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Last active April 8, 2020 07:29
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Creates Jenkins credentials with username and password, made for Harbor Robot Accounts, but can be used for any username/password json file
# Creates Jenkins credentials with username and password,
# made for Harbor Robot Accounts, but can be used for any username/password json file
# @author
# @since Jenkins 2.222.1
# @params json file with {"name":"","token":""} tags
# @output Jenkins credential with ID name "harbor-NAME"
[ -f "$1" ] || exit 1
# Jenkins login info - please fill accordingly
# parsed credential details
CRED_USR=`cat $CRED_FILE | jq -r '.name'`
CRED_PSW=`cat $CRED_FILE | jq -r '.token'`
CRED_NAME=harbor-`echo $USR | cut -d$ -f2`
# temp file with xml format for Jenkins plugin credentials@2.3.0
OUT_FILE=`basename $CRED_FILE | cut -d. -f1`-cred.xml
# creates the xml file
cat > /tmp/$OUT_FILE << EOL
<com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.UsernamePasswordCredentialsImpl plugin="credentials@2.3.0">
# Applies for Jenkins, within the Global domain
cat /tmp/$OUT_FILE | java -jar $JENKINS_JAR -s $JENKINS_URL -auth $JENKINS_USR:$JENKINS_PSW create-credentials-by-xml system::system::jenkins _
rm /tmp/$OUT_FILE
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