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Last active January 15, 2024 15:50
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  • Save TfTHacker/4e019abd25c58de57376add6e3aa4173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TfTHacker/4e019abd25c58de57376add6e3aa4173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// find dates based on format [[YYYY-MM-DD]]
const findDated = (task)=>{
if( !task.completed ) { = " " + "[[" + task.path + "|*]]";"";
const found = task.text.match(/\[\[([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))\]\]/);
if(found) = moment(found[1]);
return true;
const myTasks = dv.pages("").file.tasks.where(t => findDated(t));
dv.table(["task","link"], myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>>[t.text,]));
dv.table(["task","link"], myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>>[t.text,]));
dv.table(["task","link"], myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>>[t.text,]));
dv.table(["task","link"], myTasks.filter(t=> !>t.text).map(t=>[t.text,]));
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Is there a way to mark a task completed? I know with raw dataview you can, so I figure there is a way to do this in dataviewjs too.

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Beautiful code, I have same question: is there a way to mark a task completed like the raw dataview do? Million thanks

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Sorry for delayed response. At this point in time I don’t think its possible through the script. but I am not currently using it, so have not been testing new possibilities :-)

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Tristan29photography commented Aug 2, 2022

@thomas-hu-bc @datavistics

You can get the clickable task list with this code :

// find dates based on format [[YYYY-MM-DD]]

const findDated = (task)=>{

if( !task.completed ) { = " " + "[[" + task.path + "|*]]";"";

const found = task.text.match(/\[\[([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))\]\]/);

if(found) = moment(found[1]);

return true;


const myTasks = dv.pages('"3 Projects"').file.tasks.where(t => findDated(t));


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;

I hope it helps

and @TfTHacker Thanks a lot for your code !

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rawru commented Aug 19, 2022

Your code works absolutely amazing but unfortunately, I use a different date format (DD-MM-YYYY). I'm not exactly familiar javascript, so... how can I change the code to match my date format? Thanks in advance!

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This is great, thanks so much @TfTHacker and @Tristan29photography !
Do you know if it's possible that clicking the link automatically brings you to the location within the note where the task is, instead of opening the note? I work with very long notes, and sometimes need the task's location for context.

@rawru I don't know how to code and this is probably a very stupid suggestion, but did you try
// find dates based on format [[DD-MM-YYYY]]?

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Hey @creadian, what you are referring to is a comment. So this is just a description of what the code will do.

What you want to change is this:

const found = task.text.match(/[[([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))]]/);

That cryptic part is a regex, a pattern that it searches. You could try this (I've not tested that yet).

const found = task.text.match(/[[(((0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-[12]\d{3}))]]/);

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@thomas-hu-bc @datavistics

You can get the clickable task list with this code :

// find dates based on format [[YYYY-MM-DD]]

const findDated = (task)=>{

if( !task.completed ) { = " " + "[[" + task.path + "|*]]";"";

const found = task.text.match(/\[\[([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))\]\]/);

if(found) = moment(found[1]);

return true;


const myTasks = dv.pages('"3 Projects"').file.tasks.where(t => findDated(t));


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;


dv.taskList(myTasks.filter(t=> moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;

I hope it helps

and @TfTHacker Thanks a lot for your code !

Question: How would you sort for Undated Tasks?

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friebetill commented Nov 8, 2022

Here is my customized version of your scripts to show me an overview of the tasks due in my daily notes.

What is the difference?

  • Sections with empty task lists are not displayed.
  • Tasks are recognized with the #task hashtag.
  • Tasks with #habit are ignored.
  • The date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
const hasDate = (task) => {
  const found = task.text.match("📅 ([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})"); = found ? moment(found[1]) : moment("");
  return found != null;

const today = moment("{{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}");

const allTasks = dv.pages("").file.tasks.filter((t) => t.text.match("#task") && !t.text.match("#habit")); 
const uncompletedTasks = allTasks.filter((t) => !t.completed);
const dateTasks = uncompletedTasks.filter(hasDate);
const noDateTasks = uncompletedTasks.filter(t => !hasDate(t));

const overdueTasks = dateTasks.filter(t=>moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;
if(overdueTasks.length > 0) {
  dv.header(2, "Overdue");

const dueTasks = dateTasks.filter(t=>moment(,"day")).sort(t=>;
if (dueTasks.length > 0) {
  dv.header(2, "Today");

if (noDateTasks.length > 0) {
  dv.header(2, "No deadline");

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timoz commented Jan 5, 2023

thanks for the code- very useful. I have been using this on my daily note, but I would like to exclude tasks from "today's" note. My dailynotes are all named "YYYY-MM-DD" so I figured I just need to add in something like. dv.pages => ! "dv.current().date" ... but not too clued up on this yet

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AC12344 commented Feb 3, 2023

Hey @creadian, what you are referring to is a comment. So this is just a description of what the code will do.

What you want to change is this:

const found = task.text.match(/[[([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))]]/);

That cryptic part is a regex, a pattern that it searches. You could try this (I've not tested that yet).

const found = task.text.match(/[[(((0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-[12]\d{3}))]]/);

I couldnt get that working, but const found = task.text.match(/([0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{4})/); like a charm.

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