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Last active May 16, 2019 14:47
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Save ThatGuySam/554ee89b571d7c5aa1ae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Boxes {
static $add_script;
static function init() {
add_shortcode('boxes', array(__CLASS__, 'handle_shortcode'));
add_action('init', array(__CLASS__, 'register_script'));
add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'print_script'));
add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'internal_script') );
static function handle_shortcode($raw_atts) {
self::$add_script = true;
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'header' => false,
'type' => false,
'source' => false,
'class' => false,
'amount' => 8,
'show' => 3,
), $raw_atts, 'boxes' );
$atts['boxes'] = new stdClass();
$atts['boxes']->cache = new stdClass();
$atts['boxes']->objects = false;
$atts['boxes']->site_url = site_url();
$atts['boxes']->links_type = "normal";
global $post;
$atts['boxes']->post = $post;
foreach ($atts as $key => $value) {$atts['boxes']->{$key} = $value; }//Convert Shortcode attributes to object values
$parsed_classes = explode(' ', $atts['class']);
$props = array();
foreach( $parsed_classes as $prop ) {
$props[$prop] = true;
$atts['boxes']->props = $props;
//Feed Type
switch ($atts['boxes']) {
case "instagram":
//Get Instagram Pictures
$atts['boxes']->objects = boxesInstagram($atts['boxes']);
$target = "_blank";
case "vimeo":
//Get Vimeo Videos
$vid_url = parse_url($atts['boxes']->source);
$atts['boxes']->source = $vid_url['path'];
$atts['boxes']->id = preg_replace('/[^\da-z]/i', '', $vid_url['path'] );
$atts['boxes']->cache->function_name = "boxesVimeo";
$atts['boxes']->cache->cache_name = "vimeo";
$atts['boxes']->objects = cacheHandler( $atts['boxes'] );
if( $atts['boxes']->post->post_name == "watch" ) {
$atts['boxes']->links_type = "hash";
$target = "_self";
case "events":
//Get Timely Events
$atts['boxes']->id = $atts['source'];
$atts['boxes']->cache->function_name = "boxesEvents";
$atts['boxes']->cache->cache_name = "events";
$atts['boxes']->objects = cacheHandler( $atts['boxes'] );
case "category":
echo $atts['source'];
case "youtube":
echo $atts['source'];
case "acf":
echo $atts['source'];
echo "Nothing here";
if( isset( $props['double-stacked'] ) ){
$atts['boxes']->show = $atts['boxes']->show * 2;
//debug( $atts['boxes']->post );
<div id="boxes-<?php echo $atts['boxes']; ?>-<?php echo $atts['boxes']->id; ?>" class="box-boxes boxes-<?php echo $atts['type']; ?> <?php echo $atts['class']; ?>">
<?php if( !empty( $atts['boxes']->header ) ): ?>
<div class="boxes-header">
<h3 class="spaced"><?php echo $atts['boxes']->header; ?></h3>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="frame" data-show="<?php echo $atts['boxes']->show; ?>">
<ul class="easecubic">
<?php if( $atts['boxes']->objects ): foreach($atts['boxes']->objects as $key => $box){ ?>
if( isset( $props['date-format-human'] ) ){
$normal_date = strtotime( $box->date );
if( strtotime( $box->title ) ) $normal_date = strtotime( $box->title );
$box->title = ago( $normal_date );
//Hash Links
if( $atts['boxes']->links_type == "hash" ){
$box->link = "#".$box->id;
$box->srcType = 'src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/img/blank.gif" data-lazy';
//if( $key < $atts['boxes']->show ) $box->srcType = "src";//if is showing don't lazyload
<?php if( !isset( $props['double-stacked'] ) || $box->index % 2 != 0 || !$box->index ){ ?><li><?php } ?>
<div id="box-<?php echo $atts['boxes']; ?>-<?php echo $box->id; ?>" class="box-box box-<?php echo $box->type; ?> easecubic" style="<?php
//BG Color Overlay
if( isset( $box->color ) ):
?>background: <?php echo $box->color; ?>; <?php //#000000
endif; ?>">
<a href="<?php echo $box->link; ?>" target="<?php echo $target; ?>" >
<div class="box-image">
<img class="easecubic" <?php echo $box->srcType; ?>="<?php echo $box->image_url; ?>" alt="<?php echo $box->title." - ".$box->date; ?>" >
<div class="box-header easecubic" style="">
<div class="box-header-content">
<h3><?php echo parse_title( $box->title ); ?></h3>
<div class="box-date easecubic"><?php echo $box->date; ?></div>
<div class="box-caption easecubic"><p><?php echo parse_title( $box->desc ); ?></p></div>
<?php if( !isset( $props['double-stacked'] ) || $box->index % 2 == 0 || !$box->index ){ ?></li><?php } ?>
<?php } endif; ?>
$content = ob_get_clean();
debug( $debug );
return $content;
static function register_script() {
//wp_register_style( 'font-awesome', '//', array(), '4.1.0', 'screen' );
//wp_register_script('imagesloaded', '//', array('jquery'), '3.0.4', true);
static function print_script() {
if ( ! self::$add_script )
static function internal_script() {
if ( ! self::$add_script )
<script type="text/javascript">
if ( undefined !== window.jQuery ) { jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict';
//Javascript goes here
}); }
/* CSS Goes Here */
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