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Created July 30, 2014 04:33
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Fast Eddies Workouts
Name: null
Rounds: One
25 left legged squats
25 right legged squats
50 burpees
50 walking lunges with plate overhead
50 squat with a kettlebell then extend arms up
Name: null
Rounds: Five
10 Toes to bar
75 pound Power snatch, 10 reps
10 Wall ball shots
20 pound ball
Name: null
Rounds: Five
20 push-ups (hand release)
10 pull-ups
15 dips on bench with leg up in chair
15 hollow body crunches.
Name: null
Rounds: One
50 hollow body crunches
25 back squats unloaded bar
30 Back squats, weight differs via animal breed
30 Front Squats, weight differs via animal breed
30 Overhead Squats, weight differs via animal breed
Name: Kneading the dough
Rounds: One
200 jump rope reps
20 Hip bridges
20 per side lying bridges
20 supermans
21 thrusters
21 box jumps
15 thrusters
15 box jumps
9 thrusters
9 box jumps
Name: null
Rounds: One
20 push press
30 jabs on bag
30 straight rights
21 kettle bell snatch left arm
21 kettle bell snatch right
21 pull-ups assist w/chair
15 kettle bell snatch left arm
15 kettle bell snatch right
15 pull-ups assist w/chair
9 kettle bell snatch left arm
9 kettle bell snatch right
9 pull-ups assist w/chair
Name: null
Rounds: Five
20 push-ups
20 hollow body crunches
100 Jump Ropes
5 rounds Max Reps
Bench press (body weight)
Pull ups
Name: null
Rounds: One
50 Double unders
25 Wall Balls
20 Push Ups
15 Body Weight Power Cleans men, .67 BW women
10 Step and Press 53#/24" men, 35#/20" women (5/side)
5 Bar Muscle ups (2:1 subsitution pullups/dips)
Run to walking bridge and back
5 bar muscle ups
10 steps (same as previous)
15 body weight cleans
20 push ups
25 wall balls
50 double unders
Name: null
Rounds: One
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Sumo deadlift high pull(75 LBs)
Push jerk(75lbs)
Name: Meatloaf
Rounds: One
5 sets max reps
50 double unders
KB pullovers (easy to explain)
Name: grown ass man beef
Rounds: One
5 squat clean and jerks@ 135/185
50 double unders
4 squat clean and jerks
40 double unders
3 squat clean and jerks
30 double unders
2 squat clean and jerks
20 double unders
1 squat clean and jerk
10 double unders
25 wall balls
25 burpees
15 wall balls
15 burpees
5 wall balls
5 burpees
Name: Beef Sesh
Rounds: One
Run 1 mile
10 rounds of
20 push ups
5 pull ups
15 hollow body crunches
Run 1 mile
Name: The Sly
Rounds: One
200 push-ups
50 pull ups
150 hollow body crunches
Name: null
Rounds: One
25 air squats. 50 jump ropes.
12 minute time limit. As many rounds as possible.
10 front squats
25 double unders (sub 75 jump ropes)
Name: Sup idiots
Rounds: One
20 air squats
20 push ups
100 jump rope
15 minutes As many rounds as possible.
5 dive bombers
200 push ups
100 hollow body crunches
300 air squats.
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
Name: null
Rounds: One
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