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Created March 3, 2018 16:26
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[03-03 13:02:12.321 2397:2397 I/vold]
Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
[03-03 13:02:12.322 2397:2397 V/vold]
Detected support for: exfat ext4 ntfs vfat
[03-03 13:02:12.326 2397:2397 I/vold]
[libfs_mgr]fs_mgr_read_fstab_dt(): failed to read fstab from dt
[03-03 13:02:12.328 2397:2401 D/vold]
[03-03 13:02:12.329 2397:2401 D/vold]
e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 1
[03-03 13:02:12.329 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/system/users/0
[03-03 13:02:12.330 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/misc/profiles/cur/0
[03-03 13:02:12.331 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/system_de/0
[03-03 13:02:12.337 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/misc_de/0
[03-03 13:02:12.337 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/user_de/0
[03-03 13:02:12.337 2397:2401 D/vold]
e4crypt_unlock_user_key 0 serial=0 token_present=0
[03-03 13:02:12.451 2397:2399 D/vold]
Disk at 7:0 changed
[03-03 13:02:12.458 2397:2399 I/chatty]
uid=0(root) /system/bin/vold identical 1 line
[03-03 13:02:12.492 2397:2399 D/vold]
Disk at 7:0 changed
[03-03 13:02:13.501 2504:2504 I/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service]
Wifi Hal is booting up...
[03-03 13:02:13.558 2522:2522 I/installd]
installd firing up
[03-03 13:02:13.588 2529:2529 I/wificond]
wificond is starting up...
[03-03 13:02:13.656 2528:2597 I//system/bin/storaged]
storaged: Start
[03-03 13:02:15.903 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:15.904 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
Entered the Android system server!
[03-03 13:02:16.116 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.116 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
Reading configuration...
[03-03 13:02:16.116 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.117 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.117 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.120 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.120 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.122 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.122 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.154 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Memory class: 128
[03-03 13:02:16.189 2731:2731 D/BatteryStatsImpl]
Reading daily items from /data/system/batterystats-daily.xml
[03-03 13:02:16.215 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
no controller energy info supplied for telephony
[03-03 13:02:16.217 2731:2748 E/KernelUidCpuFreqTimeReader]
Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: /proc/uid_time_in_state (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:16.220 2731:2748 W/KernelMemoryBandwidthStats]
No kernel memory bandwidth stats available
[03-03 13:02:16.302 2731:2731 I/IntentFirewall]
Read new rules (A:0 B:0 S:0)
[03-03 13:02:16.315 2731:2731 D/AppOps]
AppOpsService published
[03-03 13:02:16.316 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.316 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.326 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.331 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.332 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.342 2731:2731 W/RescueParty]
Noticed 1 events for UID 0 in last 9 sec
[03-03 13:02:16.342 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.342 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.343 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.343 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:16.346 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.346 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 100
[03-03 13:02:16.347 2731:2754 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to get active color mode for display device 0
[03-03 13:02:16.347 2731:2754 E/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Default and active color mode is no longer available! Reverting to first available mode.
[03-03 13:02:16.350 2731:2754 I/DisplayManagerService]
Display device added: DisplayDeviceInfo{"Tela integrada": uniqueId="local:0", 1080 x 1920, modeId 1, defaultModeId 1, supportedModes [{id=1, width=1080, height=1920, fps=60.000004}], colorMode -22, supportedColorModes [-22], HdrCapabilities android.view.Display$HdrCapabilities@a69d6308, density 480, 422.03 x 424.069 dpi, appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666666, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0, type BUILT_IN, state UNKNOWN, FLAG_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT, FLAG_SECURE, FLAG_SUPPORTS_PROTECTED_BUFFERS}
[03-03 13:02:16.371 2731:2754 I/DisplayManagerService]
Display device changed state: "Tela integrada", ON
[03-03 13:02:16.371 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:16.398 2731:2731 D/SELinuxMMAC]
Using policy file /system/etc/selinux/plat_mac_permissions.xml
[03-03 13:02:16.401 2731:2731 D/SELinuxMMAC]
Using policy file /vendor/etc/selinux/nonplat_mac_permissions.xml
[03-03 13:02:16.598 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to parse /system/framework/arm64: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm64
[03-03 13:02:16.598 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to parse /system/framework/arm: Missing base APK in /system/framework/arm
[03-03 13:02:16.598 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to parse /system/framework/oat: Missing base APK in /system/framework/oat
[03-03 13:02:16.661 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to scan /system/priv-app/Velvet: Package at /system/priv-app/Velvet ignored: updated version 300763080 better than this 300761902
[03-03 13:02:16.749 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to parse /system/app/GoogleCameraLegacy: No packages found in split
[03-03 13:02:16.783 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to parse /system/app/mcRegistry: Missing base APK in /system/app/mcRegistry
[03-03 13:02:16.797 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to scan /system/app/LatinIMEGooglePrebuilt: Package at /system/app/LatinIMEGooglePrebuilt ignored: updated version 26700410 better than this 26690810
[03-03 13:02:16.824 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to scan /system/app/Maps: Package at /system/app/Maps ignored: updated version 973003244 better than this 972200244
[03-03 13:02:16.832 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to scan /system/app/WebViewStub: Package at /system/app/WebViewStub ignored: updated version 328213750 better than this 100
[03-03 13:02:16.834 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Failed to scan /system/app/Photos: Package at /system/app/Photos ignored: updated version 2288740 better than this 2283178
[03-03 13:02:16.841 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Finished scanning system apps. Time: 262 ms, packageCount: 132 , timePerPackage: 1 , cached: 137
[03-03 13:02:16.942 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Finished scanning non-system apps. Time: 101 ms, packageCount: 24 , timePerPackage: 4 , cached: 21
[03-03 13:02:16.953 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Time to scan packages: 0.374 seconds
[03-03 13:02:16.955 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Un-granting permission android.permission.INSTALL_GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
[03-03 13:02:16.955 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Un-granting permission android.permission.GRANT_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
[03-03 13:02:16.955 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Un-granting permission android.permission.REVOKE_RUNTIME_PERMISSIONS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
[03-03 13:02:16.955 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Un-granting permission android.permission.SET_PREFERRED_APPLICATIONS from package (protectionLevel=514 flags=0x384abe45)
[03-03 13:02:16.955 2731:2731 I/PackageManager]
Un-granting permission android.permission.ACCESS_INSTANT_APPS from package (protectionLevel=770 flags=0x384abe45)
[03-03 13:02:16.960 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x3 migrateAppData=true
[03-03 13:02:17.075 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
reconcileAppsData finished 20 packages
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable$Receiver
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.076 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable$Receiver
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable$ActiveReceiver
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable$SecretCodeReceiver
[03-03 13:02:17.077 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.078 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to disable
[03-03 13:02:17.078 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.078 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.078 2731:2731 W/PackageManager]
Unable to enable
[03-03 13:02:17.078 2731:2731 V/PackageManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.364 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.367 2731:2731 D/OTADexopt]
No upgrade, skipping A/B artifacts check.
[03-03 13:02:17.367 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.367 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.368 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.368 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.388 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.392 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.393 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.396 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.401 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.420 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.425 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.426 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
no controller energy info supplied for telephony
[03-03 13:02:17.427 2731:2748 E/KernelUidCpuFreqTimeReader]
Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: /proc/uid_time_in_state (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:17.442 2731:2748 E/KernelUidCpuFreqTimeReader]
Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: /proc/uid_time_in_state (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:17.449 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.450 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.459 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.459 2731:2743 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.466 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.467 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.467 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.469 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.470 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.471 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.486 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.507 2731:2731 I/EntropyMixer]
Added HW RNG output to entropy pool
[03-03 13:02:17.507 2731:2731 I/EntropyMixer]
Writing entropy...
[03-03 13:02:17.520 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.522 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.542 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.544 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.549 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.626 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.642 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.646 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.646 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.656 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.656 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.658 2731:2731 I/InputManager]
Initializing input manager, mUseDevInputEventForAudioJack=false
[03-03 13:02:17.659 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.690 2731:2754 I/WindowManager]
No existing display settings /data/system/display_settings.xml; starting empty
[03-03 13:02:17.899 2731:2746 W/Looper]
Dispatch took 179ms on android.ui, h=Handler (android.os.Handler) {ceeaa81} cb=android.os.Handler$BlockingRunnable@a581726 msg=0
[03-03 13:02:17.901 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.901 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.906 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.912 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.912 2731:2731 I/InputManager]
Starting input manager
[03-03 13:02:17.921 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.922 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.922 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.926 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Loading stored name and address
[03-03 13:02:17.927 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Stored bluetooth Name=Samsung Galaxy A5 2017,Address=null
[03-03 13:02:17.927 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth persisted state: 0
[03-03 13:02:17.927 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.928 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.931 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.932 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.933 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.933 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:17.943 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.949 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.952 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=5df8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h799dp 384dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.2}
[03-03 13:02:17.959 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=40007dfc {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h799dp 384dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.2} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:17.965 2731:2731 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:17.976 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.3}
[03-03 13:02:17.985 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=400 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port ?uimode ?night -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.3} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:17.991 2731:2731 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:17.992 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:17.992 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.005 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.005 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.006 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:18.006 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:18.007 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about init, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:18.007 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=false, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:18.007 2731:2811 D/CryptdConnector]
SND -> {1 cryptfs getfield SystemLocale}
[03-03 13:02:18.012 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.012 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.015 2731:2786 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.4}
[03-03 13:02:18.015 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.015 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.016 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.017 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.030 2731:2786 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=200 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port -touch -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.4} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:18.036 2731:2813 D/CryptdConnector]
RCV <- {200 1 -1}
[03-03 13:02:18.037 2731:2811 W/StorageManagerService]
No primary storage mounted!
[03-03 13:02:18.038 2731:2811 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {1 asec list}
[03-03 13:02:18.040 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 1 asec operation succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:18.045 2731:2744 I/UsageStatsService]
User[0] Rollover scheduled @ 2018-03-03 17:00:28(1520103628935)
[03-03 13:02:18.049 2731:2731 I/OemLock]
OemLock HAL not present on device
[03-03 13:02:18.050 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.052 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.109 2731:2731 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service took 56 ms in onStart
[03-03 13:02:18.109 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.109 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.111 2731:2811 W/StorageManagerService]
No primary storage mounted!
[03-03 13:02:18.111 2731:2811 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {2 asec list}
[03-03 13:02:18.111 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 2 asec operation succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:18.122 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.127 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.127 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.131 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.137 2731:2817 I/NetworkManagement]
[03-03 13:02:18.140 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.140 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.142 2731:2731 W/TextServicesManagerService]
no available spell checker services found
[03-03 13:02:18.143 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.145 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.154 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.164 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.176 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.299 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.301 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.305 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.306 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.308 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
No Wi-Fi Aware Service (Aware support Not Present)
[03-03 13:02:18.308 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.309 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.317 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.318 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.325 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.332 2731:2731 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService starting up
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 D/ConnectivityService]
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 E/ConnectivityService]
Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 23
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 E/ConnectivityService]
Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 24
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 E/ConnectivityService]
Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 27
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 E/ConnectivityService]
Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 28
[03-03 13:02:18.334 2731:2731 E/ConnectivityService]
Error in networkAttributes - ignoring attempt to define type 29
[03-03 13:02:18.348 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.351 2731:2731 D/NsdService]
Network service discovery is enabled
[03-03 13:02:18.353 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.354 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.355 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.357 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.411 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
new ScheduleConditionProvider()
[03-03 13:02:18.428 2731:2731 I/NotificationListeners]
Read notification listener permissions from xml
[03-03 13:02:18.428 2731:2731 I/NotificationAssistants]
Read notification assistant service permissions from xml
[03-03 13:02:18.428 2731:2731 I/ConditionProviders]
Read condition provider permissions from xml
[03-03 13:02:18.428 2731:2731 I/ConditionProviders]
Read condition provider permissions from xml
[03-03 13:02:18.578 2731:2782 I/PackageManager]
Deferred reconcileAppsData finished 136 packages
[03-03 13:02:18.832 2731:2731 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service took 441 ms in onStart
[03-03 13:02:18.836 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.837 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.839 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.844 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.845 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.846 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.848 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.848 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.853 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.853 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.898 2731:2808 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.5}
[03-03 13:02:18.903 2731:2808 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=8 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/h/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.5} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:18.919 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.920 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.922 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.923 2731:2731 W/WiredAccessoryManager]
This kernel does not have usb audio support
[03-03 13:02:18.923 2731:2731 W/WiredAccessoryManager]
This kernel does not have HDMI audio support
[03-03 13:02:18.923 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.924 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.939 2731:2807 I/UsbPortManager]
Usb hal service started android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb default
[03-03 13:02:18.947 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.948 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.950 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.950 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.951 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.952 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.960 2731:2731 D/JobStore]
Start tag: job-info
[03-03 13:02:18.970 2731:2731 I/JobStore]
Read 73 jobs
[03-03 13:02:18.976 2731:2731 D/ConnectivityService]
requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/2731 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
[03-03 13:02:18.981 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.982 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.983 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.984 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.987 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.987 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:18.994 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:18.995 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.002 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.003 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.007 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.007 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.007 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.008 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.008 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.008 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.008 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.013 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.015 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.016 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.017 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.018 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.019 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.019 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.023 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.025 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.026 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.029 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.030 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.031 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.032 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.033 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.033 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.037 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.038 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.039 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.041 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.042 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.045 2731:2785 V/FingerprintService]
mDeamon was null, reconnect to fingerprint
[03-03 13:02:19.046 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.047 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.047 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.047 2731:2785 V/FingerprintService]
Fingerprint HAL id: 508654002176
[03-03 13:02:19.048 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.054 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.054 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.056 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.056 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.064 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.065 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.202 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.202 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.202 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.205 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.205 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
[03-03 13:02:19.206 2731:2731 I/AutofillManagerService]
Setting debug to false
[03-03 13:02:19.211 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.ProfileManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.218 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.ProfileManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.218 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.ProfileManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.231 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageHardwareService
[03-03 13:02:19.254 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageHardwareService
[03-03 13:02:19.254 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageHardwareService
[03-03 13:02:19.256 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.PerformanceManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.259 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.PerformanceManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.259 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.PerformanceManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.261 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageWeatherManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.264 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageWeatherManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.264 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageWeatherManagerService
[03-03 13:02:19.265 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.display.LiveDisplayService
[03-03 13:02:19.270 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.display.LiveDisplayService
[03-03 13:02:19.271 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.display.LiveDisplayService
[03-03 13:02:19.272 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Attempting to start service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageAudioService
[03-03 13:02:19.274 2731:2731 I/LineageSystemServer]
Starting service org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageAudioService
[03-03 13:02:19.274 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting org.lineageos.platform.internal.LineageAudioService
[03-03 13:02:19.277 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.279 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.290 2731:2731 I/SyntheticPasswordManager]
Device does not support weaver
[03-03 13:02:19.291 2731:2731 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:19.292 2731:2731 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system/password.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:19.292 2731:2731 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.pattern.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:19.292 2731:2731 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system/gatekeeper.gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:19.292 2731:2731 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system/gesture.key: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:19.293 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.293 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 480
[03-03 13:02:19.301 2731:2731 I/DevicePolicyManager]
Set ro.device_owner property to false
[03-03 13:02:19.304 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.304 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 500
[03-03 13:02:19.306 2731:2731 W/UsageStatsService]
Missing procfs interface: /proc/uid_procstat/set
[03-03 13:02:19.308 2731:2731 I/VrManagerService]
No default vr listener service found.
[03-03 13:02:19.314 2731:2731 I/WifiService]
WifiService starting up with Wi-Fi enabled
[03-03 13:02:19.324 2731:2731 D/WifiService]
setWifiEnabled: true pid=2731, uid=1000, package=android
[03-03 13:02:19.326 2504:2504 I/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service]
Wifi HAL started
[03-03 13:02:19.330 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for Ethernet
[03-03 13:02:19.335 2731:2731 W/SoundTriggerHelper]
listModules status=0, # of modules=0
[03-03 13:02:19.339 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.347 2529:2529 I/wificond]
create scanner for interface with index: 13
[03-03 13:02:19.347 2529:2529 I/wificond]
subscribe scan result for interface with index: 13
[03-03 13:02:19.349 2529:2529 E/wificond]
No Offload Service available
[03-03 13:02:19.349 2529:2529 I/wificond]
Offload HAL not supported
[03-03 13:02:19.363 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=20 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.6}
[03-03 13:02:19.374 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=20 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.6} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:19.393 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.434 2731:2756 W/KeyguardServiceDelegate]
onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
[03-03 13:02:19.435 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.440 2731:2731 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/user_de/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:19.441 2731:2731 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:19.441 2731:2731 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/system_de/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:19.441 2731:2731 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:19.441 2731:2731 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/misc_ce/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:19.443 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.447 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
System now ready
[03-03 13:02:19.449 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.7}
[03-03 13:02:19.459 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.7} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:19.461 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
Making services ready
[03-03 13:02:19.461 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.461 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 550
[03-03 13:02:19.465 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth boot completed
[03-03 13:02:19.465 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Getting adapter name and address
[03-03 13:02:19.465 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:19.465 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Binding to service to get name and address
[03-03 13:02:19.477 2731:2753 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:19.478 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.8}
[03-03 13:02:19.487 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=100 {1.0 ?mcc?mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.8} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:19.573 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:19.574 2731:2731 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service$Lifecycle took 109 ms in onBootPhase
[03-03 13:02:19.574 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about init, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:19.574 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Setting up emulation state, initlocked=false
[03-03 13:02:19.575 2731:2811 D/CryptdConnector]
SND -> {2 cryptfs unlock_user_key 0 0 ! !}
[03-03 13:02:19.575 2397:2401 D/vold]
e4crypt_unlock_user_key 0 serial=0 token_present=0
[03-03 13:02:19.576 2731:2813 D/CryptdConnector]
RCV <- {200 2 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:19.576 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Thinking about reset, mSystemReady=true, mDaemonConnected=true
[03-03 13:02:19.577 2731:2811 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {3 volume reset}
[03-03 13:02:19.577 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Force stopping appid=10011 user=-1: vold reset
[03-03 13:02:19.577 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {651 emulated 7}
[03-03 13:02:19.578 2731:2731 W/TextServicesManagerService]
no available spell checker services found
[03-03 13:02:19.578 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {659 emulated}
[03-03 13:02:19.578 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {650 emulated 2 "" ""}
[03-03 13:02:19.578 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {654 emulated emulated}
[03-03 13:02:19.579 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {651 emulated 0}
[03-03 13:02:19.579 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 3 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:19.579 2731:2752 V/StorageManagerService]
Found primary storage at VolumeInfo{emulated}:
type=EMULATED diskId=null partGuid=null mountFlags=0 mountUserId=-1
fsType=null fsUuid=null fsLabel=null
path=null internalPath=null
[03-03 13:02:19.580 2731:2811 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {4 volume user_added 0 0}
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 4 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 4, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 6, type: 2]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 2]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 0, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 10, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 5, type: 2]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 9, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 8, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 3, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 2, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 6, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 7, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 1, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 3, type: 2]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 5, type: 1]
[03-03 13:02:19.581 2731:2731 D/UsbAlsaManager]
Adding ALSA device AlsaDevice: [card: 0, device: 2, type: 2]
[03-03 13:02:19.582 2731:2835 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
[03-03 13:02:19.583 2731:2811 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {5 volume mount emulated 3 -1}
[03-03 13:02:19.587 2397:2400 V/vold]
Waiting for FUSE to spin up...
[03-03 13:02:19.587 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {651 emulated 1}
[03-03 13:02:19.587 2731:2839 I/UsbPortManager]
ClientCallback: otg_default
[03-03 13:02:19.588 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {656 emulated /data/media}
[03-03 13:02:19.589 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {655 emulated /storage/emulated}
[03-03 13:02:19.592 2731:2752 I/UsbPortManager]
USB port added: port=UsbPort{id=otg_default, supportedModes=dual}, status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power, currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data]}, canChangeMode=false, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false
[03-03 13:02:19.599 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:19.600 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.601 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.601 2731:2743 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.603 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.603 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.604 2731:2731 D/NetworkManagement]
enabling bandwidth control
[03-03 13:02:19.622 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.638 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {651 emulated 2}
[03-03 13:02:19.638 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:19.657 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.680 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:19.742 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
no controller energy info supplied for telephony
[03-03 13:02:19.848 2731:2819 D/NetworkPolicy]
setRestrictBackgroundUL(): false
[03-03 13:02:19.912 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
[03-03 13:02:19.912 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
[03-03 13:02:19.912 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
[03-03 13:02:19.913 2731:2743 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 2988:WebViewLoader-armeabi-v7a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for
[03-03 13:02:19.913 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
[03-03 13:02:19.913 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
[03-03 13:02:19.913 2731:2743 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 65ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
[03-03 13:02:19.923 2731:2743 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 2995:WebViewLoader-arm64-v8a/1037 [android.webkit.WebViewLibraryLoader$RelroFileCreator] for
[03-03 13:02:20.049 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.049 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.049 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 600
[03-03 13:02:20.052 2731:2731 V/WallpaperManagerService]
bindWallpaperComponentLocked: componentName=ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:20.110 2731:2731 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service took 51 ms in onBootPhase
[03-03 13:02:20.117 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.171 2731:2731 W/LocationProviderProxy-network]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.175 2731:2731 W/GeocoderProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.176 2731:2731 D/LocationManagerService]
FLP HAL not supported
[03-03 13:02:20.177 2731:2731 W/GeofenceProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.178 2731:2731 D/LocationManagerService]
Hardware Activity-Recognition not supported.
[03-03 13:02:20.180 2731:2731 W/ActivityRecognitionProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.184 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.184 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.185 2731:2731 D/ConnectivityService]
requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/2731 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=5, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
[03-03 13:02:20.186 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.186 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.188 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.189 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.190 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.190 2731:2731 I/MmsServiceBroker]
Delay connecting to MmsService until an API is called
[03-03 13:02:20.190 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.190 2731:2731 I/SystemServer]
[03-03 13:02:20.190 2731:2731 I/SystemServiceManager]
Calling onStartUser u0
[03-03 13:02:20.206 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for added application
[03-03 13:02:20.207 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100} from uid 0
[03-03 13:02:20.296 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Loaded persisted task ids for user 0
[03-03 13:02:20.312 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for activity
[03-03 13:02:20.318 2731:2731 D/SystemServerInitThreadPool]
Shutdown successful
[03-03 13:02:20.319 2731:2746 W/Looper]
Dispatch took 124ms on android.ui, h=Handler ($UiHandler) {49de14b} cb=null msg=53
[03-03 13:02:20.333 2731:2744 W/LocationProviderProxy-network]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.333 2731:2744 W/GeocoderProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.333 2731:2744 W/GeofenceProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.333 2731:2744 W/ActivityRecognitionProxy]
Odd, no component found for service
[03-03 13:02:20.422 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
[03-03 13:02:20.425 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders]
Subscribing to condition://android/schedule?days= with ComponentInfo{android/}
[03-03 13:02:20.427 2731:2731 W/ContextImpl]
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$ android.os.Handler.handleCallback:790 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99 android.os.Looper.loop:164
[03-03 13:02:20.513 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
[03-03 13:02:20.516 2731:3118 I/Telecom]
BluetoothRouteManager: getBluetoothAudioConnectedDevice: no headset service available.
[03-03 13:02:20.519 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
SystemStateProvider: Registering car mode receiver: android.content.IntentFilter@4bef6cf: TS.init@AAA
[03-03 13:02:20.525 2731:3119 I/Telecom]
Logging.Events: Non-call EVENT: AUDIO_ROUTE, Entering state QuiescentEarpieceRoute
[03-03 13:02:20.527 2731:3122 I/Telecom]
CallAudioModeStateMachine: Message received: null.: TS.init->CAMSM.pM_1@AAA
[03-03 13:02:20.541 2731:2784 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:20.543 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
MissedCallNotifierImpl: Boot not yet complete -- call log db may not be available. Deferring loading until boot complete.: TS.init@AAA
[03-03 13:02:20.544 2731:2745 W/KeyguardServiceDelegate]
onScreenTurningOn(): no keyguard service!
[03-03 13:02:20.547 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
[03-03 13:02:20.549 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
Class: TelecomSystem.INSTANCE being set
[03-03 13:02:20.550 2731:2731 W/ContextImpl]
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.content.ContextWrapper.startService:650
[03-03 13:02:20.553 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:20.553 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:20.553 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:20.555 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
[03-03 13:02:20.556 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
starting client AuthenticationClient(, initiatedByClient = true)
[03-03 13:02:20.559 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@33f125 mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
[03-03 13:02:20.567 2731:2731 W/FingerprintService]
client is authenticating...
[03-03 13:02:20.569 2731:2891 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:20.591 2731:2742 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:20.593 2731:2731 V/WiredAccessoryManager]
[03-03 13:02:20.601 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Process (pid 2854) has died: fore SVC
[03-03 13:02:20.610 2731:2784 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:20.702 2731:2731 D/AccessibilityManagerService]
Ignoring non-encryption-aware service ComponentInfo{com.lastpass.lpandroid/com.lastpass.lpandroid.service.LPAccessibilityService}
[03-03 13:02:20.705 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:20.706 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:20.706 2731:2731 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:20.707 2731:2731 W/NotificationListeners]
Unable to bind notification listener service: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:20.707 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:20.707 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:20.707 2731:2731 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:20.707 2731:2731 W/NotificationListeners]
Unable to bind notification listener service: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:20.763 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
onSubscribe condition://android/schedule?days=
[03-03 13:02:20.763 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
setRegistered true
[03-03 13:02:20.764 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
[03-03 13:02:20.773 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
Scheduling evaluate for Sat Mar 03 22:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520121600000), in +8h57m39s237ms, now=Sat Mar 03 13:02:20 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520089340763)
[03-03 13:02:20.774 2731:2744 I/SyncManager]
Got SyncJobService instance.
[03-03 13:02:20.785 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
WiredHeadsetManager: ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG event, plugged in: false, : WHC.oADA@AAE
[03-03 13:02:20.795 2731:2731 I/AutofillManagerService]
Updating Autofill for user 0: disabled=false
[03-03 13:02:20.814 2731:3130 I/StatusBarManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:20.871 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener
[03-03 13:02:20.883 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]
[03-03 13:02:20.883 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for TelephonyNetworkFactory[1]
[03-03 13:02:20.903 3059:3162 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:20.917 2731:2742 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Trying to bind to profile: 1, while Bluetooth was disabled
[03-03 13:02:20.929 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 -> 0
[03-03 13:02:20.932 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
TtyManager: updateUiTtyMode -1 -> 0
[03-03 13:02:20.975 2886:2886 I/StatusBar]
isKeyguardShowing() called before startKeyguard(), returning true
[03-03 13:02:20.978 2886:2886 W/StatusBar]
isKeyguardSecure() called before startKeyguard(), returning false
at Source:0)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:21.017 2886:2886 I/StatusBar]
isKeyguardShowing() called before startKeyguard(), returning true
[03-03 13:02:21.018 2886:2886 W/StatusBar]
isKeyguardSecure() called before startKeyguard(), returning false
at Source:0)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:21.065 2886:2886 I/StatusBar]
isKeyguardShowing() called before startKeyguard(), returning true
[03-03 13:02:21.065 2886:2886 W/StatusBar]
isKeyguardSecure() called before startKeyguard(), returning false
at Source:0)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:21.162 2886:3143 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:21.215 2731:2881 D/CryptdConnector]
SND -> {3 cryptfs getpw}
[03-03 13:02:21.215 2731:2891 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AAY
[03-03 13:02:21.216 2397:2401 D/VoldCryptCmdListener]
cryptfs getpw
[03-03 13:02:21.216 2731:2813 D/CryptdConnector]
RCV <- {200 3 -1}
[03-03 13:02:21.217 2731:2881 D/CryptdConnector]
SND -> {4 cryptfs clearpw}
[03-03 13:02:21.218 2397:2401 D/VoldCryptCmdListener]
cryptfs clearpw
[03-03 13:02:21.218 2731:2813 D/CryptdConnector]
RCV <- {200 4 0}
[03-03 13:02:21.220 2886:3160 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:21.221 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:21.221 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:21.231 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:21.236 2731:2881 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AAk
[03-03 13:02:21.240 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:21.241 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:21.245 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:21.245 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:21.250 2731:2891 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AAw
[03-03 13:02:21.326 2886:3172 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:21.346 2886:3146 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:21.386 2731:2821 D/WifiService]
New client listening to asynchronous messages
[03-03 13:02:21.409 2886:2886 W/FingerprintManager]
Invalid acquired message: 6, 9001
[03-03 13:02:21.735 2731:2784 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:22.332 2731:2754 W/WindowManager]
App freeze timeout expired.
[03-03 13:02:22.749 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:22.756 2731:3130 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ABE
[03-03 13:02:22.759 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:22.759 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:22.767 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:22.772 2731:3130 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ABQ
[03-03 13:02:22.775 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:22.775 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:22.780 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:22.780 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:22.787 2731:3130 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ABc
[03-03 13:02:24.012 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:24.017 2731:2881 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ABg
[03-03 13:02:24.020 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:24.021 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:24.025 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:24.031 2731:2881 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ABs
[03-03 13:02:24.580 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='72403' fromServiceState=false
[03-03 13:02:24.581 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=
[03-03 13:02:24.581 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=724, mnc=3
[03-03 13:02:24.581 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={0.0 724mcc3mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
[03-03 13:02:24.582 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Config changes=3 {1.0 724mcc3mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.9}
[03-03 13:02:24.594 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Override config changes=3 {1.0 724mcc3mnc [pt_BR] ldltr sw449dp w449dp h775dp 384dpi nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h appBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 1920) s.9} for displayId=0
[03-03 13:02:24.799 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='72403' fromServiceState=true
[03-03 13:02:24.800 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=
[03-03 13:02:24.800 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=724, mnc=3
[03-03 13:02:24.800 3059:3059 D/MccTable]
[03-03 13:02:24.802 2731:3066 I/WifiService]
WifiService trying to set country code to br with persist set to false
[03-03 13:02:24.804 2529:2529 E/wificond]
Failed to get wiphy index from reg changed message
[03-03 13:02:24.820 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:24.826 2731:3066 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AB4
[03-03 13:02:24.829 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:24.829 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:24.852 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:24.858 2731:3066 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ACE
[03-03 13:02:24.993 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='72403' fromServiceState=false
[03-03 13:02:24.994 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=72403
[03-03 13:02:24.994 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=724, mnc=3
[03-03 13:02:24.994 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={0.0 724mcc3mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
[03-03 13:02:25.049 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration mccmnc='72403' fromServiceState=false
[03-03 13:02:25.049 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration defaultMccMnc=72403
[03-03 13:02:25.049 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration: mcc=724, mnc=3
[03-03 13:02:25.050 3059:3158 D/MccTable]
updateMccMncConfiguration updateConfig config={0.0 724mcc3mnc ?localeList ?layoutDir ?swdp ?wdp ?hdp ?density ?lsize ?long ?ldr ?wideColorGamut ?orien ?uimode ?night ?touch ?keyb/?/? ?nav/?}
[03-03 13:02:25.062 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.065 3059:3059 W/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Could not get a display name for subid: 1
[03-03 13:02:25.072 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: New phone account registered: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=124] GroupId: [****]]: TSI.rPA@ACI
[03-03 13:02:25.076 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
CallsManager: Sending phone-account ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} registered intent as user: TSI.rPA@ACI
[03-03 13:02:25.077 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
CallsManager: Sending phone-account registered intent to default dialer: TSI.rPA@ACI
[03-03 13:02:25.078 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:25.078 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.080 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
TelecomAccountRegistry: Unregistering phone account ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}.
[03-03 13:02:25.083 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
CallsManager: Sending phone-account ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} unregistered intent as user: TSI.uPA@ACQ
[03-03 13:02:25.084 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
CallsManager: Sending phone-account unregistered intent to default dialer: TSI.uPA@ACQ
[03-03 13:02:25.192 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.201 2731:2881 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}(hl: -13615201 -> 0)(lbl: TIM -> Cartão SIM, slot: Desconhecido)(desc: Cartão SIM, slot: 0 -> Cartão SIM, slot: Desconhecido)]: TSI.rPA@ACg
[03-03 13:02:25.204 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false, android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:25.204 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.210 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:25.214 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.220 2731:2881 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ACs
[03-03 13:02:25.223 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false, android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:25.223 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.241 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:25.246 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.255 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AC4
[03-03 13:02:25.257 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false, android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:25.257 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.264 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.272 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ADE
[03-03 13:02:25.275 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false, android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:25.275 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:25.282 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:25.287 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:25.298 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:25.301 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:25.301 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:25.311 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ADQ
[03-03 13:02:25.365 2731:2742 D/ConnectivityService]
registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra:, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{100} nethandle{429513165534} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet0, -> rmnet0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} }
[03-03 13:02:25.365 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTED
[03-03 13:02:25.366 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Adding iface rmnet0 to network 100
[03-03 13:02:25.429 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.437 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU@ADU
[03-03 13:02:25.442 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:25.443 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.444 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.446 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@112ab8
[03-03 13:02:25.453 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.453 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@4a37091
[03-03 13:02:25.456 2731:2881 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.456 2731:2881 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@7094bf6
[03-03 13:02:25.462 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.463 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.465 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.465 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@b7d84cd
[03-03 13:02:25.472 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.473 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@6763182
[03-03 13:02:25.475 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Setting DNS servers for network 100 to [/, /]
[03-03 13:02:25.483 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.483 2731:2881 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@ff4e093
[03-03 13:02:25.493 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:25.494 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: MOBILE[LTE], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra:, failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{100} nethandle{429513165534} lp{{InterfaceName: rmnet0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet0, -> rmnet0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=51200Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=102400Kbps Specifier: <1>]} Score{10} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} }
[03-03 13:02:25.495 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:25.499 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:25.505 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
[03-03 13:02:25.505 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.507 3219:3219 I/chatty]
uid=10026( identical 1 line
[03-03 13:02:25.511 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.512 2731:2731 I/SyncManager]
Loaded persisted syncs: 26 periodic syncs, 0 oneshot syncs, 32 total system server jobs, JobStats: FirstLoad: 73/26/26 LastSave: -1/-1/-1
[03-03 13:02:25.513 3219:3219 E/ActivityThread]
Failed to find provider info for
[03-03 13:02:25.514 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unable to start service Intent { } U=0: not found
[03-03 13:02:25.516 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Unbind failed: could not find connection for android.os.BinderProxy@6f38085
[03-03 13:02:26.402 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] validation passed
[03-03 13:02:27.457 2731:2754 I/WindowManager]
[03-03 13:02:27.461 2731:2754 I/SystemServiceManager]
Starting phase 1000
[03-03 13:02:27.496 2731:2752 I/UsbDeviceManager]
Setting USB config to mtp
[03-03 13:02:27.502 2731:2846 E/LiveDisplay]
Color temperature out of range: 0
[03-03 13:02:27.507 2731:2754 D/ActivityManager]
Finishing user boot 0
[03-03 13:02:27.507 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
User 0 state changed from BOOTING to RUNNING_LOCKED
[03-03 13:02:27.508 2731:2754 D/StorageManagerService]
Setting property: sys.user.0.ce_available=true
[03-03 13:02:27.509 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
User 0 state changed from RUNNING_LOCKED to RUNNING_UNLOCKING
[03-03 13:02:27.509 2731:2754 D/CryptdConnector]
SND -> {5 cryptfs prepare_user_storage ! 0 0 2}
[03-03 13:02:27.510 2397:2401 D/vold]
e4crypt_prepare_user_storage for volume null, user 0, serial 0, flags 2
[03-03 13:02:27.510 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/system_ce/0
[03-03 13:02:27.510 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/misc_ce/0
[03-03 13:02:27.510 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/media/0
[03-03 13:02:27.510 2397:2401 D/vold]
Preparing: /data/data
[03-03 13:02:27.511 2731:2813 D/CryptdConnector]
RCV <- {200 5 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:27.511 2731:2754 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/user/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:27.511 2731:2754 V/UserDataPreparer]
Found /data/system_ce/0 with serial number 0
[03-03 13:02:27.512 2731:2754 V/PackageManager]
reconcileAppsData for null u0 0x2 migrateAppData=false
[03-03 13:02:27.652 2731:2754 V/PackageManager]
reconcileAppsData finished 156 packages
[03-03 13:02:27.666 2731:2745 I/SystemServiceManager]
Calling onUnlockUser u0
[03-03 13:02:27.666 2731:2745 D/BluetoothManagerService]
User 0 unlocked
[03-03 13:02:27.666 2731:2745 D/StorageManagerService]
onUnlockUser 0
[03-03 13:02:27.666 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:27.666 2731:2745 D/VoldConnector]
SND -> {6 volume user_started 0}
[03-03 13:02:27.668 2397:2400 D/vold]
Linking /storage/emulated/0 to /mnt/user/0/primary
[03-03 13:02:27.669 2731:2812 D/VoldConnector]
RCV <- {200 6 Command succeeded}
[03-03 13:02:27.671 2731:2811 D/StorageManagerService]
Volume emulated broadcasting mounted to UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:27.678 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:27.681 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI
[03-03 13:02:27.681 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Got NetworkFactory Messenger for WIFI_UT
[03-03 13:02:27.681 2731:2745 I/BackupManagerService]
Instantiating BackupManagerService
[03-03 13:02:27.718 2731:2745 V/BackupManagerService]
Starting with transport
[03-03 13:02:27.719 2731:2745 D/BackupTransportManager]
Binding to transport: android/
[03-03 13:02:27.721 2731:2745 D/BackupTransportManager]
Binding to transport:
[03-03 13:02:27.731 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:27.731 2731:2745 D/BackupTransportManager]
Binding to transport:
[03-03 13:02:27.740 2731:2745 I/BackupManagerService]
Backup enabled => true
[03-03 13:02:27.750 2731:2745 V/KeyValueBackupJob]
Scheduling k/v pass in 245 minutes
[03-03 13:02:27.751 2731:2745 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service$Lifecycle took 72 ms in onUnlockUser
[03-03 13:02:27.782 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:27.935 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:27.935 2731:2745 W/SystemServiceManager]
Service took 183 ms in onUnlockUser
[03-03 13:02:27.937 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Loading recents for user 0 into memory.
[03-03 13:02:28.037 2731:2745 W/ActivityManager]
Removing auto-remove without activity: TaskRecord{1744436 #197 U=0 StackId=-1 sz=0}
[03-03 13:02:28.047 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for added application
[03-03 13:02:28.055 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 3378:org.lineageos.audiofx/u0a3 for added application org.lineageos.audiofx
[03-03 13:02:28.069 2731:2744 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:28.072 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
[03-03 13:02:28.072 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Sending BOOT_COMPLETE user #0
[03-03 13:02:28.078 2731:2731 D/BackupTransportManager]
Bound to transport: android/
[03-03 13:02:28.108 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 3421:com.lastpass.lpandroid/u0a112 for service com.lastpass.lpandroid/.service.LPAccessibilityService
[03-03 13:02:28.112 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:28.130 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:28.134 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:28.134 2731:3297 I/BackupManagerService]
Found stale backup journal, scheduling
[03-03 13:02:28.149 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:28.149 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:28.157 2731:2731 V/NotificationListeners]
binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:28.160 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10000100} from uid 0
[03-03 13:02:28.199 2731:2752 I/AppWidgetServiceImpl]
Async processing of onUserUnlocked u0 took 447 ms
[03-03 13:02:28.244 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:28.286 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:28.332 2731:2744 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:28.675 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:28.789 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 3652:com.facebook.katana/u0a121 for content provider com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.platform.common.provider.PlatformProviderBase
[03-03 13:02:28.908 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Unregistering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:28.923 2731:2742 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@ADo
[03-03 13:02:28.926 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
AccountEntry: Registered phoneAccount: [[ ] PhoneAccount: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0} Capabilities: CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras: Bundle[{android.telecom.extra.SUPPORTS_VIDEO_CALLING_FALLBACK=false, android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: [****]] with handle: ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:28.926 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnIncomingCallNotifier: Registering: Handler ( {adaf75d}
[03-03 13:02:28.942 3059:3059 I/TelecomFramework]
PstnPhoneCapabilitiesNotifier: handleVideoCapabilitesChanged. Video capability - false
[03-03 13:02:28.959 2731:3414 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account: [ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}]: TSI.rPA@AD0
[03-03 13:02:28.972 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 3696:android.process.acore/u0a2 for content provider
[03-03 13:02:28.981 3343:3343 W/KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo]
No enrollment application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'Ok Google'/pt_BR
[03-03 13:02:28.982 3343:3343 W/KeyphraseEnrollmentInfo]
No enrollment application supports the given keyphrase/locale: 'Ok Google'/pt_BR
[03-03 13:02:29.058 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:29.125 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:29.260 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:29.337 2731:2731 D/BackupTransportManager]
Bound to transport:
[03-03 13:02:29.354 2731:2731 D/BackupTransportManager]
Bound to transport:
[03-03 13:02:29.785 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:30.006 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:30.217 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:30.617 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 4031:com.whatsapp/u0a118 for broadcast com.whatsapp/.ExternalMediaManager$ExternalMediaStateReceiver
[03-03 13:02:30.874 4031:4031 D/ActivityThread]
Loading provider
[03-03 13:02:31.332 2529:2529 W/wificond]
Scan is not started. Ignore abort request
[03-03 13:02:31.497 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 4233:org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 for broadcast org.lineageos.lineageparts/.BootReceiver
[03-03 13:02:32.250 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
Copying /proc/last_kmsg to DropBox (SYSTEM_LAST_KMSG)
[03-03 13:02:32.264 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
Copying audit failures to DropBox
[03-03 13:02:32.269 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
Copied 0 worth of audits to DropBox
[03-03 13:02:32.278 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
[03-03 13:02:32.278 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
Checking for fsck errors
[03-03 13:02:32.279 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
fs_stat, partition:SYSTEM stat:0x1
[03-03 13:02:32.279 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
fs_stat, partition:CACHE stat:0x3
[03-03 13:02:32.279 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
fs_stat, partition:USERDATA stat:0xb
[03-03 13:02:32.279 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
fs_stat, partition:EFS stat:0x3
[03-03 13:02:32.279 2731:4376 I/BootReceiver]
Copying /dev/fscklogs/log to DropBox (SYSTEM_FSCK)
[03-03 13:02:32.319 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 4399:com.facebook.katana:notification/u0a121 for service com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.rti.push.service.FbnsService
[03-03 13:02:32.326 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AEA
[03-03 13:02:32.355 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 4423:org.lineageos.settings.device/1000 for broadcast org.lineageos.settings.device/.BootCompletedReceiver
[03-03 13:02:32.367 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
PhoneAccountRegistrar: SimCallManager queried, returning: null: TSI.gSCMFU@AEM
[03-03 13:02:32.425 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:32.904 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:32.996 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:33.137 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:33.655 2731:3398 W/BroadcastQueue]
Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED flg=0x9000010 (has extras) } to requires android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED due to sender null (uid 1000)
[03-03 13:02:33.668 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:33.669 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:33.893 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AEw
[03-03 13:02:34.158 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:34.998 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:34.998 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:35.043 2731:2754 E/SensorNotificationService]
Invalid local geomagnetic field, ignore.
[03-03 13:02:35.099 2731:2822 D/ConnectivityService]
registerNetworkAgent NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTING/CONNECTING, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Rede Infectada", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{101} nethandle{433808132830} lp{{LinkAddresses: [] Routes: [] DnsAddresses: [] Domains: null MTU: 0}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps]} Score{20} everValidated{false} lastValidated{false} created{false} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} }
[03-03 13:02:35.099 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from null to CONNECTING
[03-03 13:02:35.113 2731:2754 W/ActivityManager]
setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 3079
[03-03 13:02:35.238 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:35.326 2731:3416 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.331 2731:2881 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.385 2731:2881 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:35.385 2731:2881 W/MmsServiceBroker]
MmsService not connected. Try connecting...
[03-03 13:02:35.385 2731:2731 I/MmsServiceBroker]
Connecting to MmsService
[03-03 13:02:35.385 2731:2731 W/ContextImpl]
Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user:$1.handleMessage:83 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:106
[03-03 13:02:35.392 2731:3130 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.404 2731:3416 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.406 2731:2731 I/MmsServiceBroker]
MmsService connected
[03-03 13:02:35.408 2731:2891 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.410 2731:2891 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.427 2731:3130 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:35.430 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:35.431 2731:3395 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.434 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:35.434 2731:2881 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.464 2731:3395 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:35.529 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=4939 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:35.596 2731:2745 W/BroadcastQueue]
Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{259a84 u0 ReceiverList{188c897 3652 com.facebook.katana/10121/u0 remote:eb06716}}
[03-03 13:02:35.633 2731:3398 D/ConnectivityService]
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/5004 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=11, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
[03-03 13:02:35.652 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:35.802 2731:2745 W/BroadcastQueue]
Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{57a6b4d u0 ReceiverList{6e8aae4 3652 com.facebook.katana/10121/u0 remote:1e65e77}}
[03-03 13:02:35.802 2731:2745 W/BroadcastQueue]
Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{57a6b4d u0 ReceiverList{6e8aae4 3652 com.facebook.katana/10121/u0 remote:1e65e77}}
[03-03 13:02:35.851 2731:2745 W/BroadcastQueue]
Permission Denial: broadcasting Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras) } from null (pid=-1, uid=-1) requires due to registered receiver BroadcastFilter{83e9514 u0 ReceiverList{375d367 3652 com.facebook.katana/10121/u0 remote:a729b26}}
[03-03 13:02:35.946 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.114 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.115 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 4233:org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:36.130 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 4031:com.whatsapp/u0a118 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:36.226 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
[03-03 13:02:36.228 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Adding iface wlan0 to network 101
[03-03 13:02:36.238 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Setting DNS servers for network 101 to [/, /]
[03-03 13:02:36.277 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.280 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:36.424 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] validation passed
[03-03 13:02:36.425 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Switching to new default network: NetworkAgentInfo{ ni{[type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: "Rede Infectada", failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]} network{101} nethandle{433808132830} lp{{InterfaceName: wlan0 LinkAddresses: [fe80::9a39:8eff:fe6e:c4cb/64,,] Routes: [fe80::/64 -> :: wlan0, -> wlan0, -> wlan0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 0 TcpBufferSizes: 524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576}} nc{[ Transports: WIFI Capabilities: NOT_METERED&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&FOREGROUND LinkUpBandwidth>=1048576Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=1048576Kbps SignalStrength: -82]} Score{60} everValidated{true} lastValidated{true} created{true} lingering{false} explicitlySelected{false} acceptUnvalidated{false} everCaptivePortalDetected{false} lastCaptivePortalDetected{false} clat{null} }
[03-03 13:02:36.438 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Lingering NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] for 30000ms
[03-03 13:02:36.438 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Sending DISCONNECTED broadcast for type 0 NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100] isDefaultNetwork=true
[03-03 13:02:36.439 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
Sending CONNECTED broadcast for type 1 NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 101] isDefaultNetwork=true
[03-03 13:02:36.623 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.623 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:36.706 2480:4258 W/SocketClient]
write error (Broken pipe)
[03-03 13:02:36.753 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.754 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 4423:org.lineageos.settings.device/1000 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:36.889 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:36.890 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:37.000 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:37.001 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:37.060 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:37.188 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:37.521 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:37.538 2731:3415 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED] ], android.os.BinderProxy@4b56ecf)
[03-03 13:02:37.561 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:37.642 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:37.957 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:37.958 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:38.199 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:38.323 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:38.568 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:38.595 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:38.770 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:38.789 2731:3415 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=10, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@d946430)
[03-03 13:02:38.794 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:38.925 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:38.927 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:39.031 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=11, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] (release request)
[03-03 13:02:39.097 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:39.119 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:39.322 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:39.880 2731:3414 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Registered for death of
[03-03 13:02:39.880 2731:3414 D/BluetoothManagerService]
1 registered Ble Apps
[03-03 13:02:39.881 2731:2891 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable( mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
[03-03 13:02:39.881 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
[03-03 13:02:39.881 2731:2891 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable returning
[03-03 13:02:39.896 2731:2753 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:40.007 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:02:40.007 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Stored Bluetooth name: Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:02:40.015 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:40.015 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:40.017 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 9 receivers.
[03-03 13:02:40.020 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:40.021 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Stored Bluetooth name: Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:02:40.021 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:40.022 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
[03-03 13:02:40.179 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:40.206 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 5862:org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 for broadcast org.lineageos.lineageparts/.lineagestats.ReportingServiceManager
[03-03 13:02:40.268 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 5884:org.lineageos.lockclock/u0a71 for broadcast org.lineageos.lockclock/.ClockWidgetProvider
[03-03 13:02:40.268 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:40.353 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 5902:org.lineageos.updater/u0a29 for broadcast org.lineageos.updater/.UpdatesCheckReceiver
[03-03 13:02:40.353 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:40.419 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:40.476 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:40.610 2480:4262 W/SocketClient]
write error (Broken pipe)
[03-03 13:02:40.904 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:40.904 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:41.069 2731:2809 I/PowerManagerService]
Going to sleep due to power button (uid 1000)...
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
[03-03 13:02:41.403 2731:3398 W/ActivityManager]
Slow operation: 124ms so far, now at startProcess: done starting proc!
[03-03 13:02:41.626 2731:2756 I/DisplayPowerController]
Blocking screen off
[03-03 13:02:41.626 2731:2756 I/DisplayPowerController]
Unblocked screen off after 0 ms
[03-03 13:02:41.631 2731:2756 E/KernelUidCpuFreqTimeReader]
Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: /proc/uid_time_in_state (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:41.670 2731:2754 I/DisplayManagerService]
Display device changed state: "Tela integrada", OFF
[03-03 13:02:41.674 2731:2784 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:41.675 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:41.693 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:41.941 2731:2756 I/DreamManagerService]
Entering dreamland.
[03-03 13:02:41.941 2731:2756 I/PowerManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:41.942 2731:2752 I/DreamController]
Starting dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
[03-03 13:02:42.241 2731:2809 I/PowerManagerService]
Waking up from dozing (uid=1000 reason=android.policy:POWER)...
[03-03 13:02:42.273 2731:2756 E/KernelUidCpuFreqTimeReader]
Failed to read /proc/uid_time_in_state: /proc/uid_time_in_state (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:42.274 2731:2756 I/DisplayPowerController]
Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
[03-03 13:02:42.331 2731:2754 I/DisplayManagerService]
Display device changed state: "Tela integrada", ON
[03-03 13:02:42.336 2731:2784 W/LocalDisplayAdapter]
Unable to find color mode 0, ignoring request.
[03-03 13:02:42.376 2731:2756 I/DisplayPowerController]
Unblocked screen on after 102 ms
[03-03 13:02:42.472 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:42.487 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:42.504 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:42.531 2731:2756 W/PowerManagerService]
Screen on took 291 ms
[03-03 13:02:42.531 2731:2756 I/DreamManagerService]
Gently waking up from dream.
[03-03 13:02:42.532 2731:2752 I/DreamManagerService]
Performing gentle wake from dream.
[03-03 13:02:42.548 2731:3420 I/DreamManagerService]
Leaving dreamland.
[03-03 13:02:42.548 2731:2752 I/DreamManagerService]
Performing gentle wake from dream.
[03-03 13:02:42.548 2731:2752 I/DreamController]
Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
[03-03 13:02:43.003 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6257:com.tinder/u0a123 for broadcast com.tinder/com.foursquare.pilgrim.PilgrimBootReceiver
[03-03 13:02:43.004 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:43.908 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6409:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a125 for broadcast com.topjohnwu.magisk/.receivers.BootReceiver
[03-03 13:02:43.916 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:44.040 2886:2886 W/FingerprintManager]
Invalid acquired message: 6, 9002
[03-03 13:02:44.090 2886:2886 W/FingerprintManager]
Invalid acquired message: 6, 9003
[03-03 13:02:44.124 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:44.243 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
onAuthenticated(, id=2, gp=0)
[03-03 13:02:44.245 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
Done with client:
[03-03 13:02:44.255 2886:2886 W/FingerprintManager]
Invalid acquired message: 6, 9005
[03-03 13:02:44.497 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6526:com.urbandroid.sleep/u0a114 for broadcast com.urbandroid.sleep/.alarmclock.AlarmInitReceiver
[03-03 13:02:44.704 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:44.762 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
[03-03 13:02:44.762 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
starting client AuthenticationClient(, initiatedByClient = true)
[03-03 13:02:44.773 2731:2731 W/FingerprintService]
client is authenticating...
[03-03 13:02:44.793 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
[03-03 13:02:44.793 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
[03-03 13:02:44.795 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
Scheduling evaluate for Sat Mar 03 22:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520121600000), in +8h57m15s207ms, now=Sat Mar 03 13:02:44 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520089364793)
[03-03 13:02:44.931 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6602:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a119 for service org.thunderdog.challegram/.TGMessageSyncHelper
[03-03 13:02:44.944 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6609:com.whatsapp/u0a118 for broadcast com.whatsapp/.BootReceiver
[03-03 13:02:44.948 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:45.053 2886:2886 W/FingerprintManager]
Invalid acquired message: 6, 9001
[03-03 13:02:45.081 6609:6609 D/ActivityThread]
Loading provider
[03-03 13:02:45.204 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{9232244 u0}
[03-03 13:02:45.246 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:45.289 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Finished processing BOOT_COMPLETED for u0
[03-03 13:02:45.304 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:45.351 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:45.413 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:45.462 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:45.484 2731:3066 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=13, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@7582c84)
[03-03 13:02:45.641 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:45.648 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:45.657 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.037 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.043 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.050 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.074 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.076 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.081 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.092 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.094 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.098 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.126 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.127 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.144 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.158 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.159 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.164 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.176 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.177 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.182 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.205 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:46.207 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:46.212 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:46.230 2731:2741 E/LockSettingsStorage]
Cannot read file /data/system_de/0/spblob/3b38a52f696f0fd8.weaver: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:46.496 2731:2741 I/LockSettingsService]
Unlocking user 0 with secret only, length 64
[03-03 13:02:46.497 2731:2741 W/ActivityManager]
Expected user 0 in state RUNNING_LOCKED but was in state RUNNING_UNLOCKED
[03-03 13:02:46.497 2731:2741 I/LockSettingsService]
Disabling escrow token on user 0
[03-03 13:02:46.521 2731:2731 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 6754:org.lineageos.profiles/u0a75 for service org.lineageos.profiles/.ProfilesTrustAgent
[03-03 13:02:46.525 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Fetch pipeline requesting slice {pack=442dd7424a2b73ebe817b5223ec48db9}
[03-03 13:02:46.526 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Final file emoji:442dd7424a2b73ebe817b5223ec48db9 is already available
[03-03 13:02:46.526 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Successfully fetched pack emoji:442dd7424a2b73ebe817b5223ec48db9
[03-03 13:02:46.527 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Fetch pipeline requesting slice {pack=d87fb7358098eb9b80ed969d80f8a234}
[03-03 13:02:46.530 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Final file emoji:d87fb7358098eb9b80ed969d80f8a234 is already available
[03-03 13:02:46.539 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Successfully fetched pack emoji:d87fb7358098eb9b80ed969d80f8a234
[03-03 13:02:46.544 5902:5917 D/UpdatesCheckReceiver]
Cancelling pending one-shot check
[03-03 13:02:46.590 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Syncing hmmdictionary
[03-03 13:02:46.593 2868:3595 I/DictSlicingStrategy]
getSlices(): hmmdictionary.2018022703
[03-03 13:02:46.595 2868:3595 I/DictSlicingStrategy]
getSlices(): result {slices=[], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.596 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Requesting packs for hmmdictionary with slices: []
[03-03 13:02:46.609 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Sync for 'emoji' succeeded, result: {old=[442dd7424a2b73ebe817b5223ec48db9, d87fb7358098eb9b80ed969d80f8a234], new=[442dd7424a2b73ebe817b5223ec48db9, d87fb7358098eb9b80ed969d80f8a234], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.611 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Syncing delight
[03-03 13:02:46.613 2868:3595 I/SuperDelight]
DownloadSlicing#getSlices() : Locale = [en_US, pt_BR]
[03-03 13:02:46.653 2868:3595 I/SuperDelight]
DownloadSlicing#getSlices(): result {slices=[{pack=main_en_us_20180212_1}, {pack=main_pt_br_20180212_1}], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.654 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Requesting packs for delight with slices: [{pack=main_en_us_20180212_1}, {pack=main_pt_br_20180212_1}]
[03-03 13:02:46.656 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Sync for 'hmmdictionary' succeeded, result: {old=[], new=[], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.656 2868:3602 I/SuperpacksManagerBase]
sync(): complete {old=[], new=[], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.657 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Attempting 2 reservations for delight for 15479815 bytes: [{name=delight:main_en_us_20180212_1, size=7735375, state=pinned}, {name=delight:main_pt_br_20180212_1, size=7744440, state=pinned}]
[03-03 13:02:46.721 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Fetch pipeline requesting slice {pack=main_en_us_20180212_1}
[03-03 13:02:46.722 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Final file delight:main_en_us_20180212_1 is already available
[03-03 13:02:46.722 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Successfully fetched pack delight:main_en_us_20180212_1
[03-03 13:02:46.722 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Fetch pipeline requesting slice {pack=main_pt_br_20180212_1}
[03-03 13:02:46.722 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Final file delight:main_pt_br_20180212_1 is already available
[03-03 13:02:46.723 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Successfully fetched pack delight:main_pt_br_20180212_1
[03-03 13:02:46.724 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Opening packs for emoji
[03-03 13:02:46.727 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
All 2 pack(s) are available locally, returning set
[03-03 13:02:46.731 2868:6772 I/EmojiSuperpacksManager]
processPackSet() : isBundled = false
[03-03 13:02:46.731 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Opening packs for hmmdictionary
[03-03 13:02:46.733 2868:6083 I/Delight5Facilitator]
currentLocales for emoji are: []
[03-03 13:02:46.733 2868:6083 I/Delight5Facilitator]
Totally 0 emoji shortcuts loaded.
[03-03 13:02:46.735 2868:6083 I/Delight5Facilitator]
Finished loading emoji shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:46.735 2868:6773 I/Delight5Decoder]
loadEmojiShortcutMap() : 0 shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:46.735 2868:3492 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing java.lang.Object gmx.get(java.lang.Object) due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:46.735 3518:3518 E/OverlaySController]
Calling with an invalid UID, the interface will not work
[03-03 13:02:46.773 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
pcf : 0x1012
[03-03 13:02:46.773 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
thread id : 1, preenroll_flag : 0, nd cnt : 0
[03-03 13:02:46.773 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 7265
[03-03 13:02:46.779 3451:3611 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:46.780 2868:3595 I/SuperDelight]
SuperDelightMergingStrategy#merge(): selected[[main_en_us_20180212_1, main_pt_br_20180212_1]] synced[[main_en_us_20180212_1, main_pt_br_20180212_1]]
[03-03 13:02:46.781 2868:3595 I/Superpacks]
Sync for 'delight' succeeded, result: {old=[main_en_us_20180212_1, main_pt_br_20180212_1], new=[main_en_us_20180212_1, main_pt_br_20180212_1], last batch=true}
[03-03 13:02:46.792 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:46.793 3451:3611 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:46.800 3451:3611 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:46.863 3518:6778 D/OpenGLRenderer]
HWUI GL Pipeline
[03-03 13:02:46.878 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:46.890 2508:2508 D/SurfaceFlinger]
duplicate layer name: changing to
[03-03 13:02:46.910 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:46.912 3518:6778 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:02:46.912 3518:6778 I/OpenGLRenderer]
Initialized EGL, version 1.4
[03-03 13:02:46.913 3518:6778 D/OpenGLRenderer]
Swap behavior 2
[03-03 13:02:46.919 3518:6778 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:46.936 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:46.938 3518:6778 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:46.960 3518:3518 W/SessionLifecycleManager]
Handover failed. Creating new session controller.
[03-03 13:02:46.961 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b H R c s q >
[03-03 13:02:46.963 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b H R c s q >
[03-03 13:02:46.968 2731:2754 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) android.display expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:46.976 2886:2886 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:46.978 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b H R c s q >
[03-03 13:02:46.982 2731:2731 V/FingerprintService]
stop client
[03-03 13:02:46.982 2577:2577 D/bauth_service]
BAuthService, 754
[03-03 13:02:46.983 2577:2577 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 636
[03-03 13:02:46.983 2577:2577 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 636
[03-03 13:02:46.983 2577:2577 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 985
[03-03 13:02:46.983 2731:2731 W/FingerprintService]
client is no longer authenticating
[03-03 13:02:46.989 3518:3518 W/ThreadPoolDumper]
Queue length for executor Lightweight is now 11. Perhaps some tasks are too long, or the pool is too small.
[03-03 13:02:46.992 3518:3518 I/OptInState]
There is a new client and it does not support opt-in. Dropping request.
[03-03 13:02:46.993 6787:6787 I/GAv4]
Google Analytics 11.0.58 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
adb logcat -s GAv4
[03-03 13:02:46.999 3343:3343 I/GsaVoiceInteractionSrv]
O received Intent { act=android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT flg=0x24200010 }
[03-03 13:02:47.008 3364:3364 D/BrcmNfcJni]
nfcManager_doSetScreenState: state = 8 discovry_param = 1
[03-03 13:02:47.008 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:47.009 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:47.010 2868:2868 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
[03-03 13:02:47.013 2868:2868 I/LatinMetricsFactory]
Add content log processors.
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 1240
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 E/(FPLOG)]
DeviceEnableInt 0 8 10 1
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 1249
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 E/(FPLOG)] DeviceSetClock 1
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPDLBAuthSensorControl]
FPDLBAuthSensorControl, 262
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 I/TLC_BAUTH]
Call FP cmd 0xa;1509
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 I/tlc_communication]
Send Trustlet TCI Message;214
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b h!r!c s q >
[03-03 13:02:47.017 2577:6580 I/tlc_communication]
mcNotify is completed;224
[03-03 13:02:47.023 2868:6820 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 I/tlc_communication]
mcWaitNotification is completed;237
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 I/TLC_BAUTH]
Check the Trustlet return code is completed;1545
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 3649
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 4061
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/(FPLOG)]
efprc : cc
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPDLBAuthSensorControl]
FPDLBAuthSensorControl, 614
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPDLBAuthSensorControl]
FPDLBAuthSensorControl, 461
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 1026
[03-03 13:02:47.031 2577:6580 D/bauth_Worker]
Worker, 72
[03-03 13:02:47.039 6787:6822 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.047 6787:6822 W/GAv4]
CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.061 6787:6787 I/DigitalWidgetProvider]
onReceive: Intent { flg=0x10 }
[03-03 13:02:47.071 6787:6822 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.097 2868:6820 I/PersonalDictDataHandler]
Locales = [en_US, pt_BR]
[03-03 13:02:47.102 2868:6820 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
importContentData() : Ending import process
[03-03 13:02:47.113 3518:3695 I/cr_CronetLibraryLoader]
Cronet version: 66.0.3348.3, arch: aarch64
[03-03 13:02:47.127 2868:6820 I/Delight5Facilitator]
requestLanguageModelResource() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : UNUSED
[03-03 13:02:47.137 3518:5334 W/LocationOracle]
No location history returned by ContextManager
[03-03 13:02:47.246 2868:6820 I/PersonalLanguageModel]
run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:47.247 2868:6820 I/DynamicLm]
perform() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : bar : Completed
[03-03 13:02:47.247 2868:6820 I/Delight5Facilitator]
releaseLanguageModelResource() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : UNUSED
[03-03 13:02:47.257 2868:6820 I/Delight5Facilitator]
requestLanguageModelResource() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : UNUSED
[03-03 13:02:47.259 6787:6836 I/AlarmClock]
Started indexing all application data.
[03-03 13:02:47.275 3299:6838 I/chatty]
uid=10027 expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:47.291 3299:3821 I/chatty]
uid=10027( lowpool[3] expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:47.294 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{2302dd u0 com.facebook.katana/com.facebook.rti.orca.MainService}
[03-03 13:02:47.328 2868:6820 I/PersonalLanguageModel]
run() : Added 0 words and 0 shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:47.328 2868:6820 I/DynamicLm]
perform() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : bar : Completed
[03-03 13:02:47.328 2868:6820 I/Delight5Facilitator]
releaseLanguageModelResource() : PERSONAL_DICTIONARY : UNUSED
[03-03 13:02:47.334 2868:6773 I/Delight5Decoder]
loadShortcutMap() : 0 shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:47.335 2868:6820 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
importContentData() : Success : Count = 0
[03-03 13:02:47.335 2868:2868 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
onPostExecute() : Result = [2,0]
[03-03 13:02:47.335 2868:2868 I/ShortcutsDataManager]
onImportFinished() : Result = 2 : Count = 0
[03-03 13:02:47.337 3518:3518 I/StreamController]
registerScope: nowcards-2148208966592244917
[03-03 13:02:47.373 3518:3532 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 28832(1795KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(184KB) LOS objects, 53% free, 5MB/11MB, paused 15.018ms total 313.835ms
[03-03 13:02:47.385 2868:2868 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher]
onStartJob(): DefaultStickerUpdate.
[03-03 13:02:47.385 2868:2868 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Submitted task to executor service with data=DefaultStickerTaskData{enabled=true, metadataUriPrefix=, supportedLanguage=pt-BR}
[03-03 13:02:47.413 2868:3883 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Started update task with DefaultStickerTaskData{enabled=true, metadataUriPrefix=, supportedLanguage=pt-BR}
[03-03 13:02:47.421 2508:2608 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[StatusBar#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:47.421 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d7ed5010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:47.422 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x58]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:47.424 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:47.429 2868:3883 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Read metadata file from cache with 263316 bytes
[03-03 13:02:47.493 6845:6845 D/CellBroadcastReceiver]
onReceive Intent { act=android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED flg=0x5000010 (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:47.494 6845:6845 D/CellBroadcastReceiver]
Start Cell Broadcast configuration.
[03-03 13:02:47.497 2868:2868 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher]
onStartJob(): superpacks-gc-task.
[03-03 13:02:47.498 2868:2868 I/SuperpacksGcRunner]
[03-03 13:02:47.502 6845:6845 D/CellBroadcastReceiver]
Default interval 0 did not change.
[03-03 13:02:47.504 3059:3059 D/OtaspSimStateReceiver]
Received intent: android.telephony.action.CARRIER_CONFIG_CHANGED
[03-03 13:02:47.506 3059:3059 D/OtaspSimStateReceiver]
otasp activation not needed: no supported carrier
[03-03 13:02:47.512 3059:3059 I/VvmSimStateTracker]
[03-03 13:02:47.518 3059:3059 I/VvmSimStateTracker]
Service connected on ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:47.519 6845:6862 D/CellBroadcastConfigService]
Enable CellBroadcast on sub 1
[03-03 13:02:47.529 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
[03-03 13:02:47.541 3059:3059 I/RemoteVvmTaskManager]
Binding to ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:47.553 2868:2868 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher]
Task: superpacks-gc-task successes.
[03-03 13:02:47.559 3518:3518 I/StreamRenderer]
[03-03 13:02:47.559 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:47.560 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4096 to 4096 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.565 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
[03-03 13:02:47.571 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4097 to 4097 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.574 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
[03-03 13:02:47.577 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4098 to 4098 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.584 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCdmaBroadcastConfig with 1 configurations
[03-03 13:02:47.585 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:47.587 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to add cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4099 to 4099 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.591 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove cdma broadcast subscription for MID range 4100 to 4100 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.591 2868:2878 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 105249(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 5(568KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 106us total 170.904ms
[03-03 13:02:47.597 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4352 to 4354 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.598 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.604 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4356 to 4356 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.604 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.609 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4355 to 4355 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.612 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4370 to 4370 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.612 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.619 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4371 to 4372 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.619 3059:3174 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.628 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4373 to 4378 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.628 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.635 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4379 to 4379 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.635 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.635 2868:3883 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Received 6 sticker packs in metadata
[03-03 13:02:47.639 3059:3072 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4380 to 4382 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.642 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4383 to 4383 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.642 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.646 6878:6878 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:02:47.646 6878:6878 I/MultiDex]
[03-03 13:02:47.646 6878:6878 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:47.646 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4384 to 4385 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.646 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.652 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4386 to 4391 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.652 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.656 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4392 to 4392 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.657 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.661 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Failed to remove GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 4393 to 4395 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.670 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Added GSM cell broadcast subscription for MID range 50 to 50 from client
[03-03 13:02:47.670 3059:3204 D/IccSmsInterfaceManager]
[IccSmsInterfaceManager] Calling setCellBroadcastActivation(true)
[03-03 13:02:47.674 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:47.683 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - enter
[03-03 13:02:47.703 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:02:47.708 2868:3883 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Created 148 indexables
[03-03 13:02:47.713 2731:2822 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) WifiStateMachin expire 4 lines
[03-03 13:02:47.730 3518:3518 W/InlineVideoPlayerUtil]
Videos are disabled in monet, turn on AgsaNow__inline_video_in_snarf.
[03-03 13:02:47.738 6878:6878 I/GAv4]
Google Analytics 11.0.11 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
adb logcat -s GAv4
[03-03 13:02:47.743 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.752 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.755 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
SpamModule.provideSpam - using in-app spam
[03-03 13:02:47.756 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
CallLogFramework.registerContentObservers - enter
[03-03 13:02:47.757 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
CallLogFramework.registerContentObservers - not registering content observers
[03-03 13:02:47.773 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
pcf : 0x1011
[03-03 13:02:47.774 2577:2668 I/TLC_BAUTH]
Call FP cmd 0xc (30);1562
[03-03 13:02:47.774 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
Send Trustlet TCI Message;214
[03-03 13:02:47.775 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
mcNotify is completed;224
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:249): avc: denied { read } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="calib.dat" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392811 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:249): avc: denied { open } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 path="/data/biometrics/meta/calib.dat" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392811 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2668:2668 W//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1300 audit(0.0:249): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=9 a0=ffffff9c a1=766d40d018 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 exe="/system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service" subj=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:249): proctitle="/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service"
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:249):
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:250): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 path="/data/biometrics/meta/calib.dat" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392811 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2668:2668 W//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1300 audit(0.0:250): arch=c00000b7 syscall=80 success=yes exit=0 a0=9 a1=766dea4fe8 a2=0 a3=40 items=0 ppid=1 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 exe="/system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service" subj=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:250): proctitle="/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service"
[03-03 13:02:47.759 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:250):
[03-03 13:02:47.782 6878:6912 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.786 6878:6912 W/GAv4]
CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.794 6878:6912 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:47.800 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b h r c s q >
[03-03 13:02:47.802 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
NonUiTaskBuilder.newThread - creating serial thread
[03-03 13:02:47.803 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:02:47.805 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
ShortcutsJobScheduler.scheduleAllJobs - enter
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:251): avc: denied { write } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="biometrics" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392641 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.810 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
mcWaitNotification is completed;237
[03-03 13:02:47.810 2577:2668 I/TLC_BAUTH]
Check the Trustlet return code is completed;1670
[03-03 13:02:47.810 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
check_opcode status = 5, opcode = 0, func_ret_val = 0, function_status = 0, timeout = 0
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:251): avc: denied { add_name } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="bk" scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:251): avc: denied { create } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="bk" scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 W//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1300 audit(0.0:251): arch=c00000b7 syscall=34 success=yes exit=0 a0=ffffff9c a1=766dea4c87 a2=1c0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=1 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 exe="/system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service" subj=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:251): proctitle="/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service"
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:251):
[03-03 13:02:47.811 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
ShortcutsJobScheduler.scheduleAllJobs - enabling shortcuts
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:252): avc: denied { remove_name } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="calib.dat" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392811 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 I//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1400 audit(0.0:252): avc: denied { rename } for comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 name="calib.dat" dev="mmcblk0p25" ino=1392811 scontext=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:47.812 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
PeriodicJobService.schedulePeriodicJob - enter
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2668:2668 W//vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service]
type=1300 audit(0.0:252): arch=c00000b7 syscall=38 success=yes exit=0 a0=ffffff9c a1=766d40d018 a2=ffffff9c a3=766d40d058 items=0 ppid=1 auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 euid=1000 suid=1000 fsuid=1000 egid=1000 sgid=1000 fsgid=1000 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=504F5349582074696D65722030 exe="/system/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service" subj=u:r:hal_fingerprint_default:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:252): proctitle="/vendor/bin/hw/android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service"
[03-03 13:02:47.799 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:252):
[03-03 13:02:47.813 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
PeriodicJobService.schedulePeriodicJob - job already scheduled.
[03-03 13:02:47.815 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerPrimes - Initializing
[03-03 13:02:47.815 2508:2608 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[StatusBar#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:47.815 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d7ed5010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:47.816 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.817 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerPrimes - Primes Metrics Monitoring started
[03-03 13:02:47.817 6867:6867 I/DialerVoip]
[03-03 13:02:47.818 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.818 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 7430
[03-03 13:02:47.818 2577:2668 I/TLC_BAUTH]
Call FUNC ID 0x4;696
[03-03 13:02:47.820 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:47.821 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.823 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.827 3299:4817 I/chatty]
uid=10027( netscheduler-qu expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:47.829 6867:6867 I/DialerVoip]
HangoutsModuleImpl.isModuleSupported, no Nova account
[03-03 13:02:47.830 6867:6867 I/DialerVoip]
[03-03 13:02:47.833 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - register new client
[03-03 13:02:47.838 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
tlc_close() called;149
[03-03 13:02:47.838 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
Closing the session;153
[03-03 13:02:47.848 2886:2886 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
Free WSM;171
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
Closing MobiCore device;189
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 I/TeeDriverClient]
driver client closed [hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos7880/mobicore/ClientLib/src/driver_client.cpp:113]
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 I/tlc_communication]
tlc_close() successed;202
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 I/TLC_BAUTH]
FUNC ID 0x4 is completed;828
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 E/(FPLOG)] DeviceSetClock 0
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPDLBAuthSensorControl]
FPDLBAuthSensorControl, 220
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 681
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 7470
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 D/bauth_service]
BAuthService, 85
[03-03 13:02:47.863 2577:2668 D/bauth_FPBAuthService]
FPBAuthService, 7265
[03-03 13:02:47.871 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - registered new client
[03-03 13:02:47.881 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
VvmOmtpService - onCellServiceConnected
[03-03 13:02:47.888 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
VoicemailModule.provideVoicemailClient - providing VoicemailClientImpl
[03-03 13:02:47.895 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b h r c s q >
[03-03 13:02:47.903 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.911 3518:3518 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[03-03 13:02:47.913 6867:6915 I/Dialer]
SpamJobScheduler.scheduleJob - job with id SPAM_JOB_WIFI is already scheduled
[03-03 13:02:47.930 3616:3903 I/chatty]
uid=10027( lowpool[1] expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:47.930 2731:3395 D/PackageManager]
Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component
[03-03 13:02:47.931 2731:2741 D/PackageManager]
Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component$SecretCodeReceiver
[03-03 13:02:47.932 2731:2741 D/PackageManager]
Ignoring attempt to set enabled state of disabled component$Receiver
[03-03 13:02:47.960 6867:6915 I/Dialer]
SpamJobScheduler.scheduleJob - job with id SPAM_JOB_ANY_NETWORK is already scheduled
[03-03 13:02:47.980 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
VvmOmtpService - VVM not supported on ComponentInfo{}, [****], UserHandle{0}
[03-03 13:02:47.987 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
VvmOmtpService - disabling SMS filter
[03-03 13:02:47.996 6787:6836 D/AppIndexApi]
Logging objectbmw@3aa6613
[03-03 13:02:48.015 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 5862:org.lineageos.lineageparts/1000 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:48.024 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
Flags.register - phenotype register status: true
[03-03 13:02:48.038 5794:5822 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:48.038 5794:5819 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:48.041 5794:6941 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 11 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.051 2731:2753 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:48.053 5794:6948 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:48.055 5794:6950 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.116 6257:6277 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.187 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
Flags.register - commit succeeded: true
[03-03 13:02:48.193 2731:3415 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 5884:org.lineageos.lockclock/u0a71 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:48.207 6878:6878 I/NSApplication]
Starting up...
[03-03 13:02:48.289 6878:6878 D/NSConnectivityManager]
Network type changed to: 4
[03-03 13:02:48.296 2480:6095 W/SocketClient]
write error (Broken pipe)
[03-03 13:02:48.296 2480:6095 W/DnsProxyListener]
Error writing DNS result to client
[03-03 13:02:48.334 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:48.362 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 5902:org.lineageos.updater/u0a29 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:48.387 2731:2742 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_2 expire 4 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.389 2731:3130 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_6 expire 3 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.419 3907:3945 W/MediaScanner]
Error opening directory '/oem/media/', skipping: No such file or directory.
[03-03 13:02:48.451 6878:6878 I/NetworkQualityMonitor]
Updated PredictedNetworkQuality to[
networkType: 1
predictedLatencyMicros: 583438
predictedDownThroughputBps: 1059111
predictedUpThroughputBps: -1
[03-03 13:02:48.569 6967:6997 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:48.570 6967:6997 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:48.605 6967:6997 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:48.610 6967:6997 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:48.719 6967:6997 I/cr_CronetLibraryLoader]
Cronet version: 62.0.3202.84, arch: aarch64
[03-03 13:02:48.756 6967:6998 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:48.766 6967:6998 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:48.772 6967:6998 I/chatty]
uid=10094( identical 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:48.772 6967:6998 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:48.776 6967:6998 W/linker]
"/data/user_de/0/" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a
[03-03 13:02:48.778 6967:6998 V/NativeCrypto]
Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 279 native methods...
[03-03 13:02:48.793 6967:6998 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:02:48.794 6967:6998 I/ProviderInstaller]
Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
[03-03 13:02:48.801 5481:5525 E/Finsky]
[55] Unable to build selector: /storage/emulated/0/Download/marketenvs.csv (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:48.810 5481:5623 I/Finsky]
[86] Triggered update for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.811 5481:5614 I/Finsky]
[83] Triggered update for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.811 5481:5622 I/Finsky]
[85] Triggered update for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.819 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:261): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:48.819 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:261):
[03-03 13:02:48.819 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:262): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:48.819 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:262):
[03-03 13:02:48.844 6967:6996 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:48.884 5481:5622 I/Finsky]
[85] Started reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
[03-03 13:02:48.888 5481:5622 I/Finsky]
[85] Finished reading experiment flags from file [v6B-2IolLQRBwrwPhscSaeg04As].
[03-03 13:02:48.889 5481:5622 I/Finsky]
[85] Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.889 5481:5614 I/Finsky]
[83] Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.894 5481:5623 I/Finsky]
[86] Already at the latest configurations for experiment package
[03-03 13:02:48.922 3364:3364 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache]
Service unchanged, not updating
[03-03 13:02:48.930 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 0
[03-03 13:02:48.931 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 1
[03-03 13:02:48.931 3059:3059 D/ImsResolver]
maybeAddedImsService, packageName:
[03-03 13:02:48.937 3364:3364 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache]
Service unchanged, not updating
[03-03 13:02:48.948 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 0
[03-03 13:02:48.948 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 1
[03-03 13:02:48.948 3059:3059 D/ImsResolver]
maybeAddedImsService, packageName:
[03-03 13:02:48.988 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AGM
[03-03 13:02:49.003 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Starting WearSupportService for send_installed_apps
[03-03 13:02:49.004 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Connecting to wearable; initiated by:
[03-03 13:02:49.005 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AGQ
[03-03 13:02:49.063 5481:5627 I/Finsky]
[87] Restoring notifications
[03-03 13:02:49.065 5481:5481 E/Finsky]
[2] onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
[03-03 13:02:49.066 5481:5481 W/Finsky]
[2] Dropping command=send_installed_apps due to Gms not connected
[03-03 13:02:49.066 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Stopping WearSupportService
[03-03 13:02:49.080 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Done restoring notifications
[03-03 13:02:49.094 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Handling intent Intent { dat=restoreservicev2://:/recovery (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:49.094 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Restore complete with 0 success and 0 failed.
[03-03 13:02:49.102 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:49.111 2731:3395 W/ActivityManager]
Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
[03-03 13:02:49.111 5949:5991 W/cr_ChildProcessConn]
onServiceDisconnected (crash or killed by oom): pid=0
[03-03 13:02:49.115 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99000-99000
[03-03 13:02:49.118 5949:5991 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Removing empty ChildConnectionAllocator for package name =,
[03-03 13:02:49.160 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
CountryDetector.registerForLocationUpdates - registering for location updates
[03-03 13:02:49.163 6867:6867 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:02:49.177 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:49.223 7037:7037 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:02:49.223 7037:7037 I/MultiDex]
[03-03 13:02:49.223 7037:7037 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:49.228 7037:7037 I/Bugle]
Bugle version: 2.9.051 (
[03-03 13:02:49.242 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS
[03-03 13:02:49.263 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:49.263 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #18
[03-03 13:02:49.320 2731:2741 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=15, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@e0b6313)
[03-03 13:02:49.329 2731:3066 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_5 expire 7 lines
[03-03 13:02:49.390 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:49.399 2731:2891 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_4 expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:49.401 3616:7058 I/chatty]
uid=10027( expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:49.477 3299:3819 I/chatty]
uid=10027 expire 12 lines
[03-03 13:02:49.483 2731:2891 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:49.517 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for content provider
[03-03 13:02:49.529 3616:4191 I/chatty]
uid=10027( highpool[3] expire 6 lines
[03-03 13:02:49.597 7087:7087 I/CalendarProvider2]
[03-03 13:02:49.659 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 6257:com.tinder/u0a123 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:49.864 3299:3299 I/chatty]
uid=10027 expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:49.926 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:49.928 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:49.934 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:50.015 6609:6636 I/zygote]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:50.032 6609:6636 I/zygote]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 16.540ms
[03-03 13:02:50.191 3616:4191 I/chatty]
uid=10027( highpool[3] expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:50.194 3616:3626 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 33063(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 31(1524KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 7MB/14MB, paused 66us total 101.565ms
[03-03 13:02:50.206 3616:4191 I/EventLogChimeraService]
Opted in for usage reporting
[03-03 13:02:50.221 3616:4191 E/ProcessCheckinRequest]
CheckinNowTaskTag : Checkin Succeeded: (request #1):
[03-03 13:02:50.282 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10025
[03-03 13:02:50.300 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
addGeofences: geofencingRequest=GeofencingRequest[geofences=[Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDei332peQrAR2YmnSK7FkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636223, -46.798053 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejzrXbGMDAR2Wy4+16wkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639873, -46.794522 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDek+aVy67DAR2VtJ0rHpEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.644434, -46.792394 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDej5utcBA3AR2VOg/GRqEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.640242, -46.791459 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDehHv0bSTHAR2YN8VpK0EKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.629379, -46.797301 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDegCIUJv5zAR2Z+ikmafUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.625130, -46.800737 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDekDuwsDaXAR2bRyLUQF0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.640853, -46.803277 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDei0o3W7bjAR2b1r0QlyUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636025, -46.804373 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDekSmw03IDAR2cVB88BWkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.641761, -46.805329 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejvHVmtGrAR2Yig7iGxEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639594, -46.797928 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejrRjSXt3AR2Wa/8sm20KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639360, -46.793793 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejqVd8vpfAR2ZBAHtQAkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639303, -46.798859 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejwOvt+kTAR2bC5pn9bEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639663, -46.802823 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDekh0DRgWfAR2a+l3/j5kKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.642689, -46.802691 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDei/dIoVmHAR2Zp4vKo/0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636686, -46.800106 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejIBHuPw3AR2baQFLWZkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.637208, -46.803535 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejIVCyn/vAR2Ut/JKNNkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.637227, -46.790466 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDei5Ke05U/AR2YhBTNFp0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636302, -46.797883 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejwIWWrVbAR2bEav57nEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639656, -46.802869 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejy8zyjHrAR2ZPA3NSB0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639829, -46.799286 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejKhPPwJ3AR2eOMK/LNEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.637361, -46.809027 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejOQu6SGXAR2VXDtqOVkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.637589, -46.791719 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeie18b70rAR2TCrLhaT0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.634695, -46.787191 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDekWDl8+VDAR2cZgNqF9EKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.641971, -46.805466 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejtPK7c9/AR2bDgcpv+0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639480, -46.802841 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDehMPIQUzTAR2YCqFDsgkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.629653, -46.796956 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDej3616IS7AR2Z56Pop/UKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.640132, -46.800595 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDegy6jgXnrAR2YdMJJvA0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.628108, -46.797766 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeiSGJvYOHAR2R9AbNeZkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.633917, -46.785065 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeigqBY0HzAR2YKIOsy
[03-03 13:02:50.303 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendTransitions: location=Location[fused -23,634806,-46,797184 hAcc=88 et=+27s708ms vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=676]}]
[03-03 13:02:50.305 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:50.334 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:50.348 2886:2886 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:50.356 3299:3819 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:02:50.429 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:50.430 6609:6729 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:50.419 6729:6729 I/com.whatsapp]
type=1400 audit(0.0:263): avc: denied { read } for comm=4173796E635461736B202332 name="mem" dev="debugfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:50.419 6729:6729 I/com.whatsapp]
type=1400 audit(0.0:263): avc: denied { open } for comm=4173796E635461736B202332 path="/sys/kernel/debug/mali/mem" dev="debugfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:50.419 6729:6729 W/com.whatsapp]
type=1300 audit(0.0:263): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=yes exit=84 a0=ffffff9c a1=ccbeee70 a2=a4000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2482 auid=4294967295 uid=10118 gid=10118 euid=10118 suid=10118 fsuid=10118 egid=10118 sgid=10118 fsgid=10118 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=4173796E635461736B202332 exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:50.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:263): proctitle="com.whatsapp"
[03-03 13:02:50.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:263):
[03-03 13:02:50.449 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:50.450 2731:7125 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) RenderThread expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:50.496 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b h r c s q >
[03-03 13:02:50.498 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:50.499 3451:3611 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77da1a4010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:50.504 2508:3094 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:50.504 3518:6778 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77f1bbe010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:50.527 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:50.610 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 23 lines
[03-03 13:02:50.616 2886:2886 D/StatusBar]
disable<e i a s b h r c s q >
[03-03 13:02:50.625 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:50.625 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:50.626 2868:2868 I/LatinMetricsFactory]
Remove content log processors.
[03-03 13:02:50.649 2508:2802 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2508_3 expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:50.649 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d7ed5010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:50.650 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x58]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:50.799 3518:3518 I/StreamRenderer]
[03-03 13:02:50.807 3518:3751 I/PBSessionCacheImpl]
Deleted sessionId[771115137613] from persistence.
[03-03 13:02:50.840 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:50.840 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:50.861 3518:3518 I/StreamController]
[03-03 13:02:50.946 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:51.018 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:51.049 2731:3418 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=14, [ Capabilities: NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@53a6c70)
[03-03 13:02:51.106 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:51.131 7153:7153 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:51.150 7153:7153 I/LoadedApk]
No resource references to update in package FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
[03-03 13:02:51.173 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_IDS Ids=[wDek+aVy67DAR2VtJ0rHpEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDehS+njXgjAR2dd368noEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDegCIUJv5zAR2Z+ikmafUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDekWDl8+VDAR2cZgNqF9EKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDekYEkV84fAR2cqqs51REKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDejKhPPwJ3AR2eOMK/LNEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDeiPxQSBbzAR2RqsU7CBUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDekWDl8+VDAR2cZgNqF9EKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDeiSGJvYOHAR2R9AbNeZkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDeigqBY0HzAR2YKIOsyE0SfO9r/////AAAAAA==?, wDekV32VVxTAR2cYLsrupkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDelIdHh34TAR2ZMBZIQOEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDekMjhhcF3AR2ck4w5XsUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDekkZ75VOvAR2cvGp++dkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?, wDegJlar3j/AR2ce6qbSZ0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==?],]
[03-03 13:02:51.206 7153:7153 W/linker]
"/data/user_de/0/" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a
[03-03 13:02:51.208 7153:7153 V/NativeCrypto]
Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 279 native methods...
[03-03 13:02:51.229 7153:7153 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:02:51.230 7153:7153 I/ProviderInstaller]
Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
[03-03 13:02:51.244 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
addGeofences: geofencingRequest=GeofencingRequest[geofences=[Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeiYjSofjnAR2SwOe8PF0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.634311, -46.786628 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejDziCJ43AR2Uxl1HAvUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636951, -46.790576 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejnhHOXp3AR2WfAOGnT0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639131, -46.793915 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDei/2gqi8TAR2cNTBjdRkKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.636710, -46.805093 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeis0sbh0XAR2T8qFyq+0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.635548, -46.788960 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeiJU2XYofAR2X3a9zH7EKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.633382, -46.796613 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeju4PPLPnAR2YqI7/4qUKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639580, -46.798161 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeg1RjLqODAR2XfWm4Kn0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.628252, -46.795879 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeigqBY0HzAR2YKIOsyE0SDaIz/////AAAAAA==? transitions:3 -23.634806, -46.797184 1051m, resp=150s, dwell=-1ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDegocThRgDAR2YGVltWaEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.627468, -46.797068 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeiwEGkDz7AR2Tgh5S0V0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.635746, -46.788102 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejKDdWrmLAR2VNjihMT0KgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.637332, -46.791429 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeis0YTCcjAR2T8rI5o5UKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.635548, -46.788961 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDeiC7EOKmXAR2YLvMykikKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.632991, -46.797233 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1], Geofence[CIRCLE id:wDejwIWWrVbAR2bEav57nEKgAAAAAknwAAAAAg==? transitions:7 -23.639656, -46.802869 80m, resp=150s, dwell=150000ms, @-1]], initialTrigger=5, tag=places] intent=PendingIntent{9408bce: android.os.BinderProxy@a687aef}
[03-03 13:02:51.288 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:51.336 7179:7179 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:02:51.336 7179:7179 I/MultiDex]
[03-03 13:02:51.336 7179:7179 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.343 7179:7179 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:02:51.346 7179:7179 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:02:51.346 7179:7179 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:02:51.346 7179:7179 I/FirebaseInitProvider]
FirebaseApp initialization successful
[03-03 13:02:51.352 7179:7179 D/Bugle]
Registering factory in the content provider
[03-03 13:02:51.352 7179:7179 D/Bugle]
ContentProvider context:
[03-03 13:02:51.353 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.a: Initializing Carrier Services Library.
[03-03 13:02:51.353 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
Trying to log through cs.apk when it has not been initialized yet
[03-03 13:02:51.385 7179:7200 I/Bugle]
bugle_enable_primes_crash_metrics: true
bugle_max_telemetry_upload_retries: 10
bugle_sticker_set_list_version: 3
[03-03 13:02:51.422 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:51.422 7179:7179 I/TextToSpeech]
Sucessfully bound to
[03-03 13:02:51.424 7179:7179 I/BugleBackup]
Registering preference change listener for "bugle".
[03-03 13:02:51.427 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 6409:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a125 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:51.473 7201:7201 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:02:51.474 7201:7201 I/MultiDex]
[03-03 13:02:51.474 7201:7201 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.474 2731:3130 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.475 7179:7179 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.476 7179:7179 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.489 7179:7179 I/Bugle]
ApnsOta: OTA version -1
[03-03 13:02:51.494 7179:7179 I/Bugle]
Bugle version: 2.9.051 (
[03-03 13:02:51.496 7201:7201 I/GAv4]
Google Analytics 10.2.98 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
adb logcat -s GAv4
[03-03 13:02:51.502 7179:7208 I/BugleDataModel]
Fixup: Send failed - 0 Download failed - 0
[03-03 13:02:51.507 7179:7224 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:02:51.507 7179:7179 I/BugleAction]
Provisioning status: (I) RCS provisioning stopped!!
[03-03 13:02:51.510 7179:7179 I/Bugle]
[03-03 13:02:51.510 7179:7208 W/BugleDataModel]
tried to cancel job 100 that can't be found. already finished?
[03-03 13:02:51.475 2731:3130 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.510 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 6526:com.urbandroid.sleep/u0a114 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:51.512 2731:3418 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.512 7179:7179 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 CEM idle change:cached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.514 7179:7208 I/BugleDataModel]
ProcessPendingMessagesAction: process from ProcessPendingMessagesAction due to scheduled processing with 0 earliest sms sending messages, with 0 earliest mms sending messages, with 0 earliest rcs sending messages, with 0 earliest rcsFT sending messages, and 0 earliest downloading messages
[03-03 13:02:51.515 2731:3422 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:51.515 3059:3204 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:02:51.516 3059:3204 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:02:51.517 7201:7230 W/GAv4]
CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:51.517 2731:3414 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.518 7179:7224 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:02:51.518 7179:7179 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 CEM idle change:cached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.518 7179:7179 I/Bugle]
Carrier config changed. Reloading MMS config.
[03-03 13:02:51.521 7179:7179 I/BugleRcs]
updating RCS availability
[03-03 13:02:51.521 7179:7224 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 CEM idle change:cached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.528 7179:7209 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 1/3.
[03-03 13:02:51.533 7179:7209 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 2/3.
[03-03 13:02:51.538 7179:7209 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 3/3.
[03-03 13:02:51.539 7179:7231 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:02:51.539 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.540 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.520 2731:3414 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.541 2731:3422 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:51.541 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.541 3059:3174 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:02:51.541 3059:3174 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:02:51.541 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:02:51.542 7179:7231 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:02:51.542 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.connect: Binding to JibeService in Bugle.
[03-03 13:02:51.544 7179:7209 W/ShortcutBadger]
Badge counter seems not supported in this platform: unable to resolve intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:51.550 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.550 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.551 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.551 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:02:51.551 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.connect: Binding to JibeService in Bugle.
[03-03 13:02:51.553 7179:7179 I/BugleRcs]
RCS availability is already updating
[03-03 13:02:51.557 7179:7200 E/BugleRcs]
couldn't get package info for carrier services package with name
[03-03 13:02:51.558 7179:7200 E/BugleRcs]$NameNotFoundException:
at android.os.AsyncTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[03-03 13:02:51.558 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:51.560 7179:7200 I/BugleRcs]
No minimum Cs.apk version is set, not checking Cs.apk version
[03-03 13:02:51.562 7179:7232 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:02:51.563 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:51.564 2731:3414 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:02:51.564 3059:3072 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:02:51.564 3059:3072 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:02:51.566 7179:7232 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:02:51.566 7179:7200 I/BugleBackup]
Registering preference change listener for "buglesub_1".
[03-03 13:02:51.570 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:51.570 7037:7037 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.a: Initializing Carrier Services Library.
[03-03 13:02:51.575 7179:7200 I/BugleRcs]
RcsAvailability updated: RCS is disabled because the device has multiple SIM slots
[03-03 13:02:51.580 7037:7237 I/Bugle]
bugle_enable_primes_crash_metrics: true
bugle_max_telemetry_upload_retries: 10
bugle_sticker_set_list_version: 3
[03-03 13:02:51.581 7179:7179 I/BugleRcs]
Broadcast disable RCS for availability (11)
[03-03 13:02:51.585 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.585 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.585 7179:7179 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.585 7179:7179 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:02:51.587 2731:3422 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=7179 uid=10095
[03-03 13:02:51.588 7179:7179 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 SVC idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:02:51.589 7179:7209 V/Bugle]
Committing bugle phenotype.
[03-03 13:02:51.616 7037:7037 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.c: Initializing Carrier Services Logging.
[03-03 13:02:51.630 7037:7037 I/]
LogSaver new instance with filename: carrier_services
[03-03 13:02:51.653 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.shouldUseCarrierServicesApkForV1Apis: Checking if using CarrierServices.apk is possible. Enabled: true, isAtLeastM: true, runningInsideBugle: true
[03-03 13:02:51.654 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:02:51.660 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.661 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.661 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: ConnectionFactoryApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.662 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] a.a: Using AndroidNetworkFactory
[03-03 13:02:51.663 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.shouldUseCarrierServicesApkForV1Apis: Checking if using CarrierServices.apk is possible. Enabled: true, isAtLeastM: true, runningInsideBugle: true
[03-03 13:02:51.664 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.664 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.665 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: WakeLockManagerApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.665 3616:4191 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:02:51.672 7201:7201 E/TTS]
Unparsable line in file with voice data checksums: 7846532c8eb3d4d374813dae6d74638b
[03-03 13:02:51.672 7201:7201 E/TTS]
Unparsable line in file with voice data checksums: c1024b1416240bb24b316bac696f5cdb
[03-03 13:02:51.672 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.672 7201:7201 E/TTS]
Unparsable line in file with voice data checksums: voices-list.rel/signature.sf 93ee1641133be6e6d8cb83934833cd8c
[03-03 13:02:51.672 7201:7201 E/TTS]
Unparsable line in file with voice data checksums: voices-list.rel/voices-list-rsig.pb 8ad16260ab46941c146c4598d78862ee
[03-03 13:02:51.673 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.673 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: forwardConnectivityEvents is not compatible. Service Version 2 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.674 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Checking integrity of voice: pt-br-x-afs, revision: 39
[03-03 13:02:51.674 7201:7201 W/TTS]
No checksums for voice: pt-br-x-afs, revision: 39
[03-03 13:02:51.674 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Cache cleared
[03-03 13:02:51.674 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.675 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.675 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: forwardConnectivityEvents is not compatible. Service Version 2 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.677 2731:3422 D/ConnectivityService]
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/7037 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=18, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
[03-03 13:02:51.678 2731:2848 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) EthernetService expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:51.678 3059:3059 D/PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=18, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 60
[03-03 13:02:51.681 7037:7261 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[311] h.b: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
[03-03 13:02:51.688 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Creating Google TTS service, version 3.14.9
[03-03 13:02:51.690 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Loading library tts_android_neon
[03-03 13:02:51.703 7037:7037 W/RcsProvisioning]
Failed to read configuration: /data/user/0/ (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:02:51.703 7037:7037 D/RcsProvisioning]
Retrieving backup token
[03-03 13:02:51.715 7246:7246 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:02:51.715 7246:7246 I/MultiDex]
Installing application
[03-03 13:02:51.715 7246:7246 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.743 7201:7277 I/TTS]
Initializing pt-br-x-afs-lstm-embedded from disk
[03-03 13:02:51.744 7179:7179 I/TextToSpeech]
Connected to ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:51.749 7201:7244 I/TTS]
For default lang pt-br is name pt-BR-language (pt-br-x-afs-server)
[03-03 13:02:51.754 7179:7231 I/TextToSpeech]
Set up connection to ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:02:51.768 7246:7246 I/CrashlyticsCore]
Initializing Crashlytics
[03-03 13:02:51.771 2731:3422 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:02:51.800 7246:7246 W/Settings]
Setting airplane_mode_on has moved from android.provider.Settings.System to android.provider.Settings.Global, returning read-only value.
[03-03 13:02:51.800 7246:7269 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:02:51.807 7037:7037 D/RcsProvisioning]
No backup token found
[03-03 13:02:51.812 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] v.<init>: RcsEngine: Constructor running in
[03-03 13:02:51.817 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] i.a: No config URL. RCS will be disabled!
[03-03 13:02:51.844 7037:7037 D/BugleRcsEngine]
log_saver already enabled
[03-03 13:02:51.856 3616:4190 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:02:51.861 7179:7179 D/RcsClientLib]
Service connected. Will notify listeners: false
[03-03 13:02:51.864 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 6602:org.thunderdog.challegram/u0a119 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:51.864 7179:7179 D/RcsClientLib]
Service connected. Will notify listeners: false
[03-03 13:02:51.873 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:02:51.873 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:02:51.873 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:02:51.873 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:02:51.875 7246:7246 I/null]
SingletonModule: Creating a new instance: ReleaseAnalytics - Thread: main
[03-03 13:02:51.879 7246:7246 I/null]
SingletonModule: Creating a new instance: DeepLinkManager - Thread: main
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 I/chatty]
uid=10089( identical 8 lines
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uan
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uax
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:02:51.899 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uan
[03-03 13:02:51.900 7201:7277 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uax
[03-03 13:02:51.929 3299:3310 W/ConfigurationChimeraPro]
Got null configs for -- metadata{ service_id: 51 }
[03-03 13:02:51.933 7284:7330 W/YouTube]
Fetching the Gservices key 'failsafe_clear_cache_release_13_02' before the end of the bulk initialization
[03-03 13:02:51.939 7284:7322 W/YouTube]
Fetching the Gservices key 'disable_binder_callback_flush' before the end of the bulk initialization
[03-03 13:02:51.963 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 7335:org.lineageos.lockclock/u0a71 for broadcast org.lineageos.lockclock/.ClockWidgetProvider
[03-03 13:02:51.987 7284:7331 W/YouTube]
Fetching the Gservices key 'disable_native_cronet' before the end of the bulk initialization
[03-03 13:02:52.012 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 7358:com.urbandroid.sleep/u0a114 for broadcast com.urbandroid.sleep/.appwidget.DroidWidget
[03-03 13:02:52.015 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:52.016 3616:4190 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:02:52.023 7284:7319 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:52.037 7284:7284 E/YouTube]
flushBinderConnectionCallbacks is unverified on SDK 27
[03-03 13:02:52.048 7284:7321 W/YouTube]
ECatcher disabled: level: ERROR, category: logging, message: Failed delayed event dispatch, no dispatchers.
at aack.a(SourceFile:3)
at aaak.c(SourceFile:97)
at Source:2)
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[03-03 13:02:52.049 5794:5818 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 10 lines
[03-03 13:02:52.050 5794:5794 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 9 lines
[03-03 13:02:52.050 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:52.050 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
[03-03 13:02:52.051 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 9 receivers.
[03-03 13:02:52.051 2731:2753 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:52.051 2886:2903 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@dafe98
[03-03 13:02:52.051 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@8527689 mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
[03-03 13:02:52.051 3518:3533 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@d721c2a
[03-03 13:02:52.051 3652:4702 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@d089990
[03-03 13:02:52.051 3299:3612 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@51a4208
[03-03 13:02:52.051 5794:5807 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:52.051 3059:3204 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4bc987f
[03-03 13:02:52.051 3364:3376 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@bcb506f
[03-03 13:02:52.051 4453:4469 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@1fa4e43
[03-03 13:02:52.052 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > OFF
[03-03 13:02:52.057 2731:3066 D/BluetoothManagerService]
1 registered Ble Apps
[03-03 13:02:52.057 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
isLeEnabled(): OFF
[03-03 13:02:52.057 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
enableBLE(): Calling enable
[03-03 13:02:52.058 2731:3066 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable( mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
[03-03 13:02:52.058 2731:3066 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable returning
[03-03 13:02:52.058 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
[03-03 13:02:52.075 7358:7358 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:02:52.077 2731:3414 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_9 expire 6 lines
[03-03 13:02:52.078 7358:7358 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:02:52.085 7358:7358 I/FirebaseInitProvider]
FirebaseApp initialization successful
[03-03 13:02:52.094 7358:7393 I/FA]
App measurement is starting up, version: 11910
[03-03 13:02:52.094 7358:7393 I/FA]
To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
[03-03 13:02:52.094 7358:7393 I/FA]
To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
adb shell setprop com.urbandroid.sleep
[03-03 13:02:52.099 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.098, main]: Loading first time 1500257347177
[03-03 13:02:52.104 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.104, main]: TrialFilter: Package: is release APK
[03-03 13:02:52.116 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.116, main]: TrialFilter: T status: false
[03-03 13:02:52.125 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.125, main]: Permissions: Android SDK_INT 27
[03-03 13:02:52.125 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.125, main]: Permissions: Android CODENAME REL
[03-03 13:02:52.125 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.125, main]: Permissions: Android M
[03-03 13:02:52.126 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.126, main]: SAC: Initializing SharedAppContext, new context: false
[03-03 13:02:52.147 7284:7319 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:52.150 7284:7319 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:52.151 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.151, main]: Alarms:This alarm is better (1520237700000 vs 9223372036854775807)
[03-03 13:02:52.151 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.151, main]: Alarms: Candidates: Alarm[3] 05.03.6:15 6:15,R:31,S:1512634500000;
[03-03 13:02:52.160 7284:7392 I/CrashMetricService]
[03-03 13:02:52.161 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.161, main]: Alarms:Next alarm 6:15 Window: 10 Vibrate: true Now: Sat Mar 03 13:02:52 GMT-02:00 2018
[03-03 13:02:52.161 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.161, main]: Alarms:** setAlert id 3 atTime Mon Mar 05 06:15:00 GMT-02:00 2018
[03-03 13:02:52.164 7284:7319 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:52.168 7284:7319 W/common.FileUtils]
Failed to set dir world executable: /data/user_de/0/ open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)
[03-03 13:02:52.172 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.172, main]: SetAlarmCache:Setting in memory last scheduled alarm (ALARM) to: 3-e5c32f4a5d5867659be659966488aad8 - 1520237700000 (Mon Mar 05 06:15:00 GMT-02:00 2018)
[03-03 13:02:52.179 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
[03-03 13:02:52.179 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
[03-03 13:02:52.180 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
Scheduling evaluate for Sat Mar 03 22:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520121600000), in +8h57m7s821ms, now=Sat Mar 03 13:02:52 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520089372179)
[03-03 13:02:52.182 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
[03-03 13:02:52.182 7284:7319 W/linker]
"/data/user_de/0/" unused DT entry: type 0xf arg 0x8a
[03-03 13:02:52.182 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule
[03-03 13:02:52.182 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.182, main]: Alarms:Enabling alarm: Mon Mar 05 06:15:00 GMT-02:00 2018 Do Bed: -1 Alert: android.resource://com.urbandroid.sleep/raw/default
[03-03 13:02:52.183 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.183, main]: Alarms:Doing smart bedtime
[03-03 13:02:52.184 2731:2731 D/ConditionProviders.SCP]
Scheduling evaluate for Sat Mar 03 22:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520121600000), in +8h57m7s818ms, now=Sat Mar 03 13:02:52 GMT-02:00 2018 (1520089372182)
[03-03 13:02:52.185 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.185, main]: Alarms:Auto start: at 1520237700000 TRACK Mon Mar 05 05:20:00 GMT-02:00 2018 CURRENT 1520089372184
[03-03 13:02:52.186 7284:7323 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:52.186 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.186, main]: SetAlarmCache:Setting in memory last scheduled alarm (AUTO_START) to: 3-e5c32f4a5d5867659be659966488aad8 - 1520234400000 (Mon Mar 05 05:20:00 GMT-02:00 2018)
[03-03 13:02:52.188 7284:7319 V/NativeCrypto]
Registering com/google/android/gms/org/conscrypt/NativeCrypto's 279 native methods...
[03-03 13:02:52.191 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.191, main]: SetAlarmCache:Setting in memory last scheduled alarm (SHOW_SKIP) to: 3-e5c32f4a5d5867659be659966488aad8 - 1520234100000 (Mon Mar 05 05:15:00 GMT-02:00 2018)
[03-03 13:02:52.193 7284:7323 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:52.203 7358:7358 I/GAv4]
Google Analytics 11.9.10 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
adb logcat -s GAv4
[03-03 13:02:52.208 7358:7358 I/GAv4]
Logger is deprecated. To enable debug logging, please run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
[03-03 13:02:52.208 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.208, main]: Analytics created
[03-03 13:02:52.216 7358:7432 W/GAv4]
CampaignTrackingReceiver is not registered, not exported or is disabled. Installation campaign tracking is not possible. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:02:52.224 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.224, main]: Dim property 4
[03-03 13:02:52.224 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.224, main]: LockManager: Lock manager initialized. Suspend mode: WORKS WL settings: 4
[03-03 13:02:52.226 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.226, main]: ShareService: isConnected token null
[03-03 13:02:52.227 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.227, main]: Global structures initialized: Sat Mar 03 13:02:52 GMT-02:00 2018
[03-03 13:02:52.228 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.228, main]: TrialFilter: Package: is release APK
[03-03 13:02:52.241 7284:7399 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:02:52.245 7284:7323 D/DynamitePackage]
Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
[03-03 13:02:52.245 7284:7323 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:52.247 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.247, main]: TrialFilter: T status: false
[03-03 13:02:52.254 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.254, main]: Multiprocess init remote = false
[03-03 13:02:52.254 7358:7429 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.254, AsyncTask #1]: Scroll: query 1
[03-03 13:02:52.255 7358:7358 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.255, main]: RingerModeUtil: Stream hearable in silent true stream: 4
[03-03 13:02:52.285 7358:7429 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.285, AsyncTask #1]: Deficit from Sun Mar 04 00:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 to Mon Feb 26 00:00:00 GMT-02:00 2018 1 1 total 77
[03-03 13:02:52.285 7358:7429 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.285, AsyncTask #1]: Avg deficit 343.0
[03-03 13:02:52.285 7358:7429 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.285, AsyncTask #1]: Alarms:Smart bedtime: 5days avg deficit 343min, ajdustment 2700000
[03-03 13:02:52.287 7358:7438 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.286, AsyncTask #2]: Calendar Holiday check: Result{code=CALENDAR_OPTION_DISABLED, offset=null}
[03-03 13:02:52.288 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.288, main]: Alarms:Canceling bedtime -> Not enabled ( -1)
[03-03 13:02:52.288 7358:7358 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.288, main]: SetAlarmCache:Resetting cache for: TIME_TO_BED
[03-03 13:02:52.289 7358:7440 I/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:02:52.289, AsyncTask #3]: Country detected using TelephonyLocator: br
[03-03 13:02:52.302 2731:3418 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:52.303 2731:2747 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) ActivityManager expire 7 lines
[03-03 13:02:52.310 7284:7284 W/YT.MDX.xyv]
CastAppId for type 0 not found. Defaulting to mainCastAppId.
[03-03 13:02:52.320 7284:7284 V/MediaRouter]
Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.348 7284:7284 V/MediaRouter]
Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.390 2731:2789 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) SensorService expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:52.408 7284:7284 W/YT.MDX.xyv]
CastAppId for type 0 not found. Defaulting to mainCastAppId.
[03-03 13:02:52.408 7284:7319 I/ProviderInstaller]
Installed default security provider GmsCore_OpenSSL
[03-03 13:02:52.448 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:52.467 7201:7277 I/TTS]
Done initializing pt-br-x-afs-lstm-embedded
[03-03 13:02:52.470 7284:7323 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:52.479 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:52.480 2524:2524 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:52.484 2524:2524 I/DrmHal]
makeDrmFactories: using default drm instance
[03-03 13:02:52.494 3616:3616 V/MediaRouter]
Adding route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.502 3616:3616 V/MediaRouter]
Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.505 3616:3616 I/MediaRouter]
Found default route: MediaRouter.RouteInfo{ uniqueId=android/acp:DEFAULT_ROUTE, name=Telefone, description=null, iconUri=null, enabled=true, connecting=false, connectionState=0, canDisconnect=false, playbackType=0, playbackStream=3, deviceType=0, volumeHandling=1, volume=8, volumeMax=15, presentationDisplayId=-1, extras=null, settingsIntent=null, providerPackageName=android }
[03-03 13:02:52.506 3616:3616 I/MediaRouter]
Unselecting the current route because it is no longer selectable: null
[03-03 13:02:52.519 3616:3616 V/MediaRouter]
Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.527 2731:3420 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) Binder:2731_D expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:52.539 7284:7284 V/MediaRouter]
Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Telefone, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Sistema types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
[03-03 13:02:52.551 2731:3415 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:52.599 3299:3820 W/ctxmgr]
[PendingIntentCompat]Timed out delivering to pendingIntent=PendingIntent{4dc8725: android.os.BinderProxy@b45a2e6}, intent=Intent { (has extras) }, permission=null
[03-03 13:02:52.636 6878:6894 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:52.643 6878:6894 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on HeapTrim for 7.640ms
[03-03 13:02:52.738 3299:7481 I/NetRec]
[242] abfb.a: Running CleanupDatabaseTask GCM task
[03-03 13:02:52.747 3299:7481 I/NetRec]
[242] abfb.a: Removed 0 records from the database
[03-03 13:02:52.751 2886:2886 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void$Event) due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:02:53.072 5370:5385 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:02:53.092 5370:5385 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:02:53.159 5385:5385 I/Binder:5370_2]
type=1400 audit(0.0:264): avc: denied { read } for name="modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.159 5385:5385 I/Binder:5370_2]
type=1400 audit(0.0:264): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.159 5385:5385 W/Binder:5370_2]
type=1300 audit(0.0:264): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=ffffff9c a1=77e68ce570 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:53.159 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:264): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:53.159 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:264):
[03-03 13:02:53.159 5385:5385 I/Binder:5370_2]
type=1400 audit(0.0:265): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.159 5385:5385 W/Binder:5370_2]
type=1300 audit(0.0:265): arch=c00000b7 syscall=80 success=yes exit=0 a0=37 a1=77db3d4f48 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:53.159 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:265): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:53.159 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:265):
[03-03 13:02:53.349 5385:5385 I/Binder:5370_2]
type=1400 audit(0.0:266): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev" dev="tmpfs" ino=8854 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.349 5385:5385 W/Binder:5370_2]
type=1300 audit(0.0:266): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=ffffff9c a1=77e68e9081 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:53.349 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:266): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:53.349 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:266):
[03-03 13:02:53.349 5385:5385 I/Binder:5370_2]
type=1400 audit(0.0:267): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/interrupts" dev="proc" ino=4026534907 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_interrupts:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.349 5385:5385 W/Binder:5370_2]
type=1300 audit(0.0:267): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=0 a1=77c863bb01 a2=0 a3=b8 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:53.349 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:267): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:02:53.349 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:267):
[03-03 13:02:53.370 5370:5385 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:02:53.414 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:02:53.428 3616:5282 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:02:53.444 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {flg=0x10108000 cmp=com.tinder/.activities.MainActivity} from uid 10123
[03-03 13:02:53.453 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:53.455 6967:6984 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:53.455 2886:3137 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:02:53.466 2731:2784 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) android.anim expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:53.468 3299:5813 I/Places]
?: Skipping call to PlaceGeofenceEventListener. Update fence triggered: false, Refresh fence triggered: true
[03-03 13:02:53.471 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:53.471 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69cb010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:53.471 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-0] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:02:53.496 6967:6984 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 40.919ms
[03-03 13:02:53.505 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 7494:com.tinder/u0a123 for activity com.tinder/.activities.MainActivity
[03-03 13:02:53.521 3299:3299 I/TrustAgent]
[PlaceLure] onEnteredTrustedPlace
[03-03 13:02:53.534 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:02:53.540 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-1] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:53.540 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69cb010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:53.540 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-1] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:02:53.575 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.592 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.592 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.592 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.608 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.608 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.608 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.618 3299:5813 W/Places]
?: Geofences did not trigger any PlaceGeofences.
[03-03 13:02:53.625 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.625 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.625 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.642 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.642 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.642 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.644 3299:5813 W/Places]
?: Geofences did not trigger any PlaceGeofences.
[03-03 13:02:53.644 7494:7494 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 28 lines
[03-03 13:02:53.646 3299:5813 I/Places]
?: Skipping call to PlaceGeofenceEventListener. Update fence triggered: true, Refresh fence triggered: false
[03-03 13:02:53.658 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.659 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.659 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.675 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.675 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.675 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.692 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.692 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.692 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.708 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.708 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.725 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.725 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.742 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.742 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.758 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.758 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.775 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.775 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.779 6730:6730 I/com.whatsapp]
type=1400 audit(0.0:268): avc: denied { read } for comm=4173796E635461736B202333 name="mem" dev="debugfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.779 6730:6730 I/com.whatsapp]
type=1400 audit(0.0:268): avc: denied { open } for comm=4173796E635461736B202333 path="/sys/kernel/debug/mali/mem" dev="debugfs" ino=229 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:02:53.779 6730:6730 W/com.whatsapp]
type=1300 audit(0.0:268): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=yes exit=75 a0=ffffff9c a1=ccbeee70 a2=a4000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2482 auid=4294967295 uid=10118 gid=10118 euid=10118 suid=10118 fsuid=10118 egid=10118 sgid=10118 fsgid=10118 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=4173796E635461736B202333 exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:02:53.779 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:268): proctitle="com.whatsapp"
[03-03 13:02:53.779 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:268):
[03-03 13:02:53.792 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.792 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.808 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.808 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.814 7494:7535 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) pool-6-thread-1 expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:53.825 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.825 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.842 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.842 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.875 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:02:53.973 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 59171(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 28(1516KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 15MB/26MB, paused 145us total 151.919ms
[03-03 13:02:54.001 3299:3820 W/ctxmgr]
[WorkManager]Long workInfo:, lbl=FenceEvaluationOperation, start=2018-03-03 13:02:42.502-0200, stop=2018-03-03 13:02:54.001-0200, durtn=11499ms
[03-03 13:02:54.039 3616:3923 W/Icing]
Usage reports not received in time.
[03-03 13:02:54.051 3299:3820 W/ctxmgr]
[ScreenProducer]No ongoing data (isScreenOn=true)
[03-03 13:02:54.066 3299:3299 I/WearableService]
Wearable Services stopping
[03-03 13:02:54.074 3299:3956 W/Icing]
Client died during reportUsage: android.os.DeadObjectException
[03-03 13:02:54.074 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:02:54.075 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Indexing 8A3E6D21319DBBFE28EF9BB1BA70779C370B347C from
[03-03 13:02:54.090 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Indexing done 8A3E6D21319DBBFE28EF9BB1BA70779C370B347C
[03-03 13:02:54.105 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:02:54.106 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Removing corpus key 42C6F10ABEC44CD4C3C588AEADB4AA0A69089A25 for package
[03-03 13:02:54.175 3299:3820 W/ctxmgr]
[AclManager]No 3 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=12217948, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 3299). Was: 3 for 1, account#-517948760#
[03-03 13:02:54.228 3299:5813 I/PlaceInferenceEngine]
[anon] Changed inference mode: 0
[03-03 13:02:54.278 3299:3820 W/ctxmgr]
[NetworkStateProducer]No state change for network connection context
[03-03 13:02:54.308 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition.
[03-03 13:02:54.321 7494:7613 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RenderThread expire 6 lines
[03-03 13:02:54.324 2731:2881 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.325 2731:2742 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.333 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task proactive_run_request_manager.
[03-03 13:02:54.350 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.351 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.375 3518:5337 W/LocationOracle]
No location history returned by ContextManager
[03-03 13:02:54.387 3299:3299 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:02:54.420 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:54.424 3518:5324 W/RequestManagerImpl]
graph.recentDetectedActivityOptional() should be cached
[03-03 13:02:54.429 7494:7609 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 39 lines
[03-03 13:02:54.490 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition.
[03-03 13:02:54.498 3907:5501 D/DownloadManager]
[218] Finished with status SUCCESS
[03-03 13:02:54.502 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.503 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
isScanAlwaysAvailable uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.511 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.512 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.536 3518:7628 I/WebViewFactory]
Loading version 64.0.3282.137 (code 328213752)
[03-03 13:02:54.560 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:54.580 7087:7111 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:54.580 3299:5813 I/Places]
?: PlacesBleScanner start() with priority 2
[03-03 13:02:54.583 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
Client requested scan, settings=BleSettings [scanMode=ZERO_POWER, callbackType=ALL_MATCHES, reportDelayMillis=0, 1 filters, 0 clients, callingClientName=Places]
[03-03 13:02:54.586 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
ZERO_POWER is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:54.586 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients
[03-03 13:02:54.591 7494:7504 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:54.617 3518:7628 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 4 ms (timestamps 7384-7388)
[03-03 13:02:54.620 3299:5813 I/PlaceInferenceEngine]
[anon] Changed inference mode: 1
[03-03 13:02:54.622 3299:5813 I/Places]
Converted 3 out of 3 WiFi scans
[03-03 13:02:54.622 2731:3398 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10027
[03-03 13:02:54.630 3518:7628 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:02:54.630 3518:7628 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:02:54.649 3616:7326 I/Vision]
Engine already satisfied by existing download for face
[03-03 13:02:54.663 3616:7326 I/Vision]
Engine already satisfied by existing download for ocr
[03-03 13:02:54.813 3299:3309 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 131954(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(184KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 469us total 152.653ms
[03-03 13:02:54.859 2731:2881 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.860 2731:2881 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:54.874 3299:5496 I/PlaceInferenceEngine]
No beacon scan available - ignoring candidates.
[03-03 13:02:54.907 3907:3919 V/DownloadManager]
Deleting /data/data/ via provider delete
[03-03 13:02:54.939 3518:6829 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
[03-03 13:02:54.964 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:54.998 7494:7513 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:55.010 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:55.045 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Displayed com.tinder/.activities.MainActivity: +1s553ms
[03-03 13:02:55.059 2731:2753 E/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:02:55.074 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:55.074 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:02:55.098 7494:7686 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 6 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.113 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10027
[03-03 13:02:55.114 2731:2881 E/Sensors]
before setDelay 1 10000000
[03-03 13:02:55.114 2731:2881 E/Sensors]
before setDelay 14 5000000
[03-03 13:02:55.114 2731:2881 D/Sensors]
activate handle 1, index 1
[03-03 13:02:55.114 2731:2881 I/Sensors]
Mag old sensor_state 34, new sensor_state : 38 en : 1
[03-03 13:02:55.115 7494:7685 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 6 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.116 7494:7690 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.116 7494:7687 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 3 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.117 7494:7690 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 4 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.117 7494:7687 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 3 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.121 2731:2881 D/Sensors]
mSensors[1]->enable err 0
[03-03 13:02:55.121 2731:2881 D/Sensors]
activate handle 14, index 7
[03-03 13:02:55.121 2731:2881 I/Sensors]
UcalGyro old sensor_state 38, new sensor_state : 65574 en : 1
[03-03 13:02:55.128 2731:2881 D/Sensors]
mSensors[7]->enable err 0
[03-03 13:02:55.144 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:55.148 3299:3821 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:02:55.160 5481:5494 I/Finsky]
[48] com.tinder: Account determined from installer data - [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:02:55.227 2508:3094 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:02:55.227 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69c9010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:02:55.237 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:55.240 3299:5746 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:02:55.248 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:55.251 3299:5746 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:02:55.258 7494:7695 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 39 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.292 2886:7700 I/zygote64]
Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 20673(913KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 51% free, 5MB/11MB, paused 82us total 74.174ms
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":5396,"placeId":"ChIJCwW6LptUzpQRQCjP_wggNhE"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":1814,"placeId":"ChIJUd8hkZpUzpQRV-3oBBDbjqo"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":581,"placeId":"ChIJye-LIJtUzpQRrVLszwRa0yw"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":473,"placeId":"ChIJr5geI5tUzpQRoxsQmNDA4g4"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":358,"placeId":"ChIJk11DLptUzpQRDjuEveti4y4"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":262,"placeId":"ChIJ74G3H5tUzpQRFp3s3TY3f64"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":224,"placeId":"ChIJ_XxnxJpUzpQRhhLBiw9t7AU"}
[03-03 13:02:55.353 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference: {"likelihoodE4":185,"placeId":"ChIJmZ9lJptUzpQRgRXYx1fqbl4"}
[03-03 13:02:55.354 3299:5746 I/GCoreUlr]
Place inference result: {"inferences":[{"likelihoodE4":5396,"placeId":"ChIJCwW6LptUzpQRQCjP_wggNhE"},{"likelihoodE4":1814,"placeId":"ChIJUd8hkZpUzpQRV-3oBBDbjqo"},{"likelihoodE4":581,"placeId":"ChIJye-LIJtUzpQRrVLszwRa0yw"},{"likelihoodE4":473,"placeId":"ChIJr5geI5tUzpQRoxsQmNDA4g4"},{"likelihoodE4":358,"placeId":"ChIJk11DLptUzpQRDjuEveti4y4"},{"likelihoodE4":262,"placeId":"ChIJ74G3H5tUzpQRFp3s3TY3f64"},{"likelihoodE4":224,"placeId":"ChIJ_XxnxJpUzpQRhhLBiw9t7AU"},{"likelihoodE4":185,"placeId":"ChIJmZ9lJptUzpQRgRXYx1fqbl4"}],"personalized":false,"powerMode":"noPower"}
[03-03 13:02:55.356 3299:3821 W/ctxmgr]
[AclManager]No 2 for (accnt=account#-517948760#,, vrsn=12217000, 0, 3pPkg = null , 3pMdlId = null , pid = 3299). Was: 3 for 18, account#-517948760#
[03-03 13:02:55.396 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 28688(1735KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/26MB, paused 1.163ms total 195.409ms
[03-03 13:02:55.427 7494:7696 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxComputationSc expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:55.545 7494:7504 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) HeapTaskDaemon expire 1 line
[03-03 13:02:55.808 3299:3299 I/TrustAgent]
[PhonePositionTracker] Received AR result: DetectedActivity [type=9, confidence=0] at 1520089375795
[03-03 13:02:55.815 7494:7494 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.865 3299:5813 I/Places]
?: PlacesBleScanner stop()
[03-03 13:02:55.866 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
Places requested to stop scan
[03-03 13:02:55.868 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
ZERO_POWER is disabled.
[03-03 13:02:55.868 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
'L' hardware scan: scan stopped, no powered clients
[03-03 13:02:55.868 3299:3299 I/BeaconBle]
Scan canceled successfully.
[03-03 13:02:55.871 7494:7689 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-5 expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:02:55.872 7494:7689 I/System.out]
00:01 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:55.872 7494:7689 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:01 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7689 I/System.out]
00:01 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7689 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:01 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:01 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:55.873 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:55.875 3299:5813 I/PlaceInferenceEngine]
[anon] Changed inference mode: 0
[03-03 13:02:55.887 3299:5813 I/PlaceInferenceEngine]
[anon] Changed inference mode: 0
[03-03 13:02:56.017 7494:7712 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:56.017 7494:7712 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.017 7494:7712 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:56.018 7494:7712 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.018 7494:7712 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:56.018 7494:7712 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.019 7494:7712 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:02:56.019 7494:7712 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.157 7494:7609 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
response code: 200
[03-03 13:02:56.177 7494:7729 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:56.177 7494:7729 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.178 7494:7729 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:56.178 7494:7729 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.178 7494:7729 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:56.178 7494:7729 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.194 5481:5492 I/Finsky]
[46] com.tinder: Account determined from installer data - [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:02:56.195 5481:5494 I/Finsky]
[48] com.tinder: Account determined from installer data - [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:02:56.204 7494:7732 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:56.204 7494:7732 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.204 7494:7732 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:56.204 7494:7732 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.205 7494:7732 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:56.205 7494:7732 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.209 3299:3299 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:02:56.216 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:56.219 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:56.239 7494:7494 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:56.281 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:56.283 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:56.292 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
Instantiated singleton DynamitePackage.
[03-03 13:02:56.292 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:56.330 7179:7197 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:56.331 5481:5567 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:02:56.339 7179:7197 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 9.830ms
[03-03 13:02:56.341 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Considering local module and remote module
[03-03 13:02:56.341 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Selected remote version of, version >= 273
[03-03 13:02:56.347 7494:7695 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
response code: 200
[03-03 13:02:56.356 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Unsupported class loader
[03-03 13:02:56.358 7494:7494 W/zygote64]
Skipping duplicate class check due to unsupported classloader
[03-03 13:02:56.394 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:56.397 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Considering local module and remote module
[03-03 13:02:56.397 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Selected remote version of, version >= 273
[03-03 13:02:56.408 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:56.409 7494:7656 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:56.411 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Considering local module and remote module
[03-03 13:02:56.411 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Selected remote version of, version >= 273
[03-03 13:02:56.421 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:02:56.424 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Considering local module and remote module
[03-03 13:02:56.424 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Selected remote version of, version >= 273
[03-03 13:02:56.467 7201:7219 I/zygote]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:56.476 7201:7219 I/zygote]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 8.847ms
[03-03 13:02:56.505 7494:7581 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
setCustomerUserId = fc139e01de0686777c656b085666affcfae767cd
[03-03 13:02:56.563 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Starting ad request.
[03-03 13:02:56.564 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("73C96B5333C95D2D80309358FED1D741") to get test ads on this device.
[03-03 13:02:56.566 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Webview loading for native ads.
[03-03 13:02:56.571 7494:7751 I/zygote64]
The ClassLoaderContext is a special shared library.
[03-03 13:02:56.620 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name =, sandboxed = true
[03-03 13:02:56.632 7764:7764 E//system/bin/webview_zygote32]
Failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99001: Permission denied
[03-03 13:02:56.632 7764:7764 E/Zygote]
createProcessGroup(99001, 0) failed: Permission denied
[03-03 13:02:56.635 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service com.tinder/
[03-03 13:02:56.637 7494:7494 I/cr_BrowserStartup]
Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false
[03-03 13:02:56.639 7494:7494 I/cr_base]
Android Locale: pt_BR requires .pak files: [pt-BR.pak, pt-PT.pak]
[03-03 13:02:56.682 7790:7790 E/asset]
setgid: Operation not permitted
[03-03 13:02:56.685 7494:7787 E/chromium]
[] Unable to locate service manifest for metrics
[03-03 13:02:56.685 7494:7787 E/chromium]
[] Failed to resolve service name: metrics
[03-03 13:02:56.706 7246:7263 I/zygote]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:56.719 7246:7263 I/zygote]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 12.848ms
[03-03 13:02:56.740 7764:7764 I/cr_ChildProcessService]
Creating new ChildProcessService pid=7764
[03-03 13:02:56.843 7494:7763 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:02:56.861 7494:7782 W/Ads]
Invoke Firebase method getInstance error.
[03-03 13:02:56.861 7494:7782 W/Ads]
The Google Mobile Ads SDK will not integrate with Firebase. Admob/Firebase integration requires the latest Firebase SDK jar, but Firebase SDK is either missing or out of date
[03-03 13:02:56.880 7284:7314 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:02:56.893 7494:7594 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:56.893 7494:7594 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.894 7494:7594 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:56.894 7494:7594 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.894 7494:7594 I/System.out]
00:02 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:56.894 7494:7594 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:56.923 7284:7314 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 43.474ms
[03-03 13:02:56.928 7494:7798 I/VideoCapabilities]
Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
[03-03 13:02:56.933 3299:3311 W/ConfigurationChimeraPro]
Caller is not authorized to access Uri: content:// -- metadata{ service_id: 51 }
[03-03 13:02:56.936 7494:7798 W/cr_MediaCodecUtil]
HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
[03-03 13:02:57.068 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 159410(8MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(756KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 13MB/26MB, paused 3.247ms total 236.853ms
[03-03 13:02:57.072 7764:7797 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 0 ms (timestamps 9742-9742)
[03-03 13:02:57.076 7764:7797 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:02:57.095 7494:7516 W/cr_CrashFileManager]
/data/user/0/com.tinder/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
[03-03 13:02:57.109 7764:7797 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:02:57.110 7764:7797 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:02:57.159 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Found cached request1520089300133
[03-03 13:02:57.171 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Found cached request1520089300206
[03-03 13:02:57.181 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Found cached request1520089300246
[03-03 13:02:57.185 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
resending request:
[03-03 13:02:57.185 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
[03-03 13:02:57.185 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
data: {"country":"BR","af_timestamp":"1520089233005","appsflyerKey":"X********************6","af_events_api":"1","isFirstCall":"false","operator":"TIM","network":"MOBILE","timepassedsincelastlaunch":"9","af_v2":"0cb24454947d42f106c33e5ad5750aba2cb11455","uid":"1520026636584-7469416514475296127","eventValue":"{\"birthday\":\"762957698\",\"appVersion\":\"8.8.0 (android) [2557]\",\"spotifyConnected\":false,\"gender\":0,\"registered\":true,\"advertisingId\":\"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1\",\"targetGender\":1,\"language\":\"pt\",\"lon\":-46.7969745,\"authId\":\"eDqE2GEeDZg\",\"platform\":2,\"appBuild\":2557,\"uid\":\"5a90a65a288917550ca98327\",\"instanceId\":\"eDqE2GEeDZg\",\"osVersion\":\"Android 8.1.0\",\"androidDeviceId\":\"f7dffbf80980a8ca\",\"pushEnabled\":true,\"from\":\"recommended\",\"model\":\"SM-A520F\",\"tinderPlus\":false,\"lat\":-23.6346674,\"resume\":false,\"anthemConnected\":false,\"manu\":\"samsung\",\"dataProvider\":\"TIMBRASIL\",\"age\":\"23\",\"ts\":1520089232818}","isGaidWithGps":"true","lang_code":"pt","installDate":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","app_version_code":"8080057","firstLaunchDate":"2018-03-02_193723-0200","eventName":"App.Open","model":"SM-A520F","lang":"português","deviceFingerPrintId":"ffffffff-f636-456a-0000-00003ea125aa","brand":"samsung","deviceType":"user","product":"a5y17ltexx","deviceData":{"cpu_abi":"arm64-v8a","build_display_id":"lineage_a5y17lte-userdebug 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.018 02bcad59d7 test-keys","arch":"","cpu_abi2":""},"installer_package":"","date2":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","counter":"10","date1":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","advertiserId":"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1","advertiserIdEnabled":"true","referrer":"utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic","af_v":"9a656e83fb51c2b91022fb8d21bd5e5932b4ed16","carrier":"TIMBRASIL","af_preinstalled":"false","iaecounter":"12","tokenRefreshConfigured":false,"sdk":"27","appUserId":"fc139e01de0686777c656b085666affcfae767cd","fb":"349642f6-8caf-4fcf-9874-0ea2dc2d3a4f","android_id":"f7dffbf80980a8ca","app_version_name":"8.8.0","device":"a5y17lte","prev_event":"{\"prev_event_timestamp\":\"1520077242744\",\"prev_event_value\":\"{\\\"birthday\\\":\\\"762956708\\\",\\\"appVersion\\\":\\\"8.8.0 (android) [2557]\\\",\\\"spotifyConnected\\\":false,\\\"gender\\\":0,\\\"registered\\\":true,\\\"advertisingId\\\":\\\"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1\\\",\\\"lon\\\":-46.7971884,\\\"targetGender\\\":1,\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\",\\\"authId\\\":\\\"eDqE2GEeDZg\\\",\\\"appBuild\\\":2557,\\\"platform\\\":2,\\\"uid\\\":\\\"5a90a65a288917550ca98327\\\",\\\"instanceId\\\":\\\"eDqE2GEeDZg\\\",\\\"osVersion\\\":\\\"Android 8.1.0\\\",\\\"androidDeviceId\\\":\\\"f7dffbf80980a8ca\\\",\\\"pushEnabled\\\":true,\\\"from\\\":\\\"recommended\\\",\\\"model\\\":\\\"SM-A520F\\\",\\\"tinderPlus\\\":false,\\\"lat\\\":-23.6348133,\\\"resume\\\":false,\\\"anthemConnected\\\":false,\\\"manu\\\":\\\"samsung\\\",\\\"dataProvider\\\":\\\"wifi\\\",\\\"age\\\":\\\"23\\\",\\\"ts\\\":1520077242515}\",\"prev_event_name\":\"App.Open\"}","platformextension":"android_native"}
[03-03 13:02:57.222 3299:3311 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[], packageName=null]
[03-03 13:02:57.223 3518:5324 E/GeofenceHelper]
Failed: remove geofences by PendingIntent
[03-03 13:02:57.271 3518:5324 I/TrainingQuestionManager]
updateFromServerResponse: no new training mode data and no pending answered questions to clear
[03-03 13:02:57.300 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:57.300 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.List
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.List.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.List
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.List.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.ArrayList
[03-03 13:02:57.301 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.ArrayList.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.302 5481:5492 I/Finsky]
[46] com.tinder: Account determined from installer data - [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:02:57.303 5481:5494 I/Finsky]
[48] com.tinder: Account determined from installer data - [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:02:57.303 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.ArrayList
[03-03 13:02:57.303 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.ArrayList.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.303 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:03 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.LinkedHashMap
[03-03 13:02:57.303 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.LinkedHashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:57.317 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_reset_without_restart.
[03-03 13:02:57.326 3451:3593 D/ProtoStore]
no cached data
[03-03 13:02:57.388 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.389 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.448 7494:7728 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
response code: 200
[03-03 13:02:57.448 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Deleting 1520089300133 from cache
[03-03 13:02:57.451 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
resending request:
[03-03 13:02:57.451 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
[03-03 13:02:57.452 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
data: {"country":"BR","af_timestamp":"1520089299327","appsflyerKey":"X********************6","af_events_api":"1","isFirstCall":"false","operator":"TIM","network":"MOBILE","timepassedsincelastlaunch":"0","af_v2":"4ab4419d76fbc098c218a7ccd2a0ed8ea6d70941","uid":"1520026636584-7469416514475296127","eventValue":"{\"birthday\":\"762957698\",\"appVersion\":\"8.8.0 (android) [2557]\",\"spotifyConnected\":false,\"gender\":0,\"registered\":true,\"advertisingId\":\"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1\",\"targetGender\":1,\"language\":\"pt\",\"lon\":-46.7969745,\"authId\":\"eDqE2GEeDZg\",\"platform\":2,\"appBuild\":2557,\"uid\":\"5a90a65a288917550ca98327\",\"instanceId\":\"eDqE2GEeDZg\",\"osVersion\":\"Android 8.1.0\",\"androidDeviceId\":\"f7dffbf80980a8ca\",\"pushEnabled\":true,\"from\":\"recommended\",\"model\":\"SM-A520F\",\"tinderPlus\":false,\"lat\":-23.6346674,\"resume\":true,\"anthemConnected\":false,\"manu\":\"samsung\",\"dataProvider\":\"TIMBRASIL\",\"age\":\"23\",\"ts\":1520089299157}","isGaidWithGps":"true","lang_code":"pt","installDate":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","app_version_code":"8080057","firstLaunchDate":"2018-03-02_193723-0200","eventName":"App.Open","model":"SM-A520F","lang":"português","deviceFingerPrintId":"ffffffff-f636-456a-0000-00003ea125aa","brand":"samsung","deviceType":"user","product":"a5y17ltexx","deviceData":{"cpu_abi":"arm64-v8a","build_display_id":"lineage_a5y17lte-userdebug 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.018 02bcad59d7 test-keys","arch":"","cpu_abi2":""},"installer_package":"","date2":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","counter":"11","date1":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","advertiserId":"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1","advertiserIdEnabled":"true","referrer":"utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic","af_v":"3a07dbd92b0a40b770c4a5378145f2f1fec0d720","carrier":"TIMBRASIL","af_preinstalled":"false","iaecounter":"14","tokenRefreshConfigured":false,"sdk":"27","appUserId":"fc139e01de0686777c656b085666affcfae767cd","fb":"349642f6-8caf-4fcf-9874-0ea2dc2d3a4f","android_id":"f7dffbf80980a8ca","app_version_name":"8.8.0","device":"a5y17lte","prev_event":"{\"prev_event_timestamp\":\"1520089261135\",\"prev_event_value\":\"{\\\"birthday\\\":\\\"762957698\\\",\\\"appVersion\\\":\\\"8.8.0 (android) [2557]\\\",\\\"spotifyConnected\\\":false,\\\"gender\\\":0,\\\"registered\\\":true,\\\"advertisingId\\\":\\\"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1\\\",\\\"targetGender\\\":1,\\\"language\\\":\\\"pt\\\",\\\"lon\\\":-46.7969745,\\\"authId\\\":\\\"eDqE2GEeDZg\\\",\\\"platform\\\":2,\\\"appBuild\\\":2557,\\\"uid\\\":\\\"5a90a65a288917550ca98327\\\",\\\"instanceId\\\":\\\"eDqE2GEeDZg\\\",\\\"osVersion\\\":\\\"Android 8.1.0\\\",\\\"androidDeviceId\\\":\\\"f7dffbf80980a8ca\\\",\\\"pushEnabled\\\":true,\\\"from\\\":\\\"recommended\\\",\\\"model\\\":\\\"SM-A520F\\\",\\\"tinderPlus\\\":false,\\\"lat\\\":-23.6346674,\\\"resume\\\":true,\\\"anthemConnected\\\":false,\\\"manu\\\":\\\"samsung\\\",\\\"dataProvider\\\":\\\"TIMBRASIL\\\",\\\"age\\\":\\\"23\\\",\\\"ts\\\":1520089260953}\",\"prev_event_name\":\"App.Open\"}","platformextension":"android_native"}
[03-03 13:02:57.461 3518:5333 W/LocationOracle]
No location history returned by ContextManager
[03-03 13:02:57.488 3518:5324 W/RequestManagerImpl]
graph.recentDetectedActivityOptional() should be cached
[03-03 13:02:57.520 2731:2742 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.521 2731:3414 I/WifiService]
isScanAlwaysAvailable uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.542 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.543 2731:2742 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:57.568 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:02:57.570 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Indexing 42C6F10ABEC44CD4C3C588AEADB4AA0A69089A25 from
[03-03 13:02:57.578 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Indexing done 42C6F10ABEC44CD4C3C588AEADB4AA0A69089A25
[03-03 13:02:57.593 3616:3616 I/WebViewFactory]
Loading version 64.0.3282.137 (code 328213752)
[03-03 13:02:57.620 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:57.620 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:57.631 3299:3641 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_IDS Ids=[e225127e-7ad8-47e1-9f93-646ce73efdae],]
[03-03 13:02:57.636 3299:3641 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_IDS Ids=[52f0b51d-3dfb-4261-b8f6-51ca5c467c4f],]
[03-03 13:02:57.659 3616:3616 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 6 ms (timestamps 424-430)
[03-03 13:02:57.688 3616:3616 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:02:57.689 3616:3616 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:02:57.720 3616:7850 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name =, sandboxed = true
[03-03 13:02:57.721 7494:7728 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
response code: 200
[03-03 13:02:57.722 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Deleting 1520089300206 from cache
[03-03 13:02:57.722 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
resending request:
[03-03 13:02:57.722 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
[03-03 13:02:57.723 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
data: {"country":"BR","af_timestamp":"1520089299313","appsflyerKey":"X********************6","af_events_api":"1","isFirstCall":"false","operator":"TIM","network":"MOBILE","timepassedsincelastlaunch":"38","af_v2":"faac271898660aa2c9d2acd8918dd193e80bee2d","uid":"1520026636584-7469416514475296127","isGaidWithGps":"true","lang_code":"pt","installDate":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","app_version_code":"8080057","firstLaunchDate":"2018-03-02_193723-0200","model":"SM-A520F","lang":"português","deviceFingerPrintId":"ffffffff-f636-456a-0000-00003ea125aa","brand":"samsung","deviceType":"user","product":"a5y17ltexx","deviceData":{"cpu_abi":"arm64-v8a","build_display_id":"lineage_a5y17lte-userdebug 8.1.0 OPM1.171019.018 02bcad59d7 test-keys","arch":"","cpu_abi2":""},"installer_package":"","date2":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","counter":"11","date1":"2018-03-02_193716-0200","advertiserId":"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1","advertiserIdEnabled":"true","referrer":"utm_source=google-play&utm_medium=organic","af_v":"f4e10624319811adb9968b01e28ba79a76bcce6a","carrier":"TIMBRASIL","af_preinstalled":"false","iaecounter":"13","tokenRefreshConfigured":false,"sdk":"27","appUserId":"fc139e01de0686777c656b085666affcfae767cd","fb":"349642f6-8caf-4fcf-9874-0ea2dc2d3a4f","android_id":"f7dffbf80980a8ca","app_version_name":"8.8.0","device":"a5y17lte","platformextension":"android_native"}
[03-03 13:02:57.734 7852:7852 E//system/bin/webview_zygote32]
Failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99002: Permission denied
[03-03 13:02:57.734 7852:7852 E/Zygote]
createProcessGroup(99002, 0) failed: Permission denied
[03-03 13:02:57.734 3616:3616 I/cr_BrowserStartup]
Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false
[03-03 13:02:57.736 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service
[03-03 13:02:57.737 3616:3616 I/cr_base]
Android Locale: pt_BR requires .pak files: [pt-BR.pak, pt-PT.pak]
[03-03 13:02:57.747 3299:3641 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
addGeofences: geofencingRequest=GeofencingRequest[geofences=[Geofence[CIRCLE id:465f2c3f-4900-49e8-b038-4ca3bb228b37 transitions:3 -23.634806, -46.797184 10000m, resp=300s, dwell=-1ms, @-1]], initialTrigger=5, tag=] intent=PendingIntent{f637c1f: android.os.BinderProxy@c277b6c}
[03-03 13:02:57.762 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Resolving using anchor 2018-03-03T13:02:57.762-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:02:57.765 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Resolving using anchor 2018-03-03T13:02:57.764-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:02:57.767 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Cycle 14 from 2018-03-02T00:00-02:00[America/Noronha] to 2018-04-02T00:00-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:02:57.768 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:02:57.769 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:02:57.771 3299:3641 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
addGeofences: geofencingRequest=GeofencingRequest[geofences=[Geofence[CIRCLE id:f898e2d2-4fa8-4703-8dad-bb3c18671665 transitions:3 -23.634815, -46.797154 200m, resp=300s, dwell=-1ms, @-1]], initialTrigger=5, tag=] intent=PendingIntent{f637c1f: android.os.BinderProxy@c277b6c}
[03-03 13:02:57.776 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:02:57.778 3616:3616 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:02:57.783 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:02:57.793 7887:7887 E/asset]
setgid: Operation not permitted
[03-03 13:02:57.804 3616:7889 E/chromium]
[] Unable to locate service manifest for metrics
[03-03 13:02:57.804 3616:7889 E/chromium]
[] Failed to resolve service name: metrics
[03-03 13:02:57.827 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Javascript has loaded for native ads.
[03-03 13:02:57.833 7852:7852 I/cr_ChildProcessService]
Creating new ChildProcessService pid=7852
[03-03 13:02:57.912 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendTransitions: location=Location[fused -23,634806,-46,797184 hAcc=88 et=+27s708ms vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=676]}]
[03-03 13:02:57.917 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:57.924 3616:7850 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:02:57.936 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:02:57.960 3616:7900 I/VideoCapabilities]
Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
[03-03 13:02:57.965 3616:7900 W/cr_MediaCodecUtil]
HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
[03-03 13:02:57.969 3616:5458 W/cr_CrashFileManager]
/data/user/0/ Reports does not exist or is not a directory
[03-03 13:02:57.969 3616:3903 I/CheckinCompat]
No service .update.SystemUpdateService to disable
[03-03 13:02:57.970 3616:3903 I/CheckinCompat]
No service .checkin.EventLogService to disable
[03-03 13:02:57.972 3616:3903 I/CheckinCompat]
No service .checkin.EventLogService$Receiver to disable
[03-03 13:02:57.972 3616:3903 I/CheckinCompat]
Done disabling old GoogleServicesFramework version
[03-03 13:02:57.985 7494:7728 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
response code: 200
[03-03 13:02:57.985 7494:7728 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Deleting 1520089300246 from cache
[03-03 13:02:58.006 7852:7898 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 0 ms (timestamps 711-711)
[03-03 13:02:58.007 7852:7898 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:02:58.009 7852:7898 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:02:58.009 7852:7898 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:02:58.026 3299:4590 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:02:58.033 3616:3626 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 79820(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 35(1380KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9MB/18MB, paused 871us total 106.185ms
[03-03 13:02:58.141 3616:3616 I/chromium]
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Document was loaded from Application Cache with manifest", source: (0)
[03-03 13:02:58.142 3616:3616 I/chromium]
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache Checking event", source: (0)
[03-03 13:02:58.176 2868:3883 I/DefaultStickerUpdate]
Successfully updated sticker index for DefaultStickerTaskData{enabled=true, metadataUriPrefix=, supportedLanguage=pt-BR}
[03-03 13:02:58.176 2868:2868 I/FirebaseJobDispatcher]
Task: DefaultStickerUpdate successes.
[03-03 13:02:58.196 3299:4590 E/Volley]
[130] BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 401 for
[03-03 13:02:58.278 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:58.340 2731:3415 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:02:58.341 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6845, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:02:58.356 3616:3616 I/chromium]
[INFO:CONSOLE(0)] "Application Cache NoUpdate event", source: (0)
[03-03 13:02:58.379 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6845, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:02:58.379 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10007 pid 6845 in 38ms
[03-03 13:02:58.689 3299:5746 E/ctxmgr]
[AppIntervalImpl]closeInterval: ongoing
[03-03 13:02:58.711 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 35872(2024KB) AllocSpace objects, 9(436KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 524us total 220.475ms
[03-03 13:02:58.816 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_context_fence_transition.
[03-03 13:02:58.826 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:58.827 2731:3395 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:58.829 3299:5746 W/ctxmgr]
[NetworkStateProducer]No state change for network connection context
[03-03 13:02:58.865 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
00:04 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
00:04 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
00:04 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:58.908 7494:7659 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.135 7494:7811 I/Ads]
No fill from ad server.
[03-03 13:02:59.162 7494:7494 W/Ads]
Failed to load ad: 3
[03-03 13:02:59.186 3616:3903 I/Icing]
Indexing 8A3E6D21319DBBFE28EF9BB1BA70779C370B347C from
[03-03 13:02:59.257 2507:2507 E/lowmemorykiller]
Error writing /proc/7764/oom_score_adj; errno=22
[03-03 13:02:59.258 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 0): isolated not needed
[03-03 13:02:59.259 2731:2747 W/system_server]
Failed to open process cgroup uid 99001 pid 7764: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:02:59.259 2731:2747 E/system_server]
Error encountered killing process cgroup uid 99001 pid 7764: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:02:59.262 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Removing empty ChildConnectionAllocator for package name =,
[03-03 13:02:59.275 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99000-99000
[03-03 13:02:59.276 2731:2748 D/BatteryStatsImpl]
Got readings for an isolated uid with no mapping to owning uid: 99000
[03-03 13:02:59.283 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99001-99001
[03-03 13:02:59.289 3518:3703 I/EventLogSendingHelper]
Sending log events.
[03-03 13:02:59.314 3616:3903 I/Icing]
Indexing done 8A3E6D21319DBBFE28EF9BB1BA70779C370B347C
[03-03 13:02:59.315 3616:3903 I/Icing]
Indexing 42C6F10ABEC44CD4C3C588AEADB4AA0A69089A25 from
[03-03 13:02:59.399 3518:3703 W/GoogleTagManager]
Failed to extract the container from the resource file. Resource is a UTF-8 encoded string but doesn't contain a JSON container
[03-03 13:02:59.418 2731:2809 I/InputReader]
Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000010
[03-03 13:02:59.424 3364:3364 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache]
Service unchanged, not updating
[03-03 13:02:59.427 3059:3059 D/ImsResolver]
maybeAddedImsService, packageName:
[03-03 13:02:59.430 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 0
[03-03 13:02:59.430 3059:3059 D/CarrierSvcBindHelper]
No carrier app for: 1
[03-03 13:02:59.435 3518:3703 E/GoogleTagManager]
Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
[03-03 13:02:59.481 3518:7933 E/GoogleTagManager]
Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
[03-03 13:02:59.482 3518:3518 E/GoogleTagManager]
getContainerId called on a released ContainerHolder.
[03-03 13:02:59.484 3299:3309 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 167722(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(328KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 10MB/20MB, paused 86us total 130.223ms
[03-03 13:02:59.486 3299:5342 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
removeGeofences: removeRequest=RemoveGeofencingRequest[REMOVE_BY_PENDING_INTENT pendingIntent=PendingIntent[], packageName=null]
[03-03 13:02:59.488 3518:5324 E/GeofenceHelper]
Failed: remove geofences by PendingIntent
[03-03 13:02:59.523 2731:2731 I/Telecom]
DefaultDialerCache: Refreshing default dialer for user 0: now DDC.oR@AGU
[03-03 13:02:59.524 3518:3518 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task request_schedule_reset_without_restart.
[03-03 13:02:59.545 3299:3299 I/GCoreNlp]
!shouldConfirmNlp, ensuring user opted into NLP
[03-03 13:02:59.552 7494:7692 I/System.out]
00:05 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:02:59.552 7494:7692 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
00:05 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
00:05 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
00:05 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:02:59.553 7494:7692 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.567 3518:5324 I/TrainingQuestionManager]
updateFromServerResponse: no new training mode data and no pending answered questions to clear
[03-03 13:02:59.580 2731:2744 W/Binder]
Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
[03-03 13:02:59.590 2731:2744 W/Binder]
Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
[03-03 13:02:59.607 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
[03-03 13:02:59.618 3451:3593 D/ProtoStore]
no cached data
[03-03 13:02:59.635 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.637 2731:3415 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.642 2731:2881 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.646 2731:3416 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.648 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:02:59.652 3299:3821 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:02:59.655 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:59.655 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:59.660 3518:3695 I/BgTaskExecutorImpl]
Starting EXCLUSIVE background task proactive_run_request_manager.
[03-03 13:02:59.667 2731:3395 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.668 2731:3395 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.672 2731:3395 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.673 2731:3420 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10019
[03-03 13:02:59.679 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:59.679 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:02:59.704 3616:3903 I/Icing]
Indexing done 42C6F10ABEC44CD4C3C588AEADB4AA0A69089A25
[03-03 13:02:59.711 2868:2868 I/IcingNotification]
Received intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:59.713 2868:2868 I/IcingNotification]
Received intent: Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }
[03-03 13:02:59.716 7494:7656 I/System.out]
00:05 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:02:59.716 7494:7656 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:02:59.730 3518:3518 W/SearchService]
Abort, client detached.
[03-03 13:03:00.246 2731:3420 W/Binder]
Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
at android.location.IGeocodeProvider$Stub$Proxy.getFromLocation(
at android.location.ILocationManager$Stub.onTransact(
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
[03-03 13:03:00.296 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:03:00.297 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:03:00.297 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:03:00.297 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:03:00.297 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:03:00.297 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
Could not set socket write timeout: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at (948-186052348):13)
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
Caused by: android.system.ErrnoException: setsockopt failed: EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
at Method)
[03-03 13:03:00.311 3299:5496 W/Conscrypt]
[03-03 13:03:00.864 2731:2789 E/Sensors]
AccSensor : Meta event
[03-03 13:03:01.053 3299:5746 W/ctxmgr]
[WorkManager]Long workInfo:, lbl=FenceEvaluationOperation, start=2018-03-03 13:02:59.850-0200, stop=2018-03-03 13:03:01.053-0200, durtn=1203ms
[03-03 13:03:01.165 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{1824350 u0 com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService}
[03-03 13:03:01.168 3299:5746 W/ctxmgr]
[NetworkStateProducer]No state change for network connection context
[03-03 13:03:01.327 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
[03-03 13:03:03.195 7494:7659 I/System.out]
00:09 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:03.195 7494:7659 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:03.821 7494:7594 I/System.out]
00:09 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:03.821 7494:7594 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.265 3299:3299 I/TrustAgent]
[PhonePositionTracker] Received AR result: DetectedActivity [type=9, confidence=0] at 1520089384258
[03-03 13:03:04.283 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:04.283 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.284 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:04.284 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.284 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:04.284 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.287 3518:3688 I/EventLogSendingHelper]
Sending log events.
[03-03 13:03:04.296 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:04.297 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.298 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.List
[03-03 13:03:04.298 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.List.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.300 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.ArrayList
[03-03 13:03:04.300 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.ArrayList.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.302 7494:7610 I/System.out]
00:10 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.LinkedHashMap
[03-03 13:03:04.302 7494:7610 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.LinkedHashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:04.964 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 228214(13MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(464KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 1.424ms total 234.323ms
[03-03 13:03:06.424 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
handleLingerComplete for NetworkAgentInfo [MOBILE (LTE) - 100]
[03-03 13:03:06.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1325 audit(0.0:269): table=mangle family=2 entries=30
[03-03 13:03:06.427 2480:2550 E/Netd]
Failed to dump IPv4 sockets for permission change: Invalid argument
[03-03 13:03:06.427 2480:2550 E/Netd]
Failed to close sockets changing netId 100 to permission 1: Invalid argument
[03-03 13:03:06.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:269):
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1325 audit(0.0:270): table=mangle family=10 entries=29
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:270):
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1325 audit(0.0:271): table=mangle family=2 entries=31
[03-03 13:03:06.437 2480:2550 E/Netd]
Failed to dump IPv4 sockets for permission change: Invalid argument
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:271):
[03-03 13:03:06.437 2480:2550 E/Netd]
Failed to close sockets changing netId 100 to permission 1: Invalid argument
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1325 audit(0.0:272): table=mangle family=10 entries=30
[03-03 13:03:06.419 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:272):
[03-03 13:03:06.743 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Starting ad request.
[03-03 13:03:06.744 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("73C96B5333C95D2D80309358FED1D741") to get test ads on this device.
[03-03 13:03:06.744 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Webview loading for native ads.
[03-03 13:03:06.782 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name =, sandboxed = true
[03-03 13:03:06.796 7954:7954 E//system/bin/webview_zygote32]
Failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99003: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:06.797 7954:7954 E/Zygote]
createProcessGroup(99003, 0) failed: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:06.797 2731:3415 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service com.tinder/
[03-03 13:03:06.880 7978:7978 E/asset]
setgid: Operation not permitted
[03-03 13:03:06.916 7954:7954 I/cr_ChildProcessService]
Creating new ChildProcessService pid=7954
[03-03 13:03:06.989 7954:7980 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 1 ms (timestamps 9711-9712)
[03-03 13:03:06.990 7954:7980 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:03:06.991 7954:7980 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:03:06.992 7954:7980 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:03:07.143 7494:7506 I/Ads]
No fill from ad server.
[03-03 13:03:07.154 7494:7494 W/Ads]
Failed to load ad: 3
[03-03 13:03:07.189 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Javascript has loaded for native ads.
[03-03 13:03:07.216 7494:7494 D/DynamitePackage]
[03-03 13:03:07.221 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Considering local module and remote module
[03-03 13:03:07.221 7494:7494 I/DynamiteModule]
Selected remote version of, version >= 273
[03-03 13:03:07.231 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Starting ad request.
[03-03 13:03:07.232 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("73C96B5333C95D2D80309358FED1D741") to get test ads on this device.
[03-03 13:03:07.246 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing 3696:android.process.acore/u0a2 (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:07.247 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-3696, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:07.278 2507:2507 E/lowmemorykiller]
Error writing /proc/7954/oom_score_adj; errno=22
[03-03 13:03:07.278 2731:3415 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 0): isolated not needed
[03-03 13:03:07.280 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Removing empty ChildConnectionAllocator for package name =,
[03-03 13:03:07.289 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-3696, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:07.289 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10002 pid 3696 in 41ms
[03-03 13:03:07.289 2731:2747 W/system_server]
Failed to open process cgroup uid 99003 pid 7954: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:03:07.289 2731:2747 E/system_server]
Error encountered killing process cgroup uid 99003 pid 7954: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:03:07.298 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99001-99001
[03-03 13:03:07.299 2731:2748 D/BatteryStatsImpl]
Got readings for an isolated uid with no mapping to owning uid: 99001
[03-03 13:03:07.306 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99003-99003
[03-03 13:03:07.552 7494:7506 I/Ads]
No fill from ad server.
[03-03 13:03:07.570 7494:7494 W/Ads]
Failed to load ad: 3
[03-03 13:03:07.620 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Starting ad request.
[03-03 13:03:07.621 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("73C96B5333C95D2D80309358FED1D741") to get test ads on this device.
[03-03 13:03:07.621 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Webview loading for native ads.
[03-03 13:03:07.661 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name =, sandboxed = true
[03-03 13:03:07.672 8004:8004 E//system/bin/webview_zygote32]
Failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99004: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:07.672 8004:8004 E/Zygote]
createProcessGroup(99004, 0) failed: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:07.678 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service com.tinder/
[03-03 13:03:07.737 8019:8019 E/asset]
setgid: Operation not permitted
[03-03 13:03:07.774 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2]$DailyHygieneService.onStartCommand(50): Beginning daily hygiene, foreground = false, reason = 6
[03-03 13:03:07.780 8004:8004 I/cr_ChildProcessService]
Creating new ChildProcessService pid=8004
[03-03 13:03:07.787 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:03:07.794 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN
[03-03 13:03:07.808 6609:6703 D/WhatsApp]
LL_D W [119:WriterThread] SEND <iq id='4' xmlns='w:p' type='get' to=''><ping/></iq>
[03-03 13:03:07.813 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Probe [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE] for hygiene pass
[03-03 13:03:07.824 3616:8031 I/Authzen]
[DeviceStateSyncManager] The server is in sync with current state. Nothing to do
[03-03 13:03:07.844 3299:3299 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:03:07.873 8004:8022 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 0 ms (timestamps 575-575)
[03-03 13:03:07.873 8004:8022 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Using linker: org.chromium.base.library_loader.ModernLinker
[03-03 13:03:07.875 8004:8022 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:03:07.875 8004:8022 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:03:07.938 8023:8023 I/WebViewFactory]
Loading version 64.0.3282.137 (code 328213752)
[03-03 13:03:07.993 7494:7505 I/Ads]
No fill from ad server.
[03-03 13:03:08.004 7494:7494 W/Ads]
Failed to load ad: 3
[03-03 13:03:08.019 8023:8023 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Time to load native libraries: 17 ms (timestamps 772-789)
[03-03 13:03:08.027 8023:8023 I/chromium]
[] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[03-03 13:03:08.028 8023:8023 I/cr_LibraryLoader]
Expected native library version number "64.0.3282.137", actual native library version number "64.0.3282.137"
[03-03 13:03:08.039 7494:7494 I/com.tinder]
type=1400 audit(0.0:273): avc: denied { read } for name="/" dev="tmpfs" ino=12408 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:08.039 7494:7494 I/com.tinder]
type=1400 audit(0.0:273): avc: denied { open } for path="/sbin" dev="tmpfs" ino=12408 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:08.039 7494:7494 W/com.tinder]
type=1300 audit(0.0:273): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=103 a0=ffffff9c a1=77ba342970 a2=84000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10123 gid=10123 euid=10123 suid=10123 fsuid=10123 egid=10123 sgid=10123 fsgid=10123 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:08.039 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:273): proctitle="com.tinder"
[03-03 13:03:08.039 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:273):
[03-03 13:03:08.058 8023:8055 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Create a new ChildConnectionAllocator with package name =, sandboxed = true
[03-03 13:03:08.064 7494:7494 D/AdSettings]
Test mode device hash: 7c5d6fd910a5190abe8899e8e9686f47
[03-03 13:03:08.064 7494:7494 D/AdSettings]
When testing your app with Facebook's ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice("7c5d6fd910a5190abe8899e8e9686f47");
[03-03 13:03:08.074 8060:8060 E//system/bin/webview_zygote32]
Failed to make and chown /acct/uid_99005: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:08.074 8060:8060 E/Zygote]
createProcessGroup(99005, 0) failed: Permission denied
[03-03 13:03:08.078 8023:8023 I/cr_BrowserStartup]
Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=false
[03-03 13:03:08.080 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for webview_service
[03-03 13:03:08.080 8023:8023 I/cr_base]
Android Locale: pt_BR requires .pak files: [pt-BR.pak, pt-PT.pak]
[03-03 13:03:08.081 7494:7494 D/IS_UNITY]
[03-03 13:03:08.101 2731:3416 D/Sensors]
activate handle 3, index 2
[03-03 13:03:08.101 2731:3416 I/Sensors]
Gyro old sensor_state 65574, new sensor_state : 65590 en : 1
[03-03 13:03:08.109 2731:3416 D/Sensors]
mSensors[2]->enable err 0
[03-03 13:03:08.124 2731:2789 E/Sensors]
AccSensor : Meta event
[03-03 13:03:08.136 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:08.137 8023:8023 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:03:08.143 8088:8088 E/asset]
setgid: Operation not permitted
[03-03 13:03:08.149 7494:7494 I/Ads]
Javascript has loaded for native ads.
[03-03 13:03:08.162 8023:8098 E/chromium]
[] Unable to locate service manifest for metrics
[03-03 13:03:08.162 8023:8098 E/chromium]
[] Failed to resolve service name: metrics
[03-03 13:03:08.179 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Skipping DFE self-update. Local Version [80901500] >= Server Version [-1]
[03-03 13:03:08.182 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Device configuration updated successfully.
[03-03 13:03:08.185 6609:6747 D/WhatsApp]
LL_D W [129:ReaderThread] RECV <iq from='' type='result' id='4' t='1520093043'/>
[03-03 13:03:08.186 8060:8060 I/cr_ChildProcessService]
Creating new ChildProcessService pid=8060
[03-03 13:03:08.200 2731:3415 D/Sensors]
activate handle 3, index 2
[03-03 13:03:08.200 2731:3415 I/Sensors]
Gyro old sensor_state 65590, new sensor_state : 65574 en : 0
[03-03 13:03:08.207 5481:8108 I/Finsky]
[100] Triggered Heterodyne Sync.
[03-03 13:03:08.207 2731:3415 D/Sensors]
mSensors[2]->enable err 0
[03-03 13:03:08.223 8023:8023 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:08.226 8023:8023 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:08.227 8023:8023 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:08.228 8023:8023 I/GAv4]
Google Analytics 9.2.56 is starting up. To enable debug logging on a device run:
adb shell setprop log.tag.GAv4 DEBUG
adb logcat -s GAv4
[03-03 13:03:08.246 8023:8114 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsReceiver is not registered or is disabled. Register the receiver for reliable dispatching on non-Google Play devices. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:03:08.256 8023:8114 W/GAv4]
AnalyticsService not registered in the app manifest. Hits might not be delivered reliably. See for instructions.
[03-03 13:03:08.278 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 44520(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 16(672KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 144us total 179.447ms
[03-03 13:03:08.286 2507:2507 E/lowmemorykiller]
Error writing /proc/8004/oom_score_adj; errno=22
[03-03 13:03:08.286 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 0): isolated not needed
[03-03 13:03:08.288 2731:2747 W/system_server]
Failed to open process cgroup uid 99004 pid 8004: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:03:08.288 2731:2747 E/system_server]
Error encountered killing process cgroup uid 99004 pid 8004: No such file or directory
[03-03 13:03:08.290 7494:7763 W/cr_ChildProcLH]
Removing empty ChildConnectionAllocator for package name =,
[03-03 13:03:08.322 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99003-99003
[03-03 13:03:08.323 2731:2748 D/BatteryStatsImpl]
Got readings for an isolated uid with no mapping to owning uid: 99003
[03-03 13:03:08.327 2731:2748 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99004-99004
[03-03 13:03:08.329 8023:8123 W/cr_CrashFileManager]
/data/user/0/ Reports does not exist or is not a directory
[03-03 13:03:08.329 2731:3398 I/WifiService]
acquireWifiLock uid=10027 lockMode=2
[03-03 13:03:08.343 2731:2789 E/Sensors]
AccSensor : Meta event
[03-03 13:03:08.353 2731:3395 I/WifiService]
releaseWifiLock uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:08.464 2731:2881 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:08.477 5481:5494 I/Finsky]
[48] Received content filters request from
[03-03 13:03:08.486 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 48794(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 7(148KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 12MB/24MB, paused 278us total 226.147ms
[03-03 13:03:08.493 2731:3420 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:03:08.512 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:08.512 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6942, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:08.535 8023:8121 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:03:08.549 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6942, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:08.549 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10035 pid 6942 in 36ms
[03-03 13:03:08.592 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Account synced successfully.
[03-03 13:03:08.688 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9000
[03-03 13:03:08.689 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9001
[03-03 13:03:08.690 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9002
[03-03 13:03:08.805 7494:8149 I/ProxyCache]
Proxy cache server started. Ping it...
[03-03 13:03:08.808 7494:8156 D/ProxyCache]
Open connection to
[03-03 13:03:08.817 7494:8155 D/ProxyCache]
Accept new socket Socket[address=/,port=44204,localPort=51754]
[03-03 13:03:08.820 7494:8158 I/ProxyCache]
Request to cache proxy:GetRequest{rangeOffset=0, partial=false, uri='ping'}
[03-03 13:03:08.821 7494:8158 D/ProxyCache]
Opened connections: 0
[03-03 13:03:08.822 7494:8156 D/ProxyCache]
Ping response: `ping ok`, pinged? true
[03-03 13:03:08.823 3299:8130 I/InstantApps]
DomainFilterImpl: Domain filter response size: 33724
[03-03 13:03:08.857 5481:8108 W/ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend]
Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs.
[03-03 13:03:09.044 5481:8108 I/chatty]
uid=10013( identical 6 lines
[03-03 13:03:09.050 5481:8108 W/ProxyAndroidLoggerBackend]
Too many Flogger logs received before configuration. Dropping old logs.
[03-03 13:03:09.134 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS
[03-03 13:03:09.137 2731:3395 D/WificondControl]
Scan result ready event
[03-03 13:03:09.400 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling auto-update check using PhoneskyScheduler.
[03-03 13:03:09.408 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Logging device features
[03-03 13:03:09.421 5481:5481 W/Settings]
Setting install_non_market_apps has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
[03-03 13:03:09.421 5481:8163 I/Finsky]
[106] [Cache and Sync] mode not available for any accounts.
[03-03 13:03:09.423 5481:5481 W/Settings]
Setting download_manager_max_bytes_over_mobile has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
[03-03 13:03:09.432 5481:8163 D/Volley]
[106] c.b: Cache cleared.
[03-03 13:03:09.443 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:03:09.486 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Starting WearSupportService for hygiene
[03-03 13:03:09.487 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Connecting to wearable; initiated by:
[03-03 13:03:09.498 3299:3299 I/WearableService]
Wearable Services not starting - Wear is not available on this device.
[03-03 13:03:09.504 5481:8179 I/Finsky]
[109]$FlushLogsService.onHandleIntent(10): Flushing event logs for [Z0JWi7ZMm2pE7AHWQSjhayq8lJE]
[03-03 13:03:09.504 3299:5342 W/WearableService]
onGetService - Wear is not available on this device.
[03-03 13:03:09.505 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:09.507 5481:5481 E/Finsky]
[2] onConnectionFailed: ConnectionResult{statusCode=API_UNAVAILABLE, resolution=null, message=null}
[03-03 13:03:09.509 5481:5481 W/Finsky]
[2] Dropping command=hygiene due to Gms not connected
[03-03 13:03:09.509 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Stopping WearSupportService
[03-03 13:03:09.512 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] Connecting to server for timestamp:
[03-03 13:03:09.516 5481:8181 I/PlayCommon]
[110] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:09.517 5481:8181 I/PlayCommon]
[110] No file ready to send
[03-03 13:03:09.521 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9001
[03-03 13:03:09.523 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9002
[03-03 13:03:09.525 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9000
[03-03 13:03:09.526 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9003
[03-03 13:03:09.529 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9000
[03-03 13:03:09.533 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9003
[03-03 13:03:09.536 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9001
[03-03 13:03:09.538 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9002
[03-03 13:03:09.626 2731:2881 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:09.627 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6878, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:09.669 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6878, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:09.669 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10098 pid 6878 in 42ms
[03-03 13:03:09.707 8165:8165 D/PhenotypeUpdateService]
onCreate called
[03-03 13:03:09.716 8165:8201 D/PhenotypeUpdateService]
Registering with Phenotype
[03-03 13:03:09.730 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:09.731 8165:8199 W/PlayCommon]
[95] No account for auth token provided
[03-03 13:03:09.732 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Connecting to server:
[03-03 13:03:09.748 8165:8195 I/Finsky]
[91] Instant App enable status is already in sync with WHAPI for
[03-03 13:03:09.756 8165:8199 D/NetworkSecurityConfig]
No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
[03-03 13:03:09.768 2731:3398 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:09.769 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6967, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:09.789 2731:2742 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=17, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@b00f064)
[03-03 13:03:09.801 3616:3626 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 103064(7MB) AllocSpace objects, 18(412KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 10MB/21MB, paused 213us total 121.340ms
[03-03 13:03:09.809 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6967, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:09.809 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10094 pid 6967 in 40ms
[03-03 13:03:09.837 3299:3299 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:03:09.851 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] Connecting to server:
[03-03 13:03:09.940 2731:2748 I/WifiService]
requestActivityInfo uid=1000
[03-03 13:03:09.940 2731:2748 I/WifiService]
reportActivityInfo uid=1000
[03-03 13:03:09.940 2731:2748 I/WifiService]
getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
WifiVendorCommand 0x7feb7f38f8 created vendor_id:0x1374 subcmd:38
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2731:2745 D/KernelUidCpuTimeReader]
Removing uids 99004-99004
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Got a Wi-Fi HAL module message from Driver
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Supported feature set : 9981f
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Supported feature set acquired : 9981f
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
WifiVendorCommand 0x722845e7e0 created vendor_id:0x1374 subcmd:76
[03-03 13:03:09.941 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
create: mVendor_id = 4980, Subcmd = 76.
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2731:2745 D/BatteryStatsImpl]
Got readings for an isolated uid with no mapping to owning uid: 99004
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
WifiVendorCommand 0x7feb7f3aa8 created vendor_id:0x1374 subcmd:38
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Got a Wi-Fi HAL module message from Driver
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Supported feature set : 9981f
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
Supported feature set acquired : 9981f
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
WifiVendorCommand 0x722845e7e0 created vendor_id:0x1374 subcmd:76
[03-03 13:03:09.942 2504:2504 V/WifiHAL]
create: mVendor_id = 4980, Subcmd = 76.
[03-03 13:03:09.949 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
no controller energy info supplied for bluetooth
[03-03 13:03:09.959 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
[03-03 13:03:10.085 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Successfully uploaded logs.
[03-03 13:03:10.086 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:10.086 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] No file ready to send
[03-03 13:03:10.088 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:10.090 8165:8199 W/PlayCommon]
[95] No account for auth token provided
[03-03 13:03:10.090 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Connecting to server:
[03-03 13:03:10.111 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] Successfully uploaded logs.
[03-03 13:03:10.112 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:10.113 5481:5545 I/PlayCommon]
[56] No file ready to send
[03-03 13:03:10.343 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Successfully uploaded logs.
[03-03 13:03:10.344 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:10.344 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] No file ready to send
[03-03 13:03:10.540 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:10.541 2731:2742 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #18
[03-03 13:03:10.541 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7087, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:10.579 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7087, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:10.579 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10005 pid 7087 in 38ms
[03-03 13:03:10.579 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6867, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:10.579 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10026 pid 6867 in 0ms
[03-03 13:03:10.630 7494:7683 I/System.out]
00:16 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:10.630 7494:7683 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:10.761 3616:3626 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 348086(9MB) AllocSpace objects, 1(132KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 13MB/26MB, paused 215us total 149.803ms
[03-03 13:03:11.480 7494:7732 I/System.out]
00:17 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:11.480 7494:7732 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:11.753 3616:3626 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 611565(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 9(576KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 11MB/22MB, paused 120us total 137.164ms
[03-03 13:03:11.756 3299:3299 I/TrustAgent]
[PhonePositionTracker] Received AR result: DetectedActivity [type=9, confidence=0] at 1520089391752
[03-03 13:03:11.936 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 45310(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 8(192KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 157us total 173.496ms
[03-03 13:03:12.059 2731:2745 W/ActivityManager]
Timeout executing service: ServiceRecord{b054371 u0}
[03-03 13:03:12.130 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.131 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
registered intercept for pid 5794 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:12.132 5794:5802 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 3 lines
[03-03 13:03:12.254 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
received crash request for pid 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.254 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
found intercept fd 512 for pid 5794 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:12.255 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.255 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.255 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
registered intercept for pid 5794 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:12.255 5794:5794 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:12.308 8219:8219 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) crash_dump64 expire 2 lines
[03-03 13:03:12.309 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
received crash request for pid 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.309 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
found intercept fd 512 for pid 5794 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:12.962 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 5794
[03-03 13:03:12.964 2731:2745 E/ActivityManager]
ANR in
PID: 5794
Reason: executing service
Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
CPU usage from 25426ms to 2120ms ago (2018-03-03 13:02:46.636 to 2018-03-03 13:03:09.942):
53% 2731/system_server: 39% user + 14% kernel / faults: 37268 minor 4 major
37% 3616/ 25% user + 12% kernel / faults: 264787 minor 297 major
36% 3299/ 28% user + 7.8% kernel / faults: 16998 minor 22 major
16% 3518/ 13% user + 3% kernel / faults: 25162 minor 159 major
16% 2886/ 14% user + 2.1% kernel / faults: 26030 minor 1 major
12% 2508/surfaceflinger: 7% user + 5.4% kernel / faults: 634 minor
9.4% 1297/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 9.4% kernel
6.8% 537/spi2: 0% user + 6.8% kernel
4.1% 3907/ 2.4% user + 1.7% kernel / faults: 3104 minor
4% 6609/com.whatsapp: 1.7% user + 2.2% kernel / faults: 855 minor 6 major
3.9% 5481/ 3.1% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 5742 minor 89 major
3.4% 5370/ 3% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 10619 minor
2.9% 2868/ 2.6% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 5512 minor 3 major
2.7% 2600/AR6K Async: 0% user + 2.7% kernel
2.6% 3451/ 2.1% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 4518 minor 23 major
2% 3495/ 1.1% user + 0.9% kernel / faults: 763 minor
1.9% 2604/VosTlshimRxThre: 0% user + 1.9% kernel
1.8% 4453/ 1.2% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 754 minor
1.8% 2376/logd: 0.6% user + 1.1% kernel / faults: 64 minor
1.5% 3652/com.facebook.katana: 1.2% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 1795 minor 15 major
1.5% 3059/ 1% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 924 minor 1 major
1.4% 2369/jbd2/mmcblk0p25: 0% user + 1.4% kernel
0.4% 4/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
1.1% 1608/irq/570-SSP_Int: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1% 2377/servicemanager: 0.3% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 7 minor
1% 2666/koobirqd: 0% user + 1% kernel
0.9% 2481/zygote64: 0.2% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 2481 minor
0.9% 2883/sdcard: 0% user + 0.9% kernel / faults: 1 minor
0.3% 744/kswapd0: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.8% 1498/decon0: 0% user + 0.8% kernel
0.7% 709/cfinteractive: 0% user + 0.7% kernel
0.7% 2507/lmkd: 0% user + 0.6% kernel / faults: 2 minor
0.4% 3193/kworker/u17:2: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.6% 84/kworker/u17:0: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
0.6% 5933/kworker/1:2: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
0.6% 2480/netd: 0% user + 0.5% kernel / faults: 991 minor
0.5% 6056/ 0.4% user + 0% kernel / faults: 845 minor 4 major
0.4% 1136/irq/5-bt532_ts_: 0% user + 0.4% kernel
0.4% 3726/ 0.3% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 219 minor
0.2% 664/ion_noncontig_h: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.1% 1444/kworker/u16:4: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.3% 2357/kworker/0:1H: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 2599/AR6K TxCompleti: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 602/kworker/0:1: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 2601/VosMCThread: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 6126/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 867 minor 5 major
0.2% 711/kworker/2:1: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 2389/logcat: 0% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 5 minor
0.2% 2517/rild: 0.2% user + 0% kernel / faults: 158 minor
0.2% 2519/audioserver: 0.1% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 37 minor
0.2% 7/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 59/kworker/u16:1: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.1% 2482/zygote: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 517 minor
0.1% 3009/webview_zygote32: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 587 minor
0.1% 3364/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 273 minor
0.1% 8/rcu_sched: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 10/rcuc/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 16/rcuc/1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 28/rcuc/3: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 4991/kworker/3:2: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0% 22/rcuc/2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 34/rcuc/4: 0% user + 0% kerne
[03-03 13:03:12.966 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj -700): bg anr
[03-03 13:03:12.967 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-5794, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:12.972 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Resolving using anchor 2018-03-03T13:03:12.972-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:03:12.975 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Resolving using anchor 2018-03-03T13:03:12.975-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:03:12.977 2731:2819 D/RecurrenceRule]
Cycle 14 from 2018-03-02T00:00-02:00[America/Noronha] to 2018-04-02T00:00-02:00[America/Noronha]
[03-03 13:03:12.977 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolving plan for NetworkTemplate: matchRule=MOBILE_ALL, subscriberId=724031..., matchSubscriberIds=[724031...]
[03-03 13:03:12.979 2731:2741 W/ActivityManager]
Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
[03-03 13:03:12.980 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Found active matching subId 1
[03-03 13:03:12.986 2731:2819 D/NetworkStats]
Resolved to plan null
[03-03 13:03:13.009 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-5794, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:13.009 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1002 pid 5794 in 42ms
[03-03 13:03:14.006 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:03:14.107 8222:8222 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 34 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.150 8222:8236 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 13 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.151 8222:8237 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 20 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.153 8222:8240 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:14.153 8222:8241 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:14.155 8222:8242 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 5 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.159 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth Adapter name changed to Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:03:14.159 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Stored Bluetooth name: Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:03:14.165 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:14.165 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:14.166 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 11 receivers.
[03-03 13:03:14.167 3518:3578 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@10caf63
[03-03 13:03:14.167 3299:3311 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ad6be76
[03-03 13:03:14.167 3616:3785 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@8ff6468
[03-03 13:03:14.167 2731:2753 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f77288a
[03-03 13:03:14.167 2886:2900 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@62a4d62
[03-03 13:03:14.167 7494:7505 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4608b71
[03-03 13:03:14.167 4453:4469 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4456752
[03-03 13:03:14.167 3652:4702 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@1259033
[03-03 13:03:14.168 3364:3376 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ced417c
[03-03 13:03:14.168 8222:8233 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:14.168 3059:3204 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@7510895
[03-03 13:03:14.169 8222:8234 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:14.170 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:14.173 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Stored Bluetooth name: Samsung Galaxy A5 2017
[03-03 13:03:14.173 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:14.173 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
[03-03 13:03:14.174 8222:8247 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 1 line
[03-03 13:03:14.190 8222:8252 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 166 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.191 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:14.179 8252:8252 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 7 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.179 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:274): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:14.179 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:274):
[03-03 13:03:14.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:275): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:14.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:275):
[03-03 13:03:14.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:276): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:14.409 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:276):
[03-03 13:03:14.472 8222:8252 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) expire 683 lines
[03-03 13:03:14.508 8165:8180 I/zygote]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:03:14.509 3299:3299 I/WearableService]
Wearable Services stopping
[03-03 13:03:14.525 8165:8180 I/zygote]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 17.757ms
[03-03 13:03:14.581 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.193, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 193: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 193
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.194, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 194: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 194
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.195, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 195: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 195
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.196, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 196: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 196
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.197, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 197: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 197
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.198, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 198: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 198
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.199, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.610 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 199: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 199
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.200, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 200: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 200
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.201, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.611 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 201: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.623 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 201
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.202, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 202: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 202
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.203, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 203: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 203
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.204, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 204: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 204
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.205, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 205: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 205
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.206, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 206: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 206
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.207, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 207: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 207
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.208, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 208: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 208
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.209, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 209: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 209
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.210, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 210: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 210
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.211, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 211: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 211
[03-03 13:03:14.624 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.212, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 212: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 212
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.213, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 213: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 213
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.214, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 214: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 214
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.215, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 215: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 215
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.216, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 216: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 216
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.217, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.625 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 217: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 217
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.218, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 218: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 218
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.219, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 219: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 219
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.220, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 220: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 220
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.221, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.637 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 221: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 221
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.222, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 222: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 222
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.223, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 223: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 223
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.224, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 224: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 224
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.225, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 225: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 225
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.226, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 226: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 226
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.227, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 227: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 227
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.228, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 228: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 228
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.229, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 229: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 229
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.230, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 230: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 230
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.231, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 231: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 231
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.232, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 232: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 232
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.233, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 233: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 233
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.234, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.638 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 234: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 234
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.235, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 235: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 235
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.236, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 236: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 236
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.237, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 237: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 237
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.238, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 238: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 238
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.239, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 239: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 239
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.240, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 240: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 240
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.241, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 241: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 241
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.242, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 242: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 242
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.243, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 243: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.244, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.651 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 244: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 244
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.245, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 245: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 245
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.246, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 246: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 246
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.247, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 247: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 247
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.248, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 248: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 248
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.249, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 249: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 249
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.250, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.652 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 250: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 250
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.251, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 251: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 251
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.252, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 252: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 252
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.253, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 253: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 253
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.254, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 254: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 254
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.255, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 255: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 255
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.256, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 256: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 256
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.257, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 257: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 257
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.258, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 258: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 258
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.259, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 259: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 259
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.260, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 260: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 260
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.261, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 261: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 261
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.262, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 262: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 262
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.263, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 263: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.665 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 263
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.264, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 264: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 264
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.265, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 265: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 265
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.266, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 266: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 266
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.267, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.666 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 267: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 267
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.268, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 268: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 268
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.269, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 269: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.678 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 269
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.270, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 270: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 270
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.271, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 271: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 271
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.272, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 272: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Successfully downloaded patch segment: 272
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
rome_tlv_dnld_segment: Downloading TLV Patch segment no.273, size:243
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_TLV_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD 273: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0xf5 0x1e 0xf3
[03-03 13:03:14.679 8222:8252 I/bt_vendor]
read_hci_event: Wait for Command Compete Event from SOC
[03-03 13:03:14.769 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:14.771 8165:8199 W/PlayCommon]
[95] No account for auth token provided
[03-03 13:03:14.771 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Connecting to server:
[03-03 13:03:15.014 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Successfully uploaded logs.
[03-03 13:03:15.020 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] Preparing logs for uploading
[03-03 13:03:15.024 8165:8199 I/PlayCommon]
[95] No file ready to send
[03-03 13:03:15.521 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:15.531 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {cmp=com.tinder/.chat.activity.GrandGestureChatActivity (has extras)} from uid 10123
[03-03 13:03:15.566 2731:3395 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:15.567 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7126, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:15.609 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7126, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:15.609 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 7126 in 42ms
[03-03 13:03:15.616 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:03:15.621 3299:3821 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:03:15.767 7494:7625 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:15.767 7494:7625 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.767 7494:7632 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:15.767 7494:7632 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7632 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7632 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7632 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7632 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7625 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:15.768 7494:7625 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.769 7494:7625 I/System.out]
00:21 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:15.769 7494:7625 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:15.774 7494:7516 W/LOTTIE]
Lottie doesn't support layer effects. If you are using them for fills, strokes, trim paths etc. then try adding them directly as contents in your shape.
[03-03 13:03:15.775 7494:7516 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) AsyncTask #4 identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:15.776 7494:7516 W/LOTTIE]
Lottie doesn't support layer effects. If you are using them for fills, strokes, trim paths etc. then try adding them directly as contents in your shape.
[03-03 13:03:15.875 7494:7494 E/RecyclerView]
No adapter attached; skipping layout
[03-03 13:03:15.879 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:15.911 7494:7635 W/LOTTIE]
Animation contains merge paths but they are disabled.
[03-03 13:03:15.913 7494:7635 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) RxIoScheduler-3 identical 7 lines
[03-03 13:03:15.913 7494:7635 W/LOTTIE]
Animation contains merge paths but they are disabled.
[03-03 13:03:15.961 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:15.969 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Displayed com.tinder/.chat.activity.GrandGestureChatActivity: +381ms
[03-03 13:03:15.980 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:16.077 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 6 lines
[03-03 13:03:16.094 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:16.108 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 188778(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 21(1676KB) LOS objects, 37% free, 40MB/64MB, paused 311us total 325.165ms
[03-03 13:03:16.111 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:16.144 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 2 lines
[03-03 13:03:16.161 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:16.171 7494:7516 W/LOTTIE]
Lottie doesn't support layer effects. If you are using them for fills, strokes, trim paths etc. then try adding them directly as contents in your shape.
[03-03 13:03:16.177 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:16.221 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:16.222 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:16.309 2508:2609 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/com.tinder.activities.MainActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:16.309 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77cfa7a010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:16.309 7494:7613 D/OpenGLRenderer]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0x77ca87f800 (RelativeLayout) with handle 0x77b8f0b5a0
[03-03 13:03:16.458 2731:2748 E/BatteryExternalStatsWorker]
modem info is invalid: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0}
[03-03 13:03:16.505 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 1325334(35MB) AllocSpace objects, 41(10MB) LOS objects, 32% free, 50MB/74MB, paused 709us total 283.071ms
[03-03 13:03:17.292 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:17.294 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {cmp=com.tinder/.profile.activities.MatchProfileActivity (has extras)} from uid 10123
[03-03 13:03:17.423 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:17.476 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Displayed com.tinder/.profile.activities.MatchProfileActivity: +154ms
[03-03 13:03:17.482 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:17.482 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:17.494 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:17.510 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:17.527 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:17.533 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:17.533 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77b3377010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:17.543 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:17.693 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 9 lines
[03-03 13:03:17.710 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:19.183 7494:7504 I/zygote64]
NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 1079819(29MB) AllocSpace objects, 17(3MB) LOS objects, 50% free, 21MB/42MB, paused 460us total 343.838ms
[03-03 13:03:19.729 2731:8267 I/BackgroundDexOptService]
Pinning optimized code {}
[03-03 13:03:22.190 8222:8240 E/bt_hci]
[03-03 13:03:22.190 8222:8237 E/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Failed to start up module "hci_module"
[03-03 13:03:22.191 8222:8268 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8268, thread name bt_workqueue started
[03-03 13:03:22.191 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] Bluetooth chip preload is complete
[03-03 13:03:22.192 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATT_Register
[03-03 13:03:22.192 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] allocated gatt_if=1
[03-03 13:03:22.192 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService
[03-03 13:03:22.192 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
[03-03 13:03:22.192 8222:8268 E/]
[0303/] gatt_profile_db_init: gatt_if=1
[03-03 13:03:22.194 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATT_Register
[03-03 13:03:22.194 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] allocated gatt_if=2
[03-03 13:03:22.194 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService
[03-03 13:03:22.194 8222:8268 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
[03-03 13:03:22.195 8222:8269 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8269, thread name btu message loop started
[03-03 13:03:22.196 8222:8270 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8270, thread name module_wrapper started
[03-03 13:03:22.196 8222:8270 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Starting module "controller_module"
[03-03 13:03:23.709 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] onJobSchedulerWakeup
[03-03 13:03:23.719 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling fallback in 43199992 (absolute: 43276481)
[03-03 13:03:23.728 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling fallback in 64799992 (absolute: 64876490)
[03-03 13:03:23.740 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] DeviceState: DeviceState{currentTime=1520089403730, isCharging=false, isIdle=false, netAny=true, netNotRoaming=true, netUnmetered=true}
[03-03 13:03:23.761 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Running job: 1 (12)
[03-03 13:03:23.763 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] ContentSyncJob started
[03-03 13:03:23.765 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] RunningQueue size: 1
[03-03 13:03:23.766 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] PendingQueue size: 0
[03-03 13:03:23.864 5481:5550 I/Finsky]
[59] Completed 0 account content syncs with 0 successful.
[03-03 13:03:23.864 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Installation state replication succeeded.
[03-03 13:03:23.864 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] jobFinished: 1 12
[03-03 13:03:23.865 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Job 1 (12) finished
[03-03 13:03:23.865 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] RunningQueue size: 0
[03-03 13:03:23.866 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] PendingQueue size: 0
[03-03 13:03:23.866 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Executor finished
[03-03 13:03:23.880 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Cancelling existing job with id: 9001
[03-03 13:03:23.882 5481:5481 I/Finsky]
[2] Scheduling job with id: 9000
[03-03 13:03:25.536 2731:2745 W/ActivityManager]
Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
[03-03 13:03:25.610 7494:7629 I/System.out]
00:31 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:25.610 7494:7629 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:25.611 7494:7629 I/System.out]
00:31 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:25.611 7494:7629 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:25.612 7494:7629 I/System.out]
00:31 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:25.612 7494:7629 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:26.194 8222:8236 V/BluetoothAdapterState]
PendingCommand - transient state(s): isBleTurningOn
[03-03 13:03:26.194 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterState]
Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 101
[03-03 13:03:26.194 8222:8236 E/BluetoothAdapterState]
Error enabling Bluetooth (enable timeout)
[03-03 13:03:26.194 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
stopProfileServices() - No profiles services to stop or already stopped.
[03-03 13:03:26.194 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:26.195 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
setProfileServiceState() - Stopping service
[03-03 13:03:26.197 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties]
Setting state to 10
[03-03 13:03:26.197 8222:8236 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Bluetooth adapter state changed: 14-> 10
[03-03 13:03:26.197 8222:8222 D/BtGatt.DebugUtils]
handleDebugAction() action=null
[03-03 13:03:26.197 8222:8236 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state to 1 receivers.
[03-03 13:03:26.197 8222:8222 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:03:26.198 8222:8236 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Entering OffState
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 11 receivers.
[03-03 13:03:26.198 8222:8222 D/BtGatt.GattService]
Received stop request...Stopping profile...
[03-03 13:03:26.198 8222:8234 D/BluetoothAdapter]
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2731:2753 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f77288a
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@f77288a mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
[03-03 13:03:26.198 2886:2900 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@62a4d62
[03-03 13:03:26.198 3652:4702 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@1259033
[03-03 13:03:26.199 7494:7505 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4608b71
[03-03 13:03:26.199 3518:3578 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@10caf63
[03-03 13:03:26.199 3299:3612 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ad6be76
[03-03 13:03:26.199 3364:3376 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ced417c
[03-03 13:03:26.199 3616:3785 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@8ff6468
[03-03 13:03:26.199 3059:3204 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@7510895
[03-03 13:03:26.199 4453:4469 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@4456752
[03-03 13:03:26.201 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > OFF
[03-03 13:03:26.201 8222:8222 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:03:26.204 8222:8222 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
onUnbind() - calling cleanup
[03-03 13:03:26.204 8222:8222 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:26.206 2731:2891 D/BluetoothManagerService]
1 registered Ble Apps
[03-03 13:03:26.206 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
isLeEnabled(): OFF
[03-03 13:03:26.206 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
enableBLE(): Calling enable
[03-03 13:03:26.206 2731:3395 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable( mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
[03-03 13:03:26.206 2731:3395 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable returning
[03-03 13:03:26.206 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
[03-03 13:03:26.209 8222:8222 W/BluetoothSdpJni]
Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
[03-03 13:03:26.209 8222:8222 W/BluetoothSdpJni]
Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP object
[03-03 13:03:26.209 8222:8222 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
cleanup() - Cleaning up adapter native
[03-03 13:03:29.209 2731:2753 E/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:31.333 2731:2822 W/LastMileLogger]
Failed to stop event tracing: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/tracing_on (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:03:31.334 2731:2822 W/LastMileLogger]
Failed to read event trace: /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/instances/wifi/trace: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:03:31.717 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:31.717 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7153, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:31.759 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7153, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:31.759 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10027 pid 7153 in 41ms
[03-03 13:03:31.771 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:31.810 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:31.810 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:31.841 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/com.tinder.profile.activities.MatchProfileActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:31.841 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d46ac010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:32.496 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:32.497 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7179, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:32.539 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7179, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:32.539 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10095 pid 7179 in 42ms
[03-03 13:03:32.547 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] s.a: RCS provisioning stopped!!
[03-03 13:03:32.574 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast
[03-03 13:03:32.579 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.579 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.579 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: forwardConnectivityEvents is not compatible. Service Version 2 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.580 2731:2827 D/ConnectivityService]
releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=18, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] (release request)
[03-03 13:03:32.633 8274:8274 I/MultiDex]
VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support
[03-03 13:03:32.633 8274:8274 I/MultiDex]
[03-03 13:03:32.633 8274:8274 I/MultiDex]
VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.642 8274:8274 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:32.645 8274:8274 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:32.646 8274:8274 D/FirebaseApp] is not linked. Skipping initialization.
[03-03 13:03:32.646 8274:8274 I/FirebaseInitProvider]
FirebaseApp initialization successful
[03-03 13:03:32.652 8274:8274 D/Bugle]
Registering factory in the content provider
[03-03 13:03:32.652 8274:8274 D/Bugle]
ContentProvider context:
[03-03 13:03:32.653 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.a: Initializing Carrier Services Library.
[03-03 13:03:32.654 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
Trying to log through cs.apk when it has not been initialized yet
[03-03 13:03:32.709 8274:8291 I/Bugle]
bugle_enable_primes_crash_metrics: true
bugle_max_telemetry_upload_retries: 10
bugle_sticker_set_list_version: 3
[03-03 13:03:32.747 8274:8274 I/TextToSpeech]
Sucessfully bound to
[03-03 13:03:32.747 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Creating Google TTS service, version 3.14.9
[03-03 13:03:32.747 7201:7201 I/TTS]
Loading library tts_android_neon
[03-03 13:03:32.748 8274:8274 I/BugleBackup]
Registering preference change listener for "bugle".
[03-03 13:03:32.751 7201:8297 I/TTS]
Initializing pt-br-x-afs-lstm-embedded from disk
[03-03 13:03:32.795 2731:2742 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.796 8274:8274 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.797 8274:8274 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 RCVR idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.815 8274:8274 I/Bugle]
ApnsOta: OTA version -1
[03-03 13:03:32.825 8274:8274 I/Bugle]
Bugle version: 2.9.051 (
[03-03 13:03:32.826 8274:8295 I/BugleDataModel]
Fixup: Send failed - 0 Download failed - 0
[03-03 13:03:32.840 8274:8274 I/BugleAction]
Provisioning status: (I) RCS provisioning stopped!!
[03-03 13:03:32.842 8274:8274 I/Bugle]
[03-03 13:03:32.842 8274:8274 I/TextToSpeech]
Connected to ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:03:32.797 2731:2742 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.842 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:32.843 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6056, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:32.852 8274:8295 W/BugleDataModel]
tried to cancel job 100 that can't be found. already finished?
[03-03 13:03:32.853 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.854 8274:8274 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 CEM idle change:cached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.858 2731:2741 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.860 8274:8274 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 CEM idle change:cached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.861 8274:8274 I/Bugle]
Carrier config changed. Reloading MMS config.
[03-03 13:03:32.863 8274:8274 I/BugleRcs]
updating RCS availability
[03-03 13:03:32.866 8274:8295 I/BugleDataModel]
ProcessPendingMessagesAction: process from ProcessPendingMessagesAction due to scheduled processing with 0 earliest sms sending messages, with 0 earliest mms sending messages, with 0 earliest rcs sending messages, with 0 earliest rcsFT sending messages, and 0 earliest downloading messages
[03-03 13:03:32.872 7201:7482 I/TTS]
For default lang pt-br is name pt-BR-language (pt-br-x-afs-server)
[03-03 13:03:32.873 8274:8303 I/TextToSpeech]
Set up connection to ComponentInfo{}
[03-03 13:03:32.877 8274:8300 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:03:32.879 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-6056, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:32.879 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10111 pid 6056 in 35ms
[03-03 13:03:32.880 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.880 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.881 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.881 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:03:32.881 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.connect: Binding to JibeService in Bugle.
[03-03 13:03:32.891 2731:3066 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:03:32.891 3059:3174 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:03:32.891 3059:3174 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:03:32.892 8274:8300 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:03:32.895 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.896 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.896 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.897 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.897 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:03:32.897 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] a.connect: Binding to JibeService in Bugle.
[03-03 13:03:32.900 8274:8305 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:03:32.905 2731:3066 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:03:32.905 3059:3174 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:03:32.906 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] a.c: Initializing Carrier Services Logging.
[03-03 13:03:32.906 3059:3174 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:03:32.906 7037:7037 D/BugleRcsEngine]
log_saver already enabled
[03-03 13:03:32.906 8274:8305 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:03:32.907 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.908 8274:8274 I/BugleRcs]
RCS availability is already updating
[03-03 13:03:32.910 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.911 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: forwardConnectivityEvents is not compatible. Service Version 2 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.912 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.912 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.913 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: forwardConnectivityEvents is not compatible. Service Version 2 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.914 8274:8303 E/BugleRcs]
couldn't get package info for carrier services package with name
[03-03 13:03:32.915 2731:3415 D/ConnectivityService]
requestNetwork for uid/pid:10095/7037 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
[03-03 13:03:32.917 2731:2822 D/WIFI]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 60
[03-03 13:03:32.917 2731:2822 D/WIFI_UT]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 60
[03-03 13:03:32.917 2731:2848 D/Ethernet]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 60
[03-03 13:03:32.917 3059:3059 D/PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener]
got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=27, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 60
[03-03 13:03:32.919 7037:7261 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[311] h.b: Connected state: [1], networkType: [WIFI]
[03-03 13:03:32.923 7037:8306 I/Bugle]
bugle_enable_primes_crash_metrics: true
bugle_max_telemetry_upload_retries: 10
bugle_sticker_set_list_version: 3
[03-03 13:03:32.926 8274:8304 W/Bugle]
canonicalizeMccMnc: invalid mccmnc:null ,null
[03-03 13:03:32.927 8274:8303 E/BugleRcs]$NameNotFoundException:
at android.os.AsyncTask$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[03-03 13:03:32.927 8274:8300 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 SVC idle change:uncached procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.928 2731:3066 D/MmsServiceBroker]
getCarrierConfigValues() by
[03-03 13:03:32.928 3059:3204 D/MmsService]
[03-03 13:03:32.928 3059:3204 I/MmsService]
mms config for sub 1: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}]
[03-03 13:03:32.929 8274:8304 I/Bugle]
Carrier configs loaded: Bundle[{httpSocketTimeout=60000, aliasMinChars=2, smsUsesSimpleCharactersOnly=false, smsToMmsTextThreshold=-1, enableSMSDeliveryReports=true, maxMessageTextSize=-1, supportMmsContentDisposition=true, enabledTransID=false, aliasEnabled=false, supportHttpCharsetHeader=false, allowAttachAudio=true, smsToMmsTextLengthThreshold=-1, recipientLimit=2147483647, uaProfTagName=x-wap-profile, aliasMaxChars=48, maxImageHeight=480, enableMMSDeliveryReports=false, userAgent=, mmsCloseConnection=false, config_cellBroadcastAppLinks=true, maxSubjectLength=40, httpParams=, enableGroupMms=true, emailGatewayNumber=, maxMessageSize=307200, naiSuffix=, enableMMSReadReports=false, maxImageWidth=640, uaProfUrl=, enabledMMS=true, enabledNotifyWapMMSC=false, sendMultipartSmsAsSeparateMessages=false, enableMultipartSMS=true}] from resources+system for subId=1
[03-03 13:03:32.929 8274:8296 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 1/3.
[03-03 13:03:32.930 8274:8291 I/BugleBackup]
Registering preference change listener for "buglesub_1".
[03-03 13:03:32.935 8274:8303 I/BugleRcs]
No minimum Cs.apk version is set, not checking Cs.apk version
[03-03 13:03:32.936 8274:8296 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 2/3.
[03-03 13:03:32.941 8274:8296 I/ShortcutBadger]
Checking if platform supports badge counters, attempt 3/3.
[03-03 13:03:32.942 7037:7037 W/RcsProvisioning]
Failed to read configuration: /data/user/0/ (No such file or directory)
[03-03 13:03:32.942 7037:7037 D/RcsProvisioning]
Retrieving backup token
[03-03 13:03:32.946 8274:8296 W/ShortcutBadger]
Badge counter seems not supported in this platform: unable to resolve intent: Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE (has extras) }
[03-03 13:03:32.950 8274:8303 I/BugleRcs]
RcsAvailability updated: RCS is disabled because the device has multiple SIM slots
[03-03 13:03:32.951 8274:8274 I/BugleRcs]
Broadcast disable RCS for availability (11)
[03-03 13:03:32.952 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:32.953 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:32.953 8274:8274 W/CarrierServices]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:32.953 8274:8274 I/CarrierServices]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:03:32.961 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 8315:android.process.acore/u0a2 for content provider
[03-03 13:03:32.980 2731:3066 W/ActivityManager]
Background start not allowed: service Intent {$EmptyService } to$EmptyService from pid=8274 uid=10095
[03-03 13:03:32.981 8274:8274 I/BugleDataModel]
failed to start protective service, will try laterjava.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent {$EmptyService }: app is in background uid UidRecord{ea6f4e1 u0a95 RCVR idle procs:2 seq(0,0,0)}
[03-03 13:03:32.982 8274:8296 V/Bugle]
Committing bugle phenotype.
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 I/chatty]
uid=10089( AsyncTask #2 identical 4 lines
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uan
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uax
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 I/chatty]
uid=10089( AsyncTask #2 identical 4 lines
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: rx
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uan
[03-03 13:03:32.990 7201:8297 W/native] Missing symbol for phoneme: uax
[03-03 13:03:33.034 8315:8315 I/ContactsPerf]
VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate start
[03-03 13:03:33.038 8315:8315 I/ContactsPerf]
VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate finish
[03-03 13:03:33.048 7037:7037 D/RcsProvisioning]
No backup token found
[03-03 13:03:33.049 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] v.<init>: RcsEngine: Constructor running in
[03-03 13:03:33.054 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] i.a: No config URL. RCS will be disabled!
[03-03 13:03:33.067 7037:7037 D/BugleRcsEngine]
log_saver already enabled
[03-03 13:03:33.067 8315:8332 D/ContactsDatabaseHelper]
WAL enabled for contacts2.db: true
[03-03 13:03:33.073 8274:8274 D/RcsClientLib]
Service connected. Will notify listeners: false
[03-03 13:03:33.074 8274:8274 D/RcsClientLib]
Service connected. Will notify listeners: false
[03-03 13:03:33.083 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.g: Carrier Services Apk was not found.
[03-03 13:03:33.083 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Cannot get service version because CS.apk was not found, not pre-loaded or disabled.
[03-03 13:03:33.083 7037:7037 W/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.a: Service with meta data key: JibeServiceApiVersions is not compatible. Service Version 1 is not supported. Supported versions: []
[03-03 13:03:33.084 7037:7037 I/BugleRcsEngine]
[2] g.b: Not using CS JibeService because it is not compatible with AM.
[03-03 13:03:33.117 8315:8332 I/ContactLocale]
AddressBook Labels [[pt_BR]]: […, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, …, А, Б, В, Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч, Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, …, א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט, י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ, ק, ר, ש, ת, …, ا, ب, ت, ث, ج, ح, خ, د, ذ, ر, ز, س, ش, ص, ض, ط, ظ, ع, غ, ف, ق, ك, ل, م, ن, ه, و, ي, …, ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ, ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, …, ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, …, あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, …]
[03-03 13:03:33.133 8315:8332 D/ContactsDatabaseHelper]
WAL enabled for profile.db: false
[03-03 13:03:33.221 3616:3933 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:03:33.247 3616:4190 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:03:33.271 3616:3933 I/Icing]
IndexChimeraService.getServiceInterface componentName=null serviceId=36
[03-03 13:03:33.278 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 1, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:03:33.290 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:03:33.304 3616:3923 I/Icing]
Usage reports ok 0, Failed Usage reports 0, indexed 0, rejected 0, imm upload false
[03-03 13:03:33.535 7201:8297 I/TTS]
Done initializing pt-br-x-afs-lstm-embedded
[03-03 13:03:33.593 7494:7499 I/zygote64]
Do partial code cache collection, code=30KB, data=23KB
[03-03 13:03:33.595 7494:7499 I/zygote64]
After code cache collection, code=29KB, data=23KB
[03-03 13:03:33.595 7494:7499 I/zygote64]
Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
[03-03 13:03:34.639 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:34.647 7494:7629 I/System.out]
00:40 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:34.648 7494:7629 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:34.676 2508:2508 D/SurfaceFlinger]
duplicate layer name: changing com.tinder/ to com.tinder/
[03-03 13:03:34.681 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [422x454]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:34.690 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:34.691 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:34.752 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:34.836 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 5 lines
[03-03 13:03:34.853 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.644 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:35.723 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:35.723 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d4b0d010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:35.747 2508:2508 D/SurfaceFlinger]
duplicate layer name: changing com.tinder/ to com.tinder/
[03-03 13:03:35.757 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [950x856]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:35.763 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:35.763 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:35.767 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.784 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:35.803 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.804 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.818 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.818 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.835 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.835 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.851 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.851 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.868 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:35.868 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.451 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 32 lines
[03-03 13:03:36.468 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.479 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:36.485 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.497 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:36.497 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77b4e99010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:36.501 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.506 7494:7603 I/System.out]
00:42 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:36.506 7494:7603 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:36.507 7494:7603 I/System.out]
00:42 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:36.507 7494:7603 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:36.507 7494:7603 I/System.out]
00:42 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:36.507 7494:7603 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:36.517 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.523 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:36.523 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:36.551 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.718 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 10 lines
[03-03 13:03:36.735 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:36.905 7494:7613 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:36.937 7494:7494 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[03-03 13:03:36.938 7494:7494 I/chatty]
uid=10123(com.tinder) identical 2 lines
[03-03 13:03:36.938 7494:7494 W/StaticLayout]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[03-03 13:03:36.995 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:36.995 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:37.005 2731:3130 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:37.039 2508:2802 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:37.039 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77b4f8a010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:37.062 2731:2741 I/WifiService]
acquireWifiLock uid=10027 lockMode=2
[03-03 13:03:37.065 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN
[03-03 13:03:37.073 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:03:37.078 3299:3821 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:03:37.143 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:37.144 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:37.234 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 62821(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 15(696KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 151us total 210.869ms
[03-03 13:03:37.628 8274:8288 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:03:37.676 8274:8288 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on AddRemoveAppImageSpace for 47.243ms
[03-03 13:03:37.998 8315:8330 I/zygote64]
Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver
[03-03 13:03:38.029 8315:8330 I/zygote64]
WaitForGcToComplete blocked ProfileSaver on HeapTrim for 30.743ms
[03-03 13:03:38.603 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:38.614 7494:7606 I/System.out]
00:44 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:38.614 7494:7606 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:38.615 7494:7606 I/System.out]
00:44 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:38.615 7494:7606 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:38.616 7494:7606 I/System.out]
00:44 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:38.616 7494:7606 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:38.632 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:38.633 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:41.162 7494:8347 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:41.162 7494:8347 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.163 7494:8347 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:41.163 7494:8347 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.163 7494:8347 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:41.163 7494:8347 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.201 7494:7707 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:41.201 7494:7707 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.201 7494:7707 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:41.201 7494:7707 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.202 7494:7707 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:41.202 7494:7707 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.410 7494:8347 I/System.out]
00:47 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:41.410 7494:8347 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:41.709 2731:2745 W/ActivityManager]
Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
[03-03 13:03:41.764 2508:3094 E/SurfaceFlinger]
Failed to find layer (com.tinder/com.tinder.profile.activities.MatchProfileActivity#0) in layer parent (no-parent).
[03-03 13:03:42.098 3299:5813 I/Places]
Converted 3 out of 3 WiFi scans
[03-03 13:03:42.104 2731:3398 I/WifiService]
releaseWifiLock uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:42.100 2731:2891 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:42.110 2868:6083 I/Delight5Facilitator]
Running personalized data flush runnable
[03-03 13:03:42.112 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendTransitions: location=Location[fused -23,640034,-46,795476 hAcc=800 et=+1m29s839ms vAcc=??? sAcc=??? bAcc=??? {Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=332]}]
[03-03 13:03:42.145 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:03:42.175 2731:3416 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for broadcast$LocationChangedReceiver
[03-03 13:03:42.178 2731:3416 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10121
[03-03 13:03:42.187 3299:8311 I/GCoreUlr]
Successfully inserted 2 locations
[03-03 13:03:42.188 3299:8311 I/GCoreUlr]
Starting service, intent=Intent { }, extras=null
[03-03 13:03:42.191 2731:2891 I/WifiService]
isScanAlwaysAvailable uid=10121
[03-03 13:03:42.204 3299:8311 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:03:42.261 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - enter
[03-03 13:03:42.270 3299:3821 I/GCoreUlr]
LocationReporter sending 22 locations, 27 activities, and 45 metadata for account account#-10# request #0; requests: []
[03-03 13:03:42.290 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:03:42.329 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
SpamModule.provideSpam - using in-app spam
[03-03 13:03:42.331 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
CallLogFramework.registerContentObservers - enter
[03-03 13:03:42.331 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
CallLogFramework.registerContentObservers - not registering content observers
[03-03 13:03:42.350 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
NonUiTaskBuilder.newThread - creating serial thread
[03-03 13:03:42.351 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:03:42.352 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
ShortcutsJobScheduler.scheduleAllJobs - enter
[03-03 13:03:42.354 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
ShortcutsJobScheduler.scheduleAllJobs - enabling shortcuts
[03-03 13:03:42.354 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
PeriodicJobService.schedulePeriodicJob - enter
[03-03 13:03:42.355 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
PeriodicJobService.schedulePeriodicJob - job already scheduled.
[03-03 13:03:42.357 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerPrimes - Initializing
[03-03 13:03:42.360 8353:8380 I/Dialer]
SpamJobScheduler.scheduleJob - job with id SPAM_JOB_WIFI is already scheduled
[03-03 13:03:42.362 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerPrimes - Primes Metrics Monitoring started
[03-03 13:03:42.362 8353:8353 I/DialerVoip]
[03-03 13:03:42.363 8353:8380 I/Dialer]
SpamJobScheduler.scheduleJob - job with id SPAM_JOB_ANY_NETWORK is already scheduled
[03-03 13:03:42.368 8353:8353 I/DialerVoip]
HangoutsModuleImpl.isModuleSupported, no Nova account
[03-03 13:03:42.370 8353:8353 I/DialerVoip]
[03-03 13:03:42.375 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - register new client
[03-03 13:03:42.396 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
GoogleDialerApplication.onCreate - registered new client
[03-03 13:03:42.402 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
CountryDetector.registerForLocationUpdates - registering for location updates
[03-03 13:03:42.406 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
DialerExecutorModule.newThread - creating low priority thread
[03-03 13:03:42.407 2731:3130 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj 906): empty #17
[03-03 13:03:42.409 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7284, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:42.431 2731:3398 D/ConnectivityService]
ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&FOREGROUND] ], android.os.BinderProxy@afc55a3)
[03-03 13:03:42.450 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
Flags.register - phenotype register status: true
[03-03 13:03:42.450 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-7284, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:42.450 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10109 pid 7284 in 41ms
[03-03 13:03:42.476 8353:8353 I/Dialer]
Flags.register - commit succeeded: true
[03-03 13:03:42.679 3299:3821 I/GCoreUlr]
Batch Location Update succeeded for account account#-10#
[03-03 13:03:42.942 3299:3309 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 77374(4MB) AllocSpace objects, 22(696KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 9MB/19MB, paused 360us total 108.427ms
[03-03 13:03:43.026 5370:5728 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:03:43.059 5370:5728 I/chatty]
uid=10027( Binder:5370_4 identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:43.111 5370:5728 I/]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:03:43.139 5728:5728 I/Binder:5370_4]
type=1400 audit(0.0:277): avc: denied { read } for name="modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:43.139 5728:5728 I/Binder:5370_4]
type=1400 audit(0.0:277): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:43.139 5728:5728 W/Binder:5370_4]
type=1300 audit(0.0:277): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=ffffff9c a1=77e96397a0 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:43.139 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:277): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:43.139 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:277):
[03-03 13:03:43.139 5728:5728 I/Binder:5370_4]
type=1400 audit(0.0:278): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/modules" dev="proc" ino=4026534942 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:43.139 5728:5728 W/Binder:5370_4]
type=1300 audit(0.0:278): arch=c00000b7 syscall=80 success=yes exit=0 a0=37 a1=77ce7faf48 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:43.139 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:278): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:43.139 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:278):
[03-03 13:03:43.336 7494:7707 I/System.out]
00:49 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:43.336 7494:7707 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:43.489 5728:5728 I/Binder:5370_4]
type=1400 audit(0.0:279): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev" dev="tmpfs" ino=8854 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:43.489 5728:5728 W/Binder:5370_4]
type=1300 audit(0.0:279): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=ffffff9c a1=77e96bf031 a2=0 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:43.489 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:279): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:43.489 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:279):
[03-03 13:03:43.499 5728:5728 I/Binder:5370_4]
type=1400 audit(0.0:280): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/interrupts" dev="proc" ino=4026534907 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_interrupts:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:43.499 5728:5728 W/Binder:5370_4]
type=1300 audit(0.0:280): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=55 a0=0 a1=77cf706ba1 a2=0 a3=f2 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=10027 gid=10027 euid=10027 suid=10027 fsuid=10027 egid=10027 sgid=10027 fsgid=10027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:43.499 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:280): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:43.499 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:280):
[03-03 13:03:43.521 5370:5728 W/SystemServiceRegistry]
No service published for: persistent_data_block
[03-03 13:03:44.517 7494:7599 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:44.518 7494:7599 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.518 7494:7599 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:44.518 7494:7599 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.519 7494:7599 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:44.519 7494:7599 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.533 7494:7633 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:44.533 7494:7633 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.533 7494:7633 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:44.533 7494:7633 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.534 7494:7633 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:44.534 7494:7633 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:44.714 7494:7625 I/System.out]
00:50 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:44.714 7494:7625 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:45.541 7494:7623 I/System.out]
00:51 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:45.541 7494:7623 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:45.541 7494:7623 I/System.out]
00:51 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:45.541 7494:7623 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:45.542 7494:7623 I/System.out]
00:51 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:45.542 7494:7623 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:46.131 7494:7626 I/System.out]
00:52 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:46.131 7494:7626 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:46.132 7494:7626 I/System.out]
00:52 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:46.132 7494:7626 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:46.132 7494:7626 I/System.out]
00:52 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:46.132 7494:7626 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:46.210 2731:2745 W/ActivityManager]
Timeout executing service: ServiceRecord{9a74356 u0}
[03-03 13:03:46.271 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 8222
[03-03 13:03:46.272 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
registered intercept for pid 8222 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:46.272 8222:8228 I/zygote64]
Thread[3,tid=8228,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0x77f1abf400,peer=0x16ac0020,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3
[03-03 13:03:46.272 8222:8228 I/zygote64]
[03-03 13:03:46.337 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
received crash request for pid 8222
[03-03 13:03:46.337 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
found intercept fd 512 for pid 8222 and type kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:46.338 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 8222
[03-03 13:03:46.338 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: started dumping process 8222
[03-03 13:03:46.338 8222:8228 I/zygote64]
Wrote stack traces to '[tombstoned]'
[03-03 13:03:46.338 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
registered intercept for pid 8222 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:46.338 8222:8222 I/libc]
Requested dump for tid 8222 (droid.bluetooth)
[03-03 13:03:46.388 8407:8407 I/crash_dump64]
obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:46.389 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
received crash request for pid 8222
[03-03 13:03:46.389 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
found intercept fd 512 for pid 8222 and type kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace
[03-03 13:03:46.389 8407:8407 I/crash_dump64]
performing dump of process 8222 (target tid = 8222)
[03-03 13:03:47.056 2731:2745 I/system_server]
libdebuggerd_client: done dumping process 8222
[03-03 13:03:47.058 2731:2745 E/ActivityManager]
ANR in
PID: 8222
Reason: executing service
Load: 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
CPU usage from 36268ms to 0ms ago (2018-03-03 13:03:09.942 to 2018-03-03 13:03:46.210):
99% 7494/com.tinder: 86% user + 13% kernel / faults: 61185 minor 71 major
19% 2731/system_server: 12% user + 7.1% kernel / faults: 9066 minor 274 major
15% 2508/surfaceflinger: 8.4% user + 7.2% kernel / faults: 462 minor
12% 537/spi2: 0% user + 12% kernel
6.4% 3616/ 6.1% user + 0.3% kernel / faults: 11958 minor 7 major
2.8% 3299/ 2.1% user + 0.7% kernel / faults: 3143 minor 2 major
2% 1608/irq/570-SSP_Int: 0% user + 2% kernel
1.9% 7201/ 1.8% user + 0% kernel / faults: 567 minor 1 major
1.7% 2600/AR6K Async: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
1.7% 709/cfinteractive: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
1.7% 1297/mmcqd/0: 0% user + 1.7% kernel
1.5% 5370/ 1.4% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 5598 minor
1.1% 4/kworker/0:0: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1.1% 2886/ 0.9% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 3941 minor 1 major
1.1% 7435/kworker/0:3: 0% user + 1.1% kernel
1% 4453/ 0.7% user + 0.2% kernel / faults: 53 minor
0.9% 1498/decon0: 0% user + 0.9% kernel
0.8% 84/kworker/u17:0: 0% user + 0.8% kernel
0.7% 5933/kworker/1:2: 0% user + 0.7% kernel
0.7% 2376/logd: 0.2% user + 0.4% kernel / faults: 7 minor
0.6% 1136/irq/5-bt532_ts_: 0% user + 0.6% kernel
0.6% 5481/ 0.4% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 675 minor 3 major
0.5% 2666/koobirqd: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
0.5% 3059/ 0.3% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 275 minor
0.5% 3193/kworker/u17:2: 0% user + 0.5% kernel
0.4% 3518/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 931 minor 1 major
0.4% 3652/com.facebook.katana: 0.4% user + 0% kernel / faults: 800 minor
0.3% 2369/jbd2/mmcblk0p25: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 8165/ 0.3% user + 0% kernel / faults: 957 minor 5 major
0.3% 711/kworker/2:1: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 2604/VosTlshimRxThre: 0% user + 0.3% kernel
0.3% 3495/ 0.2% user + 0% kernel / faults: 233 minor
0.2% 7/rcu_preempt: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 2601/VosMCThread: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 4991/kworker/3:2: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.2% 744/kswapd0: 0% user + 0.2% kernel
0.1% 59/kworker/u16:1: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 664/ion_noncontig_h: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 7037/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 249 minor
0.1% 2377/servicemanager: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 10/rcuc/0: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 1444/kworker/u16:4: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 2481/zygote64: 0% user + 0.1% kernel / faults: 585 minor
0.1% 5650/exynos_hp: 0% user + 0.1% kernel
0.1% 8023/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 352 minor
0.1% 2507/lmkd: 0% user + 0% kernel
0.1% 2517/rild: 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 72 minor
0.1% 2868/ 0.1% user + 0% kernel / faults: 465 minor
0% 16/rcuc/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 21/migration/2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 22/rcuc/2: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 28/rcuc/3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 1490/s3c-fb-vsync: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2389/logcat: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2480/netd: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 213 minor
0% 12/migration/0: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 15/migration/1: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 27/migration/3: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 33/migration/4: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 39/migration/5: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 2504/android.hardware.wifi@1.0-service: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 147 minor 2 major
0% 2599/AR6K TxCompleti: 0% user + 0% kernel
0% 3421/com.lastpass.lpandroid: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 48 minor
0% 3726/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 34 minor
0% 3907/ 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 8 minor
[03-03 13:03:47.059 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Killing (adj -700): bg anr
[03-03 13:03:47.060 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-8222, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:47.075 2731:3414 W/ActivityManager]
Scheduling restart of crashed service in 1000ms
[03-03 13:03:47.101 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-8222, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:47.101 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1002 pid 8222 in 41ms
[03-03 13:03:48.100 2731:2745 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for service
[03-03 13:03:48.191 8410:8410 D/BluetoothOppFileProvider]
[03-03 13:03:48.209 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding HeadsetService
[03-03 13:03:48.209 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding A2dpService
[03-03 13:03:48.209 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding HidService
[03-03 13:03:48.209 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding HealthService
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding PanService
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding GattService
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding BluetoothMapService
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 W/AdapterServiceConfig]
Could not find profile bit mask
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding BluetoothOppService
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 W/AdapterServiceConfig]
Could not find profile bit mask
[03-03 13:03:48.210 8410:8410 D/AdapterServiceConfig]
Adding BluetoothPbapService
[03-03 13:03:48.225 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:48.233 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterState]
make() - Creating AdapterState
[03-03 13:03:48.235 8410:8410 I/bt_btif]
[03-03 13:03:48.235 8410:8424 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Entering OffState
[03-03 13:03:48.235 8410:8410 D/bt_osi_allocation_tracker]
canary initialized
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8425, thread name stack_manager started
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 I/bt_stack_manager]
event_init_stack is initializing the stack
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 E/bt_btif_config]
Config is missing adapter section
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 W/bt_btif_config]
init unable to load config file: /data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.conf; using backup.
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 E/bt_btif_config]
Config is missing adapter section
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 W/bt_btif_config]
init unable to load backup; attempting to transcode legacy file.
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 E/bt_btif_config_transcode]
btif_config_transcode unable to load XML file '/data/misc/bluedroid/bt_config.xml': 3
[03-03 13:03:48.236 8410:8425 E/bt_btif_config]
init unable to transcode legacy file; creating empty config.
[03-03 13:03:48.237 8410:8428 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8428, thread name alarm_default_ca started
[03-03 13:03:48.237 8410:8429 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8429, thread name alarm_dispatcher started
[03-03 13:03:48.238 8410:8425 I/bt_btif_core]
btif_init_bluetooth entered
[03-03 13:03:48.239 8410:8425 I/bt_stack_config]
init attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
[03-03 13:03:48.239 8410:8430 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8430, thread name bt_jni_workqueue started
[03-03 13:03:48.239 8410:8425 I/bt_btif_core]
btif_init_bluetooth finished
[03-03 13:03:48.239 8410:8425 I/bt_stack_manager]
event_init_stack finished
[03-03 13:03:48.239 8410:8410 I/bt_osi_wakelock]
wakelock_set_os_callouts set to non-native
[03-03 13:03:48.240 8410:8410 I/bt_btif]
get_profile_interface: id = socket
[03-03 13:03:48.240 8410:8410 W/bt_btif]
do_in_jni_thread: Dropped message, message_loop not initialized yet!
[03-03 13:03:48.240 8410:8410 W/bt_btif]
do_in_jni_thread: Dropped message, message_loop not initialized yet!
[03-03 13:03:48.240 8410:8430 I/bt_btif_core]
run_message_loop entered
[03-03 13:03:48.242 8410:8410 I/bt_btif]
get_profile_interface: id = sdp
[03-03 13:03:48.247 8410:8410 I/BluetoothAdapterService]
Phone policy enabled
[03-03 13:03:48.249 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
setAdapterService() - set to: null
[03-03 13:03:48.251 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:48.253 2731:2731 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:48.253 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:48.254 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 11 receivers.
[03-03 13:03:48.255 3518:3533 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@6d21dbc
[03-03 13:03:48.255 3299:3311 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@69ff7f4
[03-03 13:03:48.255 2731:2753 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@afa9f00
[03-03 13:03:48.255 2886:3173 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@6062161
[03-03 13:03:48.255 3364:3376 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@ce0da05
[03-03 13:03:48.255 7494:7505 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@23ea5a
[03-03 13:03:48.255 4453:4469 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@2742a23
[03-03 13:03:48.255 3652:4702 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@55f8fee
[03-03 13:03:48.255 3059:3204 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@65c3daa
[03-03 13:03:48.256 3616:3627 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceUp: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@3a77200
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8422 D/BluetoothAdapter]
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8421 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
enable() - Enable called with quiet mode status = false
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterState]
Current state: OFF, message: 0
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties]
Setting state to 14
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8424 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 14
[03-03 13:03:48.257 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state to 1 receivers.
[03-03 13:03:48.258 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:48.258 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:48.261 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:03:48.261 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: OFF > BLE_TURNING_ON
[03-03 13:03:48.262 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
BleOnProcessStart() - Make Bond State Machine
[03-03 13:03:48.262 8410:8424 D/BluetoothBondStateMachine]
[03-03 13:03:48.266 8410:8436 I/BluetoothBondStateMachine]
StableState(): Entering Off State
[03-03 13:03:48.267 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
setProfileServiceState() - Starting service
[03-03 13:03:48.270 8410:8424 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Entering PendingCommandState
[03-03 13:03:48.270 8410:8410 I/BtGatt.JNI]
classInitNative(L871): classInitNative: Success!
[03-03 13:03:48.272 8410:8410 D/BtGatt.DebugUtils]
handleDebugAction() action=null
[03-03 13:03:48.272 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:03:48.273 8410:8410 D/BtGatt.GattService]
Received start request. Starting profile...
[03-03 13:03:48.273 8410:8410 I/bt_btif]
get_profile_interface: id = gatt
[03-03 13:03:48.274 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:03:48.280 8410:8410 I/chatty]
uid=1002(bluetooth) identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:48.280 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:03:48.282 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
handleMessage() - Message: 1
[03-03 13:03:48.282 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:03:48.282 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
processProfileServiceStateChanged() - isTurningOn=false isTurningOff=false isBleTurningOn=true isBleTurningOff=false
[03-03 13:03:48.282 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
GattService is started
[03-03 13:03:48.283 8410:8424 V/BluetoothAdapterState]
PendingCommand - transient state(s): isBleTurningOn
[03-03 13:03:48.283 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterState]
Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 4
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8424 I/bt_btif]
enable: start restricted = 0
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8425 I/bt_stack_manager]
event_start_up_stack is bringing up the stack
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8425 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Starting module "btif_config_module"
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8425 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Started module "btif_config_module"
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8425 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Starting module "btsnoop_module"
[03-03 13:03:48.285 8410:8425 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Started module "btsnoop_module"
[03-03 13:03:48.286 8410:8425 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Starting module "hci_module"
[03-03 13:03:48.286 8410:8425 I/bt_hci]
[03-03 13:03:48.286 8410:8440 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8440, thread name hci_thread started
[03-03 13:03:48.286 8410:8425 D/bt_hci]
hci_module_start_up starting async portion
[03-03 13:03:48.286 8410:8440 I/bt_hci]
[03-03 13:03:48.288 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:48.288 8410:8440 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:03:48.291 8410:8440 I/bt_hci]
hci_initialize: IBluetoothHci::getService() returned 0x77e963eaa0 (local)
[03-03 13:03:48.291 8410:8440 I/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl]
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 D/]
get_local_address: Trying "/efs/bluetooth/bt_addr"
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor : get_bt_soc_type
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
qcom.bluetooth.soc set to rome
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor : Initializing UART transport layer
[03-03 13:03:48.293 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
BD Address: 73:69:c6:67:22:22
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 D/android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0-impl]
Open vendor library loaded
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor : BT_VND_OP_POWER_CTRL: On
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor: always power off before power on
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt_powerup: 0
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt_powerup: always perform action
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 E/bt_vendor]
Stopping HCI filter as part of CTRL:OFF
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor : get_bt_soc_type
[03-03 13:03:48.294 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
qcom.bluetooth.soc set to rome
[03-03 13:03:48.296 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Write 0 to rfkill
[03-03 13:03:48.279 8440:8440 I/hci_thread]
type=1400 audit(0.0:281): avc: denied { write } for name="state" dev="sysfs" ino=18170 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:48.279 8440:8440 W/hci_thread]
type=1300 audit(0.0:281): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=67 a0=ffffff9c a1=77f1acb020 a2=2 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=1002 gid=1002 euid=1002 suid=1002 fsuid=1002 egid=1002 sgid=1002 fsgid=1002 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:bluetooth:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:48.279 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:281): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:48.279 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:281):
[03-03 13:03:48.399 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt_powerup: 1
[03-03 13:03:48.399 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt_powerup: always perform action
[03-03 13:03:48.399 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Write 1 to rfkill
[03-03 13:03:48.519 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
[03-03 13:03:48.519 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
wait_for_patch_download: patch download completed
[03-03 13:03:48.519 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
bt-vendor : is_soc_initialized
[03-03 13:03:48.519 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
wc_transport.soc_initialized set to 0
[03-03 13:03:48.520 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
userial vendor open: opening /dev/ttySAC0
[03-03 13:03:48.521 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
device fd = 67 open
[03-03 13:03:48.509 8440:8440 I/hci_thread]
type=1400 audit(0.0:282): avc: denied { read write } for name="ttySAC0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2126 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:48.509 8440:8440 I/hci_thread]
type=1400 audit(0.0:282): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/ttySAC0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2126 scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:48.522 8410:8440 E/QCOM-BTNV]
Failed to open dlopen failed: library "" not found
[03-03 13:03:48.522 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Failed to read BD address. Use the one from bluedroid stack/ftm
[03-03 13:03:48.522 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
[03-03 13:03:48.522 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
rome_soc_init: reserved param
[03-03 13:03:48.522 8410:8440 D/bt_vendor]
frame_hci_cmd_pkt: Sending EDL_PATCH_VER_REQ_CMD
[03-03 13:03:48.523 8410:8440 D/bt_vendor]
HCI-CMD -1: 0x1 0x0 0xfc 0x1 0x19
[03-03 13:03:48.523 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
read_vs_hci_event: Wait for HCI-Vendor Specfic Event from SOC
[03-03 13:03:48.509 8440:8440 W/hci_thread]
type=1300 audit(0.0:282): arch=c00000b7 syscall=56 success=yes exit=67 a0=ffffff9c a1=77d943d3e0 a2=102 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=1002 gid=1002 euid=1002 suid=1002 fsuid=1002 egid=1002 sgid=1002 fsgid=1002 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:bluetooth:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:48.509 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:282): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:48.509 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:282):
[03-03 13:03:48.509 8440:8440 I/hci_thread]
type=1400 audit(0.0:283): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/ttySAC0" dev="tmpfs" ino=2126 ioctlcmd=540b scontext=u:r:bluetooth:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1
[03-03 13:03:48.509 8440:8440 W/hci_thread]
type=1300 audit(0.0:283): arch=c00000b7 syscall=29 success=yes exit=0 a0=43 a1=540b a2=2 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=1002 gid=1002 euid=1002 suid=1002 fsuid=1002 egid=1002 sgid=1002 fsgid=1002 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:bluetooth:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:03:48.509 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:283): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:03:48.509 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:283):
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
get_vs_hci_event: Received HCI-Vendor Specific event
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
get_vs_hci_event: Parameter Length: 0xe
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
get_vs_hci_event: Command response: 0x0
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
get_vs_hci_event: Response type : 0x2
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
get_vs_hci_event: Command Request Response
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Current Product ID : 0x00000008
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Current Patch Version : 0x0111
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Current ROM Build Version : 0x0302
[03-03 13:03:48.559 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
Current SOC Version : 0x00000023
[03-03 13:03:48.560 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
hci_send_vs_cmd: Received HCI-Vendor Specific Event from SOC
[03-03 13:03:48.560 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
read_hci_event: Wait for Command Compete Event from SOC
[03-03 13:03:48.560 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
rome_soc_init: Chipset Version (0x03020023)
[03-03 13:03:48.560 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
## userial_vendor_ioctl: UART Flow Off
[03-03 13:03:48.560 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
## userial_vendor_set_baud: 14
[03-03 13:03:48.589 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
## userial_vendor_ioctl: UART Flow On
[03-03 13:03:48.589 8410:8440 I/bt_vendor]
read_vs_hci_event: Wait for HCI-Vendor Specfic Event from SOC
[03-03 13:03:49.216 7494:7627 I/System.out]
00:55 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:49.216 7494:7627 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:49.218 7494:7627 I/System.out]
00:55 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:49.218 7494:7627 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:49.218 7494:7627 I/System.out]
00:55 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:49.218 7494:7627 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:50.608 7494:7606 I/System.out]
00:56 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:50.608 7494:7606 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:51.500 7494:7635 I/System.out]
00:57 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.HashMap
[03-03 13:03:51.501 7494:7635 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.HashMap.class);
[03-03 13:03:51.501 7494:7635 I/System.out]
00:57 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Class
[03-03 13:03:51.501 7494:7635 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Class.class);
[03-03 13:03:51.501 7494:7635 I/System.out]
00:57 WARN: Class is not registered: java.lang.Number
[03-03 13:03:51.501 7494:7635 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.lang.Number.class);
[03-03 13:03:51.584 7494:7494 W/View]
requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.LinearLayout{c55cd4a V.E...... ......ID 0,0-1060,1488 #7f0a023a app:id/fan_ad_native_ad_unit} during layout: running second layout pass
[03-03 13:03:51.584 7494:7494 W/View]
requestLayout() improperly called by{c3b636d VFE...C.. ......ID 530,0-530,432 #7f0a0239 app:id/fan_ad_media_view} during layout: running second layout pass
[03-03 13:03:51.584 7494:7494 W/View]
requestLayout() improperly called by com.tinder.views.CustomTextView{4ab7416 V.ED..... ......ID 0,0-192,104 #7f0a039e app:id/loading_button_text} during layout: running second layout pass
[03-03 13:03:51.584 7494:7494 W/View]
requestLayout() improperly called by{3efef84 V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #7f0a0239 app:id/fan_ad_media_view} during layout: running second layout pass
[03-03 13:03:51.814 7494:7599 I/System.out]
00:57 WARN: Class is not registered: java.util.Map
[03-03 13:03:51.814 7494:7599 I/System.out]
Note: To register this class use: kryo.register(java.util.Map.class);
[03-03 13:03:52.068 2731:2824 E/WificondScannerImpl]
Timed out waiting for scan result from wificond
[03-03 13:03:52.073 2529:2529 W/wificond]
Scan already started
[03-03 13:03:52.073 2529:2529 E/wificond]
NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN failed: Device or resource busy
[03-03 13:03:52.074 2731:2824 E/WificondScannerImpl]
Failed to start scan, freqs={2442}
[03-03 13:03:52.077 2731:3066 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:52.078 2731:3066 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:52.087 2731:2741 I/WifiService]
getWifiEnabledState uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:52.088 2731:3398 I/WifiService]
getConnectionInfo uid=10027
[03-03 13:03:52.095 7358:7400 D/SleepAsAndroid]
[13:03:52.095, Log-Flusher]: No need to rotate log (logbuffer), too small: 6582
[03-03 13:03:53.094 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS
[03-03 13:03:53.095 2731:2741 D/WificondControl]
Scan result ready event
[03-03 13:03:53.096 2731:2824 W/AlarmManager]
Unrecognized alarm listener$3@33f6f4c
[03-03 13:03:54.680 2731:2741 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {flg=0x10804000} from uid 10025
[03-03 13:03:54.693 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:54.705 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-2] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:54.705 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d9188010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:54.705 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-2] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:03:54.723 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:54.728 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-3] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:54.728 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77d9188010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:54.728 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-3] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:03:54.747 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:54.752 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:54.753 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:54.760 3299:3299 I/GeofencerStateMachine]
sendNewLocationAvailability: availability=LocationAvailability[isLocationAvailable: true]
[03-03 13:03:54.770 3299:8350 E/GCoreUlr]
Received null location result
[03-03 13:03:54.815 2508:6114 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[com.tinder/com.tinder.activities.MainActivity#0] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:54.815 7494:7613 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77b4e99010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:54.837 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.837 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.854 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.854 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.870 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.870 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.873 2731:7125 I/OpenGLRenderer]
Initialized EGL, version 1.4
[03-03 13:03:54.873 2731:7125 D/OpenGLRenderer]
Swap behavior 2
[03-03 13:03:54.887 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.887 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.903 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.903 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.920 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.920 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.937 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.937 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.954 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.954 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.970 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.970 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.987 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:54.987 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.004 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.004 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.004 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.020 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.020 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.020 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.030 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 51112(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 12(648KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 240us total 268.711ms
[03-03 13:03:55.037 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.037 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.037 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.053 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.054 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.054 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.070 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.070 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.070 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.087 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.087 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.087 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.103 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.103 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.103 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.121 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.121 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.121 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.137 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.137 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.137 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.153 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.153 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.153 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.170 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.170 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.170 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.186 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.186 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.186 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:55.229 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
[03-03 13:03:55.229 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
callStatsBackground background call
[03-03 13:03:55.229 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
app went to background
[03-03 13:03:55.230 7494:7515 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Running callStats task (on current thread: Thread[AsyncTask #3,5,main] )
[03-03 13:03:55.230 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
call =; size = 411 bytes; body = {"devkey":"X********************6","uid":"1520026636584-7469416514475296127","statType":"user_closed_app","launch_counter":"12","time_in_app":"60","gcd_conversion_data_timing":"0","channel":null,"originalAppsflyerId":"1520026636584-7469416514475296127","deviceFingerPrintId":"ffffffff-f636-456a-0000-00003ea125aa","app_id":"com.tinder","platform":"Android","advertiserId":"6e111fca-f0da-40c6-bf56-55ff042a72a1"}
[03-03 13:03:55.292 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 1915(222KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(140KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 140us total 165.081ms
[03-03 13:03:55.294 7494:7522 W/OkHttpClient]
A connection to was leaked. Did you forget to close a response body?
[03-03 13:03:55.510 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Status 200 ok
[03-03 13:03:55.510 7494:7515 I/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
Connection call succeeded: {"response_not_json":""}
[03-03 13:03:55.510 7494:7515 D/AppsFlyer_4.7.1]
RD status is OFF
[03-03 13:03:56.286 8410:8428 E/bt_hci]
[03-03 13:03:56.286 8410:8425 E/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Failed to start up module "hci_module"
[03-03 13:03:56.287 8410:8469 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8469, thread name bt_workqueue started
[03-03 13:03:56.287 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] Bluetooth chip preload is complete
[03-03 13:03:56.288 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATT_Register
[03-03 13:03:56.288 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] allocated gatt_if=1
[03-03 13:03:56.288 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService
[03-03 13:03:56.288 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
[03-03 13:03:56.288 8410:8469 E/]
[0303/] gatt_profile_db_init: gatt_if=1
[03-03 13:03:56.289 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATT_Register
[03-03 13:03:56.289 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] allocated gatt_if=2
[03-03 13:03:56.289 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService
[03-03 13:03:56.289 8410:8469 I/]
[0303/] GATTS_AddService: service parsed correctly, now starting
[03-03 13:03:56.291 8410:8470 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8470, thread name btu message loop started
[03-03 13:03:56.292 8410:8471 I/bt_osi_thread]
run_thread: thread id 8471, thread name module_wrapper started
[03-03 13:03:56.292 8410:8471 I/bt_core_module]
module_start_up Starting module "controller_module"
[03-03 13:03:57.050 2731:2740 I/zygote64]
NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 2012(214KB) AllocSpace objects, 7(140KB) LOS objects, 42% free, 14MB/25MB, paused 194us total 156.454ms
[03-03 13:03:57.089 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN
[03-03 13:03:57.235 2504:2849 V/WifiHAL]
event received NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS
[03-03 13:03:57.236 2731:3066 D/WificondControl]
Scan result ready event
[03-03 13:03:57.432 2731:2835 D/AudioService]
Stream muted, skip playback
[03-03 13:03:57.437 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10300000 cmp=com.dp.logcatapp/.activities.SplashActivity} from uid 10132
[03-03 13:03:57.450 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:57.462 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-4] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:57.462 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69cb010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:57.462 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-4] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:03:57.491 2731:3066 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc 8472:com.dp.logcatapp/u0a132 for activity com.dp.logcatapp/.activities.SplashActivity
[03-03 13:03:57.535 2886:3137 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1004x134]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:57.542 2886:3137 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[unnamed-2886-5] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:57.542 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69cb010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:57.542 2886:2886 E/BufferItemConsumer]
[unnamed-2886-5] Failed to release buffer: Unknown error -1 (1)
[03-03 13:03:57.552 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.553 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.553 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.569 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.569 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.569 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.585 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.585 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.585 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.602 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.602 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.602 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.619 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.619 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.619 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.635 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.635 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.635 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.652 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.652 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.652 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.658 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
START u0 {cmp=com.dp.logcatapp/.activities.MainActivity} from uid 10132
[03-03 13:03:57.668 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.668 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.668 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.685 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.685 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.702 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.702 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.718 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.719 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.735 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.735 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.752 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.752 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.768 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.768 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.785 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.785 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.802 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.802 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.818 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.818 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.835 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=2, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.835 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.852 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 1 line
[03-03 13:03:57.852 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.855 8472:8490 D/OpenGLRenderer]
HWUI GL Pipeline
[03-03 13:03:57.868 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.885 2508:2508 I/chatty]
uid=1000(system) /system/bin/surfaceflinger identical 2 lines
[03-03 13:03:57.885 2508:2508 W/display]
Cannot compose overlay for internal mpp (type=0, index=0), fallback to FRAMEBUFFER
[03-03 13:03:57.906 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[Logcat] Available buffers: [crash, events, main, radio, system]
[03-03 13:03:57.906 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[Logcat] Default buffers: [main, system, crash]
[03-03 13:03:57.919 8472:8472 W/Notification]
Use of stream types is deprecated for operations other than volume control
[03-03 13:03:57.919 8472:8472 W/Notification]
See the documentation of setSound() for what to use instead with to qualify your playback use case
[03-03 13:03:57.977 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:57.978 8472:8490 I/com.dp.logcatapp]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[03-03 13:03:57.978 8472:8490 I/OpenGLRenderer]
Initialized EGL, version 1.4
[03-03 13:03:57.978 8472:8490 D/OpenGLRenderer]
Swap behavior 2
[03-03 13:03:57.980 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[LogcatLiveFragment] onServiceConnected
[03-03 13:03:57.981 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[LogcatLiveFragment] Added all logs
[03-03 13:03:57.984 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[Logcat] onActivityInForeground
[03-03 13:03:57.984 8472:8472 D/MyDeviceLogs]
[Logcat] Posting pending logs
[03-03 13:03:57.986 8472:8490 D/mali_winsys]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [1080x1920]-format:1
[03-03 13:03:58.075 2886:2892 I/zygote64]
Do full code cache collection, code=503KB, data=314KB
[03-03 13:03:58.079 2886:2892 I/zygote64]
After code cache collection, code=474KB, data=270KB
[03-03 13:03:58.085 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:58.088 8472:8490 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:03:58.129 2731:2754 I/ActivityManager]
Displayed com.dp.logcatapp/.activities.MainActivity: +448ms (total +654ms)
[03-03 13:03:58.130 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onFinishInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:58.130 2868:2868 I/GoogleInputMethod]
onStartInput() : Dummy InputConnection bound
[03-03 13:03:58.253 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
Do partial code cache collection, code=25KB, data=29KB
[03-03 13:03:58.253 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
After code cache collection, code=25KB, data=29KB
[03-03 13:03:58.253 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
[03-03 13:03:58.406 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
Do partial code cache collection, code=56KB, data=44KB
[03-03 13:03:58.406 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
After code cache collection, code=56KB, data=44KB
[03-03 13:03:58.406 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
Increasing code cache capacity to 256KB
[03-03 13:03:58.434 3364:3565 E/NfcService]
Watchdog triggered, aborting.
[03-03 13:03:58.434 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] JNI FatalError called: enableInternal
[03-03 13:03:58.470 2508:2608 E/BufferQueueProducer]
[] disconnect: not connected (req=1)
[03-03 13:03:58.470 2886:3137 W/libEGL]
EGLNativeWindowType 0x77c69c9010 disconnect failed
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] Runtime aborting...
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] Dumping all threads without appropriate locks held: thread list lock mutator lock
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] All threads:
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] DALVIK THREADS (12):
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "enableInternal" prio=5 tid=12 Runnable
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x138c0200 self=0x77f1a94e00
[03-03 13:03:58.531 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3565 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77da8354f0
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=1 core=5 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77da733000-0x77da735000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes= "abort lock" "mutator lock"(shared held)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 00000000003ccd5c /system/lib64/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, int, BacktraceMap*, char const*, art::ArtMethod*, void*)+208)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 000000000049cff4 /system/lib64/ (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, bool, BacktraceMap*, bool) const+348)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000004b4d68 /system/lib64/ (art::DumpCheckpoint::Run(art::Thread*)+884)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000004ad574 /system/lib64/ (art::ThreadList::RunCheckpoint(art::Closure*, art::Closure*)+472)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 00000000004acef0 /system/lib64/ (art::ThreadList::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, bool)+792)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 000000000048455c /system/lib64/ (art::AbortState::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&) const+220)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 0000000000475b8c /system/lib64/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+196)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #07 pc 000000000056b6b0 /system/lib64/ (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+1004)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #08 pc 00000000003420b8 /system/lib64/ (art::JNI::FatalError(_JNIEnv*, char const*)+192)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #09 pc 00000000000146a0 /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #10 pc 0000000000000db8 /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@NfcNci@NfcNci.apk@classes.dex (Java_com_android_nfc_dhimpl_NativeNfcManager_doAbort__Ljava_lang_String_2+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at method)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x734135f0 self=0x77f1abea00
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3364 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x78767939a8
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=11 stm=4 core=0 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x7fe8a42000-0x7fe8a44000 stackSize=8MB
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3364/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000006b1a8 /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+8)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 000000000001f404 /system/lib64/ (epoll_pwait+52)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 0000000000015db4 /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+144)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 0000000000015c94 /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+108)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000010f6d8 /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 00000000001dc93c /system/framework/arm64/boot-framework.oat (Java_android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce__JI+140)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at android.os.Looper.loop(
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "Jit thread pool worker thread 0" prio=5 tid=2 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x136c0030 self=0x77e960e000
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3369 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e95ff4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=9 stm=1 core=1 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e9501000-0x77e9503000 stackSize=1021KB
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3369/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000004b6524 /system/lib64/ (art::ThreadPool::GetTask(art::Thread*)+256)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000004b5c18 /system/lib64/ (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Run()+124)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 00000000004b56ec /system/lib64/ (art::ThreadPoolWorker::Callback(void*)+148)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 0000000000068abc /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 000000000001ec64 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] (no managed stack frames)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "Signal Catcher" prio=5 tid=3 WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13700020 self=0x77f1abf400
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3370 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e94fe4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e9404000-0x77e9406000 stackSize=1005KB
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3370/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000006b388 /system/lib64/ (__rt_sigtimedwait+8)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 0000000000029218 /system/lib64/ (sigwait+60)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 000000000048bc54 /system/lib64/ (art::SignalSet::Wait()+44)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 000000000048b74c /system/lib64/ (art::SignalCatcher::WaitForSignal(art::Thread*, art::SignalSet&)+252)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 0000000000489f28 /system/lib64/ (art::SignalCatcher::Run(void*)+268)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 0000000000068abc /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 000000000001ec64 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] (no managed stack frames)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "ReferenceQueueDaemon" prio=5 tid=4 Waiting
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c0c790 self=0x77f1a6e400
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3371 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e6f9f4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e6e9d000-0x77e6e9f000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3371/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000003c7fd4 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+636)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000003c9a64 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, art::mirror::Object*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+376)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000000070c /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+124)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.532 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - waiting on <0x03088a5a> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$ReferenceQueueDaemon.runInternal(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - locked <0x03088a5a> (a java.lang.Class<java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue>)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "FinalizerDaemon" prio=5 tid=5 Waiting
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c0c830 self=0x77f1a6ee00
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3372 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e6e9a4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e6d98000-0x77e6d9a000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3372/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000003c7fd4 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+636)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000003c9a64 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, art::mirror::Object*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+376)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 0000000000000aec /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__JI+140)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - waiting on <0x0066848b> (a java.lang.Object)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Object.wait(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - locked <0x0066848b> (a java.lang.Object)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerDaemon.runInternal(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "FinalizerWatchdogDaemon" prio=5 tid=6 Waiting
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c0c8d0 self=0x77f1a6f800
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3373 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e6d954f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e6c93000-0x77e6c95000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3373/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000003c7fd4 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+636)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000003c9a64 /system/lib64/ (art::Monitor::Wait(art::Thread*, art::mirror::Object*, long, int, bool, art::ThreadState)+376)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000000070c /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (Java_java_lang_Object_wait__+124)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Object.wait(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - waiting on <0x068af968> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.sleepUntilNeeded(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - locked <0x068af968> (a java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$FinalizerWatchdogDaemon.runInternal(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "HeapTaskDaemon" prio=5 tid=7 Blocked
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x12c0c970 self=0x77f1a70200
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3374 nice=4 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77e6c904f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77e6b8e000-0x77e6b90000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3374/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 0000000000253cc4 /system/lib64/ (art::gc::TaskProcessor::GetTask(art::Thread*)+368)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 000000000025458c /system/lib64/ (art::gc::TaskProcessor::RunAllTasks(art::Thread*)+92)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 00000000001f2f3c /system/framework/arm64/boot-core-libart.oat (Java_dalvik_system_VMRuntime_runHeapTasks__+124)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at dalvik.system.VMRuntime.runHeapTasks(Native method)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] - waiting to lock an unknown object
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$HeapTaskDaemon.runInternal(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.lang.Daemons$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "Binder:3364_1" prio=5 tid=8 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13740020 self=0x77e9614400
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3375 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77db4d44f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=6 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77db3da000-0x77db3dc000 stackSize=1005KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3375/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000006b294 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+4)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 0000000000024bf8 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+136)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 0000000000054938 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+260)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 0000000000054aa8 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000005516c /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 000000000007615c /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 00000000000114e4 /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+280)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #07 pc 00000000000a9a34 /system/lib64/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+140)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #08 pc 0000000000068abc /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #09 pc 000000000001ec64 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] (no managed stack frames)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "Binder:3364_2" prio=5 tid=9 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x13780020 self=0x77f1a70c00
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3376 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77db3d74f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=1 stm=0 core=3 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77db2dd000-0x77db2df000 stackSize=1005KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3376/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000006b294 /system/lib64/ (__ioctl+4)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 0000000000024bf8 /system/lib64/ (ioctl+136)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 0000000000054938 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::talkWithDriver(bool)+260)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 0000000000054aa8 /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::getAndExecuteCommand()+24)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000005516c /system/lib64/ (android::IPCThreadState::joinThreadPool(bool)+60)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 000000000007615c /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 00000000000114e4 /system/lib64/ (android::Thread::_threadLoop(void*)+280)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #07 pc 00000000000a9a34 /system/lib64/ (android::AndroidRuntime::javaThreadShell(void*)+140)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #08 pc 0000000000068abc /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #09 pc 000000000001ec64 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] (no managed stack frames)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "Profile Saver" prio=5 tid=10 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x137c0020 self=0x77e962b800
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3458 nice=9 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77db11b4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=0 core=7 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77db021000-0x77db023000 stackSize=1005KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3458/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 00000000000e683c /system/lib64/ (art::ConditionVariable::WaitHoldingLocks(art::Thread*)+152)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000003369c8 /system/lib64/ (art::ProfileSaver::Run()+360)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000003395b4 /system/lib64/ (art::ProfileSaver::RunProfileSaverThread(void*)+92)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 0000000000068abc /system/lib64/ (__pthread_start(void*)+36)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 000000000001ec64 /system/lib64/ (__start_thread+68)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] (no managed stack frames)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "AsyncTask #1" prio=5 tid=11 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x1388a6d8 self=0x77f1a93a00
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3564 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77da93a4f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=S schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=0 stm=1 core=3 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77da838000-0x77da83a000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes=
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] kernel: (couldn't read /proc/self/task/3564/stack)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 000000000001d56c /system/lib64/ (syscall+28)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 0000000000068138 /system/lib64/ (pthread_cond_wait+96)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 00000000000114cc /system/lib64/ (CondVar::wait(Mutex&)+32)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 00000000000133ec /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 000000000000019c /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@NfcNci@NfcNci.apk@classes.dex (Java_com_android_nfc_dhimpl_NativeNfcManager_doInitialize__+124)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at method)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$EnableDisableTask.enableInternal(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$EnableDisableTask.doInBackground(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$EnableDisableTask.doInBackground(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at android.os.AsyncTask$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] Aborting thread:
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] "enableInternal" prio=5 tid=12 Native
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | group="" sCount=0 dsCount=0 flags=0 obj=0x138c0200 self=0x77f1a94e00
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | sysTid=3565 nice=0 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x77da8354f0
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | state=R schedstat=( 0 0 0 ) utm=3 stm=4 core=3 HZ=100
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | stack=0x77da733000-0x77da735000 stackSize=1037KB
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] | held mutexes= "abort lock"
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #00 pc 00000000003ccd5c /system/lib64/ (art::DumpNativeStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, int, BacktraceMap*, char const*, art::ArtMethod*, void*)+208)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #01 pc 000000000049cff4 /system/lib64/ (art::Thread::DumpStack(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, bool, BacktraceMap*, bool) const+348)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #02 pc 0000000000484958 /system/lib64/ (art::AbortState::DumpThread(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&, art::Thread*) const+56)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #03 pc 0000000000484698 /system/lib64/ (art::AbortState::Dump(std::__1::basic_ostream<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>>&) const+536)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #04 pc 0000000000475b8c /system/lib64/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+196)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #05 pc 000000000056b6b0 /system/lib64/ (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+1004)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #06 pc 00000000003420b8 /system/lib64/ (art::JNI::FatalError(_JNIEnv*, char const*)+192)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #07 pc 00000000000146a0 /system/lib64/ (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.533 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] native: #08 pc 0000000000000db8 /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@NfcNci@NfcNci.apk@classes.dex (???)
[03-03 13:03:58.534 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at method)
[03-03 13:03:58.534 3364:3565 F/zygote64]] at$
[03-03 13:03:58.534 3364:3565 F/zygote64]]
[03-03 13:03:58.534 3364:3565 F/libc]
Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 3565 (enableInternal), pid 3364 (
[03-03 13:03:58.549 2886:7700 I/zygote64]
Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 19106(1065KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 50% free, 5MB/11MB, paused 83us total 88.253ms
[03-03 13:03:58.585 8527:8527 I/crash_dump64]
obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
[03-03 13:03:58.586 2576:2576 I//system/bin/tombstoned]
received crash request for pid 3364
[03-03 13:03:58.589 8527:8527 I/crash_dump64]
performing dump of process 3364 (target tid = 3565)
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
Build fingerprint: 'samsung/a5y17ltexx/a5y17lte:7.0/NRD90M/A520FXXU3BQLA:user/release-keys'
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
Revision: '0'
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
ABI: 'arm64'
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
pid: 3364, tid: 3565, name: enableInternal >>> <<<
[03-03 13:03:58.590 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
Abort message: '] JNI FatalError called: enableInternal'
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x0 0000000000000000 x1 0000000000000ded x2 0000000000000006 x3 0000000000000008
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x4 0000000000000000 x5 0000000000000000 x6 0000000000000000 x7 0080808080808080
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x8 0000000000000083 x9 0000000010000000 x10 00000077da834640 x11 0000000000000001
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x12 ffffffffffffefff x13 ffffffffffffffff x14 ffffffffffffffff x15 001fd477a8796dca
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x16 000000787679ffa8 x17 00000078748eb268 x18 0000000000000000 x19 0000000000000d24
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x20 0000000000000ded x21 0000000000000083 x22 00000077e961a170 x23 00000077da835588
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x24 00000077da8346d9 x25 0000000000000018 x26 0000000000000031 x27 0000000000000025
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
x28 0000000000000001 x29 00000077da834680 x30 000000787489f7ac
[03-03 13:03:58.596 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
sp 00000077da834640 pc 000000787489f7d4 pstate 0000000060000000
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#00 pc 000000000001d7d4 /system/lib64/ (abort+120)
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#01 pc 0000000000475cf0 /system/lib64/ (art::Runtime::Abort(char const*)+552)
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#02 pc 000000000056b6b0 /system/lib64/ (android::base::LogMessage::~LogMessage()+1004)
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#03 pc 00000000003420b8 /system/lib64/ (art::JNI::FatalError(_JNIEnv*, char const*)+192)
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#04 pc 00000000000146a0 /system/lib64/ (android::nfcManager_doAbort(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, _jstring*)+48)
[03-03 13:03:58.606 8527:8527 F/DEBUG]
#05 pc 0000000000008db8 /data/dalvik-cache/arm64/system@app@NfcNci@NfcNci.apk@classes.dex (offset 0x8000)
[03-03 13:03:59.397 2576:2576 E//system/bin/tombstoned]
Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_45
[03-03 13:03:59.389 3565:3565 W/enableInternal]
type=1701 audit(0.0:284): auid=4294967295 uid=1027 gid=1027 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:nfc:s0 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" sig=6
[03-03 13:03:59.401 2731:2751 I/BootReceiver]
Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_45 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
[03-03 13:03:59.427 2377:2377 I/ServiceManager]
service 'nfc' died
[03-03 13:03:59.429 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Process (pid 3364) has died: pers PER
[03-03 13:03:59.429 2481:2481 I/Zygote]
Process 3364 exited due to signal (6)
[03-03 13:03:59.430 2731:2747 W/system_server]
kill(-3364, 9) failed: No such process
[03-03 13:03:59.430 2731:2747 I/system_server]
Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1027 pid 3364 in 0ms
[03-03 13:03:59.430 2731:3414 W/ActivityManager]
Re-adding persistent process ProcessRecord{383753}
[03-03 13:03:59.443 2731:3414 I/ActivityManager]
Start proc for restart
[03-03 13:03:59.506 8472:8500 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void com.dp.logcat.Logcat.postPendingLogs() due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:03:59.507 8472:8472 I/zygote64]
Deoptimizing void com.logcat.collections.FixedCircularArray.add(java.lang.Iterable) due to JIT inline cache
[03-03 13:03:59.546 8529:8529 I/NfcService]
Starting NFC service
[03-03 13:03:59.570 8529:8529 I/BrcmNfcJni]
NFC Service: loading nci JNI
[03-03 13:03:59.570 8529:8529 D/NfcAdaptation]
readConfig Opened base config /etc/libnfc-brcm.conf
[03-03 13:03:59.578 8529:8529 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found SCREEN_OFF_POWER_STATE=(0x3)
[03-03 13:03:59.578 8529:8529 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found ACTIVE_SE=(0x2)
[03-03 13:03:59.578 8529:8529 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found DEFAULT_ISODEP_ROUTE=(0x3)
[03-03 13:03:59.578 8529:8529 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found AID_MATCHING_MODE=(0x1)
[03-03 13:03:59.585 8529:8529 W/Settings]
Setting device_provisioned has moved from android.provider.Settings.Secure to android.provider.Settings.Global.
[03-03 13:03:59.638 8529:8529 I/NfceeAccess]
read 5 signature(s) for NFCEE access
[03-03 13:03:59.709 8529:8529 D/RegisteredT3tIdentifiersCache]
[03-03 13:03:59.729 8529:8529 D/RegisteredServicesCache]
Dynamic AIDs file does not exist.
[03-03 13:03:59.765 8529:8529 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache]
Dynamic System Code, NFCID2 file does not exist.
[03-03 13:03:59.767 8529:8529 D/RegisteredNfcFServicesCache]
Service unchanged, not updating
[03-03 13:03:59.771 8529:8547 D/NfcService]
checking on firmware download
[03-03 13:03:59.771 8529:8547 D/NfcService]
NFC is on. Doing normal stuff
[03-03 13:03:59.771 8529:8547 I/NfcService]
Enabling NFC
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found SCREEN_OFF_POWER_STATE=(0x3)
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::Initialize: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 E/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::Initialize: ver=NFCDROID-AOSP_M_00.01 nfa=NFA_PI_1.03.66+
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found NFA_STORAGE=/data/nfc
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found APPL_TRACE_LEVEL=(0xFF)
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/BrcmNfcJni]
initializeGlobalAppLogLevel: level=5
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/]
[03-03 13:03:59.778 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin1
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: data size=228
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin2
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin3
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin4
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
crcChecksumVerifyIntegrity: filename=/data/nfc/nfaStorage.bin5
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found PRESERVE_STORAGE=(0x1)
[03-03 13:03:59.781 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
Initialize: preserve stack NV store
[03-03 13:03:59.784 8529:8550 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::Thread: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.784 8529:8549 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::NFCA_TASK: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.784 8529:8549 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
GKI_run(): Start/Stop GKI_timer_update_registered!
[03-03 13:03:59.786 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC_TASK started.
[03-03 13:03:59.786 8529:8550 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::Thread: exit
[03-03 13:03:59.786 8529:8550 E/BrcmNfcNfa]
gki_task task_id=0 terminating
[03-03 13:03:59.786 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.786 8529:8547 I/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: INfc::getService()
[03-03 13:03:59.788 2378:2378 W//system/bin/hwservicemanager]
getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.nfc@1.0::INfc/default in either framework or device manifest.
[03-03 13:03:59.789 8529:8547 D/vndksupport]
Loading /vendor/lib64/hw/ from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[03-03 13:03:59.801 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
nfc_open: enter; name=nci
[03-03 13:03:59.801 8529:8547 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_init: enter;
[03-03 13:03:59.802 8529:8547 D/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Get config SLEEP_TIMEOUT: 1000(0x3e8)
[03-03 13:03:59.802 8529:8547 D/SecHAL]
setSleepTimeout: Sleep timeout is 1000 ms
[03-03 13:03:59.802 8529:8547 I/SecHAL]
device_npt_control: device_npt_control: NFC Wake up for NPT.
[03-03 13:03:59.802 8529:8547 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_init: succeed;
[03-03 13:03:59.802 8529:8547 D/NfcNciHal]
nfc_open: exit 0
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: INfc::getService() returned 0x77f1ba3560 (local)
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::InitializeHalDeviceContext: exit
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
NfcAdaptation::Initialize: exit
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_dm_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=1, enable_cplt_mask=0x0
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=3, enable_cplt_mask=0x8
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_rw_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=5, enable_cplt_mask=0x28
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_ce_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=6, enable_cplt_mask=0x68
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_ee_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=2, enable_cplt_mask=0x6c
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_hci_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_sys_register () id=7, enable_cplt_mask=0xec
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
LLCP - llcp_init ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
num_rx_buff = 9, rx_congest_start = 6, rx_congest_end = 4, max_num_ll_rx_buff = 2
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
max_num_tx_buff = 21, max_num_ll_tx_buff = 6
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
LLCP_RegisterServer (): SAP:0x1, link_type:0x2, ServiceName:<urn:nfc:sn:sdp>
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
LLCP_RegisterServer (): Registered SAP = 0x01
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFA_Enable ()
[03-03 13:03:59.803 8529:8547 D/NfcAdaptation]
find found APPL_TRACE_LEVEL=(0xFF)
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFA got event 0x0100
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8547 D/BrcmNfcJni]
initializeGlobalAppLogLevel: level=5
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC_SetTraceLevel () new_level = 5
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8547 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC_SetTraceLevel () new_level = 5
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfa_dm_enable ()
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC_Enable ()
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfc_set_state 0 (NONE)->1 (W4_HAL_OPEN)
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 D/NfcAdaptation]
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open: enter;
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Get config POWER_DRIVER: /dev/sec-nfc
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Get config TRANS_DRIVER: /dev/sec-nfc
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 E/SecHAL]
device_open: pw_driver: 35, tr_driver: 35
[03-03 13:03:59.804 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
device_set_mode: device mode chage: 0 -> 2
[03-03 13:03:59.969 8529:8554 I/SecHAL]
read_thread: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.969 8529:8551 D/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Get config WAKEUP_DELAY: 80(0x50)
[03-03 13:03:59.969 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open: exit;
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: enter!
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_OPEN(0)
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: OPEN
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_set_mode: device mode chage: 2 -> 2
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open_sm: Get Bootloader information.
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:03:59.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:00.289 8410:8424 V/BluetoothAdapterState]
PendingCommand - transient state(s): isBleTurningOn
[03-03 13:04:00.290 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterState]
Current state: PENDING_COMMAND, message: 101
[03-03 13:04:00.290 8410:8424 E/BluetoothAdapterState]
Error enabling Bluetooth (enable timeout)
[03-03 13:04:00.290 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
stopProfileServices() - No profiles services to stop or already stopped.
[03-03 13:04:00.290 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:04:00.291 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
setProfileServiceState() - Stopping service
[03-03 13:04:00.295 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterProperties]
Setting state to 10
[03-03 13:04:00.295 8410:8424 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Bluetooth adapter state changed: 14-> 10
[03-03 13:04:00.295 8410:8424 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
updateAdapterState() - Broadcasting state to 1 receivers.
[03-03 13:04:00.295 8410:8410 D/BtGatt.DebugUtils]
handleDebugAction() action=null
[03-03 13:04:00.296 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:04:00.297 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:04:00.297 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Bluetooth is complete send Service Down
[03-03 13:04:00.297 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 11 receivers.
[03-03 13:04:00.297 8410:8424 I/BluetoothAdapterState]
Entering OffState
[03-03 13:04:00.297 8410:8410 D/BtGatt.GattService]
Received stop request...Stopping profile...
[03-03 13:04:00.297 3518:3533 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@6d21dbc
[03-03 13:04:00.297 3299:3310 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@69ff7f4
[03-03 13:04:00.298 2731:2753 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@afa9f00
[03-03 13:04:00.298 2886:2900 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@6062161
[03-03 13:04:00.298 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
unbindAndFinish(): android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@afa9f00 mBinding = false mUnbinding = false
[03-03 13:04:00.299 7494:7505 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@23ea5a
[03-03 13:04:00.299 4453:4469 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@2742a23
[03-03 13:04:00.299 3616:3785 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@3a77200
[03-03 13:04:00.299 8529:8541 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@bcb506f
[03-03 13:04:00.299 3652:4702 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@55f8fee
[03-03 13:04:00.299 3059:3204 D/BluetoothAdapter]
onBluetoothServiceDown: android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy@65c3daa
[03-03 13:04:00.300 8410:8421 D/BluetoothAdapter]
[03-03 13:04:00.303 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
Sending BLE State Change: BLE_TURNING_ON > OFF
[03-03 13:04:00.303 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
getAdapterService() - returning
[03-03 13:04:00.307 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
onUnbind() - calling cleanup
[03-03 13:04:00.307 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
[03-03 13:04:00.310 8410:8410 W/BluetoothSdpJni]
Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP Interface...
[03-03 13:04:00.310 8410:8410 W/BluetoothSdpJni]
Cleaning up Bluetooth SDP object
[03-03 13:04:00.310 8410:8410 D/BluetoothAdapterService]
cleanup() - Cleaning up adapter native
[03-03 13:04:00.311 2731:3414 D/BluetoothManagerService]
1 registered Ble Apps
[03-03 13:04:00.311 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
isLeEnabled(): OFF
[03-03 13:04:00.311 3299:3299 D/BluetoothAdapter]
enableBLE(): Calling enable
[03-03 13:04:00.312 2731:3418 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable( mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
[03-03 13:04:00.312 2731:3418 D/BluetoothManagerService]
enable returning
[03-03 13:04:00.312 2731:2753 D/BluetoothManagerService]
MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
[03-03 13:04:00.715 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
Do full code cache collection, code=125KB, data=82KB
[03-03 13:04:00.717 8472:8477 I/zygote64]
After code cache collection, code=114KB, data=68KB
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 4) 00 01 00 00
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:00.971 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: OPEN
[03-03 13:04:00.973 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 18) 81 00 0e 00 81 00 01 00 00 10 00 02 06 01 00 02 00 30
[03-03 13:04:00.973 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open_sm: Bootloader: Version, Sector size: 4096, Page Size: 512
[03-03 13:04:00.973 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open_sm: bl->product 0x081!!: S3FWRN81
[03-03 13:04:00.974 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Get config FW_UPDATE_MODE: 0(0x0)
[03-03 13:04:00.974 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_open_sm: F/W Update mode is 0
[03-03 13:04:00.974 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
check_force_fw_update_mode: force_update_mode : 0
[03-03 13:04:00.975 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_set_mode: device mode chage: 2 -> 1
[03-03 13:04:01.139 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_hw_rev: get_hw_rev enter;
[03-03 13:04:01.140 8529:8555 E/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Cannot find the field name [Revision]
[03-03 13:04:01.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_hw_rev: get_hw_rev exit; rev = -1
[03-03 13:04:01.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Get config FW_CFG_CLK_SPEED: 18(0x12)
[03-03 13:04:01.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_wakeup: Wakeup! in 80 ms
[03-03 13:04:01.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_wakeup: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 4) 2f 28 01 12
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.223 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: hal state is changed: OPEN -> FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.251 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.251 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.251 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 5) 4f 28 02 00 12
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: RF clock setup success!!
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: hal state is changed: FW_UPDATE -> OPEN
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: NFC_HAL_COMPLETE(240)
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: OPEN
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_set_mode: device mode chage: 1 -> 1
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
nfc_stack_cback: !
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfc_main_hal_cback event: HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT(0x0), status=0
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: hal state is changed: OPEN -> POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfc_set_state 1 (W4_HAL_OPEN)->2 (CORE_INIT)
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8551 D/NfcAdaptation]
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_write: enter;
[03-03 13:04:01.252 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_write: exit;
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_WRITE(3)
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_postinit_sm: set flag to 0x000001
[03-03 13:04:01.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_wakeup: Wakeup! in 80 ms
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_wakeup: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 4) 20 00 01 01
[03-03 13:04:01.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.344 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.344 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.344 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 6) 40 00 03 00 10 01
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_postinit_sm: Respond CORE_RESET_RSP
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
nfc_data_callback: !
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC received rsp gid:0
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nci_proc_core_rsp opcode:0x0
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 D/NfcAdaptation]
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_write: enter;
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_write: exit;
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_WRITE(3)
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_postinit_sm: set flag to 0x000102
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 3) 20 01 00
[03-03 13:04:01.345 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 23) 40 01 14 00 02 0e 02 00 03 01 02 03 02 2e 04 ff 10 00 0e 41 00 07 02
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_postinit_sm: Respond CORE_INIT_RSP
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
nfc_data_callback: !
[03-03 13:04:01.346 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC received rsp gid:0
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nci_proc_core_rsp opcode:0x1
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
nfc_set_state 2 (CORE_INIT)->3 (W4_POST_INIT_CPLT)
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8551 D/NfcAdaptation]
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_core_initialized: enter;
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8551 I/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_core_initialized: exit;
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_CORE_INIT(1)
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 3) 2f 29 00
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.347 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: POST_INIT
[03-03 13:04:01.329 8555:8555 I/]
type=1400 audit(0.0:285): avc: denied { search } for comm=4173796E635461736B202331 name="sec_efs" dev="mmcblk0p3" ino=12 scontext=u:r:nfc:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sec_efs_file:s0 tclass=dir permissive=1
[03-03 13:04:01.329 8555:8555 W/]
type=1300 audit(0.0:285): arch=c00000b7 syscall=79 success=no exit=-2 a0=ffffff9c a1=77da31940c a2=77d9ff9038 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2481 auid=4294967295 uid=1027 gid=1027 euid=1027 suid=1027 fsuid=1027 egid=1027 sgid=1027 fsgid=1027 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 comm=4173796E635461736B202331 exe="/system/bin/app_process64" subj=u:r:nfc:s0 key=(null)
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 18) 4f 29 0f ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
select_image_set_chip_code: Chip code is ���
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Enter
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Inform, chip code: ���
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: mPOS: 0, type: 1
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Sales code: DEF
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_storage: Selecting FW image
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Get config UFU_DIR_PATH: /efs/sec_efs/nfc/
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_storage: Selecting FW image
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Get config FW_DIR_PATH: /system/vendor/firmware/nfc/
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Target code: DEF
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Try to load ufu image from /efs/sec_efs/nfc/
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_image_file: File is not exist: /efs/sec_efs/nfc//NFC_FW.bin
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_image_file: Try to open old verson field name [USER_FW_IMAGE]
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Cannot find the field name [USER_FW_IMAGE]
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 E/SecHAL]
get_image: Failed to find image file (0x77e960d080)
[03-03 13:04:01.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Try to load sys image from /system/vendor/firmware/nfc/
[03-03 13:04:01.349 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_config_string: Get config FW_FILE_NAME: sec_s3nrn81_firmware.bin
[03-03 13:04:01.349 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
load_fw_binary: Open: /system/vendor/firmware/nfc//sec_s3nrn81_firmware.bin(DEF)
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_image: Success get image: 0x77e960d080
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: SYS image is selected
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
get_image_version: FW version (0x77e960d080): 41.0.7
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
print_version: Chip version : 0x00.0x00.0x00.
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
print_version: Image version: 0x41.0x00.0x07.
[03-03 13:04:01.351 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
check_update: selectd code: DEF
[03-03 13:04:01.352 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
__get_config_int: Get config FW_UPDATE_MODE: 0(0x0)
[03-03 13:04:01.352 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
check_update: Update mode is 0
[03-03 13:04:01.352 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_get_update_image: Need to update image
[03-03 13:04:01.352 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_fw_get_image: Get update image is succesed
[03-03 13:04:01.353 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_postinit_sm: NFC need to update!!
[03-03 13:04:01.353 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
select_image_set_chip_code: Chip code is
[03-03 13:04:01.353 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_set_mode: device mode chage: 1 -> 2
[03-03 13:04:01.329 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:285): proctitle=""
[03-03 13:04:01.329 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:285):
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: hal state is changed: POST_INIT -> FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_stop: OSI_timer_stop : This timer is not running
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.519 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.520 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 02 04 00 20 00 80 00
[03-03 13:04:01.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_stop: OSI_timer_stop : This timer is not running
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: Enter F/W Updating mode
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 E/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_send_fw_status: nfc_hal_fw_send_fw_status, status: 0x01
[03-03 13:04:01.521 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
nfc_data_callback: !
[03-03 13:04:01.522 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: HASH check...
[03-03 13:04:01.522 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.522 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.522 8529:8551 I/BrcmNfcNfa]
NFC received ntf gid:15
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 36) 82 00 20 00 c4 22 fe 8e a0 95 b7 b1 91 da 82 7b 06 91 bf 27 9c 88 b6 f5 1f a2 43 6c b7 2a c5 cb db 6c 2a 9e
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.523 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.524 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.524 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: HASH checking is succeed
[03-03 13:04:01.524 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: signature check...
[03-03 13:04:01.524 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.524 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.527 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.528 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(132) 02 00 80 00 38 c8 7d 33 0e a2 a7 bf b9 9b 46 c9 d5 e8 c1 cf 63 2c 3d 50 2c 51 84 99 51 3a 2d 5e 58 85 01 58 47 1d a0 4b 28 1f 13 47 be 78 92 08 ee 71 d0 c4 4f d5 71 82 1b 74 bd 6c 7e 3b 54 a6 d5 8d d8 b6 8c 45 db ef 76 e1 10 e3 85 f7 b3 70 08 7b 0a 7b ce b9 1a b8 47 68 a4 18 14 18 ca 1a 74 02 2b bf 7c da 67 a4 91 37 c3 c7 54 b7 f5 d7 0d 9b b5 b5 3d c2 1f 80 0b 3f 73 7a ec 73 9c 89 7e 04 cb 8d
[03-03 13:04:01.528 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.793 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: signature checking is succeed
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 30 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.795 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 0 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.796 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ff ff ff ff 41 00 07 02 0e ff ff ff 21 30 00 00 00 30 00 00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 04 48 80 f3 08 88 04 48 80 47 04 48 80 47 04 49 08 47 00 00 00 28 00 20 b7 30 00 00 83 30 00 00 7d 30 00 00 70 b5 05 46 0c 46 16 46 02 e0 0f cc 0f c5 10 3e 10 2e fa d2 08 2e 02 d3 03 cc 03 c5 08 3e 04 2e 07 d3 01 cc 01 c5 36 1f 03 e0 21 78 29 70 64 1c 6d 1c 76 1e f9 d2 70 bd fe e7 00 00 70 47 10 b5 00 f0 83 f8 03 f0 bc fd 03 f0 67 fe 01 f0 2f f9 03 f0 3f f9 09 48 00 78 00 28 04 d1 01 f0 69 f8 01 20 01 f0 77 f8 0a f0 e0 f9 0a f0 31 f9 00 20 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 50 f8 10 bd 00 00 48 03 00 20 f9 4a 90 42 02 d9 00 20 c0 43 70 47 f7 4a 50 61 00 20 90 61 00 29 01 d0 02 20 00 e0 00 20 05 21 08 43 10 61 00 20 70 47 05 21 09 07 0a 68 03 23 9b 02 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 83 02
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.803 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 0a 60 0a 68 03 23 1b 03 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 00 03 02 43 0a 60 70 47 02 20 ff f7 e8 ff 00 f0 41 fa 10 b5 e4 49 09 78 00 29 10 d1 80 22 e2 49 00 28 0d d0 01 28 0a d1 48 68 00 06 07 d4 48 68 10 43 48 60 01 20 04 f0 b7 f8 04 f0 bf f8 10 bd 48 68 00 06 fb d5 48 68 90 43 48 60 10 bd 10 b5 d7 48 01 69 04 22 11 43 01 61 d5 4a d6 49 d6 48 1b f0 47 fd d6 49 d6 48 1b f0 a9 fd d6 4a d6 49 d7 48 1b f0 3e fd 00 f0 5f fa 00 f0 31 fa 10 bd 10 b5 0a f0 af f8 00 f0 0a fb 01 22 12 05 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 ce 49 cb 68 13 43 cb 60 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 10 bd f8 b5 04 00 2f d0 ef f3 10 80 c5 07 ed 0f 72 b6 00 21 b8 4e 30 46 ff f7 7a ff b8 48 21 46 40 68 1b f0 49 fe c2 4a 00 23 1b f0 62 fc b3 4c 01 46 a0 69 30 1a 00 26 26 61 00 2d 00 d1 62 b6 0f 30 88 42 10 d2 bb 4f 08 1a
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.811 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.811 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.811 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.817 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.817 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 80 21 b9 4a c9 43 80 32 11 60 00 21 ff f7 5a ff 20 69 c0 03 c0 0f fb d0 26 61 3d 60 f8 bd 10 b5 b2 49 09 7b 01 29 2a d0 a2 4c 00 28 28 d0 01 28 25 d1 ae 48 7d 21 c0 38 80 7f c9 00 48 43 ff f7 ba ff ab 48 04 f0 2f f9 00 20 00 f0 26 f9 1b 20 00 f0 0f f9 00 f0 15 f9 00 20 00 f0 61 f9 02 20 ff f7 44 ff a3 48 a0 60 60 60 03 f0 bd fd 09 f0 16 fc e0 78 c0 43 c1 b2 04 20 00 f0 89 f9 10 bd e1 78 04 20 00 f0 84 f9 60 78 01 28 25 d0 00 28 f5 d1 04 f0 1a f8 01 20 00 f0 42 f9 01 20 00 f0 fc f8 01 20 04 f0 ff f8 01 20 ff f7 1f ff 1b 20 00 f0 df f8 05 20 00 07 01 69 80 22 91 43 01 61 01 69 52 00 91 43 01 61 8b 48 a0 60 40 10 60 60 03 f0 8a fd 09 f0 dc fb 10 bd 02 20 dc e7 02 20 04 e7 70 b5 00 f0 c9 f9 72 4c 60 78 01 28 0d d0 00 28 53 d1 a1 78 01 20 7f 4d 00 29 0b d0
[03-03 13:04:01.817 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.824 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.824 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 0b d0 02 29 0b d0 03 29 0c d1 0a e0 00 f0 34 f9 00 f0 38 f9 1e e0 79 48 04 e0 79 48 02 e0 79 48 00 e0 28 46 06 46 71 48 c0 79 00 28 07 d0 00 f0 23 f9 00 f0 27 f9 64 20 ff f7 3d ff 01 e0 00 f0 21 f9 e1 78 04 20 00 f0 23 f9 00 22 29 46 30 46 03 f0 cc ff 60 78 01 28 01 d0 00 28 1e d1 05 20 00 07 01 68 01 22 12 06 91 43 01 60 00 20 00 f0 eb f8 03 20 00 f0 f4 f8 00 f0 de f8 00 22 27 23 61 49 10 46 00 f0 01 ff 01 20 00 f0 05 ff 5f 48 01 6a 02 22 11 43 01 62 04 f0 08 f8 70 bd f8 b5 15 46 06 46 5a 4a 68 46 01 29 03 dd 00 20 28 70 01 20 f8 bd 56 4f 14 3f 79 69 03 24 00 91 01 5d ff 29 01 d1 64 1e fa d5 03 2c 03 db c0 78 28 70 03 20 f8 bd 03 19 31 78 59 70 00 2c 03 db 31 78 00 5d 81 42 0c d0 69 46 10 46 04 f0 37 f8 38 19 41 7d 29 70 31 78 40 7d 81 42 04 d0 02 20
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 38 19 00 7d 28 70 ff f7 6c ff 2a 48 40 78 00 28 01 d0 01 28 01 d1 03 f0 a2 fc 00 20 f8 bd 10 b5 03 f0 c4 ff 10 bd 32 48 04 f0 3d f8 1b 20 00 f0 20 f8 00 f0 26 f8 00 20 00 f0 72 f8 00 20 01 f0 1a fb 00 22 11 46 10 46 09 f0 86 fd 31 48 ff f7 b2 fe ff f7 60 fe 10 b5 04 f0 6b fb 2e 49 08 60 ff 20 2e 49 3d 30 08 62 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 c7 fa 10 bd 05 22 12 07 11 69 49 09 49 01 01 43 11 61 70 47 05 20 00 07 01 69 ff 22 01 32 11 43 01 61 01 69 80 22 11 43 01 61 70 47 05 22 12 07 51 68 f0 23 99 43 00 01 08 43 50 60 70 47 ff ff ff 00 00 e0 00 e0 48 03 00 20 c0 10 02 50 00 ed 00 e0 a5 02 00 00 f8 f4 01 00 a0 00 00 20 fe 16 00 00 48 03 00 20 94 00 00 00 64 f4 01 00 00 00 00 20 f8 07 00 20 40 42 0f 00 00 e1 00 e0 a0 fd 01 00 01 04 00 00 00 3f ab 01 80 d1 9d 01 00 36
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.831 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 f8 24 01 80 ba 8c 01 00 b4 c4 04 00 20 02 40 14 30 00 00 50 c3 00 00 a4 00 00 20 00 30 02 40 05 21 09 07 4a 68 03 23 1b 02 9a 43 4a 60 4a 68 00 02 02 43 4a 60 b8 e7 05 20 00 07 01 68 01 22 12 06 11 43 01 60 b0 e7 05 21 09 07 0a 68 07 23 5b 05 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 40 05 02 43 0a 60 a4 e7 05 21 09 07 0a 68 03 23 db 04 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 c0 04 02 43 0a 60 98 e7 81 48 01 68 02 22 11 43 01 60 92 e7 7e 48 01 68 01 22 11 43 01 60 8c e7 7c 4a 00 29 11 68 01 d0 01 43 00 e0 81 43 11 60 83 e7 79 48 01 21 01 60 40 20 05 22 12 07 d3 68 03 43 d3 60 75 48 82 6b 8a 43 82 63 83 6b 08 22 93 43 83 63 83 6b 13 43 83 63 83 6b 02 22 93 43 83 63 83 6b 13 43 83 63 42 6b 12 0d 12 05 42 63 42 6b 0a 43 42 63 82 6b 0a 43 82 63 fe e7 10 b5 67 4c 20 78 00 28 03 d0 01 28 04 d0 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.838 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 f0 7f f8 10 bd 63 48 00 7b 01 28 08 d1 5d 48 08 21 42 68 0a 43 42 60 01 21 08 20 ff f7 b8 ff 02 20 ff f7 63 fd 02 20 00 f0 55 f8 00 20 00 f0 3d f8 02 20 00 f0 5a f8 00 20 00 f0 41 f8 56 48 a0 60 60 60 10 bd 55 49 17 20 0a 68 02 43 0a 60 01 20 53 4a 00 05 10 60 41 00 11 60 51 4b 02 22 1b 68 13 42 01 d0 00 22 00 e0 01 22 48 4b 1a 70 45 4a 80 3a 10 60 11 60 17 e7 4b 49 03 20 0a 18 12 7d ff 2a 02 d1 40 1e 00 28 f8 dc 08 18 00 7d 01 06 01 d5 ff 22 00 e0 82 09 3d 49 4a 70 c2 06 d2 0f 00 07 ca 70 00 0f 88 70 fe e6 05 21 09 07 8a 69 92 08 92 00 8a 61 8a 69 02 43 8a 61 f4 e6 05 21 09 07 8a 69 30 23 9a 43 8a 61 8a 69 00 01 02 43 8a 61 e9 e6 05 21 09 07 8a 69 0c 23 9a 43 8a 61 8a 69 80 00 02 43 8a 61 de e6 05 21 09 07 8a 69 c0 23 9a 43 8a 61 8a 69 80 01 02 43
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.844 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.845 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 d3 e6 70 b5 1f 4c 04 20 61 68 01 43 61 60 21 48 00 7b 01 28 07 d1 01 21 08 20 ff f7 39 ff 61 68 08 20 01 43 61 60 ff 20 19 4d 05 24 68 70 24 07 e0 69 40 00 40 08 e0 61 02 20 ff f7 d7 fc 01 21 a0 68 c9 02 08 43 a0 60 00 20 ff f7 fd fe 03 20 ff f7 06 ff ff f7 f0 fe 03 20 ff f7 bc ff 03 20 ff f7 a4 ff 03 20 ff f7 c1 ff 03 20 ff f7 a8 ff 09 48 a8 60 68 60 00 20 ff f7 d2 fc 70 bd 00 00 00 00 03 50 00 2c 02 40 80 e1 00 e0 00 00 02 50 48 03 00 20 60 fd 01 00 00 3f ab 01 00 10 02 50 80 e2 00 e0 00 04 02 50 00 30 00 00 10 b5 18 21 f7 48 1b f0 8d fa f8 49 f6 48 0a 6a 82 43 0a 62 00 f0 2b fa f5 48 00 78 00 28 0e d1 1a 20 00 f0 1d fa 1b 20 00 f0 1a fa 1a 20 00 f0 10 fa 1d 20 00 f0 0d fa 1c 20 00 f0 0a fa ed 48 c1 68 7f 22 52 02 91 43 c1 60 10 20 00 f0 08 fa 10 20
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.851 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.857 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.857 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 fe f9 10 bd e2 48 40 69 00 28 00 d0 00 47 70 47 70 b5 04 46 03 f0 f2 f9 e0 48 dd 4d 01 78 e1 48 00 29 06 d0 21 07 40 d5 00 21 00 68 00 f0 85 fd 70 bd dd 4e 71 7d 00 29 00 d0 80 21 28 22 11 43 21 42 20 d0 d8 49 60 31 89 7d 00 29 01 d1 21 07 03 d5 01 21 00 68 00 f0 70 fd 70 7d 00 28 00 d0 80 20 20 42 07 d0 00 f0 0e fa 01 46 cf 48 00 68 00 f0 63 fd 07 e0 c8 48 01 6a 49 08 49 00 01 62 01 20 00 f0 ca f9 10 20 00 f0 b9 f9 e0 06 03 d5 68 69 00 28 00 d0 80 47 00 20 00 f0 7d fc c4 48 01 6a 02 22 11 43 01 62 70 bd e0 06 fc d5 68 69 00 28 f9 d0 80 47 70 bd f0 b5 b8 4f b4 4c 3a 78 21 7c b9 4e 60 68 87 b0 01 2a 02 d0 00 28 21 d1 04 e0 00 28 1e d1 00 29 1c d1 1d e0 00 29 19 d1 ad 48 00 68 c0 07 c0 0f 14 d1 70 7d 00 28 04 d0 01 20 09 f0 3e f9 00 28 0c d1 ad 48 00 6b
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.858 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 08 d5 a9 48 60 30 80 7d 00 28 03 d1 1a f0 53 ff 00 28 01 d0 01 25 00 e0 00 25 a3 48 40 30 c0 7a 01 28 4e d0 00 2d 4c d1 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 03 90 9f 48 09 f0 e5 fc 00 28 03 d1 9e 48 00 78 00 28 04 d0 01 25 03 98 00 28 36 d0 36 e0 97 48 03 21 01 60 93 48 00 68 00 f0 71 fd 93 48 00 68 00 f0 6d fd 03 f0 64 f9 01 20 93 49 00 04 08 60 39 78 00 29 0f d0 08 20 00 90 01 29 1a d0 7d 21 c9 00 a0 68 1b f0 b6 f9 01 46 00 98 03 f0 31 ff ff f7 3d ff d7 e7 72 7d 20 20 01 2a 00 d1 a0 20 e2 68 13 07 01 d5 10 23 18 43 92 07 e4 d5 08 22 10 43 e1 e7 ff 20 2d 30 e6 e7 62 b6 00 2d 1b d0 ff 25 38 78 f5 35 00 28 00 d1 a5 68 70 7d 00 28 04 d0 40 20 00 f0 2d f9 00 28 0d d1 e0 68 00 07 0a d5 20 7c 00 28 07 d1 00 23 74 4a 29 46 18 46 03 f0 54 fa 01 20 20 74 07 b0 f0 bd
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.870 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.870 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.870 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 66 48 01 25 00 78 ad 05 6c 4e 6f 00 00 28 02 d0 01 28 27 d0 48 e0 02 f0 5f fb 01 28 18 d1 00 f0 01 f9 00 28 14 d1 ef f3 10 80 c4 07 e4 0f 72 b6 01 20 40 02 09 f0 66 fc 00 28 06 d1 35 60 5f 48 80 30 07 60 17 20 00 f0 da f8 00 2c 00 d1 62 b6 20 20 00 f0 ef f8 00 28 26 d1 52 48 00 68 00 f0 ef fc 21 e0 50 48 40 30 40 7c 01 28 1c d1 02 f0 33 fb 01 28 18 d1 00 f0 d5 f8 00 28 14 d1 ef f3 10 80 c4 07 e4 0f 72 b6 01 20 40 02 09 f0 3a fc 00 28 06 d1 35 60 49 48 80 30 07 60 17 20 00 f0 ae f8 00 2c 00 d1 62 b6 ff f7 06 ff f8 bd 10 b5 37 4a 08 24 d3 68 23 43 d3 60 51 61 90 60 10 19 03 f0 4a f8 10 bd 10 b5 31 4c 20 7c 00 28 04 d0 00 20 03 f0 46 fa 00 20 20 74 e0 68 08 21 88 43 e0 60 10 bd 2a 49 ca 68 02 43 ca 60 70 47 28 49 ca 68 82 43 ca 60 70 47 25 48 41 68 49 1c
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 70 47 10 b5 22 4c 60 68 00 28 02 d1 eb 20 00 f0 79 f9 60 68 40 1e 60 60 10 bd cd e6 10 b5 1c 48 7d 22 01 68 d2 00 91 42 0d d9 89 1a 01 60 91 42 00 d9 11 46 7d 20 c0 00 41 43 00 23 21 4a 06 20 03 f0 ad f9 10 bd 00 21 01 60 ff f7 da ff 10 bd 70 b5 04 00 1b d0 0e 4d 28 68 00 28 07 d0 06 20 03 f0 ff f9 28 68 a0 42 04 d2 2c 60 02 e0 2c 60 ff f7 c2 ff 7d 20 29 68 c0 00 81 42 01 d2 41 43 00 e0 11 49 00 23 0f 4a 06 20 03 f0 88 f9 70 bd 58 03 00 20 ff 03 00 00 00 2c 02 40 48 03 00 20 00 00 03 50 44 02 00 20 60 fd 01 00 48 02 00 20 00 20 02 40 ff ff ef ff f8 07 00 20 80 e1 00 e0 05 38 00 00 1d 3b 00 00 40 42 0f 00 70 b5 1d 4d 68 6a 84 05 a4 0d 10 20 00 f0 18 f8 e0 07 08 d0 28 6a 40 08 40 00 28 62 01 20 00 f0 16 f8 64 08 64 00 00 2c cb d0 20 46 00 f0 0f f8 c7 e7
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.877 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.883 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.883 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 10 49 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 0d 49 08 60 70 47 0a 49 4a 6a 82 43 4a 62 70 47 0a 49 09 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 06 49 49 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 00 2c 02 40 00 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 00 04 02 50 5a 48 80 78 80 06 c0 0f 70 47 58 48 00 7a 70 47 10 b5 06 f0 36 fc 00 28 03 d1 55 48 40 78 00 28 00 d0 01 20 10 bd 51 48 00 78 70 47 4f 48 c0 78 70 47 4e 48 c0 7b 70 47 4c 48 80 79 70 47 4b 48 c0 79 70 47 4a 48 c0 38 00 8b 40 ba 00 28 01 d1 7d 20 80 01 70 47 45 48 40 78 70 47 43 48 80 7c 70 47 42 48 00 7c 70 47 40 48 40 7c 70 47 40 48 80 30 80 7b 70 47 3e 48 7d 21 80 7e c9 00 48 43 70 47 3a 48 c0 7c 70 47 39 48 0a 21 20 30 00 7e 48 43 70 47 36 48 7d 21 20 30 40 7e c9 00 48 43 70 47 33 48 20 30 80 7e 70 47
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.884 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ff 22 1f 32 30 49 31 48 1a f0 7a ff 03 22 30 49 30 48 1a f0 75 ff 2f 48 15 22 2f 49 c0 1c 1a f0 6f ff 2d 49 2b 48 15 22 15 31 18 30 1a f0 68 ff 29 49 28 48 86 22 2a 31 2d 30 1a f0 61 ff 21 48 20 4b 80 30 41 78 1e 48 01 71 d9 7f 41 71 19 46 60 31 0a 7f c2 70 1a 46 c0 3a d4 7d 84 70 14 46 a0 3c 24 79 44 70 8c 7e 84 71 d4 7e c4 71 d4 7a 04 70 0c 46 40 3c e5 7b 05 72 9d 7c c5 73 4e 1c f5 7b b6 7b 2d 02 35 43 6d ba 85 82 15 46 20 3d ae 7f 46 72 6d 7f 85 72 12 78 c2 72 0e 4a 49 32 15 78 05 73 55 78 45 73 92 78 82 73 0a 7e 02 74 49 7d 41 74 99 7d 81 74 61 78 c1 74 70 bd 00 00 a8 00 00 20 60 fd 01 00 b1 f9 01 00 70 03 00 20 cf fa 01 00 8e 04 00 20 d7 fb 01 00 30 b5 00 23 03 e0 cc 5c 9d 00 44 51 5b 1c 93 42 f9 db 30 bd 10 b5 0b 49 09 78 00 29 01 d1 09 f0 14 ff
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.890 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.896 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.896 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 bf 10 bd 10 b5 06 49 09 78 01 29 04 d0 09 f0 22 ff 00 bf 00 bf 10 bd 02 f0 13 ff f9 e7 00 00 48 03 00 20 f7 48 00 21 01 70 41 70 81 70 70 47 f8 b5 00 20 00 90 04 20 09 f0 b0 fa f2 4c 60 68 21 6b 80 04 80 0d 89 01 89 0d 02 27 88 42 03 d9 20 6a 38 43 20 62 f8 bd ec 4d 28 78 00 28 2a d1 00 26 01 21 28 1d 1a f0 f4 ff e9 48 00 68 40 07 03 d4 0a e0 76 1c 86 42 08 d9 20 6a 38 43 20 62 00 23 00 9a 02 20 e9 68 19 e0 e2 48 21 6b 89 01 89 0d 02 29 ee d3 dd 4e 02 21 36 1d 70 1c 1a f0 d8 ff b0 78 01 21 29 70 21 6b 89 01 89 0d 00 28 01 d0 88 42 06 d8 00 23 e9 68 1a 46 18 46 ac 68 a0 47 f8 bd 61 68 d4 4a 11 40 61 60 61 68 80 05 80 0c 01 43 61 60 bb e7 f8 b5 08 20 09 f0 5e fa c9 4c 60 68 67 15 80 01 80 0d b8 42 09 d0 21 6b 89 05 89 0d 81 42 04 d9 20 6a 01 21 08 43
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 f8 bd c2 4e 71 88 00 29 10 d0 be 48 9a 30 08 f0 b5 fc 71 88 09 1a 0a 04 12 0c 72 80 06 d0 b9 49 9a 31 09 18 b7 48 9a 30 1a f0 6a fe b5 4d a8 78 00 28 20 6b 2c d0 69 78 49 00 49 19 89 88 40 1a 61 68 b6 4a 11 40 61 60 61 68 80 05 80 09 01 43 61 60 20 6a 38 43 20 62 01 21 02 20 00 f0 66 f9 a9 78 00 29 10 d0 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 6a 78 4a 2a 01 d3 00 22 00 e0 52 1c 49 1e 6a 70 a9 70 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 20 6a 01 21 08 43 09 e0 00 05 08 d5 a2 48 00 68 00 28 00 d0 80 47 20 6a 40 08 40 00 20 62 00 23 b4 68 1a 46 01 20 f1 68 a0 47 f8 bd 10 b5 10 20 09 f0 f0 f9 00 21 01 20 08 f0 98 fc c0 b2 91 4c 81 07 03 d4 c1 07 07 d1 40 07 05 d5 00 23 e1 68 a4 68 1a 46 04 20 a0 47 10 bd f3 b5 89 48 00 27 46 88 81 b0 0c 46 3d 46 00 2e 02 d0 1e 20 80 1b 08 e0 83 48 00 6b
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.904 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.904 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 40 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.904 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.904 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 4096/118784 ( 3%)
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.907 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.908 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.908 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 1 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:01.908 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.908 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 20 89 0d 40 02 45 1a 28 46 1e 30 21 46 a0 42 01 d2 01 27 68 e0 7b 48 0a 46 81 78 4a 29 08 d3 7a 4c 01 27 e1 68 00 23 a4 68 3a 46 03 20 a0 47 5a e0 ef f3 10 81 c9 07 c9 0f 72 b6 03 78 5b 00 1b 18 9a 80 02 78 4a 2a 01 d3 00 22 00 e0 52 1c 02 70 82 78 52 1c 82 70 00 29 00 d1 62 b6 00 2e 0a d0 68 48 69 4d 9a 30 80 19 22 46 01 99 1a f0 c7 fd 30 19 68 80 37 e0 21 46 01 98 08 f0 fe fb 06 46 a0 42 0c d0 a0 1b 84 b2 01 98 22 46 81 19 5c 48 9a 30 1a f0 b4 fd 5c 48 41 88 09 19 41 80 00 2e 21 d0 01 22 52 02 5c 4b 95 42 0c d1 56 48 41 68 19 40 41 60 41 68 12 04 11 43 41 60 01 6a 01 22 11 43 01 62 0f e0 4f 49 48 68 80 01 80 0d 80 19 90 42 00 d9 10 46 4a 68 1a 40 4a 60 4a 68 80 05 80 09 02 43 4a 60 38 46 fe bd f3 b5 47 4d 06 46 28 78 00 27 44 4c 81 b0 00 28 0a d0
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.920 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 78 31 70 41 78 71 70 81 78 b1 70 28 78 01 28 09 d0 0d e0 00 27 ff 43 e9 68 00 23 ad 68 3a 46 02 20 a8 47 12 e0 00 29 02 d0 f0 1c 1a f0 91 fe b0 78 02 99 c0 1c 08 80 00 20 28 70 60 68 36 49 08 40 60 60 60 68 10 21 08 43 60 60 20 6a 02 21 08 43 20 62 38 46 fe bd 00 28 09 d0 2b 4a d1 60 90 60 29 48 01 6a 02 22 11 43 01 62 00 20 70 47 00 20 c0 43 70 47 23 48 00 22 10 38 02 60 29 49 82 60 41 60 27 21 c1 60 70 47 10 b5 1d 4c 10 3c 0f c4 20 46 10 38 10 bd 10 b5 02 46 1b 49 00 20 08 70 ff f7 3f fe 17 4c 10 3c 00 2a 08 d0 20 46 0f c8 08 f0 cc fb 00 28 02 d0 00 20 c0 43 10 bd 20 68 00 28 0b d1 18 4c 02 20 21 6a 81 43 21 62 00 21 00 f0 2b f8 61 68 02 20 01 43 61 60 0a 48 01 6a 02 22 91 43 01 62 01 6a 49 08 49 00 01 62 41 68 09 4a 11 40 41 60 41 68 10 22 11 43
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.927 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 20 10 bd 54 05 00 20 00 20 02 40 c0 00 00 20 74 01 00 20 ff ff 00 00 0f c0 ff ff ff ff 00 fc c8 02 00 20 00 ab 87 04 00 2c 02 40 04 4a 00 29 11 68 01 d0 01 43 00 e0 81 43 11 60 70 47 00 00 00 2c 02 40 70 b5 05 46 0c 46 03 28 20 d2 f9 49 e8 00 42 18 50 68 00 28 1a d0 00 2c 07 d0 03 2c 0a d0 01 20 04 2c 08 d0 06 2c 06 d0 06 e0 50 78 02 21 08 43 50 70 01 e0 03 20 10 70 53 68 00 22 21 46 28 46 98 47 00 2c 02 d1 28 46 00 f0 67 fe 70 bd e9 48 c0 7b c0 07 c0 0f 70 47 e6 48 02 21 c0 7b 08 40 48 40 40 08 70 47 e3 49 c0 39 c8 79 09 7a 00 02 08 43 70 47 df 49 08 7c 49 7c 00 02 08 43 70 47 dc 49 c8 7c 09 7d 00 02 08 43 70 47 d9 48 20 30 c0 7a 70 47 10 b5 41 60 04 46 c0 78 d6 49 00 f0 28 fc e0 78 d4 49 00 f0 2d fb 00 20 10 bd 10 b5 18 21 cf 48 1a f0 ea fc 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.928 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 20 00 f0 08 ff 10 bd 01 46 03 28 05 d2 c9 4a c8 00 80 18 02 78 00 2a 01 d0 00 20 70 47 01 22 02 70 c1 70 70 47 01 78 01 29 02 d0 00 20 c0 43 70 47 00 21 01 70 08 46 70 47 70 b5 05 46 c0 48 00 23 00 68 db 43 0a 46 85 42 03 d1 ff f7 a6 ff 00 28 14 d0 bb 49 09 68 8d 42 03 d1 ff f7 99 ff 00 28 0c d0 ef f3 10 80 c4 07 e4 0f 72 b6 00 2d 02 d0 28 78 01 28 04 d0 00 2c 00 d1 62 b6 18 46 70 bd b1 48 00 78 01 28 f6 d0 02 20 28 70 00 20 68 70 a8 70 00 2a 08 d0 00 22 e8 78 00 21 00 f0 4d fc e8 78 00 28 02 d0 13 e0 01 22 f5 e7 a7 48 a1 49 00 78 20 31 01 28 02 d0 00 28 06 d0 0c e0 88 78 c0 07 09 d0 ff f7 70 ff 04 e0 88 78 80 07 03 d5 ff f7 71 ff ff f7 bb fb 00 2c 00 d1 62 b6 00 20 70 bd 10 b5 02 20 02 f0 bb fd 03 f0 06 ff 01 28 08 d0 94 49 00 20 08 70 91 48 01 21
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.934 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.935 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.935 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.935 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.935 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.935 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.941 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.941 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ff f7 9b ff 10 bd 00 23 91 4a 92 49 02 20 02 f0 46 fd 10 bd 10 b5 8c 4a 13 78 01 2b 0b d0 c0 78 00 28 08 d1 01 20 10 70 8a 48 00 23 41 43 88 4a 02 20 02 f0 34 fd 10 bd 83 49 01 20 c8 70 70 47 fe b5 04 46 00 26 68 46 06 71 06 72 7c 4a 06 70 10 68 84 42 03 d1 ff f7 21 ff 00 28 2f d0 79 4f 39 68 8c 42 03 d1 ff f7 14 ff 00 28 27 d0 ef f3 10 80 c5 07 ed 0f 72 b6 11 68 a1 42 02 d1 72 48 46 70 14 e0 39 68 a1 42 11 d1 6b 46 02 aa 01 a9 01 20 08 f0 51 fd 68 46 00 78 01 28 03 d1 00 f0 4c fe 00 28 0b d0 68 48 01 21 86 70 c1 70 00 2c 02 d0 20 78 03 28 05 d0 00 2d 00 d1 62 b6 00 20 c0 43 fe bd 01 20 20 70 e0 78 00 f0 d4 fa 00 2d 00 d1 62 b6 00 f0 31 fe 00 28 10 d1 39 68 8c 42 0d d1 e0 78 6b 46 02 aa 01 a9 08 f0 25 fd 68 46 00 78 00 28 03 d0 00 21 20 46 ff f7 1e ff
[03-03 13:04:01.941 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.942 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.948 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.948 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 fe bd 10 b5 c0 78 01 f0 0f f8 00 28 01 d0 00 20 10 bd 01 20 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 f3 fc 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 00 78 00 25 03 28 01 d0 68 1e 70 bd 60 78 c0 07 04 d1 e0 78 00 f0 e8 fc 00 28 00 d1 01 25 e0 78 00 28 11 d1 41 48 3b 49 00 78 20 31 01 28 02 d0 00 28 06 d0 11 e0 88 78 c0 07 0e d0 ff f7 a4 fe 04 e0 88 78 80 07 08 d5 ff f7 a5 fe ff f7 ef fa e0 78 01 28 01 d1 33 49 c8 70 28 46 70 bd 70 b5 04 46 00 78 00 25 ed 43 03 28 0a d1 60 78 86 07 07 d5 fd 26 30 40 60 70 e0 78 00 f0 cb fc 00 28 01 d0 28 46 70 bd e0 78 01 28 01 d1 26 49 c8 70 00 20 70 bd 24 48 40 68 70 47 22 49 48 60 70 47 21 48 80 68 70 47 1f 49 88 60 70 47 70 b5 0d 46 04 46 01 78 00 20 c0 43 16 46 03 29 1d d1 61 78 00 29 1a d1 e0 78 00 f0 c9 fc 01 28 02 d0 01 2d 09 d0 11 e0 00 2d 0f d1 e0 78 03 21
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.949 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.955 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.955 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 5e fc 00 20 a0 70 08 e0 e0 78 04 21 00 f0 57 fc 03 20 00 2e 03 d0 a0 70 20 70 00 20 70 bd 02 21 a1 70 f9 e7 10 b5 c0 78 00 f0 4e fc 04 28 13 d0 00 20 10 bd 10 06 00 20 60 fd 01 00 45 42 00 00 44 02 00 20 48 02 00 20 d0 00 00 20 48 03 00 20 e5 43 00 00 40 42 0f 00 01 20 ea e7 f7 b5 04 46 00 78 00 27 ff 43 0e 46 03 28 1f d1 60 78 c0 07 1c d1 a0 78 02 28 04 d0 03 28 05 d0 06 28 07 d0 14 e0 58 25 04 20 01 e0 59 25 05 20 a0 70 00 e0 40 25 e0 78 00 f0 e6 fd 01 28 07 d0 e0 78 2b 46 31 46 02 9a 00 f0 76 fc 00 20 fe bd 38 46 fe bd 41 78 fd 22 11 40 41 70 82 78 06 21 04 2a 01 d0 05 2a 00 d1 81 70 00 20 70 47 f8 b5 97 4e 05 46 77 68 0c 46 38 46 18 f0 a6 f8 01 28 46 d1 1f 2c 05 d9 00 22 11 46 38 46 ff f7 71 ff 3e e0 38 46 ff f7 98 ff 00 28 07 d0 22 46 29 46 38 46
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.956 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.962 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.962 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.962 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ad ff 40 1c 2a d0 1e e0 02 f0 bb f8 40 07 2d d1 28 78 a9 78 e0 28 1b d0 50 28 19 d0 93 28 17 d0 95 28 15 d0 97 28 13 d0 d4 29 01 d1 04 2c 0f d8 00 22 01 21 38 46 ff f7 4a ff a4 1e a2 b2 29 46 38 46 ff f7 8b ff 00 20 01 f0 d1 fc 01 20 f8 bd 70 68 00 28 0a d0 00 21 81 70 07 e0 00 22 11 46 38 46 ff f7 34 ff 00 20 01 f0 c1 fc 00 20 f8 bd 70 b5 05 46 6d 48 0e 46 84 68 00 2c 04 d0 20 46 18 f0 51 f8 01 28 01 d0 00 20 70 bd 32 46 29 46 20 46 ff f7 63 ff 00 20 01 f0 a9 fc 01 20 70 bd f8 b5 05 46 00 26 61 48 0b 46 01 2a 02 d0 00 2a 02 d0 0c e0 84 68 00 e0 44 68 00 2c 07 d0 a0 78 00 28 05 d0 05 28 04 d0 04 28 14 d0 14 e0 00 20 f8 bd cb 1e e1 78 98 b2 00 29 02 d0 01 29 04 d0 3f e0 c2 b2 69 1c 02 20 02 e0 c2 b2 29 46 03 20 0f f0 9d fd 35 e0 01 26 20 46 ff f7 59 ff
[03-03 13:04:01.962 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 81 07 01 d5 00 20 02 e0 c0 07 08 d0 01 20 01 f0 24 ff 00 22 11 46 20 46 ff f7 d9 fe 1a e0 d8 00 08 38 07 04 3f 0c 15 d0 01 20 03 f0 56 fa 08 2f 0a d9 09 21 38 46 1a f0 5e fa 78 1a 80 b2 42 07 52 0f c1 08 00 23 02 e0 00 23 04 22 19 46 68 1c 01 f0 79 ff 01 2e 04 d1 00 22 63 68 e0 78 0a 21 98 47 01 20 f8 bd 10 b5 31 48 00 78 00 28 0a d1 30 4c 20 68 ff f7 e4 fd 00 28 04 d1 2e 48 01 7c 20 68 ff f7 c7 fd d4 e6 70 b5 06 46 ff f7 33 fa 00 28 1f d0 01 24 29 48 64 07 04 60 65 10 05 60 30 46 00 f0 38 fc 01 2e 0a d0 01 20 08 f0 6d f9 23 48 04 60 05 60 21 48 80 38 04 60 05 60 70 bd 20 48 00 68 ff f7 bc fd 40 1c f8 d1 01 20 08 f0 8c f9 70 bd 30 46 00 f0 1e fc 70 bd 10 b5 13 48 c0 78 00 28 0c d1 00 f0 28 fc 00 28 08 d1 12 48 60 30 c0 7b 00 28 04 d0 7d 20 c0 00 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 97 e6 10 48 00 68 ff f7 9b fd 92 e6 10 b5 00 f0 14 fc 00 28 04 d1 0b 48 00 21 00 68 ff f7 0d fd 87 e6 02 49 00 20 c8 70 70 47 00 00 d0 00 00 20 48 03 00 20 44 02 00 20 80 fd 01 00 80 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 48 02 00 20 fd 4a 80 00 11 50 70 47 fb 48 02 68 00 2a 02 d0 00 21 08 46 10 47 70 47 f7 48 42 68 00 2a 02 d0 00 21 01 20 10 47 70 47 10 b5 01 20 80 03 08 f0 11 fd f1 48 02 68 00 2a 02 d0 07 21 00 20 90 47 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 c0 03 08 f0 04 fd ea 48 42 68 00 2a 02 d0 07 21 01 20 90 47 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 80 02 08 f0 f7 fc e4 48 02 68 00 2a 02 d0 03 21 00 20 90 47 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 c0 02 08 f0 ea fc dd 48 42 68 00 2a 02 d0 03 21 01 20 90 47 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 00 03 08 f0 dd fc d7 48 02 68 00 2a 02 d0 05 21 00 20 90 47 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 40 03 08 f0 d0 fc d0 48
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.976 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 2a 02 d0 05 21 01 20 90 47 10 bd f8 b5 00 24 cc 4f ff 26 25 46 18 20 60 43 c0 19 04 70 ca 49 41 60 00 21 c9 43 01 72 05 21 81 70 45 70 00 2c 13 d0 c6 49 41 61 86 72 c6 72 c5 49 05 73 09 78 01 29 0c d0 45 72 20 46 00 f0 1e fc 64 1c 02 2c e1 d3 08 f0 fa f8 01 20 f8 bd be 49 ea e7 01 21 41 72 f0 e7 18 22 b7 4b 42 43 d2 18 12 69 00 2a 00 d0 10 47 70 47 70 b5 05 46 18 20 b1 49 68 43 44 18 60 68 ae 4e 80 b2 0c 3e 01 28 12 d0 30 78 00 28 03 d0 ff f7 28 f9 fe f7 8d fb 28 46 00 f0 37 fc 60 69 08 f0 08 f9 01 20 60 60 06 21 28 46 ff f7 d8 ff 20 46 00 f0 44 fb 60 7a 01 28 1c d0 64 20 fe f7 78 fb 01 2d 25 d1 ff f7 dc f8 00 28 21 d1 e1 20 80 00 fe f7 6e fb 30 78 9e 4c 10 26 00 28 19 d0 60 68 b0 43 60 60 9c 48 80 7f fe f7 62 fb 60 68 20 21 88 43 1b e0 64 20 fe f7
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.983 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 21 28 46 08 f0 3b fa 00 28 04 d0 00 22 11 46 28 46 08 f0 21 fa 70 bd ff f7 e0 f8 00 28 06 d0 28 46 08 f0 01 f8 ff f7 d9 f8 fe f7 44 fb 60 68 b0 43 60 60 70 bd 18 22 50 43 82 4a 80 18 01 61 70 47 38 b5 04 46 62 20 6a 46 10 70 60 7a 00 28 0e d0 00 20 50 70 00 29 14 d0 01 20 20 56 03 28 08 db 20 78 ff f7 87 ff 20 78 00 f0 f5 fa 38 bd 01 20 ef e7 01 21 21 73 40 1c 60 70 10 78 10 21 08 43 10 70 76 48 60 60 0a 21 20 46 00 f0 4a f8 02 22 69 46 60 69 08 f0 28 fa 38 bd 70 b5 04 46 08 20 20 56 02 f0 dd f9 20 78 00 28 0e d0 0a 20 c1 06 01 25 c9 0e 28 46 88 40 6a 49 08 60 60 68 80 b2 01 28 04 d0 02 28 17 d1 0e e0 08 20 ef e7 1e 21 20 46 00 f0 26 f8 5b 48 40 1c 60 60 00 20 60 70 60 69 08 f0 ec f9 07 e0 60 69 40 68 40 04 0f d5 01 21 20 46 ff f7 a4 ff 20 78 00 28
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.990 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:01.996 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 0a 20 c0 06 c0 0e 85 40 56 48 80 38 05 60 01 20 70 bd 20 78 ff f7 2f ff 20 78 00 f0 9d fa f6 e7 08 20 ee e7 10 b5 7d 22 08 24 d2 00 04 57 51 43 03 46 4d 4a 20 46 02 f0 32 f9 10 bd f8 b5 06 46 18 20 40 49 70 43 44 18 60 68 00 25 80 b2 01 28 02 d0 30 46 ff f7 0f ff 20 78 00 28 09 d0 03 20 20 72 60 7a 01 28 0b d0 00 2e 04 d0 01 2e 04 d0 06 e0 02 20 f4 e7 01 25 02 e0 ff f7 04 f8 05 46 a1 78 60 69 08 f0 99 f8 69 46 30 46 08 f0 77 f9 00 21 00 28 03 d0 68 46 00 78 85 42 15 d0 30 48 61 70 40 1e 60 60 2a 46 01 21 30 46 08 f0 54 f9 2a 49 23 46 21 31 48 7b 0a 7b 01 02 11 43 08 20 20 56 29 4a 02 f0 eb f8 f8 bd 1f 48 61 70 40 1c 60 60 1e 21 20 46 ff f7 a5 ff 60 69 08 f0 70 f9 f8 bd 10 b5 02 20 02 f0 3c f9 00 22 11 46 10 46 ff f7 a4 ff 10 bd 18 21 48 43 12 49 40 18
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:01.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 81 72 c1 72 70 47 10 b5 04 46 00 78 00 28 16 d1 09 20 02 f0 26 f9 13 48 80 30 00 68 01 21 49 02 08 42 0c d1 20 78 ff f7 e6 ff 20 78 ff f7 a3 fe 08 20 0e 49 20 56 00 23 0d 4a 02 f0 b0 f8 10 bd e8 00 00 20 28 06 00 20 01 00 01 00 00 18 02 40 48 03 00 20 00 14 02 40 00 10 02 50 60 fd 01 00 02 00 02 00 80 e1 00 e0 9d 4b 00 00 80 84 1e 00 e3 4c 00 00 70 b5 04 46 45 69 40 68 03 26 80 b2 02 28 05 d0 03 28 38 d0 04 28 18 d0 00 20 70 bd 28 46 07 f0 5c ff 66 60 20 78 00 f0 8f fa 20 78 00 f0 f7 fa 20 78 00 28 27 d1 09 20 02 f0 d9 f8 23 46 fe 4a fe 49 09 20 02 f0 71 f8 1d e0 fd 48 41 68 01 22 92 03 91 43 41 60 41 69 49 00 49 08 41 61 ff f7 f0 fb 00 28 01 d0 00 21 81 70 68 68 01 21 c9 05 08 43 68 60 66 60 20 78 00 f0 f3 fa 00 28 02 d1 20 78 00 f0 cc fa 01 20 70 bd
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.005 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 04 46 00 78 00 28 9a d1 09 20 02 f0 aa f8 a1 78 60 69 07 f0 bb ff 20 46 ff f7 ac ff 8f e7 10 b5 04 46 00 20 89 b2 03 29 0c d0 04 29 87 d1 61 68 60 69 89 b2 02 29 2c d0 03 29 2f d0 04 29 26 d0 00 20 7c e7 20 78 01 28 0c d0 ff f7 41 fa 00 28 08 d0 20 78 00 f0 bf fa 01 28 03 d0 20 78 00 28 08 d0 14 e0 a1 78 60 69 07 f0 90 ff 20 46 ff f7 81 ff 64 e7 09 20 02 f0 74 f8 ff f7 29 fa 7d 21 c9 00 41 43 23 46 cc 4a 09 20 02 f0 08 f8 01 20 55 e7 07 f0 dc fe 20 78 00 f0 10 fa 04 20 60 60 c6 48 00 68 00 04 f2 d5 c2 48 41 68 01 22 92 03 11 43 41 60 41 69 82 03 11 43 41 61 e7 e7 18 22 50 43 bf 4a 80 18 aa e7 10 b5 18 21 bc 4a 41 43 8c 18 61 68 89 b2 03 29 01 d0 60 68 2f e7 00 f0 7a fa 00 28 01 d0 b7 48 00 e0 b7 48 60 60 26 e7 18 22 50 43 b2 4a 80 18 0a 78 82 72 49 78
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.011 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.012 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 70 47 10 b5 00 f0 da fb 19 e7 70 b5 04 46 0d 46 18 20 ab 49 60 43 40 18 40 68 16 46 80 b2 03 28 03 d0 03 21 20 46 ff f7 ca ff 32 46 29 46 20 46 00 f0 d0 fa 70 bd 70 b5 04 46 18 20 a0 4d 60 43 40 19 40 68 80 b2 03 28 01 d2 01 20 70 bd 20 46 00 f0 f7 fa 9d 49 a2 00 88 50 c0 0f 70 bd 18 21 97 4a 10 b5 41 43 89 18 49 68 89 b2 03 29 04 d3 96 4a 81 00 51 58 00 f0 e9 fb 00 20 df e6 18 21 48 43 8f 49 40 18 40 68 04 28 01 d0 00 20 70 47 01 20 70 47 10 b5 18 24 60 43 89 4c 00 19 44 68 a4 b2 04 2c 01 d0 00 20 c9 e6 40 69 44 6a 24 01 01 d5 04 68 04 68 08 f0 5e f8 01 20 bf e6 f8 b5 04 46 08 20 20 56 02 28 01 d0 03 28 01 d1 01 f0 c8 ff 04 22 69 46 60 69 08 f0 cc f8 05 1e 66 dd 68 46 06 78 e7 21 30 46 08 40 61 28 3d d1 03 2d 3b db 00 a9 01 31 20 46 00 f0 c5 f8 07 00
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.018 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.019 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.019 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.019 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.019 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.020 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.020 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 50 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.020 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.020 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 8192/118784 ( 7%)
[03-03 13:04:02.022 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.022 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 2 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.029 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 a9 20 78 01 31 ff f7 73 ff e8 20 06 40 68 2e 0e d1 04 2d 4b db 68 46 c1 78 20 46 00 f0 a7 f8 69 48 61 68 40 1e 81 42 02 d0 00 20 20 73 02 e0 20 7b 00 28 0a d1 60 7a 00 28 07 d1 62 48 61 68 40 1e 81 42 02 d0 02 20 20 73 09 e0 00 2f 20 d1 60 7a 00 28 1d d1 5c 48 61 68 40 1e 81 42 18 d0 00 21 20 46 ff f7 6d fd 1f e0 60 28 1f d1 01 2d 1d db 55 48 61 68 40 1e 81 42 18 d1 e8 20 06 40 68 2e 06 d1 02 2d 12 db 68 46 41 78 20 46 00 f0 6e f8 00 20 60 70 20 46 00 f0 53 f8 20 78 00 f0 c7 f8 03 21 20 46 ff f7 ba fe 01 20 f8 bd 01 21 d7 e7 43 48 83 e7 42 48 18 30 80 e7 43 48 00 1f 40 78 70 47 41 49 09 1f 48 70 70 47 30 b5 85 b0 05 46 0c 46 04 a9 07 20 00 f0 ce fe 0f 22 68 46 04 99 19 f0 8d fd 00 2d 02 d0 01 2d 06 d0 0a e0 21 78 68 46 81 72 61 78 c1 72 04 e0 21 78
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 73 61 78 41 73 01 20 69 46 88 73 07 20 00 f0 49 fe 05 b0 30 bd 2d 49 09 1f 08 70 01 21 49 07 4a 10 00 28 01 d0 2a 48 04 e0 2a 48 01 60 02 60 27 48 80 38 01 60 02 60 70 47 24 48 00 1f 00 78 70 47 10 b5 01 46 08 20 08 56 02 28 01 d0 03 28 01 d1 01 f0 06 ff f2 e5 10 b5 00 28 04 d0 01 20 40 03 00 f0 70 f8 ea e5 01 20 00 03 f9 e7 02 78 00 2a 07 d1 89 07 05 d5 17 49 09 7d 01 29 01 d1 03 21 81 70 70 47 fe b5 04 46 0d 46 80 7a 09 78 00 27 88 42 04 d1 e0 7a 69 78 88 42 00 d1 01 27 26 78 01 a9 07 20 00 f0 67 fe 17 e0 07 4d 00 00 a0 86 01 00 00 00 02 40 ff 4d 00 00 6c 01 00 20 28 06 00 20 03 00 01 00 03 00 02 00 e0 00 00 20 80 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 80 fd 01 00 01 46 01 98 0a 30 00 2e 02 d0 01 2e 05 d0 09 e0 03 78 6a 46 13 70 43 78 03 e0 83 78 6a 46 13 70 c3 78
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.037 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.043 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.043 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 29 0f d1 00 79 01 28 0c d1 68 46 00 78 29 78 88 42 07 d1 68 46 40 78 69 78 88 42 02 d1 20 78 01 21 01 e0 20 78 02 21 ff f7 1c fc 38 46 fe bd 10 b5 00 28 04 d0 01 20 c0 02 00 f0 04 f8 7e e5 01 20 80 02 f9 e7 ef f3 10 81 c9 07 c9 0f 72 b6 03 4a d3 68 03 43 d3 60 00 29 00 d1 62 b6 70 47 f8 07 00 20 14 21 48 43 f9 49 40 18 80 7b 70 47 00 21 01 72 f7 4a 41 72 93 7c 83 72 c1 72 81 73 d2 7c 42 73 01 74 70 47 01 46 14 20 f0 4a 48 43 80 18 10 b5 00 22 01 70 ee 4b 02 73 9c 7c 84 72 db 7c 43 73 00 29 07 d0 eb 49 41 60 42 74 82 74 ff f7 de ff 01 20 10 bd e8 49 f6 e7 10 b5 14 21 e3 4a 41 43 8c 18 00 28 10 d0 0a 20 00 f0 d0 fc 0a 20 00 f0 c5 fc 0b 20 00 f0 ca fc 0b 20 00 f0 b8 fc 60 68 07 f0 9c ff 01 20 10 bd dc 49 00 20 08 70 48 70 0f 20 01 f0 34 fe 08 20 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.044 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 08 20 00 f0 ad fc 09 20 00 f0 b2 fc 09 20 e6 e7 14 21 48 43 10 b5 ce 49 44 18 20 78 00 f0 cb fc 20 7b 00 28 04 d0 00 20 20 73 20 46 ff f7 a0 ff 01 20 10 bd 10 b5 41 68 8a 6a 07 23 1b 04 9a 43 8a 62 8a 6a 83 7a 1b 04 1a 43 8a 62 43 7b c5 4a 00 2b 4b 68 04 d0 01 24 13 40 e4 06 23 43 01 e0 c1 4c 23 40 4b 60 03 7b 00 2b 01 d0 00 23 03 73 48 68 03 23 10 40 1b 07 c0 18 48 60 88 6a 01 23 db 05 98 43 88 62 48 68 10 40 da 01 80 18 48 60 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 14 20 ad 49 60 43 45 18 00 2c 15 d0 0b 20 00 f0 5c fc 28 78 00 f0 84 fc 28 7b 00 28 02 d0 28 46 ff f7 5b ff 28 46 ff f7 ba ff 00 2c 06 d0 0b 20 00 f0 44 fc 01 20 70 bd 09 20 e8 e7 09 20 f7 e7 14 21 48 43 9d 49 40 18 00 7b 70 47 f7 b5 82 b0 00 27 04 46 00 97 fe f7 37 fc 06 46 20 78 65 68 00 28 1d d0 0b 20 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 a8 69 21 7a 00 04 40 0f 0a 46 81 42 00 d2 08 31 00 1d 81 42 54 d2 97 07 28 68 bf 0f a0 7b 01 28 06 d0 28 68 00 04 00 0e 79 00 c8 40 80 07 04 d4 00 20 05 b0 f0 bd 09 20 e0 e7 6a 69 f9 00 ff 20 88 40 82 43 04 98 40 1c 88 40 02 43 6a 61 20 78 00 28 0c d0 85 48 79 01 40 18 40 1c 04 9a 03 99 19 f0 ce fb 01 2e 04 d0 02 2e 09 d0 0e e0 80 48 f1 e7 09 20 00 f0 f4 fb 0b 20 00 f0 f1 fb 05 e0 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 00 90 39 46 28 46 00 f0 02 fc 20 7a 40 1c 40 07 40 0f 20 72 01 2e 02 d0 02 2e 07 d0 0a e0 09 20 00 f0 d2 fb 0b 20 00 f0 cf fb 03 e0 00 98 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 01 27 20 78 00 28 04 d0 0b 20 00 f0 c3 fb 38 46 b0 e7 09 20 f9 e7 f7 b5 05 46 14 20 5d 49 68 43 46 18 03 24 30 7b a4 04 00 28 19 d0 00 2d 18 d0 0b 20 00 f0 b6 fb 30 46 02 9a 01 99 ff f7 72 ff
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.063 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.063 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 b0 7b 01 28 05 d0 20 46 64 1e 00 28 01 d0 00 2f f0 d0 00 2d 06 d0 0b 20 00 f0 9b fb 38 46 fe bd 09 20 e5 e7 09 20 f7 e7 14 21 48 43 48 49 40 18 40 68 00 68 c0 b2 aa 28 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 ff b5 05 46 14 20 41 49 68 43 44 18 60 7a 66 68 87 07 31 69 81 b0 bf 0f f8 00 c1 40 89 06 89 0e 11 80 00 2d 23 d0 40 49 7a 01 89 18 02 9a 80 31 11 60 31 6a c1 40 c8 b2 18 70 63 7a b1 69 49 06 49 0f 8b 42 19 d1 00 2d 13 d0 0b 20 00 f0 67 fb 60 7a b1 69 49 06 49 0f 88 42 02 d1 20 78 00 f0 89 fb 00 2d 07 d0 0b 20 00 f0 52 fb 4b e0 2f 49 da e7 09 20 ea e7 09 20 f6 e7 31 68 ca b2 79 00 ca 40 92 07 92 0f 02 2a 07 d1 02 06 92 0f 02 2a 03 d1 80 06 40 0f 83 42 05 d0 30 68 c0 b2 c8 40 c0 43 80 07 28 d0 00 2d 43 d0 0b 20 00 f0 37 fb 61 7a e0 7a 8a 07 92 0f 01 21 91 40
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.064 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 e0 72 60 7a 40 1c 40 07 40 0f 60 72 b1 69 49 06 49 0f 88 42 02 d1 20 78 00 f0 4d fb 02 98 00 26 00 68 40 78 00 06 00 28 33 da e8 b2 00 21 ff f7 68 fc 66 74 00 2d 1f d0 37 e0 20 78 ff f7 a9 fe 20 78 08 21 ff f7 0e fa 00 20 c0 43 f1 e6 00 00 58 06 00 20 80 fd 01 00 00 18 02 40 00 14 02 40 f0 00 00 20 00 ff ff 89 00 ff ff 81 00 19 02 40 00 15 02 40 09 20 ba e7 fe 4c 0f 20 26 70 01 f0 70 fc 60 78 01 28 17 d1 66 70 00 20 03 f0 bc fb 12 e0 60 7c 40 1c c0 b2 60 74 a1 7a 88 42 04 d1 e8 b2 00 21 ff f7 2d fc 66 74 00 2d 04 d0 0b 20 00 f0 cf fa 38 46 bc e6 09 20 f9 e7 14 22 50 43 ed 4a 10 b5 80 18 82 7c 01 2a 03 d1 eb 4a 92 7e 01 2a 0e d0 01 29 04 d0 e8 49 40 39 09 7b 01 29 07 d1 41 68 49 6a 09 01 c9 0f 01 29 01 d1 00 f0 f5 fa 10 bd 14 21 48 43 10 b5 df 49 44 18
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.070 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.071 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.071 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.071 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 28 09 d1 20 46 00 f0 e9 fa 60 68 41 68 dc 4a 11 40 41 60 00 20 a0 74 10 bd 14 21 48 43 d6 49 10 b5 40 18 81 7c 00 29 0f d1 43 68 5a 68 d5 49 01 24 0a 40 e4 02 22 43 5a 60 42 68 53 68 0b 40 e1 03 59 18 51 60 01 21 81 74 10 bd f8 b5 05 46 14 20 c9 4a 68 43 84 18 67 68 04 29 0d d2 38 68 01 26 c2 b2 48 00 c2 40 00 90 90 07 80 0f 8e 40 02 28 03 d0 e0 7a b0 43 e0 72 f8 bd 00 2d 12 d0 0b 20 00 f0 6d fa 78 68 be 49 08 40 00 99 08 43 40 1c 78 60 e0 7a b0 43 e0 72 00 2d 05 d0 0b 20 00 f0 57 fa f8 bd 09 20 eb e7 09 20 f8 e7 f3 b5 83 b0 05 46 44 68 04 98 c0 05 17 d5 a0 6b 00 20 a0 63 a0 6b ff 21 01 31 08 43 a0 63 28 78 00 28 0c d1 a8 7b 01 28 09 d1 60 68 aa 49 08 40 a1 69 89 06 89 0f 49 00 08 43 40 1c 60 60 04 98 a6 49 40 03 46 d5 03 20 a2 6b 80 04 00 22 a2 63
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.083 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 cb 01 1a 43 a2 63 2a 78 01 2a 04 d1 9b 4a 40 3a d2 7d 01 2a 08 d0 a2 6a 0f 23 1b 03 1a 43 a2 62 2a 7b 01 2a 03 d0 2c e0 01 20 a8 73 29 e0 01 22 aa 73 2b 78 00 2b 05 d1 6e 68 73 68 91 4f 3b 40 0b 43 73 60 03 46 40 1e 00 2b 03 d0 63 6a 5b 0d 5b 07 f7 d1 00 28 6f d0 68 68 43 6b 1b 02 10 d4 40 6b c0 01 0d d4 2a 74 a0 69 c0 1c 43 07 a0 69 a2 69 40 06 40 0f d2 09 d2 01 5b 0e 1a 43 02 43 a2 61 04 98 c0 01 80 0f 7c d0 2f 7a a0 69 00 04 46 0f 28 7c 01 28 08 d0 b7 42 00 da 08 37 bb 1b 00 2b 3f dd 00 20 79 4a 3a e0 a0 69 f1 17 89 0f 89 19 40 06 89 08 40 0f 89 00 71 1a 00 91 a1 69 c9 09 c9 01 32 01 11 43 01 43 a1 61 b7 42 17 d0 b7 42 00 da 08 37 00 20 0e e0 20 46 00 99 00 f0 db f9 00 98 40 1c c1 17 89 0f 09 18 89 08 89 00 40 1a 00 90 01 98 40 1c b9 1b 01 90 81 42
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.084 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 20 28 74 0e e0 31 18 8f 07 11 d0 11 40 01 29 13 d0 02 29 a1 6a 14 d0 5b 4f 39 43 a1 62 40 1c 83 42 f0 dc 00 20 a8 73 29 78 00 29 0c d0 10 e0 a1 6a ff 27 01 37 f0 e7 ed e0 a1 6a 01 27 7f 02 eb e7 01 27 bf 02 e8 e7 69 68 4a 68 4c 4b 1a 40 4a 60 04 99 c9 01 00 29 a1 6b a0 63 a0 6b 12 da 01 21 09 06 08 43 a0 63 28 7b 01 28 0f d1 28 7a a1 69 09 04 49 0f 88 42 09 d1 00 22 11 46 28 46 ff f7 2f fd 03 e0 01 21 c9 05 08 43 a0 63 04 98 40 02 07 d5 a0 6b 00 20 a0 63 a0 6b 01 21 89 05 08 43 a0 63 04 98 40 01 4e d5 a0 6b 00 26 a6 63 a0 6b 01 21 89 06 08 43 a0 63 28 7b 00 28 0a d0 2e 73 28 78 00 f0 77 f9 28 46 ff f7 51 fc 28 78 08 21 ff f7 47 f8 a8 7a a1 69 49 05 49 0f 88 42 22 d3 69 7b 01 29 02 d0 a1 69 09 05 1c d4 01 20 28 73 6e 72 2e 72 a0 69 40 05 40 0f a8 72
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.091 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 05 c0 0f 68 73 60 68 1e 49 08 40 01 21 09 06 08 43 60 60 28 78 00 28 02 d1 09 20 01 f0 a1 fa 28 78 00 f0 65 f9 0f e0 a1 69 49 05 49 0f 88 42 03 d9 a0 69 40 05 40 0f a8 72 a0 69 00 05 00 d4 6e 73 28 46 ff f7 76 fc 04 98 c0 00 80 0f 45 d0 04 98 00 01 07 d5 a0 6b 00 20 a0 63 a0 6b 01 21 c9 06 08 43 a0 63 04 98 c0 00 16 d5 a0 6b 00 20 a0 63 0d e0 f0 00 00 20 58 06 00 20 c0 fd 01 00 00 f7 ff 89 00 ff ff 89 00 08 00 00 03 00 00 80 a0 6b 01 21 09 07 08 43 a0 63 28 7b 00 28 0b d0 00 20 28 73 28 78 00 f0 06 f9 28 46 ff f7 e0 fb 28 78 08 21 fe f7 d6 ff a8 7a a1 69 49 05 49 0f 88 42 03 d9 a0 69 40 05 40 0f a8 72 a0 69 00 05 01 d4 00 20 68 73 28 46 ff f7 2c fc 05 20 04 99 40 07 01 42 10 d0 a1 6b 00 21 a1 63 a1 6b 01 43 a1 63 68 68 81 69 89 06 8a 0f 41 68 a0 4b
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.103 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.103 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 19 40 11 43 49 1c 41 60 a0 6b 00 20 a0 63 a0 6b 9c 49 08 43 a0 63 8c e4 f8 b5 04 46 00 27 65 68 0e 46 48 00 2e d5 60 7a 87 07 20 78 bf 0f 00 28 0d d0 95 48 79 01 40 18 29 69 80 30 fa 00 d1 40 02 78 89 06 89 0e 53 09 02 2b 02 d0 08 e0 8f 48 f0 e7 d2 06 01 d5 01 22 00 e0 00 22 fe f7 20 fe 68 68 87 49 08 40 79 00 08 43 40 1c 68 60 60 68 01 27 81 6b 00 21 81 63 60 68 81 6b ba 07 11 43 81 63 04 e0 68 68 01 21 c9 05 08 43 68 60 20 78 ff f7 f5 f9 01 28 06 d1 7d 48 06 42 03 d0 20 78 03 21 ff f7 8c f9 31 46 20 46 00 f0 a9 f8 31 46 20 46 ff f7 fc fd 00 2f 0d d1 61 68 60 7a 89 69 49 06 49 0f 88 42 06 d0 20 78 00 28 04 d0 01 20 40 04 00 f0 54 f8 f8 bd 01 20 00 04 f9 e7 10 b5 09 20 00 f0 3d f8 6b 48 40 68 41 6b 0a 07 04 d0 42 68 01 23 5b 07 1a 43 42 60 0a 09 04 d0
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.104 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 23 1b 07 1a 43 42 60 62 48 ff f7 85 ff 09 20 00 f0 1f f8 10 bd 10 b5 5e 4c 0b 20 14 34 00 f0 1f f8 60 68 41 6b 0a 07 04 d0 42 68 01 23 5b 07 1a 43 42 60 08 09 05 d0 60 68 42 68 01 23 1b 07 1a 43 42 60 20 46 ff f7 67 ff 0b 20 00 f0 01 f8 10 bd c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 4f 49 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 4b 49 80 31 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 48 49 08 60 70 47 ef f3 10 81 c9 07 c9 0f 72 b6 45 4a d3 68 03 43 d3 60 00 29 00 d1 62 b6 70 47 10 b5 42 68 38 4b 4c 01 1a 40 22 43 80 21 0a 43 42 60 41 68 19 40 21 43 10 31 41 60 10 bd 10 b5 00 28 08 d0 01 20 40 04 07 f0 6c fb 01 20 c0 03 07 f0 68 fb 10 bd 01 20 00 04 07 f0 63 fb 01 20 80 03 f5 e7 40 68 41 68 27 4a 11 40 01 22 52 06 89 18 41 60 01 20 70 47 00 28 02 d0 01 20 c0 03 c1 e7 01 20 80 03
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.110 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.116 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.116 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 f8 b5 05 46 44 68 88 07 00 26 0f 46 00 28 1d da a0 6b a6 63 a0 6b 02 21 08 43 a0 63 28 7b 00 28 14 d1 01 20 28 73 6e 72 2e 72 a0 69 40 05 40 0f a8 72 a0 69 00 05 c0 0f 68 73 28 78 ff f7 d8 ff 28 78 00 28 02 d1 09 20 01 f0 0b f9 38 07 05 d5 a0 6b a6 63 a0 6b 08 21 08 43 a0 63 78 07 05 d5 a0 6b a6 63 a0 6b 04 21 08 43 a0 63 b8 06 05 d5 a0 6b a6 63 a0 6b 20 21 08 43 a0 63 f8 bd 00 00 00 ff ff 89 d1 fe 3b 02 00 19 02 40 00 15 02 40 00 01 cc 1c 58 06 00 20 00 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 f8 07 00 20 f0 b5 00 22 85 b0 0f 46 00 92 08 28 02 d9 02 20 05 b0 f0 bd 7f 4a 41 02 8e 18 7f 49 34 46 08 5c 40 1c 01 46 02 90 80 20 18 f0 93 ff 05 46 0a e0 02 99 69 43 89 00 8c 19 21 46 40 39 c9 6b 03 91 49 1c 02 d1 6d 1e 00 2d f2 d1 a8 42 04 d1 01 21 30 46 01 f0 45 fb 34 46 00 2d
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.117 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 34 46 f0 1d ff 30 fa 30 04 90 02 98 85 00 20 46 02 99 00 f0 c5 f8 01 28 09 d0 2c 19 04 98 29 19 81 42 f4 d3 01 21 30 46 01 f0 2c fb 34 46 02 9d 01 ae 6d 1e 11 e0 00 20 39 78 31 54 40 1c 7f 1c c0 b2 04 28 f8 d3 01 99 00 98 08 18 00 90 01 a9 20 46 01 f0 03 fb 24 1d 6d 1e 00 2d eb d1 69 46 00 98 c8 81 a5 20 08 73 5a 20 48 73 03 a9 20 46 01 f0 f4 fa 00 20 9d e7 f3 b5 00 26 81 b0 08 28 01 d9 02 20 fe bd 4c 4a 41 02 8f 18 4b 49 3d 46 0c 5c 80 20 64 1c 21 46 18 f0 2d ff 0c e0 01 46 61 43 89 00 cd 19 29 46 40 39 c9 6b 00 91 49 1c 01 d0 01 26 02 e0 40 1e 00 28 f0 d1 a0 00 28 1a 02 99 00 2e 08 60 03 d0 64 1e 01 46 00 22 07 e0 21 46 00 f0 65 f8 01 28 d4 d0 0c e0 08 c9 9a 18 64 1e fb d2 91 b2 6a 46 52 88 91 42 03 d1 02 99 08 60 00 20 fe bd 04 20 fe bd ff b5 ff b0
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.123 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.129 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 0c 46 81 99 00 20 16 46 1d 46 08 29 03 d9 02 20 7f b0 06 b0 f0 bd 29 4a 57 5c 72 19 b9 00 8a 42 01 d9 03 20 f4 e7 00 2d f2 d0 00 2e 03 d1 a9 42 01 d1 21 46 21 e0 69 46 81 98 ff f7 9d ff 00 28 e6 d1 01 a8 86 46 00 99 00 20 72 46 8c 46 05 e0 81 00 63 46 5b 58 40 1c 53 50 c0 b2 b8 42 f7 d3 70 46 81 19 00 20 05 e0 22 78 0a 70 64 1c 49 1c 40 1c c0 b2 a8 42 f7 d3 71 46 81 98 ff f7 12 ff c6 e7 10 b5 08 28 01 d9 02 20 10 bd 0a 49 40 02 40 18 01 21 01 f0 76 fa 00 20 10 bd 00 20 70 47 05 e0 02 68 52 1c 01 d0 00 20 70 47 00 1d 49 1e f7 d2 01 20 70 47 00 00 00 1e 00 00 f2 00 00 20 05 21 09 07 0a 68 03 23 9b 02 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 83 02 1a 43 0a 60 0a 68 03 23 1b 03 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 00 03 02 43 0a 60 70 47 10 b5 0b 20 00 f0 b8 ff f9 4c 20 68 c0 07 c0 0f 1b d0 04 f0
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 60 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.130 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 12288/118784 ( 10%)
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 3 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 28 0c d1 a0 69 f5 49 00 07 09 78 80 0f 88 42 05 d0 04 f0 b6 fb 04 f0 31 fd 04 f0 50 fa 04 f0 a8 fb ef 48 00 23 81 79 ee 48 ef 4a 41 43 0b 20 00 f0 35 ff 10 bd 10 b5 02 f0 e0 f8 01 28 0e d0 32 20 fd f7 b8 f8 ef f3 10 80 c4 07 e4 0f 72 b6 01 20 40 02 07 f0 56 f9 00 28 0f d0 19 e0 e0 48 41 7b 00 29 08 d0 7d 20 c0 00 41 43 00 23 df 4a 05 20 00 f0 14 ff 10 bd dd 49 f7 e7 01 20 dd 49 80 05 08 60 db 49 40 00 80 31 08 60 d9 49 80 39 08 60 00 2c ef d1 62 b6 10 bd 10 b5 d6 48 01 68 00 29 0a d0 00 20 88 47 d3 48 00 1d 00 78 01 28 03 d0 d1 49 00 20 18 39 88 70 10 bd 10 b5 ce 48 01 68 00 29 07 d0 01 20 88 47 cb 48 18 38 00 6a 00 28 00 d0 80 47 10 bd 10 b5 04 f0 f3 f9 01 28 01 d0 00 20 10 bd c4 48 18 38 00 78 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 ad fb 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 bf 48 0d 46
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.140 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.141 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.141 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 40 79 02 2c 02 d0 05 28 02 d1 06 e0 05 28 04 d0 03 28 06 d0 06 28 08 d0 19 e0 20 46 03 f0 51 fc 15 e0 20 46 03 f0 2e fc 11 e0 00 2c 01 d0 02 2c 0d d1 0b 46 03 22 21 46 06 20 03 f0 ac fb 02 20 ff f7 3e ff ae 49 ad 48 88 60 00 f0 4d fe aa 48 00 1d 44 70 85 70 c5 70 70 bd 70 b5 00 f0 61 fd a8 4d a9 4c 01 28 14 d0 fe f7 66 f9 01 21 28 68 fe f7 e3 f8 fd f7 87 fd 01 46 20 68 fe f7 dd f8 04 f0 a9 f9 9c 4c 18 3c 00 28 08 d0 9f 48 40 79 0d e0 00 21 28 68 fe f7 d0 f8 00 21 ed e7 90 48 21 79 c0 30 00 29 01 d0 40 7b 00 e0 80 79 02 f0 8d fe 60 79 04 28 02 d0 06 28 47 d0 3d e0 03 f0 d4 ff 00 28 05 d0 03 f0 cc ff 40 20 07 f0 e6 f8 33 e0 fd f7 78 fc fd f7 8f fc 87 49 07 20 09 1d 48 70 05 20 60 71 00 21 07 20 ff f7 84 ff 04 f0 c8 fa 04 f0 c2 fa 04 f0 bc fa 04 f0 3f fc
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.153 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 76 f9 01 20 03 f0 23 fb 75 4d 69 7b 00 29 1b d0 7d 20 c0 00 41 43 00 23 74 4a 05 20 00 f0 3f fe 01 20 20 70 0b 20 00 f0 9c fe a9 79 6d 48 00 23 41 43 6d 4a 0b 20 00 f0 32 fe 6f 48 01 68 00 29 01 d0 02 20 88 47 70 bd 69 49 e4 e7 01 20 03 f0 fe fa 70 bd 10 b5 05 20 00 f0 83 fe 66 49 00 20 18 39 08 70 0b 20 00 f0 7c fe 63 48 01 68 00 29 17 d0 03 20 88 47 62 48 00 78 01 28 04 d1 58 48 e0 30 40 7d fd f7 64 fc 61 48 00 78 00 28 03 d0 5c 48 00 68 fe f7 d4 f8 51 48 c0 30 c0 79 02 f0 15 fe 10 bd 70 b5 56 48 00 78 01 28 01 d1 fd f7 34 fc 4b 4c 50 4d 20 3c 20 7d 01 28 25 d1 28 46 18 38 42 69 01 69 c3 68 52 18 9a 42 19 d2 42 61 a0 7d 7d 22 d2 00 50 43 88 42 06 d1 02 f0 cb fc fd f7 f1 fb 60 7d 4b 49 06 e0 04 f0 60 f9 fd f7 ea fb a0 7d 7d 21 c9 00 48 43 47 49 fd f7
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.160 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 70 bd 00 21 41 61 02 f0 b6 fc 29 68 00 29 f7 d0 04 20 88 47 70 bd 10 b5 37 4c 00 20 18 3c 21 46 60 71 03 22 1c 31 0a 70 08 22 4a 70 07 22 8a 70 ca 70 13 39 08 70 4a 70 38 49 08 70 48 70 88 70 20 70 a0 70 03 f0 3a f8 03 f0 35 fa 01 20 60 71 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 03 f0 88 fd 03 f0 a9 fe 01 20 fc f7 5d ff 24 49 01 20 18 39 48 71 fd f7 c9 fb 00 20 10 bd 10 b5 00 20 03 f0 77 fd 04 f0 54 f9 1f 48 40 78 01 28 02 d0 01 20 fc f7 c9 fe 1a 4c 03 20 18 3c 60 71 00 20 fc f7 41 ff 01 21 00 20 03 f0 d3 fa 02 28 0c d0 fd f7 a6 fb 20 46 00 21 1c 30 01 70 08 21 41 70 07 21 81 70 c1 70 00 20 10 bd 01 20 03 f0 51 fd 01 20 60 71 fc f7 27 ff 03 f0 6e fe 05 20 10 bd 00 04 02 50 38 01 00 20 a0 fc 01 00 a0 86 01 00 eb 5f 00 00 37 60 00 00 20 a1 07 00 80 e1 00 e0 14 01 00 20 00 3f
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.161 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.167 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 48 03 00 20 44 02 00 20 48 02 00 20 20 ff 01 00 d1 00 00 20 10 27 00 00 a5 62 00 00 3d 01 00 20 10 b5 03 f0 25 fd 00 28 01 d1 ff f7 92 ff ff f7 a1 ff 10 bd ff b5 ff 4c ff 4e 81 b0 05 00 17 46 04 d0 01 2d 1e d0 02 2d 50 d0 44 e0 00 f0 f5 fb 80 07 80 0f 26 21 48 43 00 f0 f7 fb 70 78 01 28 02 d0 01 20 fc f7 5c fe 03 20 60 71 00 20 fc f7 d6 fe 00 21 0a 98 03 f0 68 fa 02 28 50 d0 fd f7 3b fb 28 e0 02 20 fd f7 2d fb 02 98 03 f0 e4 fd 04 98 03 f0 8c fa 04 20 60 71 e8 48 01 7d 01 29 02 d0 e7 49 38 46 0b e0 01 7e 01 29 02 d1 31 78 01 29 08 d0 00 21 61 61 40 7d e2 49 48 43 e0 49 fd f7 f5 fa 01 e0 04 f0 72 f8 70 78 01 28 02 d0 00 20 fc f7 25 fe d7 48 08 21 1c 30 05 70 41 70 07 21 81 70 c1 70 00 20 05 b0 f0 bd 03 26 00 f0 a4 fb 30 40 26 21 48 43 00 f0 a7 fb 38 06
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.168 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.174 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 03 d0 f8 b2 02 28 02 d0 02 e0 00 26 00 e0 01 26 30 46 03 f0 04 fb 02 28 02 d0 06 20 60 71 ae e7 07 20 60 71 05 20 df e7 f7 b5 00 98 0c 46 15 46 02 28 01 d0 02 20 fe bd 03 26 00 2c 02 d0 02 2c 02 d0 09 e0 00 26 07 e0 01 2d 02 d0 02 2d 02 d0 02 e0 01 26 00 e0 02 26 b7 4f 78 78 01 28 02 d0 01 20 fc f7 dd fd 30 46 03 f0 d9 fa 02 28 07 d0 06 20 b0 49 00 2c 48 71 0d d0 02 2c 0b d0 17 e0 78 78 01 28 02 d0 00 20 fc f7 ca fd a9 49 07 20 48 71 05 20 fe bd 2b 46 03 22 21 46 06 20 03 f0 7a f9 02 20 ff f7 0c fd a7 48 b8 60 00 f0 1c fc a0 48 00 99 1c 30 01 70 44 70 85 70 c5 70 00 20 fe bd 70 b5 9b 4d 02 20 6c 79 fd f7 90 fa 03 f0 6f fd 0b 20 00 f0 c5 fc 05 2c 14 d0 01 20 fc f7 1e fe 01 20 68 71 05 20 00 f0 bb fc 00 20 28 70 07 2c 03 d0 04 2c 09 d0 fd f7 83 fa 8d 49
[03-03 13:04:02.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.175 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.181 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.181 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 1c 31 08 70 70 bd fc f7 6a fe ea e7 fd f7 5b fa f4 e7 70 b5 02 46 87 48 44 79 1c 30 45 78 06 2c 05 d0 05 2c 01 d0 03 2c 12 d1 02 2d 10 d2 d3 07 03 d0 83 78 8b 42 00 d0 81 70 93 07 03 d5 c3 78 8b 42 00 d0 c1 70 0b 46 29 46 20 46 03 f0 23 f9 70 bd 10 b5 03 f0 85 fd 10 bd 10 b5 00 28 04 d0 01 28 01 d1 01 f0 0f fe 10 bd 01 f0 1f fe 10 bd 72 48 40 30 80 79 00 28 01 d0 6e 48 80 79 70 47 f8 b5 00 25 03 f0 e6 fe 03 f0 ce ff ff f7 f0 ff 00 28 13 d0 01 f0 b2 fd 01 28 4a d0 02 f0 e4 fe 64 4c a0 78 00 28 0b d0 00 26 01 28 1f d0 63 4f 40 37 02 28 23 d0 03 28 36 d1 2a e0 01 20 f8 bd 02 f0 5b ff 01 28 01 d1 01 20 16 e0 01 25 02 f0 c0 fe 01 f0 93 fd 01 28 2b d0 58 48 e0 30 40 79 02 f0 f4 fb 59 48 fc f7 66 fd 28 46 f8 bd e6 70 02 f0 52 ff 01 28 08 d1 02 20 a0 70 14 e0
[03-03 13:04:02.181 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.188 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.188 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 b3 ff 01 28 13 d0 02 28 07 d0 03 20 f5 e7 e6 70 da e7 03 f0 11 f8 01 28 09 d0 e0 78 40 1c c0 b2 e0 70 b9 7c 81 42 f2 d9 02 f0 93 fe dd e7 a6 70 cc e7 00 20 f8 bd 3f 48 80 78 02 28 01 d0 00 20 70 47 01 20 70 47 ff b5 01 24 24 04 81 b0 07 46 0e 46 1d 46 01 2b 02 d1 80 20 06 f0 1f fe f1 b2 38 46 03 9a 03 f0 87 fb 20 46 64 1e 00 28 06 d0 01 2d 04 d1 80 20 06 f0 c5 fd 00 28 f4 d0 b3 e6 ff b5 01 24 24 04 81 b0 07 46 15 46 1e 46 01 2a 02 d1 80 20 06 f0 02 fe 26 48 1c 30 01 78 01 29 18 d1 40 78 03 28 02 d0 02 28 10 d0 12 e0 38 46 02 99 03 f0 c0 fb 20 46 64 1e 00 28 06 d0 01 2d 04 d1 80 20 06 f0 9e fd 00 28 f4 d0 8c e6 01 20 01 f0 83 fa 32 46 38 46 02 99 03 f0 c6 f9 01 26 76 02 20 46 64 1e 00 28 f0 d0 01 2d ee d1 80 20 06 f0 88 fd 00 28 e9 d1 30 46 06 f0 83 fd
[03-03 13:04:02.188 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.195 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.195 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ef d0 71 e6 ff b5 81 b0 01 24 0a 9d 24 04 06 46 0f 46 01 2d 02 d1 80 20 06 f0 c0 fd 39 46 30 46 04 9b 03 9a 03 f0 9d fa 20 46 64 1e 00 28 15 d0 01 2d 0d e0 fc 00 00 20 48 03 00 20 80 fc 01 00 a5 62 00 00 10 27 00 00 00 3f ab 01 88 13 00 00 04 d1 80 20 06 f0 56 fd 00 28 e5 d0 44 e6 10 b5 03 f0 94 fb 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 87 fc c2 09 d1 49 40 06 0a 70 40 0e 48 70 08 46 10 bd cd 48 13 30 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 c8 fb 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 80 fc 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 c3 fc 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 c1 fd 10 bd c5 48 c0 7f 00 28 00 d0 01 20 70 47 c3 48 41 69 c2 01 11 43 41 61 70 47 c0 48 41 69 02 02 11 43 41 61 70 47 bd 48 41 69 42 02 11 43 41 61 41 69 82 02 11 43 41 61 70 47 b6 49 0f 31 08 60 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 3d fc 40 20 06 f0 57 fd 10 bd 10 b5 01 f0 07 fc 10 bd 10 b5 01 f0 20 fc
[03-03 13:04:02.195 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.196 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.202 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.202 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ac 49 00 20 09 39 49 79 06 29 00 d1 01 20 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 db fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 db fd 10 bd a4 49 09 39 88 71 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 d8 fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 d0 fd 10 bd 10 b5 02 28 02 d0 07 28 03 d1 00 e0 08 46 03 f0 ce fd 10 bd 10 b5 01 f0 c6 fc 10 bd 98 48 e0 30 c0 78 70 47 96 48 e0 30 00 79 70 47 94 48 e0 30 40 79 70 47 92 48 e0 30 80 79 70 47 90 48 40 7a 70 47 8f 49 88 7b c9 7b 00 02 08 43 00 d1 8b 20 70 47 8b 49 08 7c 49 7c 00 02 08 43 00 d1 7a 20 70 47 70 b5 03 f0 9b fd 00 28 31 d1 03 f0 49 fd 82 4d 83 48 13 35 69 78 60 30 00 29 29 d0 01 29 38 d0 03 29 3c d0 05 29 22 d1 80 78 00 07 1f d5 ff 24 03 34 03 f0 23 fd 7b 49 15 23 01 22 9b 01 92 02 ce 18 01 28 31 d0 02 28 11 d1 08 19 84 18 20 79 03 f0 08 ff 60 79 a1 79 00 02 40 18 03 f0 cb fe 68 78 03 28
[03-03 13:04:02.202 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.203 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.205 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.205 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.205 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 b1 7d 70 7d 03 f0 ef fe 70 bd a9 78 00 29 07 d0 01 29 f9 d1 80 78 80 07 f6 d5 ff 24 1c 34 d5 e7 80 78 c0 07 f0 d0 ff 24 09 34 cf e7 80 78 40 07 ea d5 ff 24 2f 34 c9 e7 80 78 c0 06 e4 d5 ff 24 42 34 c3 e7 08 19 84 18 60 78 03 f0 d8 fe a0 78 e1 78 00 02 40 18 03 f0 9b fe 68 78 03 28 d3 d1 31 7d f0 7c ce e7 70 b5 53 48 40 30 c0 7f 01 28 29 d1 03 f0 ef fe 50 49 4e 4c 60 31 00 25 09 3c 00 28 0d d0 01 28 1e d1 48 78 21 7a 88 42 12 d1 03 f0 da fe 25 72 e0 79 40 1c e0 71 00 20 10 e0 08 78 e1 79 88 42 03 d1 03 f0 c8 fe e5 71 04 e0 03 f0 ca fe ef e7 03 f0 c1 fe 20 7a 40 1c 20 72 01 20 03 f0 cd fe 70 bd 3a 49 00 20 09 39 08 72 70 47 38 49 00 20 09 39 c8 71 70 47 35 48 09 38 c1 79 00 29 02 d0 49 1e c1 71 70 47 01 7a 00 29 fb d0 49 1e 01 72 70 47 2f 48 e0 30 c0 79
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.212 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.218 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 d0 00 20 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 2f fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 33 fd 10 bd 10 b5 02 f0 f7 fa 10 bd 27 48 40 30 01 68 01 22 12 04 91 43 01 60 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 c5 fc 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 27 fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 2a fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 2d fd 10 bd 19 49 00 68 09 39 c8 60 70 47 16 49 00 68 09 39 08 61 70 47 14 48 09 38 40 78 70 47 12 49 09 39 48 70 70 47 10 48 09 38 00 79 70 47 0e 49 09 39 08 71 70 47 10 b5 03 f0 36 fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 29 fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 4d fd 10 bd 10 b5 03 f0 50 fd 10 bd 04 49 09 39 08 62 70 47 10 b5 01 f0 e2 ff 10 bd 00 00 05 01 00 20 a0 fc 01 00 00 00 02 40 00 f8 01 00 70 b5 00 24 56 4d 01 26 30 46 a0 40 01 46 28 68 02 46 0a 42 07 d0 88 43 28 60 a0 00 40 19 41 68 6a 69 20 46 90 47 64 1c 04 2c ed db 28 68 00 28 01 d1 00 f0 89 f8 70 bd 10 b5
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.219 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.220 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.220 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.220 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.226 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 11 ff 10 bd 10 b5 05 f0 0d ff 18 21 45 48 18 f0 5f f8 46 48 00 22 44 49 82 60 41 60 fd f7 6f f8 10 bd 43 48 00 78 00 28 02 d0 01 28 00 d0 02 20 70 47 10 b5 05 f0 18 ff 10 bd 10 b5 05 f0 e8 fe 10 bd 10 b5 fc f7 67 fa 10 bd 70 b5 39 4d a8 42 02 d8 fc f7 b0 fa 70 bd 01 0a 36 4e 0c 18 76 42 05 e0 28 46 84 42 05 d9 fc f7 a5 fa a4 19 00 2c f7 d1 70 bd 20 46 ec e7 10 b5 fc f7 18 ff 10 bd 10 b5 fc f7 20 ff 10 bd 26 49 48 61 70 47 30 b5 01 24 23 46 23 4a 83 40 15 68 80 00 1d 43 80 18 15 60 41 60 10 68 00 28 07 d0 ef f3 10 80 20 40 72 b6 1e 49 0c 70 00 d1 62 b6 30 bd 10 b5 01 21 18 4a 81 40 10 68 88 43 10 60 01 d1 00 f0 1e f8 10 bd 19 49 0a 7a 02 71 0a 79 02 70 4a 79 42 70 8a 79 82 70 c9 79 c1 70 70 47 14 4a 92 6a 02 60 12 48 20 30 80 89 08 80 70 47 10 b5 fc f7
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.227 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.233 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 c0 b2 10 bd 10 b5 fc f7 8a fb 10 bd ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 00 21 04 4a 11 70 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 70 47 80 06 00 20 c5 6b 00 00 f8 07 00 20 48 03 00 20 ff ff 00 00 00 30 00 00 c0 05 40 00 82 00 d7 48 83 58 99 60 81 58 0b 68 5b 08 5b 00 0b 60 80 58 03 21 02 68 0a 43 02 60 70 47 10 b5 ff 21 19 31 cf 48 17 f0 b3 ff 40 21 05 20 00 07 c2 68 0a 43 c2 60 01 68 01 22 12 04 11 43 01 60 01 68 52 00 11 43 01 60 01 68 12 12 11 43 01 60 00 20 00 f0 7d f9 80 30 c2 4c 00 0a 20 60 ff 22 01 21 00 20 05 f0 9e fc 01 20 00 f0 71 f9 00 1d c0 08 01 21 60 60 07 22 08 46 05 f0 93 fc 10 bd 10 b5 b9 48 00 21 81 61 c1 61 01 62 41 62 01 20 00 f0 5e f9 80 30 b3 49 00 0a 48 60 01 21 ff 22 08 46 05 f0 7f fc 10 bd 10 b5 00 20 00 f0 50 f9 80 30 ac 4c 00 0a 20 60 01 20 00 f0 49 f9
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.240 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 0a 60 60 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 ff f7 79 fd 01 28 0b d0 a6 4d 03 2c 09 d0 02 2c 06 d1 02 20 00 f0 25 f9 a3 48 e8 60 ff f7 df ff 70 bd 03 20 00 f0 1d f9 a0 48 f6 e7 70 b5 9b 4c 00 23 18 34 23 73 98 4e a2 60 61 60 72 68 01 46 10 46 18 f0 0e f8 99 4b 00 22 c0 18 51 41 5a 00 00 23 17 f0 23 fe 96 4d 20 60 a8 42 00 d2 85 b2 01 20 35 61 20 73 00 f0 08 f9 28 1a 81 b2 01 20 ff f7 61 ff 00 20 70 bd 89 48 10 b5 18 30 01 7b 00 29 05 d0 00 21 01 73 41 60 01 20 05 f0 3f fc 00 20 10 bd ff b5 87 4d 81 b0 04 46 0e 00 02 d1 de 20 fc f7 aa ff 10 2c 02 d3 df 20 fc f7 a5 ff 27 01 78 19 00 21 00 90 01 73 03 99 41 60 04 99 76 4c 81 60 31 46 20 68 17 f0 cb ff 78 4b 00 22 c0 18 51 41 5a 00 00 23 17 f0 e0 fd e8 51 a1 68 00 29 28 dd 00 20 00 f0 c8 f8 06 46 00 20 05 f0 25 fc 00 28
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.241 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.247 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 e0 68 86 b2 00 20 05 f0 07 fc 0f 20 00 23 01 01 4a 19 12 7b 00 2a 06 d0 6a 58 b2 42 02 d3 92 1b 6a 50 00 e0 6b 50 40 1e f1 d2 e0 68 b0 42 02 d3 80 1b 81 b2 00 e0 00 21 e8 59 88 42 03 d3 03 e0 5e 49 88 42 00 d2 81 b2 00 98 01 22 02 73 a0 68 e1 60 40 1c a0 60 00 20 ff f7 f2 fe 00 20 05 b0 f0 bd 70 b5 4f 4d 01 01 4c 19 14 34 10 28 03 d3 ff 20 25 30 fc f7 46 ff 20 7b 00 28 08 d0 00 20 20 73 60 60 a8 68 40 1e a8 60 01 d1 05 f0 c4 fb 00 20 70 bd f0 b5 a1 b0 48 48 00 90 41 48 00 24 c0 68 0f 21 85 b2 46 48 0e 01 32 18 13 7b 00 2b 1d d0 83 59 ab 42 08 d3 5b 1b 83 51 07 d0 00 9a 93 42 14 d2 9a b2 00 92 11 e0 00 23 83 51 e6 00 01 ab 57 68 9f 51 f3 18 97 68 00 26 5f 60 16 73 30 4a 64 1c 93 68 5b 1e 93 60 00 d5 96 60 49 1e da d2 01 20 06 f0 d2 f9 2a 48 81 68 00 29
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 70 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.248 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 16384/118784 ( 14%)
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.253 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.253 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 4 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.253 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.259 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 99 c1 60 00 20 00 99 ff f7 9a fe 00 25 01 ae 07 e0 e8 00 31 58 00 29 02 d0 80 19 40 68 88 47 6d 1c a5 42 f5 db 21 b0 f0 bd 30 b4 1d 4b 23 49 18 69 82 b2 1c 48 18 30 04 7b 00 2c 14 d0 04 68 94 42 08 d9 a2 1a 02 60 8a 42 00 d2 91 b2 19 61 30 bc 01 20 74 e6 00 21 01 60 01 73 41 68 00 29 02 d0 80 68 30 bc 08 47 30 bc 70 47 05 21 09 07 0a 68 03 23 1b 03 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 00 03 02 43 0a 60 70 47 06 49 80 00 08 58 40 68 80 b2 70 47 06 49 00 28 01 d0 c8 68 70 47 88 68 70 47 00 00 e4 ee 01 00 98 06 00 20 98 07 00 20 48 03 00 20 00 3f ab 01 c0 e8 ce 00 20 a1 07 00 ff ff 00 00 ac 06 00 20 08 21 01 70 4a 48 70 47 1c b5 04 00 01 d0 08 29 02 d0 00 20 c0 43 1c bd 01 46 04 22 68 46 17 f0 8d fd 04 22 21 1d 01 a8 17 f0 88 fd 69 46 40 48 00 f0 b2 f9 3e 48 01 a9 00 1d
[03-03 13:04:02.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.266 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.266 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ad f9 00 20 1c bd 70 b5 3b 4d 00 24 60 02 40 19 01 21 00 f0 b7 f9 64 1c e4 b2 04 2c f6 d3 37 49 00 20 08 60 70 bd f8 b5 34 4d 03 46 28 68 00 24 e4 43 81 08 30 4a 00 20 01 e0 40 ca 30 18 49 1e fb d2 80 b2 98 42 14 d1 68 46 43 80 a5 21 01 70 5a 21 41 70 27 48 69 46 08 30 00 f0 7f f9 28 48 00 7b 01 28 04 d1 27 48 08 21 02 68 0a 43 02 60 00 24 23 48 20 30 00 7f 00 28 04 d1 20 48 40 30 c0 79 00 28 05 d0 20 48 40 78 00 28 01 d1 fc f7 a8 f8 00 20 28 60 20 46 f8 bd f8 b5 0c 46 1b 49 93 07 09 d1 d3 17 9b 0f 9b 18 9d 10 fc 23 58 43 01 23 db 02 98 42 01 d3 08 46 f8 bd 0e 49 6f 46 0e 18 0e 48 01 68 89 18 01 60 0d e0 00 20 21 78 39 54 40 1c 64 1c c0 b2 04 28 f8 d3 69 46 30 46 00 f0 3c f9 36 1d 6d 1e 00 2d ef d1 fc f7 87 fd 00 20 f8 bd f0 ff 01 00 00 f8 01 00 20 01
[03-03 13:04:02.266 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.267 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.273 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 60 fd 01 00 00 2c 02 40 48 03 00 20 ff ff ff ff 8a 49 4a 68 06 23 9a 43 4a 60 4a 68 40 00 02 43 4a 60 70 47 85 49 8a 68 fc 23 9a 43 8a 60 8a 68 80 00 02 43 8a 60 70 47 80 49 8a 68 92 08 92 00 8a 60 ca 68 12 0a 12 02 ca 60 8a 68 03 12 1a 43 8a 60 ca 68 02 43 ca 60 70 47 78 49 0a 69 fc 23 9a 43 0a 61 0a 69 80 00 02 43 0a 61 70 47 73 49 0a 69 92 08 92 00 0a 61 4a 69 12 0a 12 02 4a 61 0a 69 03 12 1a 43 0a 61 4a 69 02 43 4a 61 70 47 6a 49 0a 6a 92 08 92 00 0a 62 0a 6a 02 43 0a 62 70 47 05 21 09 07 4a 69 92 b2 4a 61 4a 69 00 04 02 43 4a 61 70 47 05 21 09 07 0a 68 52 08 52 00 0a 60 0a 68 02 43 0a 60 70 47 01 20 10 b5 00 05 05 21 09 07 0a 68 00 2a 02 db 40 1e fa d1 01 e0 00 28 02 d1 08 20 fc f7 83 fd 10 bd 10 b5 05 21 03 46 09 07 48 69 80 08 80 00 48 61 48 69
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.274 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.280 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.281 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 4f 49 08 7a 00 28 04 d0 48 7a 89 7a 00 02 40 18 00 e0 f0 20 ff f7 c5 ff 4a 48 18 18 08 d0 4a 49 40 18 0a d0 49 49 40 18 27 d0 49 49 40 18 2f d0 01 20 ff f7 77 ff 1e 20 03 e0 01 20 ff f7 72 ff 18 20 ff f7 79 ff 01 20 ff f7 62 ff 1e 20 ff f7 84 ff e2 20 ff f7 8b ff 02 20 ff f7 99 ff 37 48 82 69 80 21 0a 43 82 61 42 68 0a 43 42 60 01 20 ff f7 a1 ff ff f7 a9 ff 10 bd 01 20 ff f7 52 ff 18 20 ff f7 59 ff 03 20 ff f7 42 ff 1a 20 de e7 01 20 ff f7 47 ff 14 20 ff f7 4e ff 03 20 ff f7 37 ff 02 20 ff f7 59 ff 14 20 d3 e7 f8 b5 29 4f ff 25 01 26 10 35 36 05 f9 78 04 20 00 f0 34 f8 b8 78 00 28 04 d0 01 28 04 d0 02 28 04 d0 05 e0 f0 25 03 e0 c0 25 01 e0 ff 25 05 35 05 24 24 07 e0 69 40 08 40 00 e0 61 32 20 fb f7 e4 fe 5f 20 40 04 69 00 08 43 e0 61 e0 69 01 21 08 43
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.282 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.288 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 89 03 20 6a 08 40 88 42 02 d1 76 1e f9 d1 01 e0 00 2e 02 d1 08 20 fc f7 eb fc f8 78 c0 43 c1 b2 04 20 00 f0 01 f8 f8 bd 0b 4a 00 29 11 68 01 d0 01 43 00 e0 81 43 11 60 70 47 00 00 c0 10 02 50 a0 fd 01 00 00 08 db fe 00 c2 b6 ff 80 7b e1 ff 00 e9 ee ff 48 03 00 20 00 2c 02 40 14 4a 90 42 0f d3 14 4a 90 42 0c d8 0a 68 52 1c 09 d0 12 4a 02 23 13 60 09 68 01 60 06 20 10 60 10 68 40 07 fc d4 70 47 0a 4a 90 42 0c d3 0a 4a 90 42 09 d8 09 4a 11 60 00 23 03 60 04 20 01 43 11 60 10 68 40 07 fc d4 70 47 05 49 08 40 03 49 08 62 70 47 00 1e 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 10 00 40 c1 0c 00 00 f3 b5 05 46 fe 48 81 b0 01 68 04 27 39 43 01 60 01 68 b9 43 01 60 fb 48 fb 4e 00 7b 01 28 13 d0 fa 48 c1 6a 10 22 11 43 c1 62 f9 48 a9 68 41 60 e9 68 01 60 f3 48 f7 4c 40 30 c0 79 00 28
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.289 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 60 78 00 28 05 d0 07 e0 31 68 08 20 01 43 31 60 eb e7 64 20 fb f7 4f fe ea 48 e0 38 00 7e 01 28 02 d1 20 78 01 28 05 d0 01 20 00 f0 7c fb 00 28 03 d0 07 e0 03 f0 3b f8 04 e0 02 98 00 07 01 d4 01 f0 99 fb e4 48 e5 49 40 68 05 24 24 07 88 42 06 d1 30 68 29 69 39 40 08 43 30 60 a8 69 60 61 28 68 20 60 68 68 00 28 03 db e0 69 40 00 40 08 e0 61 20 68 03 21 89 02 88 43 20 60 20 68 01 21 c9 02 08 43 20 60 20 68 03 21 09 03 88 43 20 60 20 68 01 21 49 03 08 43 20 60 32 20 fb f7 0b fe 01 21 e0 68 09 03 88 43 e0 60 fe bd 01 22 10 b5 12 03 05 21 09 07 cb 68 13 43 cb 60 4b 69 0f 24 a4 02 a3 43 4b 61 4b 69 13 43 4b 61 4a 69 3f 23 1b 01 9a 43 4a 61 4a 69 ba 4b 40 33 db 7b 1b 01 1a 43 4a 61 4a 69 03 23 9b 03 1a 43 4a 61 bc 49 0a 68 08 23 9a 43 0a 60 0a 68 10 24 12 07
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.297 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.297 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.297 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.303 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.303 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 14 43 0c 60 80 03 80 0b 48 60 1a 43 0a 60 10 bd f1 b5 ae 48 54 21 74 38 17 f0 5a fb ab 48 40 38 01 6a c9 07 c9 0f 01 62 a8 48 28 21 1c 38 17 f0 4f fb ac 48 00 21 01 61 a4 48 02 69 02 23 9a 43 02 61 a8 48 40 30 41 61 01 61 05 20 00 07 02 69 d3 05 9b 0f 03 2b 05 d0 d3 1d f9 33 03 61 ff 32 81 32 02 61 42 68 03 23 1b 02 9a 43 42 60 02 68 db 02 9a 43 02 60 02 68 01 23 1b 05 1a 43 02 60 c2 69 db 02 1a 43 c2 61 90 48 40 30 81 61 41 68 80 24 a1 43 41 60 8e 48 01 68 89 08 89 00 01 60 91 49 41 60 42 68 08 21 8a 43 42 60 82 68 0a 43 82 60 88 4a 84 48 53 78 04 21 ff 2b 07 d0 d2 78 00 2a 02 68 01 d0 8a 43 00 e0 0a 43 02 60 7d 4f 3a 7b 01 2a 03 d1 03 68 08 22 93 43 03 60 83 48 03 68 c0 22 93 43 03 60 81 48 02 69 0a 43 02 61 76 4e e0 20 80 3e f0 60 70 68 40 25 a8 43
[03-03 13:04:02.303 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.305 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.305 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.305 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 b8 7f fb f7 58 fd 70 68 a0 43 70 60 70 68 10 21 88 43 70 60 b8 7f fb f7 4e fd 71 68 20 20 81 43 71 60 6a 4e 80 36 f0 6b a8 43 f0 63 b8 7f fb f7 42 fd f0 6b a0 43 f0 63 64 48 40 38 04 61 08 21 41 61 c4 61 82 22 02 62 23 22 82 62 5d 4a 60 32 d2 7e 42 62 5d 48 01 60 0a 21 c1 60 02 21 81 62 58 49 e0 39 8a 7c ce 7b 53 07 db 0f 1e 43 46 61 85 61 20 23 c3 62 45 63 0b 7d 01 2b 30 d1 85 69 c0 23 9d 43 85 61 85 69 92 07 12 0e 15 43 85 61 4e 4a 80 32 55 68 9d 43 55 60 cb 7c 40 27 db 07 1d 0e 4b 7c 1f 40 3d 43 57 68 3d 43 55 60 47 4a 40 32 d5 69 18 27 bd 43 d5 61 d5 69 06 27 3b 40 9b 00 1d 43 d5 61 41 4a 40 3a 13 6a 5b 08 5b 00 13 62 13 6a c9 7d c9 07 c9 0f 0b 43 13 62 46 61 00 99 00 29 05 d0 41 69 21 43 41 61 32 20 fb f7 e2 fc f8 bd f3 b5 05 46 85 b0 00 24 3d 48
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.312 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.312 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.312 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.318 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.318 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 68 3c 49 01 90 80 31 08 60 05 22 12 07 11 68 39 48 01 60 d1 69 41 60 2d 49 4b 68 83 60 09 68 29 4f c1 60 39 68 04 23 19 40 01 61 27 49 cb 6a 10 26 b3 43 cb 62 22 49 0e 68 02 23 1e 43 0e 60 0e 68 9e 43 0e 60 51 69 81 61 22 49 1d 4e 28 07 09 78 c0 0f 40 36 00 29 00 d0 b0 7c ff f7 d8 fe 28 07 05 d5 01 20 00 f0 de f9 00 28 00 d0 08 24 a8 06 05 d5 38 68 c0 07 c0 0f 01 d0 20 20 04 43 10 48 04 90 40 7d 01 28 08 d1 28 06 06 d5 01 20 05 f0 6f f9 01 28 01 d1 80 20 04 43 00 2c 7c d1 78 6a 40 08 40 00 78 62 39 6a 01 20 01 43 39 62 03 20 80 04 03 90 03 48 e0 38 00 90 38 20 1d e0 00 14 02 50 60 fd 01 00 00 2c 02 40 80 10 02 50 00 00 03 50 48 03 00 20 44 05 00 20 00 b4 c4 04 00 0c 02 50 00 00 02 40 0f 86 01 00 00 20 02 40 00 ed 00 e0 00 e1 00 e0 c0 07 00 20 ce 4c
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.326 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 60 6a 00 28 02 d0 00 20 60 62 20 bf 00 27 27 62 25 62 ca 48 00 78 00 28 03 d0 f0 7c 01 28 47 d0 13 e0 21 6a 10 20 28 40 01 43 21 62 c4 48 00 68 00 28 00 d1 0f 20 e9 06 02 d5 06 99 48 43 02 e0 7d 21 09 01 3a e0 ff f7 31 fe 4f 20 05 21 09 07 48 60 00 20 ff f7 a7 fd 01 20 00 f0 5f f9 02 20 00 f0 5c f9 04 20 00 f0 59 f9 10 20 00 f0 56 f9 38 46 b4 4f 38 60 20 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 21 46 64 6a 48 62 10 20 00 f0 44 f9 01 20 00 f0 41 f9 02 20 00 f0 3e f9 04 20 00 e0 a7 e0 00 f0 39 f9 a9 48 00 68 38 60 a5 48 00 78 01 28 08 d0 18 e0 20 6a 10 21 08 43 20 62 30 7d a4 49 48 43 c2 e7 f0 7c 01 28 0d d1 e0 06 0b d5 02 f0 f0 fd 70 7d fb f7 f1 fb 01 20 00 f0 26 f9 00 28 22 d0 08 20 04 43 9b 48 ff f7 5f fd 1b 22 05 20 00 07 01 69 49 09 49 01 11 43 01 61 41 68 f0 22 91 43
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.327 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.333 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 94 48 01 68 08 22 91 43 01 60 20 07 23 d5 04 20 00 f0 09 f9 00 28 64 d0 01 20 01 f0 ab f8 01 28 03 d0 63 e0 01 f0 27 f9 5b e0 01 f0 24 f9 00 98 84 49 80 7c 40 07 c0 0f 84 30 80 31 48 61 16 20 00 f0 df f8 17 20 00 f0 dc f8 7d 20 c0 00 06 90 01 20 02 90 45 e0 a0 06 48 d4 04 98 40 7d 00 28 00 d0 80 20 20 42 41 d1 e0 06 4d d5 02 98 01 28 10 d1 00 20 01 f0 7e f8 01 28 14 d0 00 99 00 98 89 7c c0 7b 49 07 c9 0f 80 22 11 43 08 43 6d 49 80 31 48 61 07 f0 bf fe 00 28 27 d0 00 98 00 7d 01 28 07 d0 1d e0 16 20 00 f0 ab f8 17 20 00 f0 a8 f8 16 e0 00 98 7d 21 80 7d c9 00 48 43 0f 46 17 f0 19 f9 06 99 88 42 08 d1 00 98 5f 49 40 7d 48 43 39 46 17 f0 0f f9 06 90 a3 e7 06 90 02 f0 66 fd 03 98 40 1e 03 90 00 d0 e7 e6 21 46 5a 48 ff f7 e6 fc 59 4d 28 46 0f c8 04 f0 28 ff
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.334 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.340 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 bf 00 bf 56 4e 0b e0 02 20 00 f0 8c f8 00 28 ec d1 fb f7 00 fb e9 e7 28 46 0f c8 04 f0 17 ff 30 69 c0 03 f8 d4 4f 49 01 98 08 60 20 46 07 b0 f0 bd f8 b5 00 26 05 20 00 07 47 69 04 68 01 22 52 04 21 46 03 23 91 43 1b 03 99 43 01 60 11 43 01 60 46 4d 44 49 69 61 ae 61 c2 68 40 21 0a 43 c2 60 41 69 0f 22 92 02 91 43 41 61 41 69 01 22 12 03 11 43 41 61 41 69 3f 22 12 01 91 43 41 61 41 69 3b 4a d2 7b 12 01 11 43 41 61 41 69 01 22 92 03 11 43 41 61 41 69 08 22 91 43 41 61 42 69 04 21 8a 43 42 61 33 48 64 22 82 61 2d 48 80 30 01 60 02 20 00 f0 25 f8 2e 48 0f 21 01 61 05 20 28 61 2d 48 00 e0 ae 69 01 68 49 07 fb d5 30 02 00 0a 28 49 00 22 0a 61 04 21 29 61 22 4d 85 43 26 48 29 46 17 f0 87 f8 0e 46 0a 21 17 f0 83 f8 6a 08 96 42 00 d3 40 1c 05 21 09 07 4f 61
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.341 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.347 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.347 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 f8 bd c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 1b 49 80 31 08 60 70 47 0c 49 0a 68 02 43 0a 60 70 47 09 49 0a 68 82 43 0a 60 70 47 16 49 09 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 00 00 00 30 02 40 48 03 00 20 a4 00 00 20 00 10 02 50 00 12 02 50 10 27 00 00 01 04 00 00 00 0c 02 50 c0 07 00 20 44 05 00 20 40 20 02 40 00 e1 00 e0 ff ff ff 00 00 e0 00 e0 a0 fd 01 00 00 00 02 50 00 e2 00 e0 00 3f ab 01 00 04 02 50 f8 48 00 68 00 02 07 d5 f7 48 01 68 89 06 c9 0e 02 d1 40 6b 80 07 01 d0 00 20 70 47 01 20 70 47 10 b5 02 f0 74 fe f0 49 40 39 00 28 08 68 03 d0 93 22 12 04 10 43 0c e0 49 22 52 04 10 43 08 60 08 68 21 22 12 04 10 43 08 60 08 68 01 22 52 05 90 43 08 60 10 bd fe b5 e4 4f 05 46 b8 6a e1 4c 86 b2 00 20 00 90 20 68 81 05 61 d5 c0 03 12 d4 02 f0 f3 fd 01 28 0e d0 20 68
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.348 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.354 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.354 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 11 d4 ff f7 bf ff 01 28 0d d0 20 68 80 03 2b d4 02 f0 f1 fd 01 28 27 d0 09 e0 d6 48 00 78 00 28 48 d0 01 24 04 e0 d4 48 00 78 00 28 42 d0 00 24 29 00 d2 48 d2 4d 1d d0 01 21 c1 70 d1 48 80 69 cb 49 00 07 80 0f c2 07 08 75 80 07 c0 17 40 1c d7 17 01 90 7f 1c 4c 75 fe f7 0b ff ca 4e 00 28 29 d0 ff 36 8f 36 28 e0 c8 48 00 78 00 28 21 d0 02 24 dd e7 c1 78 01 29 1c d1 00 21 c1 70 c2 48 bf 4a 80 19 c3 79 40 3a 93 62 42 7b 2a 60 82 7b 6a 60 c2 7b aa 60 02 7c ea 60 bd 4a 92 7f 2a 61 c0 7c 68 62 b1 48 03 69 02 22 93 43 03 61 af 48 80 38 01 61 fe bd ff 36 4c 36 b1 48 01 68 b4 4a 60 32 12 7c 11 43 01 60 ad 48 33 21 40 38 81 62 01 21 a6 48 09 04 80 38 01 61 a4 48 01 69 02 22 11 43 01 61 a2 48 a6 4d 00 7c 40 35 00 28 39 d0 07 21 a8 48 09 02 42 18 39 21 49 01 43 18
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.355 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.361 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.361 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 89 01 40 18 01 2c 17 d0 02 2c 20 d0 9c 49 44 7b cc 60 52 7f 0a 61 02 7a 4a 60 80 7a 88 60 18 78 68 63 97 48 40 38 41 69 08 22 11 43 41 61 81 6a 10 22 91 43 81 62 fe bd 91 49 44 7b cc 60 92 7f 0a 61 02 7a 4a 60 c0 7a 88 60 58 78 e8 e7 8c 49 84 7b cc 60 d2 7f 0a 61 42 7a 4a 60 00 7b 88 60 98 78 dd e7 fb f7 21 ff 89 49 80 31 00 28 0b d0 82 4a 0c 32 10 78 00 28 01 d0 00 2c 32 d0 50 78 00 28 01 d0 01 2c 1c d0 01 2f 62 d0 01 98 01 28 63 d0 8f 7b 00 98 32 18 20 32 79 48 93 7c 03 62 01 2c 5e d0 02 2c 66 d0 13 7c c3 60 0b 7e 03 61 d3 7a 43 60 52 7b 82 60 48 7d 68 63 00 2c 23 d0 70 e0 01 28 36 d0 6e 48 f2 7e c2 60 89 7f 01 61 71 7e 41 60 b1 7e 81 60 31 7f 01 62 71 7f 41 62 b0 7f 51 e0 8f 7b 01 28 15 d0 65 48 f2 7b c2 60 09 7f 01 61 71 7b 41 60 b1 7b 81 60 31 7c
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.362 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.368 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 71 7c 41 62 b0 7c 68 63 02 f0 43 fd 00 28 3d d0 61 48 00 78 42 e0 5a 48 72 7a c2 60 c9 7e 01 61 f1 79 41 60 31 7a 81 60 b1 7a 01 62 f1 7a 41 62 30 7b e8 e7 52 48 72 7d c2 60 49 7f 01 61 f1 7c 41 60 31 7d 81 60 b1 7d 01 62 f1 7d 41 62 30 7e 1a e0 10 20 00 90 0f 7c 9c e7 08 20 00 90 cf 7b 98 e7 13 7c c3 60 4b 7e 03 61 d3 7a 43 60 92 7b 82 60 88 7d 08 e0 53 7c c3 60 8b 7e 03 61 13 7b 43 60 d2 7b 82 60 c8 7d 68 63 0b e0 43 48 00 68 81 00 43 48 01 d5 40 7f 00 e0 80 7f c0 1b c0 b2 02 f0 dd fc 02 f0 6a fd fe bd f8 b5 34 4c 39 4d 80 3c 0f 46 01 28 07 d0 00 20 00 2f 7b d0 01 2f 76 d0 02 29 77 d1 75 e0 2c 26 02 f0 0b fd 04 21 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 24 48 49 04 80 38 01 61 00 2f 07 d0 01 2f 02 d0 02 2f 03 d1 01 e0 83 26 00 e0 da 26 0b 20 ad 19 80 01 28 18
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.369 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 80 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.370 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 20480/118784 ( 17%)
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 5 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.374 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.381 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.381 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 e1 60 c1 7c 21 61 27 49 49 78 01 29 01 d0 40 7d 00 e0 00 7d 60 61 24 48 1b 22 29 18 18 48 68 38 fb f7 dc fe 20 48 04 22 1f 30 29 18 14 48 1c 30 fb f7 d4 fe 17 20 40 01 2c 18 11 48 a1 7e 40 30 41 62 e1 7e c1 62 21 7f 01 63 17 48 03 22 1b 30 29 18 0b 48 00 1d fb f7 c1 fe 09 48 61 7d 02 69 02 23 1a 40 11 43 4b e0 6c 01 00 20 80 00 02 40 24 01 00 20 b5 00 00 20 b4 00 00 20 44 01 00 20 80 10 02 50 00 04 02 50 70 03 00 20 b6 00 00 20 70 04 00 20 00 f8 01 00 a0 fc 01 00 70 01 00 20 80 fc 01 00 48 03 00 20 d7 02 00 00 03 e0 ff e7 57 20 00 e0 ae 20 29 18 17 20 40 01 09 18 ff 48 4a 7d 02 61 fd 4b ca 7a 40 3b 9a 62 4a 7c 02 60 0a 7d c2 60 8a 7c 42 60 ca 7c 82 60 f7 4a 49 7f 80 32 11 60 61 6a 80 22 91 43 61 62 61 6a 60 22 91 43 61 62 02 69 02 21 8a 43 02 61 f0 48
[03-03 13:04:02.381 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.381 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.381 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.382 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.388 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 61 f8 bd 10 b5 16 20 02 f0 b7 fb 17 20 02 f0 b4 fb ec 49 00 20 e9 4a 48 70 53 69 80 24 a3 43 53 61 08 70 60 00 05 f0 39 f9 a0 00 05 f0 36 f9 16 20 02 f0 aa fb 17 20 02 f0 a7 fb 10 bd f1 b5 16 20 02 f0 9a fb 17 20 02 f0 97 fb db 49 00 24 8c 61 8a 69 dc 48 86 7c b3 07 1b 0e 1a 43 8a 61 d6 4a 80 32 53 68 c0 25 ab 43 53 60 c3 7c 40 27 db 07 1d 0e 43 7c 1f 40 3d 43 57 68 3d 43 55 60 ce 4a 40 32 d5 69 18 27 bd 43 d5 61 d5 69 06 27 3b 40 9b 00 1d 43 d5 61 c8 4a 40 3a 13 6a 5b 08 5b 00 13 62 13 6a c5 7d ed 07 ed 0f 2b 43 13 62 c0 7b 7e 22 10 40 72 07 d2 0f 10 43 80 30 48 61 32 20 fa f7 f8 ff bf 4d 01 26 2e 70 16 20 02 f0 5c fb 17 20 02 f0 59 fb 00 98 00 28 0c d0 6e 70 01 20 02 f0 14 fc 00 28 02 d0 b8 49 b0 05 08 60 16 20 02 f0 3b fb f8 bd 6c 70 f8 bd 10 b5
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.389 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.390 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.390 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.390 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.390 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.390 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.396 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 78 00 28 04 d0 b2 48 00 68 c0 07 c0 0f 10 bd 00 20 ff f7 94 ff 01 20 02 f0 f9 fb 04 46 ff f7 71 ff 20 46 10 bd a6 48 10 b5 40 30 80 68 00 04 28 d4 a3 48 c0 30 81 6a 01 22 92 07 11 43 81 62 00 21 00 bf 49 1c c9 b2 10 29 fa d3 81 6a 91 43 81 62 41 6a 82 6a 09 0f 01 23 db 07 1a 43 82 62 82 6a 9a 43 82 62 82 68 0f 23 db 05 9a 43 82 60 82 68 95 4b c9 1e 60 33 9b 7c 59 18 09 07 49 09 0a 43 82 60 10 bd 10 b5 92 48 00 24 04 70 02 f0 03 fb 02 f0 94 fb 02 f0 82 fb 00 20 ff f7 1d fd 8d 48 00 68 80 47 87 48 84 70 10 bd 10 b5 89 49 00 20 08 70 02 f0 83 fb 02 f0 6b fb 00 28 0b d0 ff f7 f0 fc 00 20 ff f7 08 fd 83 48 00 68 80 47 7c 49 01 20 88 70 10 bd 02 f0 de fa f0 e7 7a 48 20 30 80 7a 70 47 f8 b5 01 46 0a 09 8e 07 75 4c 89 07 00 20 89 0f 0c 34 b6 0f 05 46 01 27
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.397 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.403 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.404 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 13 00 16 f0 cb fd 08 05 0b 42 48 4a 4c 4e 09 0a 25 70 65 70 a5 70 e5 70 25 71 f8 bd 88 78 6a 4b 40 1c c2 b2 8a 70 80 3b a1 5d 98 79 db 79 01 29 16 d0 02 29 19 d0 00 2e 1f d0 18 09 82 42 22 d3 49 1c c8 b2 03 21 16 f0 d6 fc 5e 4f a1 55 20 3f 78 6a 04 28 13 d9 01 20 fb f7 4a fd 7d 62 12 e0 00 2e 07 d0 18 07 00 0f e8 e7 57 48 80 38 40 79 00 2e 02 d0 00 07 00 0f e0 e7 00 09 de e7 00 29 01 d1 40 1c 78 62 a0 5d f8 bd 8d 70 4d 49 27 71 20 39 4d 62 f8 bd 20 79 f8 bd 67 71 f8 bd 65 71 f8 bd 60 79 f8 bd 46 4a 10 b5 80 32 54 69 4b 4b 1c 40 54 61 54 69 80 01 04 43 54 61 d0 03 01 29 51 69 05 d0 81 43 51 61 50 69 18 40 50 61 10 bd 01 43 51 61 10 bd 3a 48 81 6a 80 22 91 43 81 62 70 47 f8 b5 36 4c 40 34 a1 68 3d 4f 35 4b 39 60 09 3b 3c 4e 1a 78 3c 4d 30 68 01 2a 03 d0
[03-03 13:04:02.404 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.406 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.406 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.406 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.407 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.389 4443:4443 I/PersistToDiskTh]
type=1400 audit(0.0:286): avc: denied { read } for name="vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026534946 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:04:02.389 4443:4443 I/PersistToDiskTh]
type=1400 audit(0.0:286): avc: denied { open } for path="/proc/vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026534946 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:04:02.389 4443:4443 W/PersistToDiskTh]
type=1300 audit(0.0:286): arch=40000028 syscall=322 per=8 success=yes exit=44 a0=ffffff9c a1=ec2a73b0 a2=20000 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2482 auid=4294967295 uid=10121 gid=10121 euid=10121 suid=10121 fsuid=10121 egid=10121 sgid=10121 fsgid=10121 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:04:02.389 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:286): proctitle="com.facebook.katana:notification"
[03-03 13:04:02.409 4399:4443 D/AppStateMemParser]
vmstat read succeeded - resetting retry count
[03-03 13:04:02.389 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:286):
[03-03 13:04:02.389 4443:4443 I/PersistToDiskTh]
type=1400 audit(0.0:287): avc: denied { getattr } for path="/proc/vmstat" dev="proc" ino=4026534946 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=1
[03-03 13:04:02.389 4443:4443 W/PersistToDiskTh]
type=1300 audit(0.0:287): arch=40000028 syscall=197 per=8 success=yes exit=0 a0=2c a1=cfd7d090 a2=29fde6c6 a3=0 items=0 ppid=2482 auid=4294967295 uid=10121 gid=10121 euid=10121 suid=10121 fsuid=10121 egid=10121 sgid=10121 fsgid=10121 tty=(none) ses=4294967295 exe="/system/bin/app_process32" subj=u:r:untrusted_app_25:s0:c512,c768 key=(null)
[03-03 13:04:02.389 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1327 audit(0.0:287): proctitle="com.facebook.katana:notification"
[03-03 13:04:02.389 2396:2396 W/auditd]
type=1320 audit(0.0:287):
[03-03 13:04:02.413 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.413 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 82 43 47 d0 b9 e0 34 4a 0e 01 12 68 05 d5 06 04 03 d5 90 47 ff f7 df ff f8 bd a6 68 b6 04 14 d5 c0 03 12 d5 60 69 01 21 89 03 88 43 60 61 61 69 01 20 c0 03 01 43 61 61 61 69 81 43 61 61 2c 48 01 21 00 78 ff f7 af ff f8 bd 2a 48 00 78 52 28 01 d0 08 05 19 d0 c8 43 80 07 16 d0 18 48 80 30 44 69 c6 03 b4 43 44 61 44 69 1c 4e 34 40 44 61 58 78 01 28 0b d1 00 20 58 70 28 78 ff 28 04 d0 48 01 40 0f 03 d0 90 47 3c e2 90 47 f8 bd 02 f0 19 fa 37 e2 0a 4a 13 6a 1b 0c 1b 04 13 62 93 6a 80 26 b3 43 93 62 14 4e 0a 01 39 d5 00 02 32 d5 03 48 86 61 03 49 20 39 09 78 1f e0 80 10 02 50 00 00 02 40 44 01 00 20 80 fc 01 00 00 e2 00 e0 00 04 02 50 64 01 00 20 68 01 00 20 3f 00 c0 ff 70 01 00 20 6c 01 00 20 00 02 02 40 00 02 80 00 bc 00 00 20 00 01 02 40 55 55 55 55 ca 07
[03-03 13:04:02.413 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.414 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.415 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.415 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.415 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 43 69 c2 01 93 43 43 61 89 07 04 d4 42 69 01 21 49 06 8a 43 42 61 02 f0 d5 f9 02 f0 bd f9 4a e1 89 04 2a d5 61 69 01 20 80 03 81 43 61 61 61 69 40 00 01 43 61 61 61 69 81 43 61 61 02 f0 db f9 01 28 a3 d1 fd 4c a0 69 b0 42 9f d1 02 f0 ba f9 60 69 e1 01 08 43 60 61 60 69 49 00 08 43 60 61 f7 48 a0 61 02 f0 98 f9 f6 48 20 63 f6 48 20 62 a0 6a 80 21 08 43 a0 62 f8 bd 61 68 f3 4a 49 0f 11 70 81 05 1f d5 00 04 1d d5 02 f0 02 fa 00 28 19 d0 02 f0 97 f9 01 20 ff f7 9f fb 38 68 80 01 11 d5 21 68 01 20 40 04 81 43 21 60 61 68 49 00 06 d5 e7 48 80 78 01 28 76 d0 ff f7 64 fe f8 bd 21 68 01 43 21 60 02 f0 2a fa 04 46 e1 48 e2 4e 01 68 41 20 40 02 88 43 0f d1 fb f7 ec ff 00 28 0b d0 80 78 40 1e 05 28 07 d8 02 f0 6b f9 21 46 28 46 fc f7 6a f8 01 28 0e d0 d6 48 00 68
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.422 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.428 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 79 d5 ce 4e 80 36 70 6b 00 02 c0 0f 0f d0 02 f0 66 f9 00 28 13 d1 0a e0 38 68 80 00 01 d5 70 7f 00 e0 b0 7f 02 f0 9b f9 02 f0 41 f9 f8 bd 70 6b c0 07 c0 0f 0c d0 02 f0 52 f9 00 28 08 d0 31 6a 01 20 00 06 01 43 31 62 31 6a 81 43 31 62 f8 bd 70 6b bf 4e 20 3e f0 61 02 f0 b9 f9 02 f0 32 f9 ff f7 10 fb 00 28 57 d0 b9 48 80 78 01 28 0b d0 b6 48 00 78 00 28 18 d0 04 28 31 d0 02 2c 3e d3 28 78 93 28 3b d1 37 e0 38 68 40 01 40 0f 03 d0 ae 48 00 78 03 28 07 d8 ac 48 00 78 06 28 03 d0 01 20 ff f7 1a fb 37 e0 89 e0 04 2c 05 d3 a8 78 d4 28 02 d1 e8 78 00 28 2e d0 02 f0 ed f8 fb f7 f4 fa 01 28 02 d1 10 20 ff f7 0d fe f0 79 01 28 71 d1 9a 48 41 69 07 22 52 06 11 43 41 61 6a e0 01 20 ff f7 fa fa 95 48 41 69 02 02 11 43 41 61 01 20 f0 73 10 e0 36 e0 68 78 20 28 0c d0
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.429 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.435 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.436 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ff f7 eb fa fb f7 d1 fa 02 28 02 d1 40 20 ff f7 ea fd f0 79 00 28 04 d0 02 f0 ed f8 00 28 13 d0 7e e0 86 4a 50 69 11 02 08 43 50 61 ff f7 d7 fd 00 28 8c d1 50 69 01 21 89 06 08 43 50 61 50 69 49 00 08 43 50 61 f8 bd 04 2c 08 d3 28 78 f0 28 05 d1 a8 78 d4 28 02 d1 e8 78 00 28 60 d0 01 20 ff f7 bb fa 5c e0 75 48 80 30 40 6b 78 49 20 39 c8 61 02 f0 2c f9 02 f0 0c f9 00 28 22 d0 73 48 00 78 00 28 0e d0 39 68 49 01 49 0f 02 d0 03 28 00 d9 0e e7 00 07 00 0f 40 1e 05 28 40 d2 02 f0 91 f8 f8 bd 02 f0 78 f8 6a 48 00 68 00 04 02 d5 00 20 ff f7 92 fa 69 48 00 68 80 47 f8 bd ff f7 75 fd f8 bd 63 48 00 68 81 05 14 d5 01 04 09 d5 c0 06 07 d5 38 68 80 00 01 d5 70 7f 00 e0 b0 7f 02 f0 bd f8 02 f0 6e f8 5a 48 00 68 80 03 02 d4 01 20 ff f7 72 fa 57 4e 30 68 c1 05 10 d5
[03-03 13:04:02.436 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.437 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 d5 ff f7 10 fd 30 68 80 03 2a d5 50 48 20 38 80 78 01 28 02 d1 02 f0 3f f8 01 e0 02 f0 52 f8 02 f0 45 f8 4b 48 00 68 00 05 33 d5 03 26 b6 04 68 78 a9 78 ea 78 03 2c c3 d3 d4 28 09 d0 d4 29 07 d0 d4 2a 05 d0 d5 28 03 d0 d5 29 01 d0 d5 2a b7 d1 00 20 ff f7 73 fc ff f7 d0 fc 01 28 03 d0 04 e0 02 f0 19 f8 d9 e7 76 1e f5 d1 ff f7 4a fc 38 48 00 68 01 04 01 d5 00 21 04 e0 80 06 01 d5 01 21 00 e0 02 21 01 20 ff f7 8f fb ff 20 5f 30 fa f7 91 fc 2f 4e 30 68 c0 05 0e d5 2c 49 00 20 20 39 08 73 38 68 40 01 40 0f 06 d1 00 2c 04 d0 29 48 38 31 60 30 c0 7d 08 71 02 f0 1c f8 01 28 03 d0 27 48 31 68 88 43 1c d1 03 2c 09 d3 28 78 a4 1e a0 42 05 d1 00 28 03 d0 38 68 40 01 40 0f 02 d0 01 f0 d9 ff 63 e7 1f 48 1e 49 42 68 91 60 41 68 0a 68 52 08 52 00 0a 60 40 68 03 21
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.444 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.444 4399:4443 D/AppStateLogger]
Successfully dumped app state to log file
[03-03 13:04:02.450 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 0a 43 02 60 40 20 02 f0 75 f8 f8 bd 12 48 10 b5 60 30 c2 7b 09 48 00 21 80 30 83 69 03 24 24 07 23 43 83 61 00 bf 49 1c c9 b2 0e 29 fa d3 81 69 01 23 1b 07 99 43 81 61 00 21 1a e0 00 00 02 40 a6 65 59 9a 81 00 02 00 48 0d 00 00 64 01 00 20 44 01 00 20 6c 01 00 20 80 fc 01 00 68 01 00 20 00 02 02 00 ff ff 00 00 e4 ee 01 00 00 bf 49 1c c9 b2 91 42 fa d3 81 69 01 22 52 07 91 43 81 61 10 bd f8 b5 fe 4f ff 4d 38 68 c1 05 05 d5 68 7b 01 28 16 d1 ff f7 ba ff 13 e0 81 05 11 d5 c0 03 0c d4 f9 48 f9 49 40 68 16 f0 a5 f9 02 e0 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 01 46 40 1e 00 29 f8 d1 f4 49 01 20 88 75 f4 4c e1 6a 03 20 40 04 01 43 e1 62 e1 6a 81 43 e1 62 01 f0 d6 ff 00 26 a6 60 38 68 81 05 03 d5 c0 03 01 d5 26 61 68 e0 00 20 ff f7 75 f9 38 68 c1 05 15 d5 00 21 01 22 d2 04 22 61
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.451 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 02 e0 00 bf 49 1c c9 b2 8a 42 fa d8 80 02 55 d5 00 20 69 7f 02 e0 00 bf 40 1c c0 b2 81 42 fa d8 4c e0 01 05 14 d5 00 21 ff 22 2d 32 00 bf 49 1c 89 b2 91 42 fa d3 01 04 01 d5 00 21 04 e0 80 06 01 d5 01 21 00 e0 02 21 00 20 ff f7 ae fa 35 e0 26 61 d0 4c d0 49 80 34 09 78 e6 04 a5 05 00 29 06 d0 00 02 2a d5 01 f0 94 ff 01 28 1b d0 25 e0 00 02 23 d5 01 f0 8d ff 01 28 1f d1 01 f0 0c ff 60 69 30 43 60 61 60 69 28 43 60 61 05 20 00 07 02 68 08 21 8a 43 02 60 62 69 aa 43 62 61 02 68 0a 43 02 60 0a e0 01 f0 f7 fe 60 69 30 43 60 61 60 69 28 43 60 61 60 69 a8 43 60 61 b7 48 00 68 80 47 80 20 01 f0 96 ff f8 bd ae 48 e0 30 c2 7a 01 7b 10 02 08 43 01 04 01 20 01 43 ad 48 01 62 81 6a 80 22 11 43 81 62 70 47 70 b5 a4 4d 28 68 c0 05 06 d5 a3 48 40 7b 01 28 0f d1 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.457 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.458 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.458 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.458 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 0c e0 a1 48 a1 49 40 68 16 f0 f5 f8 02 e0 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 01 46 40 1e 00 29 f8 d1 9d 4c e1 6a 03 20 40 04 01 43 e1 62 e1 6a 81 43 e1 62 01 f0 29 ff 00 20 a0 60 ff f7 d0 f8 28 68 c1 05 11 d5 a1 00 21 61 92 49 17 31 09 78 01 29 0a d1 00 04 02 d5 ff f7 ba ff 02 e0 90 48 00 68 80 47 80 20 01 f0 48 ff 70 bd 8a 48 17 30 00 78 01 28 00 d0 07 e7 ba e7 f1 b5 8a 4c 82 b0 20 69 c6 b2 e0 69 87 49 c7 b2 c0 31 08 68 c0 b2 00 90 84 48 40 38 c2 68 84 4d aa 78 00 2a 4c d0 2a 79 c2 60 68 79 20 61 a8 79 60 61 19 20 a0 61 e8 79 e0 61 28 7a 20 62 01 20 60 62 68 7a a0 62 fc 20 e0 62 a8 7a 20 63 33 20 60 63 30 20 a0 63 e8 7a e0 63 74 48 28 22 40 30 02 60 72 4b 2a 7b 80 33 5a 63 6a 7b 0a 60 41 6a 3e 22 11 40 41 62 41 6a 01 22 11 43 41 62 68 48 80 30 01 69 52 05 11 43 01 61
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.464 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.470 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.470 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 f0 43 fe e8 78 64 21 48 43 fa f7 d4 fa 26 61 e7 61 63 49 00 98 c0 31 08 60 63 48 00 68 01 21 c9 04 08 42 08 d1 02 98 01 28 03 d1 01 f0 ef fe 00 28 01 d0 00 20 fe bd 01 20 fe bd 10 b5 0c 20 fe f7 8f f9 00 20 ff f7 95 ff 01 28 0c d0 4d 48 80 22 60 38 c1 7b 80 7c 40 07 c0 0f 10 43 01 43 4f 48 40 30 41 61 10 bd 00 23 50 4a 50 49 0c 20 fe f7 15 f9 10 bd 10 b5 49 4c 80 34 e0 69 20 21 88 43 e0 61 0a 20 fa f7 96 fa e0 69 40 21 88 43 e0 61 10 bd 70 b5 47 48 01 78 00 29 02 d0 00 21 01 70 70 bd 0c 20 fe f7 5c f9 01 20 ff f7 62 ff 3b 4d 34 4c 40 35 60 3c 01 28 14 d0 a1 7c 20 7c 49 07 c9 0f 80 22 11 43 08 43 68 61 32 20 fa f7 72 fa 17 20 01 f0 d9 fd 01 20 01 f0 98 fe 01 21 00 28 11 d0 14 e0 ff f7 c6 ff a0 7c 40 07 c0 0f 84 30 68 61 00 23 2d 4a 2d 49 0c 20 fe f7
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.471 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 16 20 01 f0 c2 fd 70 bd 01 20 27 4a c0 05 10 60 29 48 42 68 43 1c d1 54 4a 40 42 60 81 68 49 1c 81 60 02 29 01 dd 02 21 81 60 17 20 01 f0 9e fd ff 20 01 30 01 f0 5e fe 70 bd 12 48 10 b5 60 38 c1 7b 80 7c 80 22 40 07 c0 0f 10 43 01 43 14 48 40 30 41 61 32 20 fa f7 2e fa 17 48 00 23 41 68 42 1c 8b 54 01 22 51 40 41 60 81 68 49 1c 81 60 02 29 01 dd 02 21 81 60 17 20 01 f0 7e fd 1d e0 6c 01 00 20 e0 fc 01 00 48 03 00 20 40 42 0f 00 24 01 00 20 00 00 02 40 ac 00 00 20 68 01 00 20 40 10 02 50 e0 fd 01 00 00 e2 00 e0 3d 8c 00 00 a0 86 01 00 8a 01 00 20 dc 07 00 20 01 20 40 02 01 f0 18 fe 10 bd 10 b5 0c 20 01 f0 56 fd fe 48 c1 69 42 05 11 43 c1 61 c1 69 1f 22 d2 05 91 43 c1 61 01 20 80 04 01 f0 05 fe 10 bd 10 b5 40 20 04 f0 d4 fa fd f7 51 f9 10 bd 10 b5 80 20
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.477 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.478 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.478 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.478 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 cd fa fd f7 5b f9 10 bd fe b5 ef f3 10 80 c5 07 ed 0f 72 b6 ed 4c 01 27 a6 68 22 46 01 96 51 68 ff 20 0b 46 79 40 89 18 01 30 4a 78 01 2e 07 d0 61 1c 5b 5c 69 46 0b 70 4a 70 04 f0 af fa 03 e0 69 46 0a 70 01 2a 01 d0 01 20 40 02 04 f0 a6 fa df 48 00 78 01 28 05 d0 00 26 a6 60 66 60 00 2d 06 d0 06 e0 db 48 00 2d 07 70 00 d1 62 b6 fe bd 62 b6 01 98 01 28 68 46 0a d0 40 78 00 28 18 d0 68 46 00 78 01 28 20 78 17 d0 01 28 17 d0 02 e0 00 78 01 28 06 d1 03 20 fd f7 b5 ff 27 70 fd f7 5c f9 fe bd 02 20 fd f7 ae ff 26 70 fd f7 d2 f9 fe bd 20 78 01 28 f5 d0 fe bd 00 28 eb d0 02 20 fd f7 a1 ff 26 70 fd f7 c5 f9 e4 e7 10 b5 c2 49 ca 6a 13 07 c1 4a 1b 0f 12 7b 01 2a 0d d0 c0 4a 54 79 ff 2c 02 d0 83 42 07 d0 00 e0 50 71 10 22 10 43 c8 62 0a 20 fa f7 5e f9 10 bd f8 b5
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.484 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.490 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 63 d1 b7 48 20 30 00 78 01 28 01 d1 ff f7 fa f8 00 20 fe f7 e2 fe b0 4c 50 20 80 3c e0 60 ae 4a 18 20 40 3a 10 61 40 20 50 61 ae 4b 58 7d 10 62 33 20 90 62 a8 48 00 21 01 60 c1 60 41 60 81 60 c1 60 01 61 85 69 6d 08 6d 00 85 61 06 25 c5 61 5c 25 05 62 9c 4f 40 37 3d 69 02 26 b5 43 3d 61 99 4f b5 04 40 3f 3d 61 80 25 15 61 e8 27 97 62 01 60 9a 7d 42 60 da 7d 82 60 1a 7e c2 60 c4 20 20 61 99 48 40 78 01 28 01 d0 65 61 00 e0 61 61 93 4f 92 48 79 7c 40 30 00 29 05 d0 01 29 19 d0 02 29 13 d0 03 29 15 d0 80 7f ff f7 8f ff 78 7c 40 1c 80 07 80 0f 78 74 65 62 60 6a 60 21 08 43 60 62 85 48 01 69 31 43 01 61 f8 bd 83 48 60 30 00 78 ea e7 c0 7f e8 e7 f3 b5 7f 4d 7e 4c 80 3d 7e 4e 81 b0 01 28 04 d0 15 f0 e5 fb 00 28 78 d0 7a e0 7b 48 20 30 00 78 01 28 01 d1 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 90 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.491 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 24576/118784 ( 21%)
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 6 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.495 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.499 8529:8556 I/SecHAL]
device_sleep: NFC can be going to sleep
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 20 fe f7 6a fe 50 20 e8 60 73 49 18 20 40 39 08 61 40 20 48 61 73 48 a0 30 40 7d 08 62 33 20 88 62 00 20 20 60 e0 60 60 60 a0 60 e0 60 20 61 a2 69 52 08 52 00 a2 61 06 22 e2 61 5c 22 22 62 61 4f 40 37 3a 69 02 23 9a 43 3a 61 9a 04 5e 4b 40 3b 1a 61 80 27 0f 61 e8 22 8a 62 20 60 63 48 41 21 00 68 c9 03 08 42 13 d1 c0 01 11 d4 fe f7 09 fe 01 28 0d d0 3f 20 60 60 c0 20 a0 60 05 20 e0 60 c4 20 28 61 58 48 40 78 01 28 07 d0 6f 61 07 e0 ff 20 60 60 00 20 a0 60 04 20 f0 e7 00 20 68 61 b1 7a 4e 48 01 29 02 d1 41 7a 01 29 05 d0 00 7c 00 28 04 d0 4e 48 00 7f 02 e0 f0 7a 00 e0 70 79 ff f7 03 ff 6f 62 68 6a 60 21 08 43 68 62 02 98 01 28 03 d1 20 69 02 21 08 43 20 61 fe bd ff e7 f0 79 ff f7 f2 fe ff 20 f5 30 fa f7 63 f8 69 6a 80 20 81 43 69 62 68 6a 60 21 88 43
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.501 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.503 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.509 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.509 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.510 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 21 69 02 20 81 43 21 61 e9 e7 65 e7 33 49 10 b5 c0 39 c9 7f 00 29 13 d0 31 49 0a 7c 00 2a 0f d1 32 4a 12 68 d2 05 0b d5 2b 4b 0c 46 0a 46 32 34 80 3b 12 79 02 28 04 d0 01 20 a0 54 48 7b d8 62 10 bd 02 20 a0 54 88 7b f9 e7 70 b5 22 48 e0 21 80 38 c1 60 04 23 03 61 23 49 00 22 4c 78 80 21 01 2c 01 d0 41 61 00 e0 42 61 42 62 1a 48 40 38 01 61 08 24 44 61 82 61 c1 61 02 62 40 21 41 62 e8 21 81 62 14 49 28 24 0c 60 14 4c 24 7b 01 2c 0b d1 12 4c 80 3c a5 79 05 62 e0 79 08 60 0a 48 40 38 04 69 85 00 2c 43 04 61 88 6a f0 24 a0 43 88 62 09 48 40 30 44 6a e4 09 e4 01 44 62 82 62 c2 62 ca 63 02 60 15 e0 40 00 02 40 dc 07 00 20 f0 00 00 20 f1 00 00 20 80 10 02 50 60 fd 01 00 24 01 00 20 e0 f8 01 00 48 03 00 20 6c 01 00 20 40 ff 01 00 c2 69 78 24 a2 43 c2 61 cb 60
[03-03 13:04:02.510 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.510 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.510 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.511 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.511 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.511 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.511 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.511 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.512 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.512 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.512 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.518 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.518 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 08 61 fa 49 01 20 08 60 fe f7 7c ff 70 bd f0 b5 8e 46 f7 49 84 46 8d 7a f6 49 00 22 4e 78 0b 46 01 20 77 1b 9b 78 14 46 b5 42 02 d2 1a 46 fe b2 29 e0 f1 49 b5 42 06 d1 5a 1c d2 b2 0f 2a 21 d9 1a 46 fe b2 05 e0 f6 b2 64 1c e4 b2 1f 19 0f 2f 01 d9 00 20 17 e0 0f 19 df 5d be 19 f6 b2 b5 42 04 d2 19 19 ca b2 71 1b ce b2 0c e0 b5 42 eb d1 62 1c 9a 18 d2 b2 0f 2a 04 d9 18 19 c2 b2 70 1b c6 b2 e6 e7 8e 5c 61 46 0a 70 71 46 0e 70 f0 bd f0 b5 8e 46 d7 49 d6 4d 49 78 ee 7a d5 4a 84 46 00 24 01 20 8d 19 92 78 23 46 0f 2d 02 d2 14 46 ed b2 2e e0 0f 27 0f 2d 11 d0 79 1a ce 4f cd b2 10 37 5b 1c db b2 9a 42 1a d3 d1 1a 79 5c 4d 19 ed b2 ae 42 0f d2 d1 1a cc b2 aa 1b 16 e0 51 1e cc b2 00 2a 04 d0 c4 49 10 31 09 5d 79 1a 0f e0 14 46 ed b2 04 e0 ae 42 e3 d1 5e 1c b2 42
[03-03 13:04:02.519 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.519 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.520 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.521 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.527 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.527 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.527 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 20 06 e0 d1 1a 49 1e cc b2 3a 5d 0f 21 89 1a cd b2 61 46 0c 70 71 46 0d 70 f0 bd f7 b5 b5 4a 00 25 1f 32 b1 4e ff 24 80 3e 15 60 f0 69 2f 46 f0 22 90 43 f0 61 f0 69 09 07 09 0e 08 43 f0 61 b0 69 10 21 08 43 b0 61 14 20 f9 f7 34 ff 00 98 70 60 30 69 02 21 08 43 30 61 02 98 00 28 13 d0 64 21 48 43 f9 f7 27 ff b1 69 10 20 81 43 b1 61 05 20 f9 f7 20 ff 9f 4e 00 20 1f 36 30 60 9c 48 20 30 41 7a 8a 1c 10 e0 1e 20 eb e7 9b 48 80 68 33 68 00 07 00 0f 1b 18 33 60 a0 42 00 d2 04 46 a8 42 00 d9 05 46 7f 1c ff b2 ba 42 ee d8 30 68 62 19 80 1a 15 f0 9f fc 30 60 90 e6 70 b5 0e 20 01 f0 54 fa 0f 20 01 f0 51 fa 89 4c a0 34 e0 79 ff f7 7c fd 8a 48 00 78 00 28 37 d0 20 7a 61 7a 00 02 08 43 f9 f7 e7 fe 86 48 01 21 82 69 8a 43 82 61 82 69 0a 43 82 61 83 48 00 24 04 70
[03-03 13:04:02.527 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.528 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.528 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.528 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.528 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.529 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.535 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.536 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.536 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 84 70 44 60 84 60 7b 48 7a 4d c0 1d 04 70 44 70 84 70 c4 70 7d 48 19 3d 04 60 7d 48 01 26 04 60 7c 48 04 60 7c 48 04 70 ec 61 2c 70 6e 70 ff 20 68 71 01 f0 ff fa 6e 48 2c 72 20 30 6c 72 29 46 c0 7d 38 31 08 71 ae 74 ec 74 70 bd 7d 20 c0 00 c8 e7 10 b5 71 49 00 20 08 61 01 f0 f4 fa 63 49 40 20 80 39 88 62 10 bd 61 48 10 b5 a0 30 c0 79 ff f7 2c fd 5f 49 00 20 1f 31 08 60 01 f0 e3 fa ff f7 63 fe 59 48 80 38 c1 69 08 22 11 43 c1 61 10 bd fe b5 56 4e 01 24 b0 7b 00 90 00 25 f0 7b 37 46 20 37 01 90 ba 7a 20 46 00 99 ff f7 36 ff 50 48 31 7c 1f 30 02 68 8a 42 1c d2 70 7f a0 42 16 d8 4c 48 19 38 81 79 49 1c c9 b2 81 71 b0 7b 00 90 05 29 07 d2 02 29 34 d9 01 24 00 25 40 1c c0 b2 00 90 df e7 43 49 00 20 19 39 88 71 36 e0 64 1c e4 b2 d7 e7 ba 7a 20 46 00 99 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:02.536 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.536 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.536 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.538 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.539 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.545 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.545 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.546 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 3c 48 32 7c 1f 30 01 68 91 42 da d3 6d 1c ed b2 02 2d f0 d3 00 25 ba 7a 20 46 01 99 ff f7 fe fe 34 48 71 7c 1f 30 00 68 88 42 1a d9 31 49 19 39 88 79 40 1c c0 b2 88 71 f1 7b 01 91 05 28 0a d2 02 28 02 d8 01 24 00 25 ad e7 01 24 00 25 48 1e c0 b2 01 90 a7 e7 27 48 00 21 19 38 81 71 00 20 bd e5 6d 1c ed b2 02 2d d5 d3 22 48 21 49 04 70 00 20 19 39 88 71 01 20 b1 e5 1e 48 1f 30 01 79 00 29 03 d0 49 1e 01 71 00 20 70 47 18 49 20 31 c9 7d 01 71 01 20 70 47 f8 b5 00 20 14 4f 05 46 06 46 00 90 b8 7b 40 1c c4 b2 ff f7 72 ff 00 28 14 d0 38 46 20 30 c0 7a f9 f7 fd fd 0d 48 00 22 00 78 21 46 ff f7 aa fe 0a 48 39 7b 1f 30 00 68 88 42 25 d2 6d 1c ed b2 00 26 2c e0 03 48 80 38 01 69 02 22 91 43 01 61 3c e0 00 00 00 11 02 50 c0 fc 01 00 3d 01 00 20 b6 ee 01 00 00 04
[03-03 13:04:02.546 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.546 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.546 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.547 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.553 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.554 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.554 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 48 03 00 20 00 14 02 50 dc 07 00 20 68 01 00 20 6c 01 00 20 70 01 00 20 64 01 00 20 00 00 02 40 79 7b 88 42 0b d9 00 26 00 2c 02 d0 64 1e e4 b2 11 e0 6d 1c ed b2 b8 7b 40 1c c4 b2 0b e0 02 2e 07 d3 f8 48 01 68 1f 38 41 70 84 70 01 20 00 90 03 e0 76 1c f6 b2 02 2d b0 d3 f3 48 02 69 02 21 8a 43 02 61 00 98 f8 bd fe b5 00 24 69 46 0c 70 0c 71 27 46 01 a9 68 46 ff f7 c9 fd 01 28 27 d1 ea 48 69 46 c2 7a e7 48 09 78 1f 38 00 78 ff f7 45 fe e4 4d 69 46 e5 4e 09 79 28 68 20 3e 88 42 0e d2 01 24 1d e0 df 48 69 46 1f 38 00 78 00 22 09 78 ff f7 33 fe 69 46 09 79 28 68 88 42 0e d3 02 24 01 a9 68 46 ff f7 e3 fd 01 28 0d d0 00 24 d5 48 01 69 02 22 91 43 01 61 20 46 ff e4 7f 1c ff b2 30 7a b8 42 de d8 f2 e7 ce 4f 69 46 1f 3f 38 78 00 22 09 78 ff f7 11 fe 69 46 09 79
[03-03 13:04:02.554 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.554 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.554 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.555 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 28 46 8a 42 e4 d9 01 24 00 25 07 46 10 e0 c5 48 69 46 1f 38 00 78 00 22 09 78 ff f7 ff fd 69 46 09 79 38 68 88 42 01 d8 02 24 d1 e7 6d 1c ed b2 30 7a a8 42 eb d8 cb e7 fe b5 00 26 69 46 0e 70 ba 4f 0e 71 b7 4c 20 3f f8 79 1f 3c 20 70 78 7a a0 70 35 46 01 a9 68 46 ff f7 9a fd 01 28 23 d1 b2 48 69 46 c2 7a 20 78 09 78 ff f7 d7 fd ad 48 69 46 09 79 02 68 8a 42 16 d9 01 26 04 46 10 e0 a8 48 69 46 1f 38 00 78 00 22 09 78 ff f7 c6 fd 69 46 09 78 20 68 88 42 01 d8 02 26 04 e0 6d 1c ed b2 38 7a a8 42 eb d8 9f 48 01 69 02 22 91 43 01 61 30 46 93 e4 70 b5 9c 48 7e 21 60 38 c2 7b 83 7c 0a 40 59 07 c9 0f 0a 43 97 49 4a 61 00 24 8c 61 8a 69 9b 07 1b 0e 1a 43 8a 61 92 49 80 31 4a 68 c0 23 9a 43 4a 60 c2 7c 40 25 d2 07 13 0e 42 7c 15 40 2b 43 4d 68 2b 43 4b 60 8a 49
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.562 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.563 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.563 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.563 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.563 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.563 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.564 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.564 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.564 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.570 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.570 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.570 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 cb 69 18 25 ab 43 cb 61 cb 69 06 25 2a 40 92 00 13 43 cb 61 84 49 40 39 0a 6a 52 08 52 00 0a 62 0a 6a c0 7d c0 07 c0 0f 02 43 0a 62 16 20 01 f0 24 f8 17 20 01 f0 21 f8 16 20 01 f0 26 f8 17 20 01 f0 23 f8 77 48 18 38 44 70 04 70 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 01 f0 37 f8 01 2c 03 d1 01 f0 1d f8 01 f0 b6 f8 73 4c 20 68 01 05 02 d5 fe f7 4b fc 10 bd 80 05 02 d5 00 20 fe f7 30 fa 6e 48 00 68 80 47 20 68 00 02 f3 d5 67 48 38 38 00 78 c0 06 ee d4 02 f0 0d fb 10 bd 70 b5 0e 46 14 46 1d 46 03 28 1e d0 05 28 0a d0 06 28 19 d1 e0 07 3b d0 00 2d 28 d0 01 2d 2e d0 02 2d 2c d0 34 e0 00 2e 03 d0 01 2e 01 d0 02 2e 0a d1 e0 07 03 d0 19 46 30 46 02 f0 3b fc 2a 46 21 46 30 46 01 f0 ac fd 70 bd 00 2e 03 d0 01 2e 01 d0 02 2e f8 d1 e0 07 03 d0 19 46 30 46 02 f0 24 f9 2a 46 21 46 30 46
[03-03 13:04:02.570 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.571 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.571 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.572 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.572 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.573 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.579 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.580 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.580 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 3c f9 70 bd 19 46 00 20 02 f0 2f fe 01 21 2a 46 00 20 06 e0 19 46 02 20 02 f0 27 fe 2a 46 01 21 02 20 01 f0 b6 ff a0 07 eb d5 00 2d 09 d0 01 2d 01 d0 02 2d e5 d1 02 21 2a 46 08 46 01 f0 a9 ff 70 bd 02 21 2a 46 00 20 f8 e7 70 b5 05 46 0c 46 0e 20 00 f0 8b ff 0f 20 00 f0 88 ff fe f7 4e fc 01 28 09 d0 00 f0 ae ff 01 2c 07 d0 29 46 01 20 ff f7 32 fb 00 20 70 bd 02 20 70 bd 01 20 ff f7 bd fa f7 e7 70 b5 05 46 05 28 0d d8 02 2d 0c d0 00 24 00 f0 97 ff 21 46 28 46 02 f0 d1 f8 22 46 03 21 28 46 01 f0 e9 f8 70 bd 0c 46 f1 e7 1d 49 10 b5 10 22 38 39 10 43 08 70 01 20 fe f7 bf fb 10 bd 70 b5 0d 46 04 46 03 00 15 f0 67 fa 08 05 24 0a 24 23 23 24 37 23 00 21 02 f0 b6 fb 00 22 14 e0 15 48 00 78 00 28 07 d1 00 f0 fb ff 04 21 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 00 f0 d8 ff
[03-03 13:04:02.580 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.580 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.580 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.582 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.582 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.582 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.582 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.582 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.583 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.583 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.583 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.589 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.590 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.590 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 4b ff 29 46 20 46 02 f0 a0 fb 2a 46 03 21 20 46 01 f0 11 fd 70 bd 00 f0 ca ff 00 f0 3d ff 00 21 20 46 da e7 5c 01 00 20 80 10 02 50 e0 fc 01 00 6c 01 00 20 68 01 00 20 48 03 00 20 00 f0 b7 ff 00 f0 40 ff 00 f0 c3 ff f8 4c 20 7c 02 28 04 d1 e1 7a 01 29 09 d0 02 29 07 d0 00 21 07 20 02 f0 74 fb 00 22 03 21 07 20 05 e0 02 20 02 f0 6d fb e2 7a 03 21 02 20 01 f0 de fc 20 78 c0 06 06 d4 00 22 01 21 03 20 01 f0 d6 fc 02 f0 10 fa 21 78 e7 48 ca 07 03 d0 42 69 c3 01 1a 43 42 61 8a 07 04 d5 42 69 01 23 5b 06 1a 43 42 61 4a 07 04 d5 42 69 01 23 9b 06 1a 43 42 61 09 07 04 d5 41 69 01 22 d2 06 11 43 41 61 00 f0 e6 fe 0e 20 00 f0 cd fe 0f 20 00 f0 ca fe 20 7c 02 28 60 78 02 d0 01 28 05 d0 06 e0 01 28 04 d1 e0 7a 07 28 01 d1 00 f0 55 ff cd 49 00 20 20 31 88 70 20 7c
[03-03 13:04:02.590 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.590 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.590 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.592 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.598 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.599 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.599 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 04 d1 e0 7a 01 28 04 d0 02 28 05 d0 02 f0 e0 f9 70 bd 02 f0 f4 f9 70 bd 02 f0 e9 f9 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 0e 20 00 f0 a2 fe 0f 20 00 f0 9f fe 21 46 00 20 fe f7 3a fa 00 20 fe f7 cf f8 fe f7 5e fb 01 28 10 d0 bb 48 40 79 ff f7 c0 f9 fe f7 da fa 00 f0 2d ff 21 46 01 20 fe f7 27 fa fa 20 f9 f7 2a fb 00 20 10 bd 02 20 10 bd f7 b5 82 b0 0e 46 17 46 08 25 00 f0 a6 fe af 48 b4 1c 00 68 01 05 70 1c c0 b2 00 90 00 29 5f da 2c 27 00 f0 2a ff 04 21 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 a6 48 00 68 c1 07 0b d0 a5 48 f0 21 01 70 00 99 41 70 32 46 80 1c 02 99 15 f0 24 f8 a6 b2 09 e0 80 07 01 d5 83 27 00 e0 da 27 32 46 9c 48 02 99 15 f0 18 f8 9b 48 c4 19 0b 20 80 01 21 18 9a 48 8a 7c c2 60 ca 7c 02 61 98 4a 52 78 01 2a 01 d0 49 7d 00 e0 09 7d 41 61 95 48 1b 22 21 18 92 48 18 30
[03-03 13:04:02.599 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.599 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.599 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.600 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.601 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ed f8 92 48 04 22 1f 30 21 18 8e 48 9c 30 fa f7 e5 f8 17 20 40 01 27 18 8a 48 b9 7e c0 30 41 62 f9 7e c1 62 39 7f 01 63 88 48 03 22 1b 30 21 18 84 48 84 30 fa f7 d2 f8 82 48 79 7d 80 30 02 69 02 23 1a 40 11 43 01 61 06 e0 01 2f 0e d0 32 46 7a 48 02 99 14 f0 d4 ff f0 05 75 4c 00 0d a0 60 75 48 01 68 08 04 0d d5 04 25 0e e0 73 48 f0 21 01 70 00 99 41 70 32 46 80 1c 02 99 14 f0 c0 ff a6 b2 e9 e7 88 03 00 d5 02 25 71 4f c8 05 24 d5 70 48 0a 03 03 d5 f9 f7 8e fa 6f 48 56 e0 0a 04 04 d5 f9 f7 88 fa 56 e0 3d 43 10 e0 88 02 52 d5 00 2e 0f d0 5f 48 66 49 80 38 40 7e 40 31 01 28 04 d0 5e 48 02 23 02 78 1a 43 02 70 0d 43 25 61 05 b0 f0 bd 5e 48 20 30 38 e0 48 05 80 0f 3a d0 08 04 01 26 00 28 27 da c8 07 16 d0 20 69 c0 03 01 d5 5a 48 00 e0 04 20 20 61 00 f0 1f fe
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.607 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.608 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.608 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.609 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.615 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.616 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.616 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 09 68 89 00 01 d5 09 21 00 e0 08 21 40 18 c0 b2 00 f0 19 fe 00 f0 2f fe da e7 88 07 02 d5 00 f0 f8 fd 15 e0 48 07 02 d5 00 f0 fa fd 10 e0 08 07 0e d5 00 f0 fc fd 0b e0 c8 03 09 d5 20 69 c0 03 06 d5 20 69 45 49 c9 1e 0d 43 28 43 20 61 bf e7 20 69 35 43 f9 e7 35 48 c0 78 01 28 a4 d0 27 61 b6 e7 ff b5 81 b0 07 46 0c 46 1e 46 08 25 00 f0 a9 fd 39 46 31 4f 22 46 38 46 14 f0 41 ff 32 46 e0 19 03 99 14 f0 3c ff a0 19 c0 05 28 4c 00 0d a0 60 29 48 00 68 01 04 00 d5 04 25 2c 4e c1 05 05 d5 00 04 5e d5 2b 48 f9 f7 05 fa 5a e0 41 05 89 0f 57 d0 01 04 01 26 00 29 27 da c1 07 16 d0 20 69 c0 03 01 d5 25 48 00 e0 04 20 20 61 00 f0 b5 fd 23 49 09 68 89 00 01 d5 09 21 00 e0 08 21 40 18 c0 b2 00 f0 af fd 00 f0 c5 fd 70 e7 81 07 02 d5 00 f0 8e fd 15 e0 41 07 02 d5 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:02.616 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.616 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.616 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.617 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.617 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.617 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.618 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.618 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.618 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.618 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.618 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.624 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.625 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 10 e0 00 07 0e d5 00 f0 92 fd 0b e0 c0 03 09 d5 20 69 c0 03 06 d5 20 69 10 49 c9 1e 0d 43 28 43 20 61 55 e7 20 69 35 43 f9 e7 00 00 24 01 00 20 00 00 02 40 60 fd 01 00 6c 01 00 20 00 01 02 40 00 f8 01 00 00 10 02 50 48 03 00 20 d7 02 00 00 01 00 08 00 f4 01 00 00 09 0f 08 00 04 00 01 00 70 01 00 20 35 43 25 61 32 e7 fe 49 c8 70 70 47 fc 48 c0 78 70 47 f7 b5 82 b0 0d 46 17 46 00 f0 21 fd 41 26 f8 48 76 02 f8 4c 00 2d 1c d0 e9 00 00 91 00 2f 36 d0 f6 49 32 46 09 68 ee 00 8a 43 3e 43 00 2a 3f d0 c9 05 2b d5 61 68 49 04 c9 0f 27 d0 6a 1c 02 99 14 f0 a3 fe eb 48 40 1c 28 18 00 21 01 70 a6 60 27 e0 02 99 09 78 01 70 a7 60 e7 48 00 68 86 43 07 d0 ff 20 f5 30 f9 f7 6b f9 20 69 e4 49 08 43 1c e0 00 f0 28 fd e2 49 09 68 89 00 1e d5 04 21 40 18 c0 b2 00 f0 24 fd
[03-03 13:04:02.625 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.625 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.625 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.626 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.626 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.626 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.627 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.633 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.634 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 3a fd e5 e6 2a 46 02 99 14 f0 7a fe 00 98 a0 60 d7 48 00 68 86 43 e7 d0 ff 20 f5 30 f9 f7 4b f9 d4 48 20 61 d4 e6 6a 1c 02 99 14 f0 69 fe a6 60 da e7 03 21 df e7 f8 b5 06 46 0d 46 00 f0 c2 fc c9 4c ce 4f 40 3c 00 2e 12 d1 01 2d 10 d1 cc 48 60 60 20 68 e9 06 08 43 20 60 60 68 e1 05 88 43 60 60 20 68 29 07 08 43 20 60 60 68 38 43 60 60 2a 46 31 46 bc 48 14 f0 43 fe c1 49 68 01 20 39 08 43 60 60 60 68 38 43 60 60 f8 bd f8 b5 b8 4e 07 46 bc 48 31 68 88 43 0e d0 b4 4d a8 6a c0 04 14 d5 a8 6a 17 21 09 02 88 43 a8 62 b2 48 01 24 00 68 00 0c 38 70 2d e0 aa 48 b3 49 c0 69 80 03 c4 0d 22 46 38 46 14 f0 1b fe 23 e0 00 f0 27 fd 04 46 30 68 c0 05 0b d5 68 68 40 04 c0 0f 07 d0 09 21 20 46 14 f0 87 fe 00 29 01 d0 64 1c a4 b2 22 46 a5 49 38 46 14 f0 03 fe 30 68 c1 05
[03-03 13:04:02.634 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.634 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.634 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.634 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.636 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.636 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.636 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.636 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 a0 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.637 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 28672/118784 ( 24%)
[03-03 13:04:02.641 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.641 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.641 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.642 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.642 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 7 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.643 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.649 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.649 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.650 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 03 07 d5 9c 48 00 68 40 01 80 0f 01 d1 00 2c 00 d1 01 24 20 46 f8 bd 10 b5 95 49 00 20 0a 68 98 49 02 23 91 43 04 22 00 29 0c d0 92 49 09 68 cc 01 00 d5 01 20 8c 01 00 d5 18 43 49 01 00 29 00 da 10 43 10 bd 87 49 c9 69 c9 06 89 0f cb 07 00 d0 02 20 89 07 f2 e7 82 7d 43 7d 11 02 19 43 82 4a 49 ba 40 32 11 60 7f 49 02 68 80 39 8a 63 42 68 ca 63 7d 49 00 22 4a 63 8a 63 ca 63 02 7d 04 2a 0d d0 07 2a 07 d0 0a 2a 0b d1 02 69 12 0a ca 63 02 69 12 06 8a 63 8a 6b c3 68 1a 43 8a 63 82 68 4a 63 ca 6b 00 8b 00 04 02 43 ca 63 70 47 70 b5 0e 20 00 f0 e1 fb 0f 20 00 f0 de fb 6a 48 80 38 01 69 02 26 b1 43 01 61 00 24 44 61 21 46 20 46 fe f7 81 ff 6d 4d 6c 60 ac 60 ec 60 2c 61 6a 48 40 38 84 61 41 69 89 08 89 00 41 61 00 f0 5e fc fe f7 07 f8 00 f0 e5 fb 00 f0 73 fc
[03-03 13:04:02.650 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.650 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.650 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.652 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.652 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.652 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.652 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.652 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.654 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.654 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.654 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.660 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.660 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.661 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 00 f0 c5 fb 5f 48 80 21 74 38 14 f0 dc fd 28 69 b0 43 28 61 53 48 04 61 52 48 40 30 44 61 04 61 0e 20 00 f0 ad fb 0f 20 00 f0 aa fb 40 20 03 f0 e4 f8 00 28 02 d0 40 20 03 f0 2b f9 80 20 03 f0 dc f8 00 28 02 d0 80 20 03 f0 23 f9 43 48 20 30 c4 70 4c 48 04 70 70 bd 10 b5 00 f0 ae fb 10 bd 40 48 00 6b 00 06 01 d5 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 10 b5 45 48 04 78 00 f0 07 fc 01 28 01 d1 80 20 04 43 20 46 10 bd 10 b5 34 48 01 7c 02 29 04 d1 c0 7a 01 28 26 d0 02 28 2e d0 fd f7 6e fd 01 28 03 d0 30 4c 20 68 00 04 01 d5 01 20 10 bd 00 f0 91 fb 01 28 02 d0 20 68 c0 03 01 d5 02 20 10 bd 00 f0 94 fb 26 49 80 39 01 28 02 d0 20 68 80 03 14 d5 20 68 02 02 03 d5 0a 68 12 07 92 0f 01 d1 82 07 01 d5 04 20 10 bd 02 02 03 d5 0a 68 92 06 92 0f 01 d1
[03-03 13:04:02.661 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.661 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.661 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.662 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.662 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.662 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.662 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.662 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.663 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.663 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.663 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.669 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 d5 08 20 10 bd 20 68 02 02 02 d5 49 6b 89 07 01 d1 80 02 01 d5 10 20 10 bd 41 20 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 40 1c 14 f0 56 fd 21 78 00 02 0f 4d 08 43 40 35 a8 61 60 79 21 79 00 02 08 43 e8 61 e0 1d 14 f0 48 fd a1 79 00 02 08 43 28 62 20 46 0b 30 14 f0 40 fd a1 7a 00 02 08 43 a8 62 20 46 0f 30 1a e0 00 00 24 01 00 20 00 01 02 40 00 00 02 40 6c 01 00 20 01 00 08 00 70 01 00 20 01 00 00 80 22 00 f0 7f 00 02 20 00 00 02 02 40 80 10 02 50 dc 07 00 20 64 01 00 20 14 f0 1c fd a1 7b 00 02 08 43 68 62 70 bd 10 b5 0c 20 00 f0 df fa fe 48 c1 69 03 22 12 06 11 43 c1 61 01 24 a4 04 20 46 03 f0 20 f8 00 28 fa d0 20 46 03 f0 67 f8 10 bd 10 b5 0c 20 00 f0 ca fa f3 48 c2 69 01 05 0a 43 c2 61 c2 69 8a 43 c2 61 c1 69 42 04 11 43 c1 61 c1 69 03 22 12 06 11 43 c1 61 01 24 a4 04
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.670 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.671 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.677 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 03 f0 00 f8 00 28 fa d0 20 46 03 f0 47 f8 10 bd e5 48 c1 69 42 06 11 43 c1 61 c2 6a e2 49 c0 31 0a 70 c2 6a 12 0a 4a 70 c2 6a 12 0c 8a 70 c2 6a 12 0e ca 70 02 6b 0a 71 02 6b 12 0a 4a 71 02 6b 12 0c 8a 71 00 6b 00 0e c8 71 d7 48 40 21 40 38 81 60 d6 49 01 61 70 47 70 b5 06 46 0d 46 00 f0 9b fa d1 4c e0 69 40 00 40 08 e0 61 ce 48 2a 46 31 46 c0 30 14 f0 44 fc e0 69 26 06 30 43 e0 61 e0 69 e1 05 88 43 e0 61 c7 48 e9 00 40 38 81 60 c6 49 09 1d 01 61 80 20 02 f0 b4 ff 00 28 fa d0 00 f0 7a fa e0 69 b0 43 e0 61 70 bd 70 b5 06 46 0d 46 00 f0 71 fa bc 4c e0 69 40 00 40 08 e0 61 b9 48 2a 46 31 46 c0 30 14 f0 1a fc e0 69 26 06 30 43 e0 61 b4 48 e9 00 40 38 81 60 b3 49 09 1d 01 61 80 20 02 f0 8e ff 00 28 fa d0 80 20 02 f0 d5 ff e0 69 01 21 49 07 08 43 e0 61 e0 69
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.678 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.679 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.685 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.685 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 e0 61 70 bd a8 49 49 6b 00 68 81 42 01 d1 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 a6 48 01 46 32 39 09 79 40 5c 70 47 10 b5 a2 4c 32 3c 20 7b 01 28 02 d1 02 20 fe f7 6c fe 01 20 20 73 10 bd 10 b5 ff f7 eb ff 01 28 03 d0 02 28 04 d1 01 20 00 e0 02 20 fe f7 5d fe 10 bd 10 b5 96 4c 32 3c 20 7b 01 28 01 d1 00 f0 e8 fa 01 20 20 73 10 bd 91 49 00 b5 00 22 32 39 03 00 14 f0 12 fd 06 0d 04 06 08 0a 0d 0c 01 20 04 e0 02 20 02 e0 03 20 00 e0 04 20 08 71 00 bd 0a 71 00 bd 86 48 12 38 c0 78 70 47 84 49 32 39 48 70 70 47 00 28 82 48 03 d0 ed 21 c9 00 40 18 70 47 80 49 fb e7 80 48 00 78 70 47 80 48 00 68 00 47 7a 48 12 38 00 78 70 47 78 49 32 39 c8 71 70 47 70 47 76 48 32 38 00 7c 70 47 74 49 32 39 08 74 70 47 72 49 32 39 c8 72 70 47 10 b5 74 4c e1 6a 02 20 81 43 e1 62 e1 6a 01 43
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.686 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.687 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.687 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.687 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.687 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf e1 6a 81 43 e1 62 66 48 0a 21 40 68 48 43 65 49 14 f0 dd fb 00 e0 00 bf 01 46 40 1e 00 29 fa d1 e0 6a 40 08 40 00 e0 62 e0 6a 01 21 08 43 e0 62 e0 6a 88 43 e0 62 5c 48 58 49 c0 7a 80 31 48 63 10 bd 51 49 1b 39 08 70 70 47 4f 48 1b 38 00 78 70 47 4d 49 1b 39 48 70 70 47 4b 49 32 39 48 72 70 47 47 48 40 30 81 69 08 22 11 43 81 61 70 47 43 48 40 30 81 69 08 22 91 43 81 61 70 47 42 49 32 39 88 70 70 47 10 b5 44 4c 80 34 e0 69 40 21 08 43 e0 61 0a 20 f8 f7 fa fd e0 69 20 21 08 43 e0 61 10 bd 40 48 a0 30 80 7e c0 07 03 d0 36 48 32 38 80 7c 70 47 01 20 70 47 3b 49 a0 31 89 7e c9 07 02 d0 30 49 32 39 88 74 70 47 2c 49 00 22 40 39 2b 4b 00 28
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.693 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.695 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.695 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.695 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.696 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.696 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.696 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.696 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.696 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.702 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.702 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 28 08 d1 33 48 48 61 33 48 88 62 33 48 88 61 c0 17 c8 61 da 63 70 47 31 48 48 61 31 48 88 62 31 48 88 61 31 48 f4 e7 21 49 00 20 32 39 c8 74 70 47 1f 48 32 38 c0 7c 00 28 00 d0 01 20 70 47 f8 b5 23 49 1f 48 a0 31 cc 7c 82 68 52 04 17 0e 1c 4a 40 3a d2 69 09 7c 52 07 52 0f 51 18 ce b2 07 2e 00 d9 07 26 10 49 40 31 8a 69 cb 05 1a 43 8a 61 14 48 81 68 04 22 11 43 81 60 fe f7 46 f9 28 20 f8 f7 98 fd 1a 48 00 2f 80 69 47 d0 80 04 85 0f 0a 20 f8 f7 8f fd 0a 48 40 38 c1 69 c9 b2 00 91 c1 69 f8 22 25 e0 40 00 02 40 01 00 08 00 56 01 00 20 00 f8 01 00 a4 07 00 00 dc 07 00 20 68 01 00 20 40 10 02 50 48 03 00 20 40 42 0f 00 40 fc 01 00 14 86 00 30 08 40 26 00 aa aa aa aa 12 84 00 40 08 40 22 00 aa aa 00 00 ff ff 00 00 00 04 02 50 11 40 31 43 c1 61 fe f7 07 f9
[03-03 13:04:02.702 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.703 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.703 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.703 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.705 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 f8 f7 59 fd d4 48 d3 4e 80 69 00 2f 0a d0 80 04 84 0f 0a 20 f8 f7 4f fd a5 42 16 d2 17 e0 00 06 05 0f b6 e7 00 06 07 0f 0a 20 f8 f7 44 fd ac 42 01 d9 60 1b 00 e0 28 1b c0 b2 bc 42 01 d9 e1 1b 00 e0 39 1b c9 b2 88 42 01 d8 00 98 01 e0 c3 48 c0 69 f0 74 c1 b2 c1 48 c1 61 fe f7 d7 f8 bf 48 40 30 82 68 04 21 8a 43 82 60 f8 bd b9 48 80 7d 70 47 b8 49 00 20 88 75 70 47 b6 49 07 20 48 75 70 47 b5 48 80 69 b3 49 00 07 80 0f 08 75 70 47 b3 49 ca 69 52 0b 52 03 ca 61 ca 69 c0 04 c0 0c 02 43 ca 61 70 47 ae 49 ca 69 12 02 12 0a ca 61 ca 69 00 06 02 43 ca 61 70 47 a9 49 8a 68 ff 23 1b 02 9a 43 8a 60 8a 68 00 02 02 43 8a 60 70 47 a3 49 8a 68 52 09 52 01 8a 60 8a 68 c0 06 c0 0e 02 43 8a 60 70 47 02 06 0b 04 d2 18 00 02 10 18 40 18 9b 49 c8 60 08 61 48 61 88 61 70 47
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.712 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.713 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 c0 39 8a 6a 12 02 12 0a 8a 62 8a 6a 00 06 02 43 8a 62 70 47 00 06 09 04 40 18 11 02 40 18 90 49 c0 18 c0 39 88 61 70 47 00 06 09 04 40 18 11 02 40 18 8b 49 c0 18 c0 39 c8 61 70 47 87 48 01 6a 02 22 11 43 01 62 70 47 84 48 01 6a 02 22 91 43 01 62 70 47 7f 48 80 7a 00 28 00 d0 01 20 70 47 7c 49 00 28 00 d0 01 20 88 72 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 7b 49 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 78 49 80 31 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 75 49 08 60 70 47 71 48 c0 38 c2 6a 07 21 09 04 0a 43 c2 62 c2 6a 8a 43 c2 62 70 47 6c 48 c0 38 c2 6a 01 21 49 04 0a 43 c2 62 c2 6a 8a 43 c2 62 70 47 66 48 c0 38 01 6b 68 4a 11 40 01 63 63 48 40 38 41 6a 80 22 91 43 41 62 70 47 64 48 00 68 00 02 05 d5 5e 48 40 38 00 68 80 07 c0 0f 70 47 00 20 70 47 5e 48 00 68 00 02 07 d5
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.720 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.721 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.721 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.722 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.728 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.728 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 40 38 00 68 80 06 00 0f 00 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 53 48 c0 38 81 68 82 02 11 43 81 60 70 47 4f 48 c0 38 81 68 c2 02 11 43 81 60 70 47 4c 48 c0 38 81 68 02 03 11 43 81 60 70 47 48 48 c0 38 40 6a 00 0e 70 47 46 49 c0 39 4a 6a ff 23 1b 02 9a 43 4a 62 4a 6a 00 02 02 43 4a 62 70 47 40 49 c0 39 4a 6a 12 0a 12 02 4a 62 4a 6a 40 06 40 0e 02 43 4a 62 70 47 3a 48 c0 38 41 6a 80 22 11 43 41 62 70 47 36 48 c0 38 41 6a 80 22 91 43 41 62 70 47 33 48 80 38 00 68 c0 03 c0 0f 70 47 30 48 80 38 01 68 13 22 12 04 11 43 01 60 70 47 2c 48 80 38 01 68 01 22 12 04 91 43 01 60 70 47 10 b5 08 20 ff f7 c0 ff 3c 20 ff f7 c9 ff 10 bd 24 48 40 38 02 6a 0f 21 09 06 0a 43 02 62 02 6a 8a 43 02 62 70 47 1e 48 40 38 01 69 01 22 52 05 91 43 01 61 70 47 ef f3 10 81 c9 07 c9 0f 72 b6
[03-03 13:04:02.728 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.729 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.729 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.729 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.731 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.731 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.731 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.731 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.731 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.733 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.733 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.733 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.739 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.739 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.740 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 d3 68 03 43 d3 60 00 29 00 d1 62 b6 70 47 12 49 09 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 16 48 00 68 41 07 00 05 49 0f c0 0d 00 29 01 d0 40 1c 80 b2 70 47 07 4a 00 20 02 21 32 32 11 54 40 1c 06 28 fb db 70 47 05 48 10 b5 9c 21 0c 30 14 f0 3f f9 10 bd 24 01 00 20 00 04 02 50 00 10 02 50 c0 00 02 40 00 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 70 ff fd ff 6c 01 00 20 f8 07 00 20 70 01 00 20 70 b5 ff 48 00 21 00 78 c2 07 80 07 c3 17 fd 48 d2 17 52 1c 80 68 5b 1c 04 02 05 d4 fa 4c 84 43 02 d0 fa 4c 84 43 46 d1 f9 48 44 69 08 25 2c 43 44 61 84 6a 10 25 ac 43 84 62 f6 4c 25 78 f6 4c 00 2d 0a d0 01 2d 0d d0 07 2d 34 d1 01 2a 37 d0 01 2b 3a d0 ff 21 09 31 09 e0 01 2a 31 d0 01 2b 34 d0 04 e0 01 2a 27 d0 01 2b 27 d0 58 21 61 18 45 69 f3 24 a5 43 45 61 05 6a fe 26 b5 43 05 62 e3 4d
[03-03 13:04:02.740 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.740 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.740 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.741 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.741 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.742 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.748 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.749 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.749 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 2b 25 d0 01 2a 23 d0 4a 78 02 61 42 69 8b 78 23 40 1a 43 42 61 0a 79 c2 61 02 6a 4b 79 5b 08 5b 00 1a 43 02 62 4a 7a 02 63 0a 7b c2 63 48 7d 28 60 70 bd 07 21 02 e0 07 21 05 e0 0e 21 61 18 ff 31 37 31 d2 e7 0e 21 61 18 ff 31 22 31 cd e7 0a 78 02 61 43 69 4a 78 22 40 13 43 43 61 8a 78 c2 61 02 6a cb 78 5b 08 5b 00 1a 43 02 62 0a 79 02 63 4a 79 c2 63 88 79 da e7 f7 b5 c6 4a 84 b0 00 21 91 60 d1 61 0a 46 c3 49 0a 62 c2 4f c0 3f f9 6a 01 22 12 04 11 43 f9 62 c0 49 bf 4c 01 91 b7 49 c0 34 89 68 f0 22 91 43 a2 78 02 92 26 46 25 46 bb 4a 40 36 20 35 00 92 03 00 14 f0 6e f9 06 04 fd fc fb fa f9 f8 05 98 c0 07 70 d0 ac 48 81 60 06 9b 00 2b 07 d0 b2 4a 01 2b 69 d0 02 2b 68 d0 03 2b 64 d1 fe e0 10 22 11 43 81 60 00 20 38 62 f8 62 a8 49 80 39 88 63 ab 4a 7a 61
[03-03 13:04:02.749 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.749 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.749 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.750 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.750 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.751 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.757 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.758 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.758 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ba 62 c8 63 35 20 b8 61 3f 20 f8 61 ff f7 63 fc 00 28 02 d1 a0 78 c0 07 07 d1 ff f7 5c fc 00 28 d4 d0 01 98 40 78 00 28 d0 d0 a1 48 b8 62 ff f7 52 fc 00 28 0a d0 00 98 40 7c ff f7 e0 fd 00 98 80 7c 01 02 00 98 c0 7c 08 18 14 e0 ff f7 e3 fb 01 28 02 d0 02 28 10 d1 06 e0 60 7a ff f7 cf fd a0 7a e1 7a 00 02 05 e0 20 7b ff f7 c8 fd 60 7b a1 7b 00 02 40 18 ff f7 8b fd f8 6a 01 25 2d 04 28 43 f8 62 a3 7c 62 7c 21 7c e0 7b ff f7 c2 fd a3 7d 62 7d 21 7d e0 7c ff f7 c6 fd f8 6a a8 43 f8 62 ff f7 18 fc 00 28 05 d0 00 98 00 7d 03 e0 8e e0 27 e0 8d e0 e0 7d ff f7 8a fd 3f 20 00 06 f8 62 e1 7e a0 7e ff f7 8e fd 20 7e ff f7 75 fd 71 4d a8 68 01 21 89 04 08 43 a8 60 a8 68 89 00 08 43 a8 60 e8 69 89 00 08 43 e8 61 e8 69 49 00 08 43 e8 61 60 7e ff f7 56 fd a8 68 40 21
[03-03 13:04:02.758 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.758 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.758 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.760 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.767 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.768 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 a8 60 7e e0 20 23 19 43 81 60 6a 48 78 61 ba 62 69 48 b8 61 01 20 c0 43 f8 61 ff f7 dc fb 00 28 02 d1 a0 78 80 07 07 d4 ff f7 d5 fb 00 28 68 d0 01 98 40 78 00 28 64 d0 ff f7 6d fb 01 28 02 d0 02 28 10 d1 06 e0 20 7f ff f7 59 fd 60 7f a1 7f 00 02 05 e0 e0 7f ff f7 52 fd 28 78 69 78 00 02 40 18 ff f7 15 fd 6b 79 2a 79 e9 78 a8 78 ff f7 51 fd 6b 7a 2a 7a e9 79 a8 79 ff f7 55 fd a8 7a ff f7 26 fd 3f 20 00 06 f8 62 a9 7b 68 7b ff f7 2a fd e8 7a ff f7 11 fd 3f 4c a0 68 01 21 09 05 08 43 a0 60 e0 69 09 11 08 43 e0 61 e0 69 05 e0 a8 e0 6f e2 1c e2 b2 e1 6a e1 48 e0 49 00 08 43 e0 61 28 7b ff f7 ef fc a0 68 40 21 08 43 a0 60 17 e0 40 23 19 43 81 60 36 48 40 30 78 61 ba 62 35 48 50 38 09 e0 80 22 11 43 81 60 31 48 c0 30 78 61 32 48 b8 62 30 48 54 38 b8 61 01 20
[03-03 13:04:02.768 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.768 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.768 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.768 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.769 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.769 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.770 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.776 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.777 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.777 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 f8 61 05 98 80 07 7d d5 1d 49 88 68 00 09 00 01 88 60 06 9a 00 2a 06 d0 01 2a 09 d0 02 2a 0c d0 03 2a 6f d1 0e e0 01 22 10 43 88 60 24 48 1b e1 02 22 10 43 88 60 23 48 6f e1 04 22 10 43 88 60 21 48 6a e1 08 22 10 43 88 60 20 48 65 e1 13 f0 b2 fc 01 28 05 d1 10 48 01 6a 01 22 12 04 11 43 01 62 05 98 c0 07 7a d0 05 49 f0 20 8a 68 82 43 8a 60 12 48 06 9b 00 1d 00 2b 29 e0 38 01 00 20 64 01 00 20 10 80 00 00 10 00 01 00 40 10 02 50 39 01 00 20 70 03 00 20 c0 00 02 40 40 fc 01 00 40 ff 01 00 04 40 44 3f 34 a0 00 00 04 40 44 00 04 40 62 00 54 a0 08 00 aa 55 55 55 04 40 44 2f a0 04 ff 00 a0 08 bf 00 a0 10 9f 00 a0 20 8f 00 06 d0 01 2b 76 d0 02 2b 75 d0 03 2b 3f d1 a0 e0 10 23 1a 43 8a 60 fe 49 39 62 59 06 f9 62 fd 49 00 22 8a 63 fc 4b 7b 61 b8 62 ca 63 ff f7
[03-03 13:04:02.777 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.777 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.777 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.778 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.778 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.778 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.778 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.778 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.779 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.779 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.779 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.785 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.785 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 28 00 e0 0a e1 09 d0 f8 48 b8 61 01 20 c0 43 f8 61 ff f7 e0 fa 00 28 03 d0 09 e0 f3 48 50 30 f3 e7 a0 78 40 07 03 d5 ff f7 50 fb 01 28 07 d0 ff f7 d1 fa 00 28 12 d0 01 98 40 78 00 28 7d d0 ff f7 c9 fa 00 28 0b d0 00 98 40 7d ff f7 57 fc 00 98 80 7d 01 02 00 98 c0 7d 08 18 15 e0 6d e0 ff f7 59 fa 01 28 02 d0 02 28 10 d1 06 e0 e8 7b ff f7 45 fc 28 7c 69 7c 00 02 05 e0 a8 7c ff f7 3e fc e8 7c 29 7d 00 02 40 18 ff f7 01 fc f8 6a 01 24 24 04 20 43 f8 62 2b 7e ea 7d a9 7d 68 7d ff f7 38 fc 2b 7f ea 7e a9 7e 68 7e ff f7 3c fc f8 6a a0 43 f8 62 ff f7 8e fa 00 28 04 d0 00 98 00 7e 02 e0 1a e0 23 e0 68 7f ff f7 01 fc 3f 20 00 06 f8 62 71 78 30 78 ff f7 05 fc a8 7f ff f7 ec fb c0 4e 80 36 f0 69 20 43 f0 61 e8 7f ff f7 da fb b0 68 40 21 08 43 b0 60 1f e0 20 23
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.786 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 b0 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.787 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 32768/118784 ( 28%)
[03-03 13:04:02.791 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.791 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.791 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 8 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.794 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 8a 60 b9 49 20 31 79 61 b8 62 b8 48 50 30 11 e0 40 23 1a 43 8a 60 b4 49 60 31 79 61 b8 62 b3 48 08 e0 80 23 1a 43 8a 60 af 49 e0 31 79 61 b8 62 ae 48 00 1f b8 61 01 20 c0 43 f8 61 05 98 80 07 6c d5 ab 48 81 68 09 09 09 01 81 60 06 9a 00 2a 06 d0 01 2a 0d d0 02 2a 10 d0 03 2a 5e d1 12 e0 01 22 11 43 81 60 a3 48 78 60 01 20 00 06 f8 60 c5 e1 02 22 11 43 81 60 9f 48 4e e0 04 22 11 43 81 60 9e 48 49 e0 08 22 11 43 81 60 9c 48 44 e0 05 98 c0 07 23 d0 96 48 91 4a 81 60 3a 62 01 22 52 07 fa 62 8f 4a 00 23 93 63 d3 63 95 4a ba 61 d2 17 fa 61 06 9a 01 2a 02 d0 02 2a 0f d1 06 e0 20 22 11 43 81 60 90 48 78 61 90 48 06 e0 40 22 11 43 81 60 8c 48 40 30 78 61 8d 48 b8 62 05 98 80 07 ad d5 82 49 01 22 88 68 00 09 00 01 12 06 88 60 fa 60 52 11 3a 61 06 9a 01 2a 02 d0
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.801 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.802 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.808 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.809 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.809 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ac d1 05 e0 02 22 10 43 88 60 7b 48 08 38 04 e0 04 22 10 43 88 60 79 48 08 38 78 60 72 e1 05 98 c0 07 5f d0 00 21 f9 62 6e 48 10 22 82 63 79 4a 3a 62 79 4a 7a 61 79 4a ba 62 c1 63 78 48 b8 61 c0 17 f8 61 02 98 c0 06 4c d5 76 48 b8 62 ff f7 62 f9 01 28 02 d0 02 28 19 d1 0b e0 b0 78 ff f7 4e fb f0 78 31 79 00 02 40 18 ff f7 11 fb 31 7d f0 7c 0a e0 70 79 ff f7 42 fb b0 79 f1 79 00 02 40 18 ff f7 05 fb b1 7d 70 7d ff f7 2c fb f3 7a b2 7a 71 7a 30 7a ff f7 3d fb f3 7b b2 7b 71 7b 30 7b ff f7 41 fb 30 7c ff f7 12 fb 3f 20 00 06 f8 62 70 7c ff f7 01 fb b0 7c ff f7 f4 fa 49 48 80 30 81 68 01 22 12 04 11 43 81 60 81 68 52 00 11 43 81 60 01 6a 02 22 11 43 01 62 81 68 40 22 11 43 81 60 05 98 80 07 53 d5 42 48 0c 38 3b e7 05 98 c0 07 24 d0 00 21 f9 62 3a 48 81 63
[03-03 13:04:02.809 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.809 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.809 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.810 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.817 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.817 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 3a 62 49 4a 7a 61 49 4a ba 62 c1 63 35 20 b8 61 3f 20 f8 61 02 98 80 06 12 d5 45 48 78 61 31 48 80 30 81 68 01 22 92 05 11 43 81 60 81 68 0f 22 d2 05 91 43 81 60 81 68 05 22 12 06 11 43 81 60 05 98 80 07 25 d5 3b 48 85 7b 2a 48 10 30 78 60 01 20 00 06 f8 60 40 11 38 61 ff 20 2d 30 f7 f7 aa ff 35 48 01 69 02 22 11 43 01 61 00 20 02 e0 00 bf 40 1c c0 b2 a8 42 fa d3 01 f0 13 fa fd f7 45 fb 1b 48 40 68 80 47 a0 78 80 06 01 d5 fc f7 ca ff b7 e0 05 98 c0 07 70 d0 15 48 10 22 11 43 81 60 00 20 38 62 f8 62 0e 49 88 63 23 4a 7a 61 17 4a 92 1d ba 62 c8 63 35 20 b8 61 3f 20 f8 61 ff f7 09 f9 00 28 02 d1 a0 78 00 07 07 d4 ff f7 02 f9 00 28 52 d0 01 98 40 78 00 28 4e d0 2f e0 ff ff 0f 00 40 00 02 40 34 90 08 00 5a 55 55 55 64 01 00 20 90 04 ff 00 90 08 bf 00 90 10
[03-03 13:04:02.817 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.818 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.819 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.819 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.819 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.819 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.819 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.825 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.825 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.826 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 90 20 8f 00 a6 65 59 9a 54 88 08 00 02 40 44 3f 02 40 44 00 ff ff 01 00 14 84 00 00 08 40 26 00 aa aa aa aa 08 40 62 00 34 a0 00 20 00 c0 44 00 24 a2 08 20 e0 fc 01 00 80 10 02 50 34 a0 00 00 fe 48 b8 62 ff f7 c7 f8 00 28 09 d0 00 98 40 7e ff f7 55 fa 00 98 80 7e 01 02 00 98 c0 7e 14 e0 ff f7 59 f8 01 28 02 d0 02 28 11 d1 07 e0 e0 78 ff f7 45 fa 20 79 01 02 60 79 06 e0 3a e0 a0 79 ff f7 3d fa e0 79 01 02 20 7a 08 18 ff f7 00 fa a3 7c 62 7c 21 7c e0 7b ff f7 3c fa a3 7d 62 7d 21 7d e0 7c ff f7 40 fa e0 7d ff f7 11 fa 3f 20 00 06 f8 62 e1 7e a0 7e ff f7 15 fa 20 7e ff f7 fc f9 df 4d a8 68 01 21 89 04 08 43 a8 60 a8 68 89 00 08 43 a8 60 e8 69 89 00 08 43 e8 61 e8 69 49 00 08 43 e8 61 60 7e ff f7 dd f9 a8 68 40 21 08 43 a8 60 05 98 80 07 04 d5 d2 48 78 60
[03-03 13:04:02.826 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.826 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.826 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.827 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.827 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.827 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.827 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.827 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.828 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.828 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.828 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.834 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.834 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.835 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 c0 04 38 61 f8 6a 01 21 09 04 88 43 f8 62 07 b0 f0 bd 10 b5 cc 4c a0 6a 10 21 08 43 a0 62 05 20 f7 f7 c9 fe 60 69 04 21 48 40 60 61 60 69 08 21 88 43 60 61 10 bd f8 b5 c4 4c f0 23 a7 68 25 24 9f 43 c3 4b 64 01 1e 19 09 25 bd 4c ed 01 5d 19 c0 3c 03 00 13 f0 22 fd 08 05 68 fc ed ab ab ec eb ab c8 07 32 d0 b9 48 00 2a 87 60 06 d0 01 2a 13 d0 02 2a 16 d0 03 2a 28 d1 1b e0 10 23 1f 43 87 60 af 4b 00 20 80 3b 98 63 e0 62 20 62 b1 4f 67 61 b1 4f a7 62 d8 63 15 e0 20 23 1f 43 87 60 ae 48 04 e0 40 23 1f 43 87 60 ac 48 40 30 60 61 ab 48 06 e0 80 23 1f 43 87 60 a8 48 be 30 60 61 a8 48 a0 62 00 20 a0 61 01 20 e0 61 88 07 6e d5 9e 48 81 68 09 09 09 01 81 60 00 2a 06 d0 01 2a 13 d0 02 2a 16 d0 03 2a 61 d1 18 e0 01 22 11 43 81 60 94 48 21 38 60 60 fe f7 cd ff 00 28
[03-03 13:04:02.835 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.835 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.835 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.836 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.842 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.843 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.843 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 20 61 01 20 00 06 e0 60 90 e1 02 22 11 43 81 60 95 48 95 e0 04 22 11 43 81 60 94 48 90 e0 08 22 11 43 81 60 92 48 8b e0 c8 07 2f d0 87 48 00 2a 87 60 06 d0 01 2a 17 d0 02 2a 1b d0 03 2a 25 d1 1e e0 10 23 1f 43 87 60 7d 4b 00 20 80 3b 98 63 e0 62 20 62 87 4d 65 61 82 4d 2d 1d a5 62 d8 63 a0 61 01 20 e0 61 11 e0 20 23 1f 43 87 60 81 48 20 30 0a e0 40 23 1f 43 87 60 7e 48 60 30 04 e0 80 23 1f 43 87 60 7b 48 e0 30 60 61 88 07 9e d5 6e 49 00 20 8b 68 1b 09 1b 01 8b 60 00 2a 07 d0 01 2a 3e d0 02 2a 46 d0 03 2a 9d d1 4a e0 9e e0 01 22 13 43 8b 60 63 49 31 39 61 60 f1 78 01 29 02 d0 02 29 05 d1 02 e0 01 20 00 06 01 e0 01 20 40 06 31 79 01 29 02 d0 02 29 06 d1 02 e0 01 21 89 06 01 e0 01 21 c9 06 08 43 71 79 01 29 02 d0 02 29 06 d1 02 e0 01 21 09 07 01 e0 01 21
[03-03 13:04:02.843 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.843 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.843 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.845 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.846 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.846 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.846 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.852 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.852 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 08 43 61 68 01 43 61 60 e0 68 01 21 09 06 08 43 e0 60 e0 68 b1 7e 09 04 08 43 63 e0 00 20 20 61 0c e1 02 20 03 43 50 48 8b 60 10 38 08 e0 ae e0 70 e0 5d e0 0c e0 04 20 03 43 4c 48 8b 60 10 38 60 60 fb e0 08 20 03 43 49 48 8b 60 10 38 f7 e7 c8 07 21 d0 3d 48 01 2a 87 60 02 d0 02 2a 1b d1 26 e0 20 23 1f 43 87 60 35 4b 00 20 80 3b 98 63 e0 62 20 62 40 4d 65 61 35 7b 01 2d 04 d1 65 69 01 26 b6 04 35 43 65 61 36 4d ad 1e a5 62 d8 63 3a 48 a0 61 c0 17 e0 61 88 07 28 d5 2b 48 81 68 09 09 09 01 81 60 01 2a 0e d0 02 2a 1f d1 11 e0 40 23 1f 43 87 60 22 4b 00 20 80 3b 98 63 e0 62 20 62 2d 4d 40 35 de e7 02 22 11 43 81 60 26 48 18 38 04 e0 04 22 11 43 81 60 24 48 18 38 60 60 01 20 00 06 e0 60 fe f7 d6 fe 00 28 96 d0 a5 e0 c8 07 09 d0 ff 22 12 48 d5 32 40 38 02 62
[03-03 13:04:02.852 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.853 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.854 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.854 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.855 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 d2 43 82 62 c2 62 02 63 88 07 02 d5 0c 49 1c 48 08 60 93 e0 c8 07 0e d0 09 4a 00 20 80 3a 90 63 e0 62 20 62 17 4b 63 61 0e 4b 1b 1d a3 62 d0 63 a0 61 01 20 e0 61 88 07 7d d5 25 e0 08 40 62 00 c0 00 02 40 81 04 ff 00 40 10 02 50 64 01 00 20 00 f8 01 00 24 62 02 0e 24 40 ff 00 44 62 00 00 04 40 88 00 04 40 44 00 60 08 bf 00 60 10 9f 00 60 20 8f 00 24 52 00 00 44 4a 00 00 a6 65 59 9a 00 00 40 a0 25 42 00 00 f9 48 3f 38 a7 e7 c8 07 39 d0 f8 48 10 22 17 43 87 60 00 27 e7 62 27 62 f5 48 87 63 f5 4a 62 61 f3 4a 40 32 57 61 a7 62 a2 6a eb 79 1b 06 1a 43 a2 62 a2 6a 2b 7a 1b 04 1a 43 a2 62 a2 6a 6b 7a 1b 02 1a 43 a2 62 a2 6a ab 7a 1a 43 a2 62 c7 63 c2 6b eb 7a 1b 06 1a 43 c2 63 c2 6b 2b 7b 1b 04 1a 43 c2 63 c2 6b 6b 7b 1b 02 1a 43 c2 63 c2 6b ab 7b 1a 43 c2 63
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.862 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.864 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.865 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.871 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.871 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 a0 61 78 1e e0 61 88 07 18 d5 da 49 01 22 88 68 00 09 00 01 10 43 88 60 d5 48 21 38 60 60 10 06 e0 60 fe f7 38 fe 00 28 00 d1 20 61 e8 7f 00 f0 13 ff 30 78 00 e0 01 e0 00 f0 19 ff ce 48 40 30 02 69 d0 49 cb 79 1b 07 db 0a 1a 43 02 61 02 69 0b 7a 1b 07 5b 09 1a 43 02 61 82 69 4b 7a 5b 07 5b 0a 1a 43 82 61 82 69 89 7a 89 07 c9 09 0a 43 82 61 fe f7 30 fe 00 28 0a d1 ff f7 ff f8 fe f7 74 fc 01 28 04 d1 0a 20 f7 f7 95 fc ff f7 c1 fd f8 bd f0 b5 b7 4c f0 23 a6 68 94 46 9e 43 b6 4f b5 4b 02 46 00 25 b8 04 40 3b 00 2a 0a d0 02 2a 51 d1 ca 07 39 d0 62 46 a6 60 01 2a 1d d0 02 2a 33 d1 22 e0 ca 07 0d d0 10 22 16 43 a6 60 bd 63 dd 62 1d 62 ac 4a 5a 61 ac 4a 9a 62 fd 63 9d 61 01 22 da 61 89 07 36 d5 a1 68 01 22 09 09 09 01 11 43 a1 60 9e 49 1f 31 2b e0 20 22 16 43
[03-03 13:04:02.871 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.871 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.872 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.878 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.879 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.879 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 bd 63 dd 62 1d 62 a2 4a 07 e0 40 22 16 43 a6 60 bd 63 dd 62 1d 62 9e 4a 40 32 5a 61 9d 4a 9a 62 fd 63 9d 4a 9a 61 d2 17 da 61 89 07 13 d5 a1 68 62 46 09 09 09 01 a1 60 01 2a 06 d0 02 2a 0a d1 04 22 11 43 a1 60 95 49 03 e0 02 22 11 43 a1 60 93 49 59 60 d8 60 f0 bd 10 b5 00 f0 3d fe 86 49 81 20 40 39 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 35 fe 82 49 83 20 40 39 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 2d fe 81 48 c0 30 80 78 81 06 87 48 01 d5 80 21 00 e0 86 49 01 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 1f fe 7a 48 82 4b a0 30 01 46 44 7e 81 22 5b 1c 20 31 7e 48 01 2c 03 d1 c4 69 24 0c e4 07 06 d0 89 78 c9 06 01 d5 02 63 10 bd 03 63 10 bd 89 78 c9 06 01 d5 83 21 01 e0 75 49 c9 1c 01 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 fd fd fe f7 7a fd 70 4c 00 28 04 d1 66 48 c0 30 80 78 00 07 07 d4 fe f7 70 fd 00 28 05 d0 62 48 40 78
[03-03 13:04:02.879 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.879 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.879 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.880 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.881 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.887 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.887 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 01 d0 80 20 00 e0 68 48 20 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 e3 fd 64 49 80 20 08 63 00 21 08 46 fc f7 c3 fc fe f7 a7 fd 01 28 05 d1 53 48 41 69 01 22 92 03 11 43 41 61 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 ce fd 59 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 c7 fd 56 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 c0 fd 52 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 44 49 01 28 03 d0 02 28 03 d0 50 48 02 e0 50 48 00 e0 50 48 48 60 70 47 10 b5 00 f0 ad fd fe f7 2a fd 48 4c 00 28 04 d1 3e 48 c0 30 80 78 c0 07 07 d1 fe f7 20 fd 00 28 05 d0 3a 48 40 78 00 28 01 d0 80 20 00 e0 40 48 20 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 93 fd 3c 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 8c fd 38 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 00 f0 85 fd 35 49 80 20 08 63 10 bd 70 b5 01 28 29 d0 02 28 29 d0 60 25 35 48 44 19 21 7a 34 48 ca 09 d2 01 42 62 42 6a 49 06 49 0e 0a 43 42 62 30 48 21 46
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.888 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.889 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.889 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.889 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 04 22 28 30 f8 f7 6a f9 2c 48 e1 7c 40 30 81 60 21 7d c1 60 2a 48 41 78 28 48 a1 7f c0 30 41 62 14 48 20 2d 08 d0 40 2d 08 d0 26 49 41 60 70 bd 20 25 d6 e7 40 25 d4 e7 23 49 f7 e7 23 49 f5 e7 f8 b5 00 25 04 46 0f 46 2e 46 00 f0 ab fd 09 48 23 00 13 f0 a3 f9 06 04 40 69 5d 63 55 77 81 21 09 02 81 60 00 2f 33 d0 38 46 ff f7 b4 ff f8 bd 81 04 ff 00 64 01 00 20 40 00 02 40 0c 42 02 00 55 55 55 55 40 fc 01 00 24 62 02 0e 24 40 ff 00 44 4a 00 00 02 40 44 00 a6 65 59 9a 88 10 9f 00 88 08 bf 00 00 00 02 40 80 00 02 00 37 ba 00 00 53 ba 00 00 45 ba 00 00 00 f8 01 00 00 10 02 50 48 03 00 20 ad ba 00 00 c9 ba 00 00 bb ba 00 00 4d 26 fe 49 10 e0 ff 48 fd 49 81 60 00 2f 03 d0 38 46 ff f7 3d ff c2 e7 fe f7 42 f9 01 28 05 d0 e0 25 f9 49 f7 48 4e 26 41 60 25 e0 80 25
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.895 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.896 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.897 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.903 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.903 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.904 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 f6 49 ff 25 81 60 61 35 f5 49 51 26 41 60 23 e0 f4 49 ff 25 81 60 41 35 f3 49 ed e7 f3 49 ff 25 81 60 81 35 f2 49 e7 e7 f2 49 81 60 01 2f 04 d0 ff 25 21 35 50 26 f0 49 de e7 ff 25 01 35 4f 26 ee 49 d9 e7 05 2c 07 d0 00 f0 24 fd 04 21 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 fe f7 3d fc 01 00 e8 48 e8 4b 1b d0 e8 49 01 2c 02 d0 02 2c 04 d0 07 e0 ca 78 82 60 89 78 07 e0 01 2f 07 d0 02 2f 09 d0 59 19 ca 7d 82 60 89 7d 41 60 13 e0 4a 79 82 60 09 79 f9 e7 ca 79 82 60 89 79 f5 e7 59 19 9a 7d 8f 7d ba 42 03 d1 47 60 c9 7d 81 60 02 e0 c9 7d 81 60 47 60 5f 19 d2 48 39 7e c1 60 41 6b 8a 08 b9 7e 92 00 89 07 89 0f 11 43 42 6b 0a 43 42 63 f9 7e c1 63 ca 49 38 7f 40 31 08 60 88 6a c0 22 90 43 7a 7f 92 09 92 01 02 43 8a 62 c4 48 79 78 80 38 01 61 c5 49 49 78 01 29 01 d0 f9 78
[03-03 13:04:02.904 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.904 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.904 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.905 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.906 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 b9 78 41 61 79 79 81 61 c1 49 00 91 09 7b 01 29 0b d1 c0 49 09 78 00 29 07 d0 c1 61 b8 48 f9 79 80 38 01 62 01 2c 02 d0 07 e0 b9 79 f5 e7 fe f7 91 fd 01 28 01 d1 fe f7 81 fd 39 7a b0 48 ca 09 d2 01 80 38 42 62 42 6a 49 06 49 0e 0a 43 42 62 79 7a 81 62 20 46 fe f7 88 fb af 49 b8 7a 08 70 ae 49 f8 7a 08 70 fe f7 b6 fb 00 28 07 d0 00 2c 33 d0 01 2c 31 d0 02 2c 2f d0 05 2c 2d d0 fe f7 4a fb 01 28 30 d0 f9 7a 9d 48 80 38 c1 62 9c 48 39 46 0d 31 06 22 50 38 f8 f7 20 f8 98 48 40 38 04 2c 23 d0 f9 7c 81 60 95 48 39 7d 40 38 c1 60 9b 49 93 48 04 22 0e 46 30 38 f8 f7 0f f8 98 49 8f 48 08 22 09 1d 1c 38 f8 f7 08 f8 01 2c 0f d0 03 2c 0d d0 02 2c 0b d0 0e e0 8a 48 07 21 80 19 09 02 40 18 01 7c cf e7 b9 7a cd e7 00 21 da e7 83 48 31 7c 40 30 01 63 84 48 b9 7f 40 78
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.912 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.914 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.920 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.921 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 40 30 41 62 7f 4a f9 7f c1 62 7d 49 00 20 80 31 08 60 48 60 88 61 50 5d 79 4d 80 3d e8 60 80 49 77 48 04 22 0c 31 1c 30 f7 f7 d8 ff 00 2c 18 d0 04 2c 1b d0 05 2c 05 d0 00 f0 08 fc 01 2c 03 d0 02 2c 01 d0 00 f0 d2 fb 76 48 41 69 03 22 d2 02 11 43 41 61 00 f0 e7 fb fe f7 8b fb 01 28 0a d0 17 e0 67 48 31 7c 40 30 01 63 e5 e7 64 48 f9 7c 40 38 81 60 e0 e7 6b 48 40 30 41 69 c2 03 91 43 41 61 41 69 68 4a 11 40 41 61 81 69 08 22 11 43 81 61 00 98 41 7d 40 20 00 29 29 68 01 d0 01 43 00 e0 81 43 29 60 56 48 79 7e 01 61 5f e6 5d 48 80 30 01 68 01 22 12 07 91 43 01 60 59 49 5b 48 40 31 48 62 70 47 57 49 8f 20 40 39 08 63 70 47 10 b5 ff f7 9e fa 53 48 41 69 01 22 92 03 11 43 41 61 44 48 4f 49 7f 38 40 39 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 ff f7 8f fa 4b 49 81 20 40 39 08 63 10 bd
[03-03 13:04:02.921 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.921 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.922 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.922 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.923 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.929 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.929 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.930 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ff f7 87 fa 47 49 83 20 40 39 08 63 10 bd 10 b5 3b 4c 40 3c a0 6a 10 21 08 43 a0 62 00 20 fb f7 dc fe 40 49 8f 20 40 39 08 63 60 69 04 21 48 40 60 61 60 69 08 21 88 43 60 61 10 bd 30 49 0c 20 40 39 48 62 37 49 81 20 40 39 08 63 70 47 35 49 83 20 40 39 08 63 70 47 32 49 87 20 40 39 08 63 70 47 10 b5 01 28 6a d0 02 28 6a d0 9a 24 30 48 04 60 30 48 01 19 22 48 4a 78 40 38 02 61 42 69 fc 23 9a 43 42 61 42 69 8b 78 9b 08 9b 00 1a 43 42 61 0a 79 c2 61 02 6a fe 23 9a 43 02 62 02 6a 4b 79 5b 08 5b 00 1a 43 02 62 8a 79 42 62 14 48 08 31 05 22 14 38 f7 f7 11 ff 06 48 6e 2c 42 d0 84 2c 42 d0 1c 49 41 60 10 bd 38 e0 79 ba 00 00 00 01 01 00 64 01 00 20 0d ba 00 00 11 01 08 00 d9 b9 00 00 11 01 20 00 95 b9 00 00 11 01 00 01 79 b9 00 00 00 01 02 00 59 b9 00 00 69 b9
[03-03 13:04:02.930 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.930 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.930 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.932 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.933 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.933 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 c0 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.933 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.933 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 36864/118784 ( 31%)
[03-03 13:04:02.936 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.936 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.936 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 9 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.937 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.943 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.944 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.944 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 80 10 02 50 00 f8 01 00 60 ff 01 00 48 03 00 20 e0 fc 01 00 37 01 00 20 31 01 00 20 32 01 00 20 a0 f9 01 00 40 00 02 40 3f 00 c0 ff 8f 04 04 3f 4c 01 00 20 70 03 00 20 3d bf 00 00 01 e0 6e 24 95 e7 84 24 93 e7 f6 49 bd e7 f6 49 bb e7 10 b5 ff f7 df f9 f4 49 81 20 08 63 f4 48 00 78 04 28 b2 d1 f1 48 40 30 01 68 01 22 12 04 91 43 01 60 00 f0 b2 fa f8 f7 9f fa 00 28 a5 d0 81 78 00 29 a2 d1 01 21 81 70 9f e7 e7 49 80 20 08 63 70 47 e5 49 80 20 08 63 70 47 e3 49 81 20 08 63 70 47 70 b5 01 28 43 d0 02 28 43 d0 42 24 e0 48 04 60 e0 48 01 19 e0 48 4a 78 02 61 42 69 fc 23 9a 43 42 61 42 69 8b 78 9b 08 9b 00 1a 43 42 61 0a 79 c2 61 02 6a fe 23 9a 43 02 62 02 6a 4b 79 5b 08 5b 00 1a 43 02 62 8a 79 42 62 d3 48 08 31 05 22 2c 30 f7 f7 73 fe cd 4d 16 2c 1c d0 2c 2c
[03-03 13:04:02.944 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.945 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.945 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.946 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.952 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.953 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.953 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 03 20 00 f0 97 fa cd 48 c7 4c 68 60 40 34 60 69 80 21 88 43 60 61 00 f0 69 fa 60 69 01 21 49 03 88 43 60 61 20 69 c1 21 08 43 20 61 70 bd 16 24 bc e7 2c 24 ba e7 01 20 00 f0 7c fa c0 48 e3 e7 02 20 00 f0 77 fa bf 48 de e7 fe b5 00 25 b6 4a 00 95 c0 32 01 95 04 46 2e 46 2f 46 95 60 b3 48 23 00 12 f0 9b fe 08 05 16 28 90 35 35 8b 7f 35 00 29 03 d0 08 46 ff f7 93 ff fe bd 41 21 49 02 81 60 16 21 26 26 28 27 00 91 18 21 01 91 ae 49 1d e0 00 29 03 d0 08 46 ff f7 e3 fe fe bd 81 21 49 02 81 60 19 21 58 25 29 26 2b 27 00 91 1b 21 01 91 a6 49 0b e0 a6 4a 82 60 01 29 49 d0 1f 21 c6 25 2f 26 31 27 00 91 21 21 01 91 a1 49 41 60 97 48 05 60 98 48 40 30 41 6b 89 08 89 00 41 63 c1 6b 09 0a 09 02 c1 63 93 48 80 30 01 68 09 0a 09 02 01 60 82 6a c0 21 8a 43 82 62 8e 48
[03-03 13:04:02.953 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.953 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.953 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.954 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.954 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.954 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.954 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.954 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.955 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.955 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.955 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.961 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.961 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 08 22 11 43 41 61 00 f0 54 fa 00 f0 3b fa 04 20 05 21 09 07 0a 68 02 43 0a 60 fe f7 5c f9 01 00 8d 48 3b d0 1d 21 8d 4a 89 01 39 23 51 18 5b 01 d2 18 02 2c 2c d0 00 2c 2e d0 89 79 c1 60 d1 78 7d 48 40 30 41 62 fe f7 26 f9 85 4a 00 28 2b d0 44 e0 1c 21 b0 25 2c 26 2e 27 00 91 1e 21 01 91 80 49 b4 e7 80 49 81 60 ff 25 22 21 09 35 32 26 34 27 00 91 24 21 01 91 7c 49 a8 e7 7c 49 81 60 dc 25 7c 49 a3 e7 7c 49 81 60 f2 25 7b 49 9e e7 c9 79 c1 60 11 79 d3 e7 49 79 cf e7 65 49 4a 5d c2 60 48 19 c1 7c cb e7 62 48 41 19 62 48 cb 79 83 62 61 48 4b 7b 40 30 03 60 0b 7c c3 60 93 7f 03 61 8b 7b 43 60 cb 7b 83 60 8b 7c 03 62 c9 7c 41 62 6b 48 c1 7a 58 48 80 30 41 63 55 48 45 19 55 48 69 7c 40 30 c1 61 29 7d 81 62 52 48 d1 7f 80 30 42 6a 91 42 00 d0 41 62 59 49 c2 6a
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.962 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.963 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.969 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 09 78 91 42 00 d0 c1 62 4b 48 69 7d c0 30 01 60 00 21 81 61 50 48 10 30 06 2c 06 d0 03 2c 04 d0 10 22 58 49 f7 f7 5a fd 0c e0 10 22 55 49 f7 f7 55 fd 4b 48 40 38 41 7f 3f 48 01 61 06 2c 47 d0 03 2c 45 d0 fe f7 c7 f8 02 28 28 d0 fe f7 c3 f8 01 28 2e d0 38 48 69 78 01 61 29 79 c1 61 36 48 01 6a fe 22 91 43 01 62 01 6a 6a 79 52 08 52 00 11 43 01 62 a9 79 41 62 2f 48 2c 30 02 2c 2c d0 07 2c 2a d0 29 46 08 31 04 22 f7 f7 27 fd 2a 4e e8 78 b0 61 00 2c 24 d0 01 2c 22 d0 23 e0 2f 48 07 21 82 19 09 02 52 18 13 7c 23 4a 13 61 c0 19 0a e0 2a 48 00 99 42 18 07 21 09 02 52 18 13 7c 1d 4a 13 61 01 9b c0 18 40 18 00 7c d0 61 c6 e7 19 48 29 1d 09 22 1c 30 d7 e7 29 46 08 31 05 22 d3 e7 28 7b f0 63 14 48 40 30 c1 6a c0 22 11 43 c1 62 00 f0 2b f9 00 f0 0f f9 00 2c 04 d0
[03-03 13:04:02.970 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.970 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.970 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.971 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.972 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.972 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.972 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.978 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.978 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 fc f8 00 f0 01 f9 06 e0 00 f0 fe f8 00 f0 0b f9 00 20 00 f0 0f f9 71 69 08 20 81 43 71 61 fe bd 59 bf 00 00 4f bf 00 00 00 00 02 40 64 01 00 20 4c 01 00 20 70 03 00 20 40 10 02 50 89 c0 00 00 99 c0 00 00 91 c0 00 00 4f c0 00 00 0f bf 00 00 00 02 02 00 ef be 00 00 00 10 02 50 00 f8 01 00 70 04 00 20 ff be 00 00 00 02 80 00 d1 be 00 00 11 02 04 00 c7 be 00 00 11 02 20 00 af be 00 00 40 fc 01 00 e8 07 00 20 f8 b5 04 46 01 20 c0 03 0e 46 84 42 01 d1 00 25 02 e0 01 2e 1a d0 ae 25 00 f0 9a f8 00 f0 ee f8 04 20 05 21 09 07 0a 68 02 43 0a 60 82 48 83 49 45 19 0b 20 80 01 28 18 82 7c ca 60 c2 7c 0a 61 7f 4a 52 78 01 2a 03 d0 40 7d 02 e0 57 25 e3 e7 00 7d 48 61 7b 48 1f 22 29 18 78 48 18 30 f7 f7 79 fc 78 48 04 22 1f 30 29 18 74 48 9c 30 f7 f7 71 fc 17 20 40 01
[03-03 13:04:02.978 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.979 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.979 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.979 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.980 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 70 48 8a 7e c0 30 42 62 ca 7e c2 62 09 7f 01 63 00 f0 9c f8 00 f0 80 f8 01 25 6d 04 6c 4f ac 42 04 d1 00 f0 6a f8 00 f0 6f f8 0b e0 00 f0 6c f8 01 20 c0 03 84 42 05 d1 00 f0 75 f8 00 20 00 f0 79 f8 03 e0 ac 42 01 d1 01 2e 02 d0 81 20 38 63 ac e4 83 20 fb e7 02 21 08 04 95 e7 01 21 48 04 92 e7 00 21 01 20 c0 03 8e e7 59 4b 10 b5 00 22 c0 33 9a 60 da 61 1a 62 56 4a 00 28 25 d0 41 20 c0 02 90 60 01 29 25 d0 53 48 50 60 4d 48 80 30 41 6b 89 08 89 00 41 63 c1 6b 09 0a 09 02 c1 63 48 48 c0 30 01 68 09 0a 09 02 01 60 81 6a c0 22 91 43 81 62 00 f0 7d f8 00 f0 6c f8 04 21 05 20 00 07 02 68 8a 43 02 60 fe e4 11 20 c0 02 90 60 42 48 da e7 42 48 d8 e7 3d 48 c2 6a 07 21 09 04 0a 43 c2 62 c2 6a 8a 43 c2 62 70 47 38 48 40 30 41 69 20 22 91 43 41 61 70 47 35 48 40 30
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.987 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.989 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:02.996 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:02.996 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 20 22 11 43 41 61 70 47 31 48 40 30 41 69 01 22 52 03 11 43 41 61 70 47 2d 48 40 30 41 69 02 15 11 43 41 61 70 47 2a 48 40 30 41 69 80 22 11 43 41 61 70 47 26 49 40 31 4a 69 03 23 1b 02 9a 43 4a 61 4a 69 00 02 02 43 4a 61 70 47 20 48 00 21 40 30 41 61 01 61 70 47 1d 49 4a 6a ff 23 1b 02 9a 43 4a 62 4a 6a 00 02 02 43 4a 62 70 47 18 49 4a 6a 12 0a 12 02 4a 62 4a 6a 40 06 40 0e 02 43 4a 62 70 47 12 48 80 30 01 69 01 22 52 05 11 43 01 61 70 47 0e 48 80 30 01 69 01 22 52 05 91 43 01 61 70 47 0a 48 80 30 81 69 c2 05 11 43 81 61 70 47 07 48 80 30 41 69 02 04 91 43 41 61 70 47 00 f8 01 00 00 10 02 50 48 03 00 20 d7 02 00 00 00 00 02 40 64 01 00 20 57 c5 00 00 63 c5 00 00 5d c5 00 00 10 b5 37 4b 36 4c 1b 56 80 00 0c 34 24 58 00 29 07 d0 01 20 db 06 db 0e 01 46
[03-03 13:04:02.996 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.996 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:02.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:02.997 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:02.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:02.997 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:02.998 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.004 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 31 4b 19 60 00 e0 00 20 c0 00 11 02 08 43 21 68 80 1c 01 43 21 60 10 bd 2a 49 10 b5 82 00 0c 31 89 58 0b 68 9b 08 9b 00 0b 60 26 49 08 5c c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 25 49 08 60 22 48 00 1d 80 58 00 f0 2c fe 10 bd 10 b5 20 4a 1e 49 80 3a 09 5c 12 68 cb 06 db 0e 01 21 99 40 0a 42 07 d1 19 49 80 00 09 1d 08 58 00 f0 cd fd 00 28 00 d0 01 20 10 bd 10 b5 00 20 00 f0 14 f8 01 22 ef f3 10 80 10 40 72 b6 12 49 cb 68 13 43 cb 60 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 10 bd 10 b5 01 20 00 f0 03 f8 fa f7 45 fc 10 bd 08 4a 81 00 0c 32 51 58 0a 68 92 08 92 00 0a 60 04 49 08 5c c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 03 49 08 60 70 47 d8 ee 01 00 00 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 f8 07 00 20 f0 b5 00 21 01 25 80 4a 80 20 10 60 7f 48 43 6a 02 22 9c 07 00 2c 0d da 01 6a 91 43 01 62 42 62 04 21 dc 07 02 d1 04 6b 24 05
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.005 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.006 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.006 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.006 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.006 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.006 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.012 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.012 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 78 4c 26 68 96 43 26 60 dc 07 06 d0 04 6a 64 08 64 00 04 62 45 62 08 24 21 43 9f 06 10 26 72 4c 00 2f 05 da 20 27 47 62 27 68 31 43 2f 43 27 60 5d 07 05 d5 04 25 45 62 25 68 31 43 15 43 25 60 9b 05 0e d5 01 24 64 02 44 62 65 4b 40 33 1b 69 1b 03 06 d5 63 4b 1d 68 95 43 1d 60 02 6a a2 43 02 62 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 5f 4a d3 68 0b 43 d3 60 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 f0 bd 30 b5 00 22 00 29 08 d0 56 4b 1c 6b 5d 15 a4 05 a4 0d 2c 1b 8c 42 06 d2 0c e0 00 20 30 bd 04 78 40 1c 5c 63 52 1c 49 1e f9 d2 05 e0 01 78 40 1c 59 63 52 1c 64 1e f9 d2 10 46 30 bd 30 b5 02 46 00 24 08 46 00 29 06 d0 46 4b 1d 6b ad 01 ad 0d 85 42 05 d2 0c e0 00 20 30 bd 9c 6b 14 70 52 1c 40 1e fa d2 08 46 30 bd 98 6b 10 70 52 1c 64 1c 6d 1e f9 d2 20 46 30 bd 10 b5 3c 4a 00 28 04 d0 01 28
[03-03 13:04:03.012 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.013 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.013 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.013 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.015 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.022 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.022 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 20 c0 43 10 bd 50 68 0a 22 09 01 50 43 12 f0 f2 f9 0a 38 0a 21 12 f0 ee f9 04 46 08 01 0a 21 12 f0 e9 f9 2e 49 02 46 c8 68 31 4b 18 40 c8 60 20 04 cb 68 00 0b 18 43 c8 60 50 00 2d 4a 10 5a 08 61 01 20 10 bd 00 21 10 68 11 60 10 bd 70 b5 25 49 00 24 0c 60 22 49 03 22 0a 60 0d 68 8e 04 35 43 0d 60 0d 68 b5 43 0d 60 ca 60 00 28 02 d0 cc 60 10 1f 70 bd 20 48 42 68 ff 25 81 35 aa 43 42 60 9a 05 16 48 92 0d 40 30 02 63 24 22 0a 62 1a 4a c4 62 5b 00 00 d5 19 4a 03 68 07 24 24 04 a3 43 03 60 03 68 24 01 a3 43 03 60 15 4b 1a 43 03 68 13 43 03 60 01 20 08 60 00 bf 00 bf 00 bf 11 48 48 62 05 4a 80 20 10 60 10 4a 10 60 08 68 c0 22 10 43 08 60 00 20 70 bd 00 00 80 e2 00 e0 00 20 02 40 00 2c 02 40 74 01 00 20 f8 07 00 20 0f 00 f0 ff ec ee 01 00 00 00 03 50 00 01
[03-03 13:04:03.022 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.023 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.030 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 01 00 46 00 0c 99 00 ff 07 00 00 00 e1 00 e0 1c 48 1d 49 0a 68 92 05 01 d4 40 1e fa d2 48 68 80 b2 70 47 10 b5 18 48 02 68 01 21 c9 02 8a 43 02 60 8c 10 05 22 12 07 d3 68 23 43 d3 60 02 68 ff 23 81 33 9a 43 02 60 02 68 02 60 02 68 70 23 9a 43 02 60 02 68 0d 4b 5b 7e 1b 01 1a 43 02 60 02 68 0a 43 02 60 10 bd 07 48 01 68 01 22 d2 02 91 43 01 60 92 10 05 20 00 07 c1 68 91 43 c1 60 70 47 00 00 10 27 00 00 00 08 01 50 c0 fd 01 00 10 20 05 21 09 07 8a 68 02 43 8a 60 70 47 10 20 05 21 09 07 8a 68 82 43 8a 60 70 47 fe 49 49 7c 4a 06 4b 07 52 0f 5b 0f fc 49 00 28 88 68 15 d0 06 22 90 43 88 60 88 68 5a 08 52 00 10 43 88 60 88 68 40 08 40 00 88 60 88 68 da 07 d2 0f 10 43 88 60 88 68 08 22 10 43 88 60 70 47 60 23 98 43 88 60 88 68 53 08 5b 01 18 43 88 60 88 68
[03-03 13:04:03.030 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.030 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.031 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.031 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.032 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.039 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.039 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 98 43 88 60 88 68 d2 07 d2 0e 10 43 88 60 88 68 80 22 e8 e7 e5 49 00 28 88 68 03 d0 08 22 90 43 88 60 70 47 80 22 fa e7 e0 49 00 28 48 68 07 d0 20 22 90 43 48 60 48 68 10 22 10 43 48 60 70 47 80 22 90 43 48 60 48 68 40 22 f6 e7 d7 49 00 28 48 68 02 d0 80 06 c0 0f 70 47 00 06 fb e7 d3 49 00 28 48 68 03 d0 c0 06 c0 17 40 1c 70 47 40 06 fa e7 10 b5 00 28 06 d0 40 20 00 f0 87 fb 00 28 00 d0 01 20 10 bd 20 20 f7 e7 70 b5 c6 4d c7 4c 20 3d 00 28 1d d0 1d 20 00 f0 69 fb 1c 20 00 f0 66 fb 60 68 20 21 08 43 60 60 a8 7f f6 f7 03 fb 60 68 10 21 08 43 60 60 1d 20 00 f0 60 fb 1c 20 00 f0 5d fb 1d 20 00 f0 4b fb 1c 20 00 f0 48 fb 70 bd 60 68 80 21 08 43 60 60 a8 7f f6 f7 eb fa 60 68 40 21 08 43 60 60 70 bd 70 b5 ae 4d af 4c 20 3d 00 28 1d d0 1d 20 00 f0 39 fb 1c 20
[03-03 13:04:03.039 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.040 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.040 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.040 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.041 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.041 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.041 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.041 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.041 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.042 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.042 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.042 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.048 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.048 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 36 fb 60 68 10 21 88 43 60 60 a8 7f f6 f7 d3 fa 60 68 20 21 88 43 60 60 1d 20 00 f0 30 fb 1c 20 00 f0 2d fb 1d 20 00 f0 1b fb 1c 20 00 f0 18 fb 70 bd 60 68 40 21 88 43 60 60 a8 7f f6 f7 bb fa 60 68 80 21 88 43 60 60 70 bd 01 20 70 47 98 49 10 b5 88 42 01 d1 08 20 00 e0 0a 20 00 f0 07 fb 10 bd 10 b5 04 46 92 48 84 42 01 d1 09 20 00 e0 0b 20 00 f0 fc fa a1 6a 01 20 80 05 01 43 a1 62 a1 6a 81 43 a1 62 60 68 00 28 14 da a0 6a 0f 21 09 03 08 43 a0 62 60 68 86 49 08 40 03 21 09 07 40 18 60 60 60 68 84 49 08 40 60 60 a0 6a 01 21 c9 04 88 43 a0 62 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 03 26 7c 48 b6 04 84 42 01 d0 01 25 00 e0 00 25 60 68 79 4b 01 21 18 40 49 02 08 43 60 60 28 46 ff f7 1a ff 33 e0 20 68 00 04 00 0e 81 06 89 0f 2d d0 81 09 2b d0 01 07 89 0f 28 d0 80 07 26 d0 00 2e
[03-03 13:04:03.048 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.049 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.049 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.049 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.050 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.051 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.051 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.051 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.057 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 60 68 18 40 40 1c 60 60 60 68 18 40 c0 1c 60 60 60 68 18 40 40 1d 60 60 60 68 18 40 c0 1d 60 60 20 46 ff f7 9e ff 20 46 ff f7 91 ff 05 20 00 07 00 2d 11 d0 ff 22 81 68 01 32 91 43 81 60 81 69 52 01 91 43 81 61 01 20 70 bd 76 1e c9 d1 04 20 f7 f7 4e f8 00 20 70 bd 82 68 80 21 8a 43 82 60 81 69 01 22 12 03 ec e7 10 b5 81 68 03 22 11 43 81 60 4f 49 88 42 01 d1 08 24 00 e0 0a 24 20 46 00 f0 7d fa 20 46 00 f0 6b fa 10 bd 03 29 0d d1 4a 49 0a 78 1f 21 49 06 01 2a c2 6a 07 d0 8a 43 c2 62 c1 6a 01 22 92 06 11 43 c1 62 70 47 8a 43 c2 62 c1 6a 01 22 d2 06 f6 e7 70 b5 3c 4a 04 46 01 25 90 04 6d 03 94 42 7c d0 01 23 96 15 82 68 32 43 82 60 82 69 2a 43 82 61 a0 68 80 09 80 01 a0 60 20 46 ff f7 d2 ff 2f 48 30 49 c0 7e 80 31 08 63 00 2b 67 d0 0a 20 00 f0 41 fa 0a 20
[03-03 13:04:03.057 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.058 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.065 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.066 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 2f fa 0b 20 00 f0 3b fa 0b 20 00 f0 29 fa a0 68 03 21 09 02 88 43 a0 60 a0 68 89 00 88 43 01 21 89 02 40 18 a0 60 a0 68 03 21 09 03 88 43 40 19 a0 60 a0 68 89 00 08 43 a0 60 e1 6a 01 20 00 04 81 43 e1 62 e1 6a 01 43 e1 62 e0 6a 40 08 40 00 e0 62 e0 6a 01 21 08 43 e0 62 e0 6a 10 21 88 43 e0 62 16 48 01 78 1f 20 40 06 01 29 e1 6a 5d d0 81 43 e1 62 e0 6a 01 21 c9 06 08 43 e0 62 e0 6a 01 21 09 06 88 43 e0 62 a0 6a 07 21 09 04 88 43 a0 62 a0 6a 01 21 89 04 08 43 a0 62 60 68 08 49 08 40 60 60 60 68 0f e0 80 fd 01 00 00 10 02 50 00 14 02 40 00 ff ff 89 00 ff ff 09 48 03 00 20 00 ff ff 81 1d e0 26 e0 fc 49 08 40 60 60 20 46 ff f7 c7 fe 20 46 ff f7 47 ff 20 6b 00 20 20 63 20 6b f7 49 08 43 20 63 60 68 f6 49 08 40 01 21 89 05 40 18 60 60 60 68 09 12 88 43 60 60
[03-03 13:04:03.066 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.066 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.066 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.066 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.067 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.067 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.068 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.074 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.075 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 70 bd 00 23 86 68 80 22 16 43 86 60 82 69 01 26 36 03 32 43 60 e7 08 20 00 f0 b1 f9 08 20 00 f0 9f f9 09 20 00 f0 ab f9 09 20 6e e7 81 43 e1 62 e0 6a 07 21 49 06 a0 e7 70 b5 06 46 0d 46 1c 46 ff f7 04 fe 28 70 30 46 ff f7 09 fe 10 70 30 46 ff f7 0f fe 20 70 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 00 29 07 d0 00 2a 02 d0 ff f7 41 fe 10 bd ff f7 0e fe 10 bd 64 20 f6 f7 20 f9 20 46 ff f7 d6 fd 10 bd 70 b5 0d 46 03 46 00 24 ff f7 ea fd c2 b2 01 2a 09 d1 18 46 ff f7 db fd c4 b2 01 2c 03 d0 18 46 ff f7 e8 fd c2 b2 00 2d 03 d0 00 2c 05 d0 00 20 28 70 00 2a 03 d0 01 20 70 bd 01 20 f8 e7 00 20 70 bd 30 b5 04 46 c0 48 84 42 01 d0 01 20 00 e0 00 20 61 68 be 4d 29 40 ff 31 ff 31 02 31 61 60 ff f7 65 fd 60 68 28 40 60 60 30 bd f8 b5 05 46 b6 48 0f 46 85 42 01 d0 01 21 00 e0 00 21 03 20
[03-03 13:04:03.075 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.075 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.075 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.075 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.076 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 80 04 04 00 00 d0 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.077 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.077 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 40960/118784 ( 34%)
[03-03 13:04:03.080 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.080 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.080 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 10 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.081 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 80 04 9b 02 9c 0f 06 e0 64 1c e3 17 9b 0f 1b 19 9b 08 9b 00 e4 1a 2b 68 1b 04 1e 0e 63 00 de 40 b3 07 02 d4 40 1e ef d1 1f e0 00 28 1d d0 68 69 e3 00 ff 26 9e 40 b0 43 16 46 9e 40 30 43 68 61 00 29 16 d0 a2 48 61 01 40 18 39 46 11 f0 d8 fd ef f3 10 80 c6 07 f6 0f 72 b6 21 46 28 46 00 f0 1d f9 00 2e 00 d1 62 b6 f8 bd 04 20 f6 f7 c0 fe f8 bd 98 48 e7 e7 fe b5 04 46 93 48 8e 46 84 42 01 d0 01 20 00 e0 00 20 84 46 03 20 21 68 80 04 89 02 89 0f 49 00 25 68 2d 04 2d 0e cd 40 ad 07 02 d4 40 1e f7 d1 fe bd 00 28 fc d0 ef f3 10 80 c0 07 c0 0f 72 b6 00 90 20 68 80 02 81 0f 20 68 00 04 00 0e 4d 00 e8 40 01 95 80 07 04 d4 00 98 00 28 e8 d1 62 b6 fe bd 60 68 01 25 ed 05 a8 43 60 60 50 1c 66 69 c0 b2 cd 00 ff 27 af 40 be 43 a8 40 06 43 66 61 60 46 00 28 0f d0 74 48
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.088 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.090 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 45 19 70 46 08 2a 0b da 06 68 32 02 1a 43 2a 60 42 68 30 0e 12 02 10 43 68 60 12 e0 6d 48 ee e7 02 68 12 02 1a 43 2a 60 01 22 93 00 1e 18 40 3e f6 6b c7 58 36 0e 3f 02 3e 43 52 1c ee 50 07 2a f3 dd 20 46 00 f0 aa f8 00 98 00 28 00 d1 62 b6 03 20 80 04 21 68 09 04 0a 0e 01 99 ca 40 91 07 05 d0 00 28 b7 d1 04 20 f6 f7 42 fe fe bd 40 1e f0 d1 f8 e7 f7 b5 03 46 00 20 03 25 52 49 c0 43 ad 04 94 46 8b 42 01 d0 01 26 00 e0 00 26 b2 00 51 49 96 46 89 58 1a 68 d4 b2 aa 22 14 42 16 d0 4a 00 27 46 d7 40 bf 07 bf 0f ba 07 05 d4 49 1c 89 07 89 0f 6d 1e f3 d1 04 e0 00 2d 02 d0 02 2f 06 d0 1d e0 04 20 f6 f7 13 fe 00 20 c0 43 fe bd 18 69 ca 00 d0 40 80 06 80 0e 62 46 60 45 00 dd 10 46 00 22 4c 01 09 e0 00 2e 17 d0 38 4d a7 18 ed 19 80 35 2f 78 01 9d af 54 52 1c 82 42
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.097 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.098 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.098 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.099 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 5a 68 36 4c 22 40 4c 00 22 43 52 1c 5a 60 49 1c 8b 07 31 4a 9b 0f 71 46 53 50 fe bd 2d 4d e6 e7 10 b5 41 68 00 29 1a db 27 49 88 42 01 d1 09 24 00 e0 0b 24 81 6a 01 22 d2 04 11 43 81 62 41 68 26 4a 11 40 d2 05 11 43 41 60 41 68 12 0a 11 43 41 60 20 46 00 f0 13 f8 20 46 00 f0 01 f8 10 bd c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 1d 49 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 1a 49 80 31 08 60 70 47 c1 06 c9 0e 01 20 88 40 17 49 08 60 70 47 16 49 49 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 10 b5 42 68 0e 4b 4c 01 1a 40 22 43 80 21 0a 43 42 60 41 68 19 40 21 43 10 31 41 60 10 bd 00 00 00 ff e7 89 02 0b c7 fd 00 ff bf 89 00 14 02 40 00 fd ff 89 00 19 02 40 00 15 02 40 7c 01 00 20 00 ff ff 89 00 e1 00 e0 80 e2 00 e0 00 04 02 50 00 bf 00 bf fc e7 34 48 00 22 c2 60 33 49 82 60 41 60
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.106 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.108 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 61 70 47 2f 49 c9 68 01 42 01 d0 01 20 70 47 00 20 70 47 2e 4e 2b 4d 01 24 b7 1c 28 78 00 28 02 d0 69 68 a8 68 88 47 00 20 e9 68 00 29 fc d0 01 22 12 05 91 42 01 d1 14 20 03 e0 22 46 82 40 0a 42 1d d0 00 f0 37 f8 22 48 00 68 80 05 07 d5 40 20 ff f7 d7 ff 00 28 02 d0 06 20 00 f0 2b f8 30 78 01 28 da d1 70 78 39 5c 20 46 88 40 ff f7 c9 ff 00 28 d2 d0 70 78 38 5c 00 f0 1c f8 cd e7 40 1c db e7 02 28 03 da 11 49 01 22 0a 70 48 70 70 47 0f 48 00 21 01 70 41 70 70 47 ef f3 10 81 c9 07 c9 0f 72 b6 07 4a d3 68 83 43 d3 60 00 29 00 d1 62 b6 70 47 03 49 0a 69 c1 00 08 1d 51 58 10 58 08 47 f8 07 00 20 ed d2 00 00 0c ef 01 00 84 01 00 20 6c 01 00 20 09 49 00 20 08 60 70 47 07 4b c0 1c 80 08 1a 68 80 00 11 18 05 48 81 42 01 d9 00 20 70 47 02 48 19 60 00 1d 10 18
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.115 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.118 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.118 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.118 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.118 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.118 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.119 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.119 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.119 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.125 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.125 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.126 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 48 1a 00 20 9c 06 00 00 08 b5 00 28 08 d8 69 46 21 48 f6 f7 6b fe 68 46 01 88 1f 48 00 f0 32 fd 08 bd 10 b5 03 00 11 f0 39 fd 05 04 0c 0d 10 13 0c 00 1a 48 04 46 f9 f7 12 fa 01 46 20 46 05 f0 b9 f8 10 bd 05 f0 dd f8 10 bd 05 f0 e5 f8 10 bd 05 f0 ed f8 10 bd 10 b5 02 00 08 46 04 d0 01 2a 01 d1 05 f0 41 f9 10 bd 05 f0 ff f8 10 bd 10 b5 0b 48 f9 f7 09 fc 0b 48 f9 f7 2f fa f9 f7 d1 fb 00 28 03 d1 00 21 08 48 f6 f7 66 fe 04 f0 4f ff 00 f0 2e f8 10 bd 00 00 0c 08 00 20 14 09 00 20 57 d4 00 00 23 d4 00 00 09 d4 00 00 fb 4a 02 23 13 70 01 23 53 70 90 70 00 28 03 d0 0f 28 01 d0 02 28 00 d1 d1 70 00 20 10 71 70 47 f3 4a 03 23 13 70 01 23 53 70 90 70 00 28 05 d0 01 28 03 d0 0f 28 01 d0 02 28 00 d1 d1 70 00 20 10 71 70 47 10 b5 01 24 f9 f7 95 fb 00 28 04 d0 f9 f7
[03-03 13:04:03.126 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.126 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.126 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.128 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.134 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.135 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.135 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 01 28 0a d0 0f e0 00 f0 d5 fb 00 28 0c d1 f8 f7 45 fd 01 f0 17 f8 04 46 05 e0 04 f0 25 fb 01 f0 27 fb 04 f0 35 ff 20 46 10 bd 10 b5 00 21 08 46 ff f7 bc ff 00 20 00 f0 0c ff 10 20 00 f0 09 ff 01 20 00 f0 06 ff 00 f0 b0 fe 10 bd d4 49 48 70 70 47 70 b5 06 46 00 24 00 f0 fc fb 05 46 30 79 01 28 03 d0 05 20 00 f0 37 fb 70 bd 00 20 f9 f7 db f9 09 2d 0a d0 01 2d 01 d9 02 f0 9e ff 02 f0 a1 fc 04 f0 9f fd 04 46 11 f0 5a f8 00 20 00 f0 96 fb c3 49 00 20 48 70 70 79 00 28 01 d0 01 28 05 d1 01 f0 d4 fa 01 f0 f8 f9 02 f0 1e fe 06 2c 02 d0 ff f7 ba ff 04 46 20 46 70 bd 30 b5 87 b0 00 24 6a 46 94 82 04 94 01 79 00 29 04 d0 05 20 00 f0 02 fb 07 b0 30 bd 02 21 01 70 00 20 00 f0 b8 fe af 48 04 21 c0 1c 00 f0 bb fe 04 a8 02 f0 f7 fd 05 46 00 f0 ad fe 05 e0 04 98 00 5d
[03-03 13:04:03.135 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.135 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.135 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.137 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.137 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.137 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.137 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.137 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.138 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.138 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.138 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 a8 fe 64 1c e4 b2 ac 42 f7 d3 02 f0 59 fc 00 f0 a0 fe 01 f0 9a fa 69 46 88 82 02 21 05 a8 00 f0 a0 fe 00 f0 a9 fc 00 f0 94 fe 01 f0 c1 f9 69 46 88 82 02 21 05 a8 00 f0 94 fe 68 46 f9 f7 49 fb 69 46 08 79 00 f0 85 fe 04 21 68 46 00 f0 89 fe 00 f0 2b fe 04 46 ff f7 bf fe 02 f0 df f9 04 f0 83 fa 01 20 00 f0 2b fb f5 f7 f5 fe 20 46 b1 e7 10 b5 21 21 0f 20 ff f7 19 ff 00 20 00 f0 69 fe 00 f0 13 fe 10 bd 10 b5 43 79 02 79 81 1d 00 24 52 1e 18 46 f9 f7 81 fd 00 28 00 d0 03 24 22 21 0f 20 ff f7 03 ff 20 46 00 f0 53 fe 00 f0 fd fd 10 bd 38 b5 00 24 69 46 0c 70 68 46 f9 f7 02 fd 05 00 00 d1 03 24 24 21 0f 20 ff f7 ef fe 20 46 00 f0 3f fe 00 2c 04 d1 68 46 01 78 28 46 00 f0 40 fe 00 f0 e2 fd 38 bd 10 b5 01 79 00 24 40 1d f9 f7 ec fc 00 28 00 d0 03 24 25 21 0f 20
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.145 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.146 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.146 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.147 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.153 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.153 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 d5 fe 20 46 00 f0 25 fe 00 f0 cf fd 10 bd 10 b5 f9 f7 f9 fc 26 21 0f 20 ff f7 c8 fe 00 20 00 f0 18 fe 00 f0 c2 fd 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 00 25 01 f0 34 f9 a1 79 60 79 09 02 08 18 80 b2 f9 f7 f3 fc 00 28 00 d0 03 25 27 21 0f 20 ff f7 af fe 28 46 00 f0 ff fd 00 f0 a9 fd 70 bd 10 b5 29 21 0f 20 ff f7 a4 fe 0f 21 4f 48 00 f0 fb fd 00 f0 9d fd 10 bd 70 b5 05 46 07 20 f9 f7 f3 fb 48 4c 21 78 01 29 0a d1 31 21 0f 20 ff f7 90 fe 28 46 00 f0 e0 fd 00 f0 8a fd 00 20 20 70 00 20 70 bd e2 20 e7 e7 10 b5 3e 4b 01 22 1a 70 02 79 00 21 00 2a 05 d0 40 79 00 28 02 d0 01 28 04 d0 18 e0 3a 48 01 21 00 68 01 e0 39 48 00 68 00 28 10 d0 02 78 02 2a 0b d0 03 2a 0d d0 f6 f7 af fd 40 1c 0d d0 00 23 33 4a 33 49 07 20 f9 f7 59 fb 00 20 10 bd 04 20 04 e0 00 20 ff f7 bc ff f7 e7 e1 20
[03-03 13:04:03.154 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.154 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.155 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.155 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.155 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.155 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.155 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.156 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.156 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.156 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.162 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.162 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.163 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 b8 ff 01 20 10 bd 08 b5 ff 20 69 46 08 70 04 f0 18 ff 01 28 0b d1 00 23 1a 46 01 21 68 46 f8 f7 af ff 00 23 24 4a 25 49 07 20 f9 f7 38 fb 08 bd f8 b5 05 46 0e 46 00 24 07 20 f9 f7 92 fb f9 f7 1d f8 00 78 03 28 46 d0 04 f0 03 ff 01 28 01 d0 01 24 41 e0 02 2d 0a d8 02 2e 08 d8 02 2d 01 d1 00 2e 04 d0 04 f0 ed fe 00 28 02 d0 0b e0 09 24 32 e0 04 f0 dd fe 01 20 00 22 00 90 20 23 11 46 10 46 f8 f7 d7 fd 02 2d 1a d0 00 21 28 46 f8 f7 32 fc 31 46 03 20 f8 f7 bc fe 15 e0 20 0b 00 20 88 01 00 20 e0 ff 01 00 44 02 00 20 48 02 00 20 9f d7 00 00 40 42 0f 00 07 d8 00 00 20 a1 07 00 31 46 28 46 f8 f7 17 fc 00 23 bf 4a bf 49 07 20 f9 f7 e5 fa 00 e0 04 24 32 21 0f 20 ff f7 e6 fd 20 46 00 f0 36 fd 00 f0 e0 fc f8 bd 70 b5 0d 46 14 46 28 21 0f 20 ff f7 d9 fd 28 46 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:03.163 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.163 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.163 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.164 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.164 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.165 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.165 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.165 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.166 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.166 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.166 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 20 46 00 f0 26 fd 00 f0 d0 fc 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 05 21 0f 20 ff f7 ca fd 20 46 00 f0 1a fd 00 f0 c4 fc 00 20 10 bd f8 b5 a9 4d 06 46 6f 78 44 79 00 f0 13 fa 00 28 01 d0 06 20 05 e0 30 79 01 28 01 d1 01 2c 03 d9 05 20 00 f0 46 f9 f8 bd 00 2c 02 d0 02 2f 0d d0 04 e0 03 f0 9c f9 00 04 00 0c 01 d0 05 20 07 e0 02 24 00 20 ff f7 cf ff 6c 70 03 e0 00 20 68 70 ff f7 c9 ff 00 20 f8 bd 70 b5 05 46 0e 46 14 46 1b 21 0f 20 ff f7 9f fd 28 46 00 f0 df fc 00 2c 03 d0 21 46 30 46 00 f0 e1 fc 00 f0 83 fc 00 20 70 bd 70 b5 05 46 0e 46 14 46 1c 21 0f 20 ff f7 7a fd 28 46 00 f0 ca fc 00 2c 03 d0 21 46 30 46 00 f0 cc fc 00 f0 6e fc 00 20 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 1d 21 0f 20 ff f7 67 fd 20 46 00 f0 b7 fc 00 f0 61 fc 00 20 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 77 48 0e 46 80 78 15 46 00 28 13 d0 00 2c
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.173 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.174 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.180 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.181 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.181 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 b1 2c 07 d0 b2 2c 05 d0 00 22 11 46 20 46 ff f7 cb ff 1c e0 00 22 11 46 20 46 ff f7 c5 ff 02 f0 fa fc 14 e0 3c 21 0f 20 ff f7 40 fd 20 46 00 f0 90 fc 00 2d 03 d0 29 46 30 46 00 f0 92 fc 00 f0 34 fc b1 2c 01 d0 b2 2c 01 d1 02 f0 c5 fc 00 20 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 3d 21 0f 20 ff f7 27 fd 20 46 00 f0 77 fc 00 f0 21 fc 00 20 10 bd 70 b5 06 46 58 48 0d 46 01 78 14 46 0f 20 ff f7 17 fd 00 2c 03 d0 21 46 28 46 00 f0 6c fc 30 46 00 f0 61 fc 00 f0 0b fc 00 20 70 bd 4d 48 40 78 70 47 10 b5 01 79 02 29 03 d0 05 20 00 f0 96 f8 10 bd 42 79 81 79 07 2a 0d d0 10 46 f8 f7 3e ff 3a 21 0f 20 ff f7 f4 fc 00 20 00 f0 44 fc 00 f0 ee fb 00 20 10 bd 07 21 08 46 ef e7 10 b5 04 46 00 f0 3d f9 00 28 01 d0 06 20 03 e0 20 79 01 28 03 d0 05 20 00 f0 72 f8 10 bd 60 79 f9 f7 3f f8 1e 21
[03-03 13:04:03.181 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.181 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.181 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.182 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.183 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.189 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 ff f7 d4 fc 00 20 00 f0 24 fc 00 f0 ce fb 10 bd 10 b5 40 79 f6 f7 b8 fe 30 21 0f 20 ff f7 c6 fc 00 20 00 f0 16 fc 00 f0 c0 fb 10 bd 10 b5 10 21 0f 20 ff f7 bb fc f6 f7 ac f8 00 28 05 d0 00 20 00 f0 07 fc 00 f0 b1 fb 10 bd 01 20 f8 e7 10 b5 04 46 11 21 0f 20 ff f7 a9 fc 20 46 00 f0 f9 fb 00 f0 a3 fb 10 bd 1c b5 06 21 0f 20 ff f7 9e fc 01 a9 68 46 f9 f7 b9 f8 f6 f7 ad f8 00 09 08 d0 f6 f7 a9 f8 00 07 00 0f 00 f0 e3 fb 00 f0 8d fb 1c bd 68 46 80 78 1c 28 12 d0 0d 28 12 d0 10 28 10 d0 f6 f7 98 f8 00 07 00 0f 00 f0 d2 fb 04 21 68 46 00 f0 d6 fb 02 21 01 a8 00 f0 d2 fb e5 e7 02 20 f2 e7 01 20 f0 e7 07 d8 00 00 20 a1 07 00 88 01 00 20 92 01 00 20 10 b5 33 49 02 22 0a 70 00 22 0a 71 00 f0 b5 fb 00 f0 5f fb 10 bd 10 b5 04 46 07 21 00 20 ff f7 69 fc 20 46 00 f0
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.190 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.191 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.198 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.198 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.199 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 00 f0 53 fb 10 bd 70 b5 05 46 0c 46 08 21 00 20 ff f7 5c fc 28 46 00 f0 9c fb 20 46 00 f0 99 fb 00 f0 43 fb 70 bd 10 b5 04 46 20 48 c0 7d 01 28 10 d1 00 f0 73 f9 6f 20 00 f0 7a f9 3f 20 00 f0 77 f9 01 20 00 f0 74 f9 20 46 00 f0 71 f9 18 48 00 f0 2c f9 10 bd 31 b5 14 48 00 7d 01 28 14 d1 00 f0 5c f9 6f 20 00 f0 63 f9 40 20 00 f0 60 f9 04 20 00 f0 5d f9 03 24 6d 46 28 5d 00 f0 58 f9 64 1e fa d5 0a 48 00 f0 11 f9 38 bd 70 b5 04 46 0d 46 0d 21 0f 20 ff f7 19 fc 29 46 20 46 00 f0 60 fb 00 f0 02 fb 70 bd 20 0b 00 20 c0 fd 01 00 1c 0a 00 20 72 49 09 20 08 70 00 20 70 47 10 b5 6f 49 01 22 0c 78 09 2c 01 d9 01 20 10 bd 09 2c 03 d0 01 28 0d d0 08 2c 0d d0 09 28 09 d0 00 28 07 d0 07 2c 07 d0 08 2c 05 d0 84 42 03 d1 00 20 10 bd 08 70 fb e7 23 00 11 f0 d0 f8 09 2a
[03-03 13:04:03.199 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.199 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.199 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.201 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.201 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.201 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.201 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.201 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.202 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.202 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.202 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.208 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.208 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.209 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 17 12 15 1a 1f 24 2a 00 02 28 06 d1 1e e0 03 28 1c d0 05 28 1a d0 06 28 18 d0 08 28 18 d1 15 e0 05 28 15 d1 12 e0 02 28 10 d0 04 28 10 d1 0d e0 02 28 0b d0 07 28 0b d1 08 e0 02 28 06 d0 06 28 06 d1 03 e0 01 28 01 d0 02 28 01 d1 08 70 00 22 10 46 10 bd 4a 48 00 78 70 47 70 b5 06 46 00 78 01 24 01 28 16 d1 46 4d b1 78 28 78 00 29 06 d0 01 29 10 d0 02 29 2b d0 0f 29 7e d1 2e e0 f1 78 0b 00 11 f0 8b f8 06 06 04 55 55 55 55 7a 00 28 73 d1 00 24 71 e0 10 f0 0e fd 01 28 6d d0 f0 78 03 00 11 f0 7b f8 0c 61 61 49 49 49 6a 07 6a 0b 6a 6a 0f 6a 28 78 01 28 41 d8 5e e0 28 78 05 28 e7 d0 5a e0 28 78 05 28 e3 d0 06 28 e1 d0 54 e0 f0 78 00 28 2c d0 01 28 4f d1 29 e0 f1 78 34 29 19 d0 0c dc 1c 29 2d d0 04 dc 05 29 18 d0 1b 29 43 d1 3b e0 1d 29 39 d0 33 29 3e d1 15 e0
[03-03 13:04:03.209 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.209 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.209 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.210 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.210 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.211 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.217 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.218 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 0b 00 11 f0 4b f8 06 15 0d 3a 33 2d 33 3a 28 78 02 28 be d0 09 e0 10 f0 ce fc 00 28 2d d0 b8 e7 10 f0 c9 fc 01 28 28 d0 f1 e7 01 28 b1 d0 24 e0 10 f0 c1 fc 01 28 20 d0 28 78 00 28 1d d0 09 28 a7 d1 1a e0 10 f0 b7 fc 01 28 16 d0 28 78 01 28 9f d0 02 28 9d d0 00 28 9b d0 09 28 99 d0 0c e0 10 f0 a9 fc 01 28 08 d0 28 78 de e7 10 f0 a3 fc 01 28 02 d0 28 78 08 28 8b d0 20 46 70 bd 00 00 8f 01 00 20 10 b5 00 28 0c d0 03 29 0a d3 02 78 52 09 08 d0 01 2a 03 d0 02 2a 01 d0 03 2a 01 d1 00 f0 b8 f9 10 bd 01 f0 1e ff 10 bd 70 b5 04 46 01 25 ff f7 f1 fd 02 28 2e d0 a0 1c 0b d0 20 88 00 28 08 d0 2d 48 00 68 00 28 0a d0 01 f0 a3 fc 01 28 02 d0 05 e0 01 20 70 bd a0 78 40 09 03 28 03 d0 03 25 ad 04 26 4e 07 e0 00 20 70 bd f0 68 00 07 02 d5 00 20 f5 f7 ef ff 21 88 a0 1c
[03-03 13:04:03.218 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.220 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.220 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.220 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.221 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.222 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.222 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 70 f8 01 28 02 d0 00 2d 02 d0 04 e0 6d 1e ee d1 07 20 f5 f7 6d ff 00 25 28 46 70 bd 10 b5 19 48 00 21 01 80 ff 21 80 1c 03 31 10 f0 cf fe 10 bd 14 49 0b 88 8a 1c 98 54 08 88 40 1c 08 80 70 47 70 b5 10 4c 03 46 0e 46 21 88 ff 20 03 30 40 1a 85 b2 a0 1c 08 18 ae 42 06 d9 2a 46 19 46 10 f0 4f fe 20 88 40 19 05 e0 32 46 19 46 10 f0 48 fe 20 88 80 19 20 80 70 bd ff 20 70 47 a0 00 00 20 f8 07 00 20 1c 0a 00 20 38 b5 04 46 00 78 01 25 01 28 6f d1 a0 78 0f 28 08 d0 20 46 ff f7 dd fe 00 28 03 d0 06 20 ff f7 17 fe 38 bd a0 78 00 28 06 d0 01 28 25 d0 02 28 4e d0 0f 28 5e d1 5a e0 e0 78 03 00 10 f0 6a ff 06 04 09 0d 11 15 19 5a 20 46 ff f7 be fa 05 46 84 e0 20 46 ff f7 ee fa f9 e7 20 46 00 f0 39 fb f5 e7 20 46 00 f0 3a fc f1 e7 20 46 01 f0 6e fd ed e7 20 46 01 f0
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.228 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: sector update
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.229 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.230 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.230 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send( 8) 00 04 04 00 00 e0 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.230 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.230 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: F/W Updating... 45056/118784 ( 38%)
[03-03 13:04:03.233 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.233 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.233 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.234 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.235 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_fw_sm: 11 sector is selected
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.236 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 e9 e7 e0 78 03 00 10 f0 49 ff 0c 07 0b 0f 13 17 39 1b 39 1f 39 39 23 39 20 46 01 f0 98 ff da e7 20 46 00 f0 c1 fe d6 e7 20 46 00 f0 7c fd d2 e7 20 46 02 f0 8d f9 ce e7 20 46 02 f0 23 fb ca e7 20 46 02 f0 03 fc c6 e7 20 46 02 f0 86 fc c2 e7 20 46 02 f0 06 fd be e7 e0 78 00 28 02 d0 01 28 0c d1 03 e0 20 46 03 f0 22 ff b4 e7 20 46 03 f0 71 ff b0 e7 35 e0 e0 78 41 1f 00 e0 c6 e0 0b 00 10 f0 0c ff 39 1e 22 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 26 2a c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 8b 9d b2 7f c4 c4 32 35 30 40 43 39 3c 47 53 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 c4 57 5b 5f 73 77 c4 7b c4 64 68 6c 8b 83 87 c4 00 20 46 ff f7 30 fc 86 e7 20 46 ff f7 4c fd 82 e7 20 46 ff f7 2b fd 7e e7 af 49 01 20 08 70 09 f0 0b f8 00 25 28 46 38 bd ff f7 c2 fa 73 e7 20 46 ff f7 c9 fa 6f e7 ff f7 0a fb 6c e7 20 46
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.242 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.243 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 13 fb 68 e7 ff f7 d5 fa 65 e7 20 46 ff f7 ec fa 61 e7 21 79 6a 46 60 1d f8 f7 ef fd 69 46 0a 78 01 46 20 46 ff f7 e2 fb 55 e7 20 46 ff f7 15 fb 51 e7 20 46 ff f7 ec fc 4d e7 20 46 ff f7 31 fb d0 e7 60 79 a1 79 ff f7 73 fb cb e7 20 46 01 f0 36 fb 40 e7 20 46 01 f0 eb fa 3c e7 02 20 f8 f7 e3 fb 20 46 ff f7 9b fc 35 e7 20 46 10 f0 88 fa 31 e7 20 46 10 f0 28 fb 2d e7 20 46 10 f0 ac fb 29 e7 20 46 ff f7 a8 fc 25 e7 20 46 02 f0 06 fa 21 e7 20 46 02 f0 e9 f9 1d e7 80 49 88 70 20 46 ff f7 db fd 00 28 05 d0 00 22 11 46 01 20 ff f7 5d fc 10 e7 21 79 60 1d 07 f0 79 f9 0b e7 20 46 ff f7 cb fd 00 28 03 d0 00 22 11 46 01 20 05 e0 20 79 01 28 05 d9 00 22 11 46 05 20 ff f7 e4 fb 80 e7 02 f0 71 f9 7d e7 20 46 ff f7 b6 fd 00 28 01 d0 01 20 03 e0 20 79 00 28 03 d0 05 20
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.250 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.251 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.251 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.251 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.251 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.251 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.252 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.252 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 e8 fb 6f e7 02 f0 07 f9 00 20 f8 e7 05 20 ff f7 e3 fc e0 e6 f8 b5 61 4c 03 46 00 27 22 78 60 48 3d 46 00 2a 0b d1 05 71 1a 78 52 09 02 70 1a 78 12 07 12 0f 82 70 5a 78 92 06 92 0e c2 70 1a 78 01 26 d2 06 c9 1e 00 2a 05 da 62 78 91 42 05 d1 45 70 26 70 0a e0 9a 78 8a 42 05 d0 05 20 ff f7 bb fc 25 70 01 20 f8 bd 46 70 25 70 9e 78 02 79 91 19 ff 29 05 d9 05 20 ff f7 ae fc 07 46 25 70 11 e0 04 46 46 48 d9 1c 40 1d 10 18 32 46 10 f0 b7 fc 20 79 80 19 20 71 60 78 01 28 03 d1 40 48 ff f7 72 fe 07 46 38 46 f8 bd fe b5 3c 4d 00 27 28 78 a9 78 40 07 09 07 00 0e 09 0f 08 43 00 90 e8 78 80 06 80 0e 01 90 2c 79 00 2c 22 d0 00 98 10 21 08 43 31 4e 02 90 ff f7 20 fe 70 78 84 42 24 d9 02 98 ff f7 24 fe 01 98 ff f7 21 fe 70 78 ff f7 1e fe e8 19 40 1d 71 78 ff f7 21 fe
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.258 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.259 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.260 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.260 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.266 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.266 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 39 18 20 1a c4 b2 cf b2 26 48 ff f7 cf fd 00 2c e2 d1 1c e0 ff f7 02 fe 00 98 ff f7 09 fe 01 98 ff f7 06 fe 20 46 ff f7 03 fe 0d e0 00 98 ff f7 ff fd 01 98 ff f7 fc fd 20 46 ff f7 f9 fd e8 19 40 1d 21 46 ff f7 fc fd 16 48 ff f7 af fd 00 20 fe bd 13 49 0b 79 4a 1d 98 54 08 79 40 1c 08 71 70 47 70 b5 0e 4c 0e 46 03 46 21 79 ff 20 45 1a 60 1d 08 18 ae 42 06 d9 2a 46 19 46 10 f0 40 fc 20 79 40 19 05 e0 32 46 19 46 10 f0 39 fc 20 79 80 19 20 71 70 bd 00 00 bd 02 00 20 90 01 00 20 20 0b 00 20 1c 0a 00 20 10 b5 00 24 08 28 07 d2 02 28 72 d2 00 20 08 70 fb 48 10 60 1e 30 8d e0 10 28 08 d2 09 28 68 d2 08 20 08 70 f6 48 40 1e 10 60 c0 1c 82 e0 18 28 08 d2 14 28 5d d2 10 20 08 70 f1 48 12 30 10 60 28 30 77 e0 20 28 08 d2 1a 28 75 d2 18 20 08 70 eb 48 00 1d 10 60
[03-03 13:04:03.266 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.267 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.267 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.267 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.268 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.269 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 6c e0 28 28 08 d2 23 28 6a d2 20 20 08 70 e6 48 80 1d 10 60 e5 48 61 e0 30 28 09 d2 2b 28 5f d2 28 20 08 70 e0 48 09 30 10 60 e0 48 15 30 55 e0 38 28 09 d2 34 28 53 d2 30 20 08 70 da 48 1a 30 10 60 da 48 4a 30 49 e0 40 28 09 d2 3d 28 47 d2 38 20 08 70 d4 48 23 30 10 60 d4 48 5b 30 3d e0 58 28 0e d2 56 28 3b d2 41 38 0f 28 01 d2 05 24 37 e0 40 20 08 70 cc 48 42 30 10 60 cb 48 6b 30 2c e0 60 28 0a d2 5d 28 2a d2 58 20 08 70 c6 48 28 30 10 60 c5 48 99 30 20 e0 21 e0 80 28 09 d2 63 28 1d d2 60 20 08 70 bf 48 0c 30 10 60 bf 48 c0 30 13 e0 a0 28 08 d2 83 28 11 d2 80 20 08 70 b9 48 0f 30 10 60 1e 30 08 e0 a7 28 08 d2 a0 20 08 70 b5 48 33 30 10 60 b4 48 f5 30 18 60 00 e0 02 24 20 46 10 bd f7 b5 84 b0 0e 46 00 24 69 46 0c 72 25 46 00 94 01 ab 6a 46 02 a9 01 94
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.275 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.277 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.283 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.284 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.284 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 ff f7 52 ff 07 00 1b d1 69 46 09 7a 04 98 40 1a c0 b2 00 99 04 e0 0a 5d 52 19 64 1c d5 b2 e4 b2 84 42 f8 d3 28 18 01 99 c0 b2 0e 54 40 1c c0 b2 00 2e 04 d0 08 18 32 46 06 99 10 f0 61 fb 38 46 07 b0 f0 bd 1c b5 04 21 68 46 01 70 01 21 01 71 6a 46 08 46 ff f7 c7 ff 00 28 04 d1 01 aa 01 21 52 20 ff f7 c0 ff 1c bd 38 b5 02 21 59 28 1c d0 0c dc 29 28 19 d0 04 dc 12 28 14 d0 20 28 0d d1 13 e0 39 28 11 d0 52 28 08 d1 0c e0 5a 28 0c d0 61 28 0a d0 a0 28 08 d0 a1 28 06 d0 84 4b a4 28 1a 46 29 d2 0b e0 03 21 26 e0 00 22 11 46 18 e0 5a 78 9b 1c d3 18 1c 78 1a 46 84 42 02 d0 14 78 84 42 f5 d3 e3 b2 83 42 12 d1 5c 28 0d d1 79 49 09 7d 0b 09 09 d0 02 23 19 40 6b 46 19 70 51 78 6a 46 ff f7 80 ff 01 46 06 e0 51 78 92 1c f8 e7 41 38 0e 28 00 d8 05 21 08 46 38 bd f7 b5
[03-03 13:04:03.284 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.284 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.284 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.285 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.285 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.285 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.285 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.285 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.288 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.288 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.288 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.294 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.294 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.294 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 00 24 68 46 04 72 17 46 25 46 26 46 00 94 01 ab 6a 46 02 a9 01 94 04 98 ff f7 c6 fe 00 28 8f d1 6a 46 12 7a 04 99 89 1a c9 b2 00 9a 04 e0 13 5d 9b 19 64 1c de b2 e4 b2 8c 42 f8 d3 71 18 01 9a c9 b2 53 5c 05 9c 49 1c 23 70 c9 b2 00 2b 02 d0 51 18 39 60 74 e7 3d 60 72 e7 f0 b5 05 46 a7 b0 00 20 08 90 0a 90 69 46 0c 90 08 72 04 46 06 46 0d 90 0d aa 02 a9 5a 20 ff f7 c0 ff 0d aa 03 a9 20 20 ff f7 bb ff 68 79 09 90 29 79 01 27 49 1e 40 00 81 42 16 db 08 98 af e0 e8 19 40 79 6a 46 10 70 7f 1c 04 90 f8 b2 29 18 49 79 40 1c 51 70 c0 b2 2a 18 52 1d 08 18 c7 b2 01 92 28 79 8c 46 b8 42 04 d2 05 20 ff f7 87 fa 27 b0 f0 bd 04 98 40 38 0f 28 19 d8 10 46 52 78 01 78 10 02 08 43 42 ba 00 20 0f ab 06 e0 41 00 59 5a 91 42 00 d1 05 24 40 1c c0 b2 b0 42 f6 d3 10 2e 04 d2
[03-03 13:04:03.295 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.295 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.295 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.296 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 76 1c 1a 52 f6 b2 00 e0 05 24 04 98 12 28 01 d0 52 28 00 d1 05 24 5a 28 02 d0 20 28 05 d0 0a e0 68 46 02 7b 03 e0 05 24 6b e0 68 46 02 7a 10 20 80 1a 84 45 f7 dc 05 2c 63 d0 60 46 00 28 50 d0 01 46 01 9a 04 98 ff f7 ce fe 04 46 04 98 80 28 06 d0 a2 28 15 d0 a3 28 1c d0 a4 28 2e d0 44 e0 01 98 00 78 01 28 04 d0 00 20 0c 90 01 f0 50 fd 3b e0 01 20 0c 90 01 f0 4b fd 0f 49 02 20 08 70 33 e0 01 98 00 78 01 28 01 d0 00 28 2d d1 f8 f7 bf f8 2a e0 01 98 00 78 01 28 01 d0 00 28 24 d1 f8 f7 ba f8 21 e0 00 00 94 01 00 20 24 0c 00 20 b4 ef 01 00 a0 fc 01 00 1f 02 00 20 01 98 00 78 01 28 02 d0 00 28 05 d0 0f e0 00 20 f8 f7 ac f8 01 20 03 e0 01 20 f8 f7 a7 f8 00 20 f8 f7 a0 f8 03 e0 04 98 ff f7 c0 fe 04 46 02 2c 1f d0 05 2c 07 d0 08 98 40 1c c0 b2 08 90 09 99 88 42
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.303 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.304 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 00 00 01 4b e7 02 20 00 21 28 70 a9 70 e8 70 29 71 05 2c 16 d0 0a 98 00 28 15 d0 09 20 ff f7 9a fd 0a 98 ff f7 97 fd 17 a8 0a 99 ff f7 9b fd 10 e0 0a 99 17 aa 04 98 50 54 0a 98 40 1c c0 b2 0a 90 d8 e7 01 20 03 e0 00 20 ff f7 84 fd 0a 98 ff f7 81 fd ff f7 2b fd 04 46 0c 98 00 28 01 d0 02 f0 f0 f9 20 46 32 e7 f0 b5 a3 b0 00 25 04 46 02 95 00 79 2e 46 00 28 03 d0 67 79 40 1e b8 42 04 d0 05 20 ff f7 aa f9 23 b0 f0 bd 40 2f 00 d9 40 27 a1 1d 3a 46 03 a8 10 f0 b4 f9 02 20 20 70 00 20 20 71 ff f7 57 fd 38 46 ff f7 54 fd 2d e0 03 a8 40 5d 6a 46 10 70 00 21 51 70 01 aa 01 91 d1 1e ff f7 9d fe 02 90 02 28 17 d0 05 28 51 d0 69 46 20 79 49 78 40 18 fd 28 2b d8 68 46 00 78 ff f7 39 fd 68 46 40 78 ff f7 35 fd 68 46 41 78 00 29 09 d0 01 98 ff f7 36 fd 05 e0 68 46 00 78 13 a9
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.311 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.312 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.312 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 01 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.313 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.316 2731:2753 E/BluetoothManagerService]
[03-03 13:04:03.319 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.320 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 02 00 00 01 76 1c f6 b2 6d 1c ed b2 bd 42 cf d3 02 98 05 28 2e d0 00 2e 3e d0 02 20 20 70 00 20 20 71 09 20 ff f7 17 fd 30 46 ff f7 14 fd 00 24 13 ad 2f e0 0a 20 60 71 a5 71 11 e0 03 a8 40 5d 6a 46 10 70 00 21 51 70 01 aa 01 91 d1 1e ff f7 57 fe 02 90 02 28 06 d0 05 28 0b d0 6d 1c ed b2 bd 42 eb d3 d4 e7 68 46 01 78 13 a8 81 55 76 1c f6 b2 f3 e7 02 20 20 70 00 20 20 71 01 20 ff f7 ea fc 09 e0 28 5d ff f7 e6 fc 00 20 ff f7 e3 fc 64 1c e4 b2 b4 42 f5 d3 ff f7 89 fc 74 e7 10 b5 00 24 20 46 ff f7 e2 fd 64 1c e4 b2 a4 2c f8 d3 00 20 10 bd 10 20 70 47 f0 b5 f7 4f 8b b0 3c 88 01 20 00 25 f5 4e 02 21 06 90 fe f7 81 fd 00 20 ff f7 c1 fc 00 20 ff f7 be fc 38 7b 79 7b 40 18 b9 7b 40 18 c7 b2 9a e0 06 98 00 28 13 d0 01 28 02 d0 02 28 f7 d1 3f e0 e7 48 00 7b a8 42 04 d1 00 25
[03-03 13:04:03.320 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: Got a event: HAL_EVT_READ(4)
[03-03 13:04:03.320 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
nfc_hal_task: current state: FW_UPDATE
[03-03 13:04:03.321 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: enter,osi_lock
[03-03 13:04:03.321 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: after pthread_create for timer thread
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: before osi_unlock
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
OSI_timer_start: exit
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Recv( 4) 81 00 00 00
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: enter
[03-03 13:04:03.322 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: before system call
[03-03 13:04:03.328 8529:8555 I/SecHAL]
device_write: after system call
[03-03 13:04:03.328 8529:8554 D/SecHAL]
read_thread: Sent message to HAL message task, remind que: 2
[03-03 13:04:03.329 8529:8555 D/SecHAL]
data_trace: Send(258) 82 0
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