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Created June 13, 2022 17:17
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Save ThatGuyJustin/629feb883673894716f959b46e65a359 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dumps the discord audit log for your server. Paste in a bot token, and a guild it has access to the "VIEW_AUDIT_LOG" permission in, and it will output the raw json, and a little neater log file for you
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime
import time
DATE_FILE ="%b_%d_%Y-%H_%M_%S")
# Insert Token to be able to query the Audit Log
# June 12th @ Noon EST
START_TIME = 1655049600000
# Guild ID
GID = 000000000000000000
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bot {BOT_TOKEN}",
"User-Agent": "AuditLog-Dumper (, 1.0)",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
bare_records = {
"application_commands": {},
"audit_log_entries": {},
"integrations": {},
"threads": {},
"users": {},
"webhooks": {}
# Convert Snowflake to TimeStamp
def snowflake_to_timestamp(snowflake):
return (snowflake >> 22) + 1420070400000
# Convert Snowflake to log string
def snowflake_to_timestring(snowflake):
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(snowflake_to_timestamp(snowflake) / 1e3).strftime("%b/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
# Section out actions into groups
USER_ACTIONS = [20, 22, 23, 24, 25]
CHANNEL_ACTIONS = [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
ROLE_ACTIONS = [30, 31, 32]
# Push entries to file
def generate_log_entries(data):
with open(f"Output-FORMATTED-{DATE_FILE}.log", "w", encoding='utf-8') as output:
for entry in data['audit_log_entries']:
log_format = f"[{snowflake_to_timestring(int(entry['id']))}] "
if entry['action_type'] in USER_ACTIONS:
log_format += "[TYPE: USER UPDATE] "
actor = None
affected = None
if entry['user_id'] in bare_records['users']:
actor = bare_records['users'][entry['user_id']]
if entry['target_id'] in bare_records['users']:
affected = bare_records['users'][entry['target_id']]
actions = {
20: "kicked",
22: "banned",
23: "removed ban for",
24: "updated",
25: "updated roles for"
log_format += "User "
if actor:
log_format += f"{actor['username']}#{actor['discriminator']} ({entry['user_id']})"
log_format += entry['user_id']
log_format += f" {actions.get(entry['action_type'])} "
if affected:
log_format += f"{affected['username']}#{affected['discriminator']} ({entry['target_id']})"
log_format += entry['target_id']
if entry['action_type'] in [20, 22, 23]:
if entry.get('reason'):
log_format += f"REASON: {entry['reason']}"
if entry['action_type'] == 25:
action = "added" if entry['changes'][0]['key'] == "$add" else "removed"
log_format += f": {action} {entry['changes'][0]['new_value'][0]['name']} ({entry['changes'][0]['new_value'][0]['id']})"
output.write(log_format + "\n")
if entry['action_type'] in ROLE_ACTIONS:
log_format += "[TYPE: ROLE UPDATE] "
actor = None
if entry['user_id'] in bare_records['users']:
actor = bare_records['users'][entry['user_id']]
actions = {
30: "created role",
31: "updated role",
32: "deleted role",
log_format += "User "
if actor:
log_format += f"{actor['username']}#{actor['discriminator']} ({entry['user_id']}) "
log_format += entry['user_id']
log_format += f"{actions.get(entry['action_type'])} {entry['target_id']}: {entry['changes']}"
output.write(log_format + "\n")
if entry['action_type'] in CHANNEL_ACTIONS:
log_format += "[TYPE: CHANNEL UPDATE] "
actor = None
if entry['user_id'] in bare_records['users']:
actor = bare_records['users'][entry['user_id']]
actions = {
10: "created channel",
11: "updated channel",
12: "deleted channel",
13: "created channel permissions for",
14: "updated channel permissions for",
15: "deleted channel permissions for",
log_format += "User "
if actor:
log_format += f"{actor['username']}#{actor['discriminator']} ({entry['user_id']}) "
log_format += entry['user_id']
log_format += f"{actions.get(entry['action_type'])} {entry['target_id']}: {entry['changes']}"
output.write(log_format + "\n")
def main():
url = f"{GID}/audit-logs?limit=100"
last_id = None
cycles = 0
# Send request, then sleep for a second if we aren't done
while True:
# try:
if last_id:
url += f"&before={last_id}"
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# Interate once through all the data, and make a "master copy" of all the unique keys to dump to json file
for entry in r.json()['application_commands']:
if not bare_records['application_commands'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['application_commands'][entry['id']] = entry
for entry in r.json()['audit_log_entries']:
if not bare_records['audit_log_entries'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['audit_log_entries'][entry['id']] = entry
for entry in r.json()['integrations']:
if not bare_records['integrations'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['integrations'][entry['id']] = entry
for entry in r.json()['threads']:
if not bare_records['threads'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['threads'][entry['id']] = entry
for entry in r.json()['users']:
if not bare_records['users'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['users'][entry['id']] = entry
for entry in r.json()['webhooks']:
if not bare_records['webhooks'].get(entry['id']):
bare_records['webhooks'][entry['id']] = entry
last_id = int(r.json()['audit_log_entries'][-1]['id'])
cycles += 1
# Check against start time
if snowflake_to_timestamp(last_id) < START_TIME:
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
with open(f"Output-RAW-{DATE_FILE}.json", "w", encoding='utf-8') as output:
output.write(json.dumps(bare_records, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
print("Logging Finished!")
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