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Bello Gallico - 2023-12-16

100 miles, let’s be honest, it is the mythical distance every aspiring ultrarunner thinks about. Some months ago, I registered for what would ultimately be my first real 100 miles. I have run about the same distance before, but each time in a multiple day solo adventure setting. This would be a non stop race, quite a different ball park.

The facts

  • a 80 km loop, ran twice: first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • start on Saturday morning 04:00
Teufen /
Last active April 23, 2024 17:24
Northern Traverse 2024

Northern Traverse - 6-8 April 2024

Start of the C2C walk

The Northern Traverse follows Alfred Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk, as he described it in his book. It guarantees hours of fun on a 300km course from Saint Bees at the Irish Sea, through 3 National Parks: Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, North York Moors, to Robin Hood's Bay on the shores of the North Sea.