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The-Fireplace / WHY NO
Last active September 15, 2023 04:36
A brief summary of why I am not currently supporting Forge

So, as I update mods and switch more of them over to Fabric, I'm sure I'll frequently get asked "Will you port to Forge" or "Why not Forge," so I figured I'd make a document explaining why and link to it instead of typing up the explanation every time.

The Short Version

Maintaining mods for two different mod loaders is time consuming, and when choosing between them, Fabric is the clear choice to me. If I ever get to the point where my mods are all updated, I will consider porting mods to Forge on a case-by-case basis, but it will not be a priority. The lead developer of Forge, LexManos, has essentially told me he will not support features that allow me to update at least one of my mods past 1.12.2, and on top of that, he did so very rudely while treating me like a complete idiot for trying to make it possible to continue using Forge for that mod. I am not the only person he has treated in this manner, and I do not support this kind of toxic behavior.

But how does Fabric compare to Forge?

I've conside

The-Fireplace / Clans Config Formula Guide.txt
Last active January 20, 2023 14:29
A quick guide to formulas in the config for the Clans Minecraft mod.
Supports operators + - * / ^ as well as parenthesis ()
m gets replaced with the clan's current raid reward multiplier, or 1 if increasing rewards are disabled.
c gets replaced with the clan's current claim count.
f gets replaced with the clan's economy account balance.
p gets replaced with the clan's member count.
d gets replaced with the number of defenders the raid had, if applicable, or the number of online clan members in survival mode otherwise.
w gets replaced with the average Win-Loss Ratio of the raiding party, if applicable, or 1 otherwise.
If you just want a constant value, that works too! Just put the number you want to set it to as the formula.
The-Fireplace /
Last active July 6, 2022 02:01
A Guide to Making Minecraft Mod Translations
  1. Make a GitHub account if you don't have one yet.
  2. Make a fork of the mod you want to translate. My mods can be found here
  3. Browse to src/main/resources/assets/<modid>/lang on your fork of the repository (On modern ports of some of my mods, it will be at common/src/main/resources/assets/<modid>/lang). There, you can see what translations already exist.
  4. If the language you want to translate to isn't there, you'll want to make a new file to put those translations in. See the Locale Code column on this page for the name of the file, and for the extension (.lang or .json), look at the other file names to see which it should be. Generally, mods for 1.12.2 and earlier use .lang and mods for 1.13 and newer use .json. ![](
The-Fireplace / example.json
Last active November 10, 2015 03:53 — forked from LexManos/example.json
Forge Update JSON file.
"homepage": "",
"promos": {
"1.8-latest": "",
"1.8-recommended": ""
"1.8": {
"": "fry: Fix color multiplier applied incorrectly for items.\nfry: OBJ loader: fixed another whitespace-related issue; removed unused "modifyUVs" property for now; added the "flip-v" property to switch between OpenGL-style and DirextX-style model UVs; fixed normals - they are now correct in-world, still a bit strange for the items; fixed normals a little bit for B3D models too.",
"": "fry: Fixed normal calculation for vanilla models, fixed the grass darkening and simular issues.\nfry: More lighting fixes, flat lighting now works correctly for grass and torches."