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Last active November 16, 2023 07:21
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// ContentView.swift
// Carousel with Parallax Effect SwiftUI
// Created by Igor Shelopaev on 10.08.2022.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var selected = 0
@State private var current: Int = 0
@State private var opacity: CGFloat = 1
private let pass: PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>
private let publisher: AnyPublisher<Void, Never>
private let lenght : CGFloat = 0.5
// MARK: - Life circle
init() {
let pass = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
publisher = pass.delay(for: .seconds(lenght), scheduler: RunLoop.main, options: .none)
self.pass = pass
var body: some View {
ZStack { tabTpl }
.onChange(of: selected, perform: onChange)
.onReceive(publisher, perform: onReceive)
// MARK: - Private
private var blurBg : some View{
GeometryReader { _ in
Image("w\(selected + 1)")
.blur(radius: 25)
Image("w\(current + 1)")
.blur(radius: 25)
private var tabTpl : some View{
TabView(selection: $selected) {
ForEach(1..<6) { index in
GeometryReader { proxy in
let minX = proxy.frame(in: .global).minX
ZStack { Color.clear }
.offset(x: -minX / 2)
.mask(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 32, style: .continuous))
.tabViewStyle(.page(indexDisplayMode: .always))
.shadow(color: .black.opacity(0.25), radius: 5, x: 5, y: 50)
.shadow(color: .black.opacity(0.15), radius: 5, x: 5, y: -5)
private func onChange(selected : Int) {
withAnimation(.linear(duration: lenght)) {
opacity = 0
private func onReceive(){
withAnimation(.linear(duration: lenght)) {
current = selected
opacity = 1
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