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Created March 8, 2019 09:35
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Adds Enums to swashbuckle for use with NSwag
/* Source: */
config.AddSwaggerGen(options => {
/* Source: */
public class SwaggerAddEnumDescriptions : IDocumentFilter
public void Apply(SwaggerDocument swaggerDoc, DocumentFilterContext context)
// add enum descriptions to result models
foreach (var schemaDictionaryItem in swaggerDoc.Definitions)
var schema = schemaDictionaryItem.Value;
foreach (var propertyDictionaryItem in schema.Properties)
var property = propertyDictionaryItem.Value;
var propertyEnums = property.Enum;
if (propertyEnums != null && propertyEnums.Count > 0)
property.Description += DescribeEnum(propertyEnums);
property.Extensions.Add("x-enumNames", GetStringMapping(propertyEnums));
if (swaggerDoc.Paths.Count <= 0) return;
// add enum descriptions to input parameters
foreach (var pathItem in swaggerDoc.Paths.Values)
// head, patch, options, delete left out
var possibleParameterisedOperations = new List<Operation> {pathItem.Get, pathItem.Post, pathItem.Put};
possibleParameterisedOperations.FindAll(x => x != null)
.ForEach(x => DescribeEnumParameters(x.Parameters));
private string[] GetStringMapping(IList<object> enums)
var enumDescriptions = new List<string>();
Type type = null;
foreach (var enumOption in enums)
if (type == null) type = enumOption.GetType();
enumDescriptions.Add(Enum.GetName(type, enumOption));
return enumDescriptions.ToArray();
private static void DescribeEnumParameters(IList<IParameter> parameters)
if (parameters == null) return;
foreach (var param in parameters)
if (param.Extensions.ContainsKey("enum") && param.Extensions["enum"] is IList<object> paramEnums &&
paramEnums.Count > 0)
param.Description += DescribeEnum(paramEnums);
private static string DescribeEnum(IEnumerable<object> enums)
var enumDescriptions = new List<string>();
Type type = null;
foreach (var enumOption in enums)
if (type == null) type = enumOption.GetType();
$"{Convert.ChangeType(enumOption, type.GetEnumUnderlyingType())} = {Enum.GetName(type, enumOption)}");
return $"{Environment.NewLine}{string.Join(Environment.NewLine, enumDescriptions)}";
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