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Last active March 24, 2020 23:20
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This is a simple scripte to encrypt or decryp files using AES algorithm
# This is a simple script to encrypt and decrypt files using AES encryption alogorithm #
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
import sys
import argparse
import os
# Create a command-line argument for the script using argparser
def arguments():
global argument
# create a parser object with a description of what the script do
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="This is a script to encrypt/decrypt files using AES algorithms")
help='mode to encrypt/decrypt a specific file') # Adding "-m" which stands for mode that can be used
parser.add_argument('-k', help='The key to use in encryption operation',
required=True) # the key argument and it is required
parser.add_argument('-f', help='File to decrypt or encrypt', required=True,
type=str) # file argument which is also required
argument = parser.parse_args()
return (argument.m, argument.k, argument.f) # returns data from the options specified from parser.parse_args()
'''this fucntion encrypt the Key using SHA256 (padding it)'''
def genkey():
global key
hash ="utf-8"))
key = hash.digest()
return key
# Function of encryption
def AES_encrypt(file):
chunk_size = 64 * 1024 # chunk size we should pull out of the file
file_size = str(os.path.getsize(file)).zfill(16)
rnd_num = # creat a random number with Random generator
IV = # generate Initialization Vector 16 bytes
Obej =, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=IV) # creat a AES Object with mode CBC and an IV
with open(file,
"rb") as to_encrypt: # open the file we want to encrypt and read it as "rb" which stands for 'read
# binary'
with open( "enc_" +file, "wb") as encrypted_file: # open a new file which will be our encrypted output file
# The longer the key, the stronger the encryption.
while True:
chunk =
chunk_size) # read the original file chunk PS: we already specified the chunk size to read
if len(chunk) == 0: # We can't encrypt a empty file
print("file is empty. Exiting...")
# we need to add padding...
elif len(chunk) % 16 != 0:
chunk += " ".encode("utf-8") * (
16 - (len(chunk) % 16)) # we need to convert ' ' to bytes / AES_blocksize = 16
chunk)) # Here we encrypt the chunk of the original file and write it to our new file using the AES obect
sys.exit() # Exit the programme after the encrypting is done
# Function of decryption
def AES_decrypt(file):
with open("enc_" +file, "rb") as to_decrypt: # Open the encrypted file withe the "read binary" mode
chunk_size = 64 * 1024 # chunk size
file_size = int(
IV =
Obej2 =, mode=AES.MODE_CBC, IV=IV) # create an AES decryption object
with open("dec_" +file, "wb") as decrypted_file: # Create a new file with "write binary" mode
while True:
chunk = # chunk of the encrypted file
# The main program where we connect all functions with each other
def main():
if argument.m == "encrypt": # the encrypt mode
if argument.m == "decrypt": # the decrypt mode
if __name__ == '__main__':
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