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Last active March 31, 2018 02:35
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Rabin-Karp Substring Search with Python
def rapin_karp(pat, txt):
M = len(pat)
N = len(txt)
p = 0
t = 0
h = 1
d = 256
q = 101
for i in range(M - 1):
h = (h * d) % q
for i in range(M):
p = (d * p + ord(pat[i])) % q
t = (d * t + ord(txt[i])) % q
for i in range(N - M + 1):
if p == t:
for j in range(M):
if txt[i + j] != pat[j]:
if j == M - 1:
print ("Pattern found at index " + str(i))
if i < N - M:
t = (d * (t - ord(txt[i]) * h) + ord(txt[i + M])) % q
if t < 0:
t = t + q
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