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Fabian Woltermann The-E

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The-E /
Last active November 4, 2023 19:18
Visions of a different time and place

You remember this day -- a couple days after you came back from the Tachyon, after Jerry handed you a hastily scribbled note with an access code to the IPS-N license server, after a day and a night spent in MechLab to configure everything just so, after you got a mail from the printer telling you that print job #392.023.ef1.ac5 completed successfully -- when you walked up to the crew chief doing final adjustments. But things are shifted; it's not MacArthur, doing the checkup and turning to look at you with slight disapproval -- she's over there -- it's a person that waking you have never seen in your life but that dream you knows and talks to with easy familiarity from years of being on maintenance crews together, a man that looks like Loki Valentinian but older that you know as HB...

You see Jerry. You watch his hands shaking as they come up to his face, covering his eyes; getting steadier as they move down, adjusting his tie; calmer still as they they close up his pilot's vest; perfect


Now: 15.02.5022u - In Westfalia orbit, Westfalia, Westfalia System

Captain Lee moves unhurriedly through his observation deck. He shares a few words with his crew, reassuring them that he isn't worried, and being reassured in return by their optimism. He moves to the table by the window that, by time-honoured ship's tradition (something both stronger and more tenuous than mere standing orders) is reserved for him. As he sits down and starts to unfold the food pack he brought with him from the mess, the gravity ring's rotation brings the world his ship is orbiting into view.

Like so many in the human diaspora, it is a jewel - deep blue oceans, green fields, stark mountain ranges, everything humans need to feel at home. And, also like many worlds, it bears scars, if you know where to look - here, roads ending in a crater that looks like an asteroid impact (or a KKV strike remnant). There, abnormally regular fields of plants that thrive on soil rich in calcium and all the other waste products

<title>Script Output - FSO v22.3.0 (FS2_Open Scripting)</title>
<body> <h1>Script Output - FSO v22.3.0 (FS2_Open Scripting)</h1>
<dl><dt><h2>Conditional Hooks</h2></dt><dd><dl><dt><b>Conditions</b></dt><dd>State</dd><dd>Campaign</dd><dd>Mission</dd><dd>Object Type</dd><dd>Ship</dd><dd>Ship class</dd><dd>Ship type</dd><dd>Weapon class</dd><dd>KeyPress</dd><dd>Action</dd><dd>Version</dd><dd>Application</dd><dd>Multi type</dd><dt><b>Actions</b></dt><dd><dl><dt><b>On Action</b></dt><dt><b>On Action Stopped</b></dt><dt><b>On Afterburner Engage</b></dt><dt><b>On Afterburner Stop</b></dt><dt><b>On Asteroid Collision</b></dt><dt><b>On Asteroid Death</b></dt><dd><b>Description:</b> Called when an asteroid has been destroyed. Supersedes On Death for asteroids.<br><i>This hook is <b>not</b> overridable</i><br><b>Hook Variables:</b><dl><dt><a href="#asteroid">asteroid</a> <i>Asteroid</i></dt><dd><b>Description:</b> The asteroid that was destroyed.</dt><dt><a href="#vector">vector</a> <i>Hitpos</i>

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am the-e on github.
  • I am the_e ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBKOvnU697wZVwT1-7m8czgjhA9BVXNer2etoW_cAJsqQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

"installed": true,
"id": "blueplanetcomplete",
"title": "Blue Planet Complete",
"type": "mod",
"parent": "FS2",
"version": "1.0.1",
"stability": null,
"description": "Fifty years ago, the Shivans devastated our worlds and cut us off from Earth. Eighteen years ago we struck back, and met disaster. Our economy in shambles, our people ready to revolt, we once again find ourselves on the edge of extinction.\n\nNow, in search of hope, we look to our home. The GTVA 14th Battlegroup will spearhead the effort to re-establish contact with Earth.\n\nThe FreeSpace story continues. Join us.\n\n[center][b]WHAT'S INSIDE[/b][/center]\n\n[list][li]More than fifty missions. Hours of music and voice acting. A story that was named 'the best military science fiction of the year' in 2014. This is the world of Blue Planet.\n\n[/li]\n\n[li][b]Age of Aquarius[/b]. Begin the story with 2007's smash hit, fully voice acted and lovingly retuned. Join the 14th Battlegroup on a desperate flight through a
C:\Users\fwolt\Desktop>gin repos achilleas
* achilleas/gin-ui-installers
This repository is public
* achilleas/gin-cli-builds
Description: Dev builds and packages for the gin client. Not recommended for general use. Please use the following page to download the appropriate package for your system:
This repository is public
2018/03/01 17:52:16 LOGINIT
2018/03/01 17:52:16 LOGINIT
2018/03/01 17:52:16 COMMAND: logout
2018/03/01 17:52:16 COMMAND: login FWoltermann
2018/03/01 17:52:16 Reading config file C:\Users\fwolt\AppData\Roaming\g-node\gin\config.yml
2018/03/01 17:52:16 Reading config file C:\Users\fwolt\AppData\Roaming\g-node\gin\config.yml
2018/03/01 17:52:16 Configuration values
2018/03/01 17:52:16 {GinHost: GitUser:git, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE5IBgKP3nUryEFaACwY4N3jlqDx8Qw1xAxU2Xpt5V0p9RNefNnedVmnIBV6lA3n+9kT1OSbyqA/+SgsQ57nHo0= Bin:{Git:git GitAnnex:git-annex SSH:ssh} Annex:{Exclude:[] MinSize:10M}}
2018/03/01 17:52:16 Configuration values
2018/03/01 17:52:16 {GinHost: GitUser:git, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE5IBgKP3nUryEFaACwY4N3jlqDx8Qw1xA
import numbers
import string
from more_itertools import peekable
# Raised if literally anything goes wrong
class ParseError(Exception):
# JSON syntactic elements
import numbers
import string
from more_itertools import peekable
# Raised if literally anything goes wrong
class ParseError(Exception):
# JSON syntactic elements
import numbers
import string
from more_itertools import peekable
# Raised if literally anything goes wrong
class ParseError(Exception):
class json_deserializer: