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Last active December 26, 2016 22:36
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Edit the function in fun, bound, and the value of n, and plot the fourier series for fun on the interval [-bound,bound] with n terms. Used with assignment 1 in A First Course in Wavelets with Fourier Analysis,
#Given a function, calculates the
#Fourier series up to n terms
#Clear previous variables
#For complex integration
#The function to approximate
fun = function(x){
#Use the fact that $f_e is even, and f(-x)=f(x)
#x = ifelse(x<0,-x,x)
#Use the fact that $f_o is odd, and -f(-x)=f(x)
#m = ifelse(x<0,-1,1)
#x = m*x
#x = ifelse(x<0,-x,x)
#gig = (x<=pi)&(x>=-pi)
#x = ifelse(gig,x,(x+pi)%%(2*pi)-pi)
#gig = (x<=2*pi)&(x>=0)
#x = ifelse(gig,x,x%%(2*pi))
#gig = (x > -1/2) & (x <= 1/2)
#em = ((x > -1) & (x <= -1/2)) | (( x > 1/2) & (x <= 1))
#y = ifelse(gig,1,ifelse(em,0,NaN))
#gig = (x<=pi)&(x>=-pi)
#x = ifelse(gig,x,x%%(2*pi))
#gig = (x<=1)&(x>=-1)
#x = ifelse(gig,x,(x+1)%%2-1)
gig = (x<=pi)&(x>=-pi)
x = ifelse(gig,x,(x+pi)%%(2*pi)-pi)
#Upper bound (lower bound is -bound)
bound = pi
a_0 = 1/(2*bound)*integrate(Vectorize(fun),-bound,bound)$value
#a_0 = 1/(bound)*integrate(Vectorize(fun),0,bound)$value
#The number of repitions
n = 20
#Vectors for the coefficients
a = rep(0,n)
b = rep(0,n)
c = rep(0,n)
#Calculate the coefficients
for(k in 1:n){
a[k]=1/bound * integrate(function(x){return(fun(x)*cos(k*pi*x/bound))},-bound,bound)$value
b[k]=1/bound * integrate(function(x){return(fun(x)*sin(k*pi*x/bound))},-bound,bound)$value
#For half interval
#a[k]=2/bound * integrate(function(x){return(fun(x)*cos(k*pi*x/bound))},0,bound)$value
#b[k]=2/bound * integrate(function(x){return(fun(x)*sin(k*pi*x/bound))},0,bound)$value
#Complex coefficients
c[k] = 1/(2*bound) * myintegrate(function(x){return(fun(x)*exp(complex(imaginary=-k*x)))},-bound,bound)
#Fourier expansion
s_n = function(x){
s = a_0
for(i in 1:n)
mult = 3 #How wide should the plot be?
xc = seq(-mult*bound,mult*bound,by=0.01)
#plot fun
#Plot s_n
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