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Created August 7, 2022 05:19
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Block State Item Models
public class MixinItemModelShaper {
@Shadow @Final private ModelManager modelManager;
private static final Int2ObjectMap<ModelResourceLocation> blockstatemodels$cache = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
@Inject(method = "getItemModel(Lnet/minecraft/world/item/ItemStack;)Lnet/minecraft/client/resources/model/BakedModel;", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
public void onGetModel(ItemStack stack, CallbackInfoReturnable<BakedModel> cir) {
final Item item = stack.getItem();
if (item instanceof BlockItem blockItem && blockstatemodels$canShowBlockStateModel(item)) {
if (stack.hasTag() && stack.getTag().contains("BlockStateTag", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND)) {
final CompoundTag tag = stack.getTag().getCompound("BlockStateTag");
final int hash = tag.hashCode();
if (!blockstatemodels$cache.containsKey(hash)) {
final Block block = blockItem.getBlock();
final Map<String, String> states = new HashMap<>();
final BlockState state = block.defaultBlockState();
//noinspection rawtypes
for (Property property : state.getProperties()) states.put(property.getName(), blockstatemodels$getPropertyValue(property, state));
for (String key : tag.getAllKeys()) states.put(key, tag.getString(key));
final String[] stringStates = states.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()).toArray(String[]::new);
final ResourceLocation id = blockstatemodels$hasValue(block);
if (id != null) {
blockstatemodels$cache.put(hash, new ModelResourceLocation(id, String.join(",", stringStates)));
if (blockstatemodels$cache.containsKey(hash)) {
final ModelResourceLocation location = blockstatemodels$cache.get(hash);
if (location != null) {
final BakedModel model = this.modelManager.getModel(location);
if (model != this.modelManager.getMissingModel()) {
} else {
blockstatemodels$cache.put(hash, null);
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
private static String blockstatemodels$getPropertyValue(Property property, BlockState state) {
return property.getName(state.getValue(property));
private static boolean blockstatemodels$canShowBlockStateModel(Item item) {
if (item instanceof BlockItem blockItem) {
if (item instanceof ModelItemExtension extension && extension.canShowBlockStateModel()) {
return true;
return blockItem.getBlock() instanceof ModelItemExtension extension && extension.canShowBlockStateModel();
return false;
private static ResourceLocation blockstatemodels$hasValue(Block block) {
ResourceLocation key = Registry.BLOCK.getKey(block);
if (key == Registry.BLOCK.getDefaultKey() && Registry.BLOCK.get(key) != block) return null;
return key;
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