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Created October 14, 2013 03:07
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Save ThatDevopsGuy/6970081 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A (very outdated) replacement for ssh-keyscan
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ssh-keyscan-aliases (version is in first parser line)
# Sebastian Weigand, February 2010 (and later modifications)
# Requires Python 2.5 - 2.x | x > 5, and a UNIX-like OS
# A smarter `ssh-keyscan`
from os import access, R_OK, putenv
from socket import getfqdn, gethostbyname, gethostbyname_ex, gaierror, herror
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from sys import stdin, stderr
from optparse import OptionParser
from re import finditer, escape
# Initial variable instantiation:
prog = 'ssh-keyscan:' # Because I dislike the './' it may prepend with argv[0]
badNamedHosts = []
badScanHosts = []
hostList = []
# Override system PATH for our execution:
putenv('PATH', '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:')
# This must be a dictionary, as we need to compare all possible
# aliases of a host based on the host itself:
fqdns = {}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <host1> <host2> ... <hostN>\nWhere <host> may be one of: fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), alias/nickname, or IP address\n\nExample: %prog -f hosts.txt\t\t- read 1 hostname per line from 'hosts.txt'\nExample: %prog -M 1 host1 \t\t- only process hostname and fqdn for host1\nExample: %prog -qC host1 host2 \t\t- ensure host1 and host2 have identical keys", version="%prog 3.4.1")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file",
help = "read hostnames from FILE, use '-' for STDIN")
parser.add_option("-T", "--timeout", dest="timeout", default="1",
help = "specify keyscan timeout, default is 1 second")
parser.add_option("-l", "--long-hostname", dest="long", action="store_true",
help = "shorthand for -m2 -M3, impiles non-unique hostnames, but unique domain names")
parser.add_option("-M", "--maximum-subdomains", dest="domainEnd", default="2", type="int",
help = "specify Maximum number of subdomains to include in alias listing, default=2")
parser.add_option("-m", "--minimum-subdomains", dest="domainStart", default="1", type="int",
help = "specify minimum number of subdomains to include in alias listing, default=1")
parser.add_option("-c", "--check", dest="checkKeys", action="store_true",
help = "check every alias' SSH keys to ensure they are identical")
parser.add_option("-C", "--check-all", dest="checkAllKeys", action="store_true",
help = "check every host's SSH keys to ensure they are identical to every other host, implies -c")
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true",
help = "do not print SSH keys or aliases, useful with '-c' or to see if machines are online")
parser.add_option("-t", dest="type",
                        help = "this option is ignored, kept for legacy compatibility")
parser.add_option("-u", "--unique", dest="unique", action="store_true",
                        help = "only print results if the host(s) were not found in the master ssh_known_hosts file")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
help = "print out what values are found when they are found")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
help = "print out script logic decisions, implies -v")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# We only process the rsa,dsa option:
if options.type:
print >> stderr, prog, 'warning: the "-t" option is ignored, update your records accordingly'
def uniq(seq):
# Does not preserve order:
return {}.fromkeys(seq).keys()
if options.debug and not options.verbose:
options.verbose = True
if options.checkAllKeys and not options.checkKeys:
options.checkKeys = True
if options.long:
options.domainStart = 2
options.domainEnd = 3
if options.domainStart > options.domainEnd:
print >> stderr, prog, 'warning: Your minimum number of subdomains is greater than your number of subdomains, adjusting...'
options.domainEnd = options.domainStart
# Because our array starts with index 0:
options.domainStart -= 1
if options.file:
if options.file == '-':
hostList +=
elif access(options.file, R_OK):
f = open(options.file, 'r')
# We don't like empty lines:
for line in f.readlines():
if len(line) > 1:
parser.error("Could not read from file: " + options.file)
elif len(args) == 0:
hostList +=
hostList += args
hostList = sorted(uniq(hostList))
# Remove any already scanned entries from the hostList if -u is passed:
if options.unique:
if access('/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts', R_OK):
file = open('/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts', 'r')
keys =
uniqueHosts = []
for host in hostList:
found = False
for entry in keys:
if host in entry:
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Found', host, 'in known_hosts as', entry, '\n'
found = True
if not found:
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, prog, host, 'was not found in ssh_known_hosts, will scan...'
elif options.verbose:
print >> stderr, prog, host, 'already exists in ssh_known_hosts, skipping...'
hostList = sorted(uniqueHosts)
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: hostList is now:', hostList
parser.error("Could not read from /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def printArray(array):
for item in array:
print >> stderr, item
print >> stderr, ''
def stringBuilder(array):
returnString = ''
for string in array:
if len(string) != 0:
returnString += string + ','
return returnString[:-1] # One last evil comma
def getDomainAliases(host):
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, '\n\nDEBUG: Processing', host, '...'
print >> stderr, '------------------------------------------------------------'
fqdns[host] = []
ex = gethostbyname_ex(host)
ips = ex[2]
# Process all the DNS resolution per associated IP address(es) of host:
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Got IP addresses from gethostbyname_ex[2]:', ips
for ip in ips:
if options.debug:
for fqdn in fqdns[host]:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Got fqdn from getfqdn:', fqdn
# Adds hostList string, if different than DNS resolution:
if len(ex[1]) != 0:
for alias in ex[1]:
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Got fqdn from gethostbyname_ex[1]:', alias
# Adds domain aliases (not round-robin) for hostList (if different):
if ex[0] not in fqdns and ex[0] not in ips:
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Got fqdn from gethostbyname_ex[0]:', ex[0]
# This new array will contain all the aliases, and versions of the host:
names = []
for fqdn in fqdns[host]:
# Get the locations of all the '.'s in the fqdn:
periods = [match.start() for match in finditer(escape('.'), fqdn)]
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Periods:',periods
def shortener(fqdn):
for i in range(options.domainStart, options.domainEnd):
if options.debug:
print >> stderr, 'DEBUG: Shortening', fqdn, 'to', fqdn[:periods[i]]
# We can't return more subdomains than we have in the fqdn:
if len(periods) == 0:
We will (in general) only process a zero-length 'fqdn' if the fqdn was resolved
outside of DNS (like in /etc/hosts), where the "fully" qualified name does not
contain any periods.
print >> stderr, prog, 'warning: No subdomains found for', fqdn, '(nonunique hostname?)'
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, '\tThis probably occurs because you have hosts defined outside of DNS, like in /etc/hosts'
elif len(periods) + 1 <= options.domainEnd:
print >> stderr, prog, 'warning: There are not enough subdomains for your requested level of subdomains, using maximum value...'
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, '\tYou requested', options.domainEnd, 'subdomains (up to, but not including the FQDN), yet', fqdn, 'only contains', (len(periods) +1), 'subdomains, or is equivalent to the FQDN.'
options.domainEnd= len(periods)
finalArray = fqdns[host] + names + ips
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, prog, 'Minimum subdomains:', options.domainStart + 1, 'Maximum subdomains:', options.domainEnd
print >> stderr, prog, 'Domain alias information for', host, 'is:', finalArray
# It's cheaper to uniq it once, rather than per each addition:
return stringBuilder(sorted(uniq(finalArray)))
# `ssh-keyscan` does not return useful output via STDERR:
def getRSAKey(host):
p = Popen("ssh-keyscan -T " + options.timeout + " -t rsa " + host + " 2> /dev/null", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
key = p.communicate()[0]
return key[key.index('ssh-'):]
def getDSAKey(host):
p = Popen("ssh-keyscan -T " + options.timeout + " -t dsa " + host + " 2> /dev/null", shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
key = p.communicate()[0]
return key[key.index('ssh-'):]
# Used if -C (checkAllKeys) is True
masterKeysSet = False
masterRSAKey = None
masterDSAKey = None
masterHost = None
for host in hostList:
aliases = getDomainAliases(host)
# If the host is invalid (<garbage>.com):
except gaierror:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print >> stderr, '\nAborted.'
# If the host is not processable by 'gethostbyname_ex':
# esp. if it is a null string:
except herror:
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, prog, 'warning: Attempting to process something other than a host, skipping.'
rsaKey = getRSAKey(host)
dsaKey = getDSAKey(host)
# This will only compare the first host against the rest:
if options.checkAllKeys:
if not masterKeysSet:
masterRSAKey = rsaKey
masterDSAKey = dsaKey
masterHost = host
masterKeysSet = True
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, 'Set master key to', host
elif masterRSAKey != rsaKey or masterDSAKey != dsaKey:
print >> stderr, prog, '[', host, ',', gethostbyname(host), '] does not match keys with [', masterHost, ',', gethostbyname(masterHost), ']'
# This will only compare the first alias against the rest:
if options.checkKeys:
for fqdn in sorted(uniq(fqdns[host])):
if options.verbose:
print >> stderr, prog, 'Testing keys for', fqdn, '...',
if getRSAKey(fqdn) != rsaKey or getDSAKey(fqdn) != dsaKey:
print >> stderr, '\t\t[FAIL]'
print >> stderr, '\n', prog, ': [', host, ',', gethostbyname(host), '] did not match keys with [', fqdn, ',', gethostbyname(fqdn), ']'
print >> stderr, 'Keys for [', host, ',', gethostbyname(host), '] :'
print >> stderr, rsaKey, dsaKey, '\n'
print >> stderr, 'Keys for [', fqdn, ',', gethostbyname(fqdn), '] :'
print >> stderr, getRSAKey(fqdn), getDSAKey(fqdn)
print >> stderr, '\t\t[ OK ]'
if getRSAKey(fqdn) != rsaKey or getDSAKey(fqdn) != dsaKey:
print >> stderr, '\n', prog, 'Testing FAILED, as [', host, ',', gethostbyname(host), '] did not match keys with [', fqdn, ',', gethostbyname(fqdn), ']\n'
except ValueError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print >> stderr, '\nAborted.'
if not options.quiet:
print aliases, rsaKey,
print aliases, dsaKey
if len(badNamedHosts) != 0:
print >> stderr, prog, 'error: We could not find these hosts in DNS:'
if len(badScanHosts) != 0:
print >> stderr, prog, 'error: We found these hosts in DNS, but could not scan them:'
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