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Last active February 20, 2022 01:56
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from collections import deque
inf = float('inf')
def nodes_f(map):
counter = 2
nodes = []
nodesCoords = {}
start = None
end = None
coordsNodes = {}
for x, row in enumerate(map):
for y, column in enumerate(row):
if x == 0 and y == 0:
start = counter
if x == (len(map) -1) and y == (len(map[x]) -1):
end = counter
if column != 1 and column != '*':
nodesCoords[counter] = (x, y)
coordsNodes[(x, y)] = counter
if column == '*':
nodesCoords['*'] = (x, y)
coordsNodes[(x, y)] = '*'
counter += 1
return nodes, nodesCoords, start, end, coordsNodes
def neighbours(map, height, width, x, y, coordsNodes, walls):
for i in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]:
nx, ny = x + i[0], y + i[1]
if 0 <= nx < height and 0 <= ny < width:
if map[nx][ny] != 1:
yield (coordsNodes[(nx, ny)], 1)
walls.append((nx, ny))
def dijsktra(map, nodes, nodesCoords, height, width, start, end, coordsNodes):
# distances
distances = {node: inf for node in nodes}
distances[start] = 0
# previous
previous_nodes = {
node: inf for node in nodes
walls = []
while nodes:
current_node = min(nodes, key=lambda v: distances[v])
if distances[current_node] == inf:
for neighbour, cost in neighbours(map, height, width, nodesCoords[current_node][0], nodesCoords[current_node][1], coordsNodes, walls):
alternative_route = distances[current_node] + cost
if alternative_route < distances[neighbour]:
distances[neighbour] = alternative_route
previous_nodes[neighbour] = current_node
current_node = end
shortest_path = deque()
while previous_nodes[current_node] is not inf:
current_node = previous_nodes[current_node]
if shortest_path:
return len(shortest_path), walls
def try_other_maps(map, walls, height, width, coordsNodes):
for wall in walls:
connectionsCount = 0
for neighbour, _ in neighbours(map, height, width, wall[0], wall[1], coordsNodes, []):
if neighbour != 1:
connectionsCount += 1
if connectionsCount > 1:
map[wall[0]][wall[1]] = '*'
yield map
map[wall[0]][wall[1]] = 1
def solution(map):
height = len(map)
width = len(map[0])
nodes, nodesCoords, start, end, coordsNodes = nodes_f(map)
dijsktraResult, walls = dijsktra(
map, nodes, nodesCoords, height, width, start, end, coordsNodes)
for anotherMap in try_other_maps(map, walls, height, width, coordsNodes):
nodes, nodesCoords, _, _, coordsNodes = nodes_f(anotherMap)
anotherResult, _ = dijsktra(anotherMap, nodes, nodesCoords, height, width, start, end, coordsNodes)
if dijsktraResult == 0 and anotherResult != 0:
dijsktraResult = anotherResult
elif anotherResult == 0 and dijsktraResult != 0:
elif dijsktraResult != 0 and anotherResult != 0:
dijsktraResult = min(dijsktraResult, anotherResult)
return dijsktraResult
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