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Created October 16, 2024 22:55
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  • Save ThatApplePieGuy/a910bcbe21588aa8a26155e7396ba1d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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<map proto="1.5.0">
<name>CannonQuad: Reloaded</name>
<objective>Eliminate the other teams before the time runs out!</objective>
<include id="void-death"/>
<author uuid="d1c4b70c-e4df-4ed6-999a-2e959bdfdac7"/> <!-- HUDV -->
<contributor uuid="9bfbc560-244a-4e28-ab70-185f39740ec1" contribution="CannonQuad"/> <!-- Zan -->
<contributor uuid="534470be-4122-4762-83e1-f45abb474cdc" contribution="XML"/> <!-- Necrozma -->
<blitz join-filter="blitz-join-filter"/>
<constant id="void-plane">12</constant>
<alert after="1s">You have 20 seconds to prepare.</alert>
<tip after="5s">`7Bridges connecting the islands will spawn after `a4 minutes.</tip>
<tip after="10s">`7You can only build within the `credstone wire `7for the first `a6 minutes.</tip>
<alert after="20s">Good luck!</alert>
<alert after="4m">Bridges connecting the islands have spawned!</alert>
<alert after="6m">You can now build anywhere!</alert>
<team id="red" color="dark red" max="10">Red</team>
<team id="blue" color="blue" max="10">Blue</team>
<team id="yellow" color="yellow" max="10">Yellow</team>
<team id="green" color="green" max="10">Green</team>
<spawn team="red" kit="spawn-kit" yaw="180">
<cylinder base="0.5, 57, 32.5" radius="3.5" height="0"/>
<spawn team="blue" kit="spawn-kit" yaw="-90">
<cylinder base="-31.5, 57, 0.5" radius="3.5" height="0"/>
<spawn team="yellow" kit="spawn-kit" yaw="0">
<cylinder base="0.5, 57, -31.5" radius="3.5" height="0"/>
<spawn team="green" kit="spawn-kit" yaw="90">
<cylinder base="32.5, 57, 0.5" radius="3.5" height="0"/>
<cylinder base="0.5, 55, 0.5" radius="3" height="0"/>
<kit id="spawn-kit">
<item slot="00" amount="01" material="diamond pickaxe" unbreakable="true" show-unbreakable="false" attribute="generic.attackDamage:add:4"/>
<item slot="01" amount="48" material="snowball"/>
<item slot="02" amount="24" material="ladder"/>
<item slot="03" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="04" amount="32" material="nether fence"/>
<item slot="05" amount="32" material="stone button"/>
<item slot="06" amount="64" material="redstone"/>
<item slot="07" amount="01" material="water bucket"/>
<item slot="08" amount="64" material="stained clay" team-color="true"/>
<item slot="09" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="10" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="11" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="15" amount="16" material="redstone block"/>
<item slot="16" amount="32" material="leaves" damage="3"/>
<item slot="17" amount="64" material="stained clay" team-color="true"/>
<item slot="18" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="19" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="20" amount="64" material="tnt"/>
<item slot="22" amount="12" material="trap door"/>
<item slot="23" amount="12" material="stone plate"/>
<item slot="24" amount="12" material="redstone torch on"/>
<item slot="25" amount="01" material="water bucket"/>
<item slot="26" amount="64" material="stained clay" team-color="true"/>
<item slot="31" amount="32" material="step"/>
<item slot="32" amount="12" material="lever"/>
<item slot="33" amount="12" material="diode"/>
<item slot="34" amount="01" material="water bucket"/>
<item slot="35" amount="64" material="stained clay" team-color="true"/>
<chestplate material="leather chestplate" team-color="true" unbreakable="true" show-unbreakable="false" locked="true"/>
<leggings material="leather leggings" team-color="true" unbreakable="true" show-unbreakable="false" locked="true"/>
<boots material="leather boots" team-color="true" unbreakable="true" show-unbreakable="false" locked="true" enchantment="aqua_affinity;protection"/>
<not id="blitz-join-filter">
<deny id="deny-break">
<material>stained glass</material>
<material>stained glass pane</material>
<after id="open-cages" duration="10s" message="`7Cages open in {0}">
<after id="building-enabled" duration="10s" message="`7You can build anywhere in {0}">
<time id="after-30s">30s</time>
<time id="after-4m">4m</time>
<after id="red-eliminated" duration="0.05s">
<players max="0">
<after id="blue-eliminated" duration="0.05s">
<players max="0">
<after id="yellow-eliminated" duration="0.05s">
<players max="0">
<after id="green-eliminated" duration="0.05s">
<players max="0">
<trigger scope="match" filter="open-cages">
<fill region="cages" material="air"/>
<trigger scope="match" filter="building-enabled">
<fill region="redstone" material="air"/>
<trigger scope="match" filter="after-30s">
<set var="fall_damage" value="1"/>
<action id="red-eliminated-action" scope="match">
<message text="`4`l⚔ `4Red team `7has been eliminated!"/>
<sound key="" volume="1" pitch="1.5"/>
<fill material="obsidian">
<block>0, 67, 52</block>
<action id="blue-eliminated-action" scope="match">
<message text="`9`l⚔ `9Blue team `7has been eliminated!"/>
<sound key="" volume="1" pitch="1.5"/>
<fill material="obsidian">
<block>-52, 67, 0</block>
<action id="yellow-eliminated-action" scope="match">
<message text="`e`l⚔ `eYellow team `7has been eliminated!"/>
<sound key="" volume="1" pitch="1.5"/>
<fill material="obsidian">
<block>0, 67, -52</block>
<action id="green-eliminated-action" scope="match">
<message text="`a`l⚔ `aGreen team `7has been eliminated!"/>
<sound key="" volume="1" pitch="1.5"/>
<fill material="obsidian">
<block>52, 67, 0</block>
<trigger filter="red-eliminated" action="red-eliminated-action" scope="match"/>
<trigger filter="blue-eliminated" action="blue-eliminated-action" scope="match"/>
<trigger filter="yellow-eliminated" action="yellow-eliminated-action" scope="match"/>
<trigger filter="green-eliminated" action="green-eliminated-action" scope="match"/>
<rectangle id="playing-field" min="-51, -51" max="52, 52"/>
<cuboid id="redstone" min="-51, 20, -51" max="52, 21, 52"/>
<above id="too-high" y="48"/>
<union id="out-of-bounds">
<above y="38"/>
<below y="21"/>
<union id="islands">
<union id="red-islands">
<rectangle min="-29, 38" max="30, 51"/>
<rectangle min="-5, 23" max="14, 38"/>
<rectangle min="5, 5" max="14, 23"/>
<rectangle min="-49, 39" max="-29, 50"/>
<union id="blue-islands">
<rectangle min="-50, -29" max="-37, 30"/>
<rectangle min="-37, -5" max="-22, 14"/>
<rectangle min="-22, 5" max="-4, 14"/>
<rectangle min="-49, -49" max="-38, -29"/>
<union id="yellow-islands">
<rectangle min="-29, -50" max="30, -37"/>
<rectangle min="-13, -37" max="6, -22"/>
<rectangle min="-13, -22" max="-4, -4"/>
<rectangle min="30, -49" max="50, -38"/>
<union id="green-islands">
<rectangle min="38, -29" max="51, 30"/>
<rectangle min="23, -13" max="38, 6"/>
<rectangle min="5, -13" max="23, -4"/>
<rectangle min="39, 30" max="50, 50"/>
<union id="cages">
<cuboid min="-5, 56, 23" max="14, 62, 42"/>
<cuboid min="-41, 56, -5" max="-22, 62, 14"/>
<cuboid min="-13, 56, -41" max="6, 62, -22"/>
<cuboid min="23, 56, -13" max="42, 62, 6"/>
<apply enter="never" region="too-high" message="You can't exit the playing field!"/>
<apply block="never" region="out-of-bounds" message="You can't build outside the playing field!"/>
<apply block-break="deny-break" message="You can't break this block!"/>
<apply block="always" region="islands"/>
<apply block-place="building-enabled" region="playing-field" message="You can't build between islands yet!"/>
<apply block-place="never" region="everywhere" message="You can't build outside the playing field!"/>
<structure id="bridges">
<cuboid min="-4, 31, 9" max="5, 32, 10"/>
<cuboid min="-9, 31, -4" max="-8, 32, 5"/>
<cuboid min="-4, 31, -9" max="5, 32, -8"/>
<cuboid min="9, 31, -4" max="10, 32, 5"/>
<cuboid min="-44, 29, 30" max="-43, 30, 40"/>
<cuboid min="-39, 29, -44" max="-29, 30, -43"/>
<cuboid min="44, 29, -39" max="45, 30, -29"/>
<cuboid min="30, 29, 44" max="40, 30, 45"/>
<dynamic trigger="after-4m" structure="bridges"/>
<damage ally="true" self="false" enemy="false" other="false">block explosion</damage>
<item>diamond pickaxe</item>
<item>nether fence</item>
<item>stone button</item>
<item>water bucket</item>
<item>stained clay</item>
<item>redstone block</item>
<item>trap door</item>
<item>stone plate</item>
<item>redstone torch on</item>
<world-borders center="0.5, 0.5" buffer="0">
<world-border size="111"/>
<world-border size="7" after="6m" duration="3m40s"/>
<effect duration="0.1" amplifier="10">regeneration</effect>
<effect duration="1.1" amplifier="1">night vision</effect>
<variable id="fall_damage" scope="match" default="0"/>
<variable var="fall_damage">0</variable>
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