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Created July 23, 2019 03:29
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Solution for Ch15 Combine type - Proving that Combine is a monoid
newtype Combine a b =
Combine { unCombine :: (a -> b) }
-- example usage
-- > let f = Combine $ \n -> Sum (n + 1)
-- > unCombine f $ 1
-- 2
-- dummy show instance so quickCheck works
instance Show (Combine a b) where
show (Combine f) = "Combine instance"
-- monoid instance for Combine
instance Monoid b => Monoid (Combine a b) where
mempty = Combine (const mempty)
-- semigroup definition for Combine
instance Semigroup b => Semigroup (Combine a b) where
(Combine a) <> (Combine a') = Combine (\x -> a x <> a' x)
-- function asserting associative property for Combine
combineAssoc :: (Eq b, Semigroup b)
=> a
-> Combine a b
-> Combine a b
-> Combine a b
-> Bool
combineAssoc v f g h =
(unCombine (f <> (g <> h)) $ v) == (unCombine ((f <> g) <> h) $ v)
-- Arbitrary instance for Combine
instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (Combine a b) where
arbitrary = Combine <$> arbitrary
-- Helper type for brevity when defining what we give to quickCheck
type CombineString = Combine String String
-- what we give to quickCheck when proving combine associativity
type CombineStringAssoc =
String -> CombineString -> CombineString -> CombineString -> Bool
-- function asserting left identity for Combine
combineLeftIdentity :: (Eq b, Monoid b)
=> a
-> Combine a b
-> Bool
combineLeftIdentity v f = (unCombine (mempty <> f) $ v) == (unCombine f $ v)
-- function asserting right identity for Combine
combineRightIdentity :: (Eq b, Monoid b)
=> a
-> Combine a b
-> Bool
combineRightIdentity v f = (unCombine (f <> mempty) $ v) == (unCombine f $ v)
-- proving that Combine is a Monoid
checkCombine :: IO ()
checkCombine = do
quickCheck (combineAssoc :: CombineStringAssoc)
quickCheck (combineLeftIdentity :: String -> CombineString -> Bool)
quickCheck (combineRightIdentity :: String -> CombineString -> Bool)
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