len() != 1 {
cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct does not support pathed types+")
// Get the first (and only) segment
let segment = path.segments.get(0);
// No parameters please
if !segment.lifetimes.is_empty() || segment.types.len() != 0 {
cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct does not support type parameters")
// Get the actual type
let ident = token::get_ident(segment.identifier);
let typ: &str = ident.get();
// "Parse" the type
let (sign, bits) = match (typ[0], from_str(typ.slice_from(1))) {
(105, Some(n)) => (true, n), // 'i'
(117, Some(n)) => (false, n), // 'u'
_ => cx.span_fatal(sp, "bitstruct only supports types of format [ui][0-9]+")
// Add the data to the result
fields.push((name, prot, sign, bits));
fn parse_tts(cx: &mut base::ExtCtxt, sp: codemap::Span, tts: Vec<ast::TokenTree>) -> @ast::StructDef {
// Parse the tts after adding the struct-cruff
let parsed = quote_item!(&*cx, struct some_struct { $tts });
// Was it parsed correctly?
let item = parsed.unwrap_or_else(
|| cx.span_fatal(sp, "Could not parse struct-like definition")
// Get out the actual StructDef
match item.node {
ast::ItemStruct(s, _) => s,
_ => unreachable!()
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