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Last active July 28, 2023 05:47
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Conference Ballerina DB client
import ballerinax/java.jdbc;
import ballerina/sql;
import ballerina/http;
import ballerinax/h2.driver as _;
# Represents the configuration of the h2 database
# + user - The user of the database
# + password - The password of the database
# + dbName - The file path of the database
public type H2dbConfigs record {|
string user;
string password;
string dbName;
# Represents the conference database client
public isolated client class ConferenceDBClient {
private final jdbc:Client conferenceJDBCClient;
private final http:Client countryClient;
public isolated function init(H2dbConfigs dbConfigs, string countryServiceUrl)
returns error? {
self.conferenceJDBCClient = check new (
"jdbc:h2:mem:" + dbConfigs.dbName,
self.countryClient = check new (countryServiceUrl,
retryConfig = {
count: 3,
interval: 2
// Reinitialize table
check self.dropTable();
check self.createTable();
# Create the conference table in the database
# + return - returns an error if the table creation fails
isolated function createTable() returns error? {
_ = check self.conferenceJDBCClient->execute(
`CREATE TABLE conferences (
name VARCHAR(255))`
# Drop the conference table in the database
# + return - returns an error if the table drop fails
isolated function dropTable() returns error? {
_ = check self.conferenceJDBCClient->execute(
`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS conferences`);
# Retrieve all the conferences from the database
# + return - retruns an array of conferences or
# an error if the retrieval fails
isolated resource function get conferences()
returns Conference[]|error {
stream<Conference, sql:Error?> conferences = self.conferenceJDBCClient->query(
`SELECT * FROM conferences`);
return from Conference conference in conferences
select conference;
# Create a conference in the database
# + conference - The conference to be created
# + return - returns an error if the conference creation fails
isolated resource function post conferences(ConferenceRequest conference)
returns error? {
_ = check self.conferenceJDBCClient->execute(
`INSERT INTO conferences (name) VALUES (${})`);
# Retrieve all the conferences with the country from the database
# + return - retruns an array of extended conferences
# or an error if the retrieval fails
isolated resource function get conferenceswithcountry()
returns ExtendedConference[]|error {
Conference[] conferences = check self->/conferences;
return from Conference conference in conferences
select {
country: check self.getCountry(
# Retrieve the country of a conference by calling the country service
# + conference - The conference name
# + return - retruns the country of the conference
# or an error if the retrieval fails
isolated function getCountry(string conference)
returns string|error {
Country country = check self.countryClient->/conferences/[conference]/country;
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