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Efficient BSplines in modern C++: Implemenation of an efficient algorithm to calculate the values of BSplines and their derivatives in modern C++ using `std::vector`. The function to get the BSpline values and their derivative are thoroughly documented.
* @file bsplines.hpp
* @author Jan Ullmann & Ludwig Neste
* @brief Implemenation of an efficient algorithm to calculate the values of
* BSplines and their derivatives in modern C++ using `std::vector`.
* (C++ 17 required, compile with `-std=c++17`)
* The used algorithms are similar to and inspired by DeBoors algorithm
* (, but distinct.
* Both template functions provide some code example, to give you an idea how to
* use them.
#pragma once
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace bsplines {
* @brief Returns the non-zero B-splines at x.
* This uses a similar algorithm to DeBoors algorithm
* ( but instead of
* transforming the recursion and returning the sum of the splines, it returns
* all the values of the non-zero BSplines at this point.
* @code
#include <iostream>
#include "bspline.hpp"
std::vector<double> knots = {0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1};
// for this we need C++17 structured binding
auto order = 3;
auto x = .5;
auto [spline_values, index] = bspline::bsplines(x, knots, order);
for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++)
std::cout << "Spline with index " << int(index) - int(order - i) << " ("
<< x << ") =" << spline_values[i] << std::endl;
// Expected output:
// Spline with index 1 at 0.5 =0
// Spline with index 2 at 0.5 =0.166667
// Spline with index 3 at 0.5 =0.666667
// Spline with index 4 at 0.5 =0.166667
* @endcode
* @tparam T real valued type to work with, e.g. double or float.
* @param knots Stricly increasing (checked if `NDEBUG` is not set) sequence of
knots defining the splines. Not including 'ghost points' (starting and trailing
repeating points), they are added automaticaly!
* @param x The position to evaluate the splines at. Must fulfill knots[0] <=
x<=knots[knots.size()], which is only checked if macro `NDEBUG` is not set.
* @param order The order (often called k) of the splines this determines the
length of the output. indexing convention: lowest order is order=0
* @return {VectorXd spline_values, index} the `order+1` nonzero-spline values
and the *last* index of the spline, meaning the splines will have indices in the
folowing order: `idx-order, idx-order+1, …, idx-1, idx`. If x is exactly a knot
value, `index` is the index to the left of it, except for `x==knots[0]`, then
template <typename T>
std::tuple<std::vector<T>, std::size_t> bsplines(T x,
const std::vector<T>& knots,
std::size_t order) {
int n_knots = knots.size();
// Check that input fulfills contrains, if in debug mode
#ifndef NDEBUG
assert((knots[0] <= x) && (x <= knots[n_knots - 1]));
for (int i = 1; i < n_knots; i++) {
assert(knots[i - 1] <= knots[i]);
// function to get the knot, or automatically return ghost point if our\t of
// range
auto get_knot = [&knots, &n_knots](int i) {
if (i < 0)
return knots[0];
else if (n_knots <= i)
return knots[n_knots - 1];
return knots[i];
// Find the knot index where the value is
int idx = 0;
while (x > knots[idx + 1]) idx++;
// initialize the vector with 0, except at the end
auto iter = std::vector<T>(order + 1, 0);
iter[order] = 1;
// fill the vector from idx-cur_order to end (each iteration)
// the last iteration will contain the non-zero b-spline
// this algorithm is similar to DeBoor's algorithm
// but does not calculate the sum, instead, it calculates
// the single non-zero BSplines
for (std::size_t cur_order = 1; cur_order <= order; cur_order++) {
// this replaces the left 'ghost points'
double w2 = (get_knot(idx + 1) - x) /
(get_knot(idx + 1) - get_knot(idx - cur_order + 1));
iter[order - cur_order] = w2 * iter[order - cur_order + 1];
for (int i = idx - cur_order + 1; i < idx; i++) {
const int iter_idx = i - idx + order;
double w1 = (x - get_knot(i)) / (get_knot(i + cur_order) - get_knot(i));
double w2 = (get_knot(i + cur_order + 1) - x) /
(get_knot(i + cur_order + 1) - get_knot(i + 1));
// iteration
iter[iter_idx] = w1 * iter[iter_idx] + w2 * iter[iter_idx + 1];
// this replaces the right 'ghost points'
double w1 =
(x - get_knot(idx)) / (get_knot(idx + cur_order) - get_knot(idx));
// last iteration (iter_idx+1 will always be a ghost point or zero)
iter[order] = w1 * iter[order];
// return the bsplines and the index
return {iter, idx};
* @brief Returns the `nth_deriv` derivative of the non-zero B-splines at x.
* This uses a similar algorithm to DeBoors algorithm
* (
* @code
#include <iostream>
#include "bspline.hpp"
std::vector<double> knots = {0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1};
// for this we need C++17 structured binding
auto order = 3;
auto x = .5;
auto [spline_values, index] = bspline::ndx_bsplines(x, knots, order, 2);
for (int i = 0; i <= order; i++)
std::cout << "Spline second derivative with index " << int(index) - int(order
- i) << " ("
<< x << ") =" << spline_values[i] << std::endl;
// Expected output:
// Spline second derivative with index 1 at 0.5 =0
// Spline second derivative with index 2 at 0.5 =100
// Spline second derivative with index 3 at 0.5 =-200
// Spline second derivative with index 4 at 0.5 =100
* @endcode
* @tparam T real valued type to work with, e.g. double or float.
* @param knots Stricly increasing sequence (checked if `NDEBUG` is not set) of
knots defining the splines. Not including 'ghost points' (starting and trailing
repeating points), they are 'added' automaticaly!
* @param x The position to evaluate the splines at. Must fulfill knots[0] <=
x<=knots[knots.size()], which is only checked if macro `NDEBUG` is not set.
* @param order The order (often called k) of the splines this determines the
length of the output. Indexing convention: lowest order is order=0.
* @param nth_deriv How often to derive. Must be zero or greater. `nth_deriv==0`
returns the spline itself.
* @return {VectorXd spline_derivative_values, index} the `order+1`
nonzero-spline derivative values and the *last* index of the spline, meaning the
splines will have indices in the folowing order: `idx-order, idx-order+1, …,
idx-1, idx`. If x is exactly a knot value, `index` is the index to the left of
it, except for `x==knots[0]`, then `index==0`.
template <typename T>
std::tuple<std::vector<T>, std::size_t> ndx_bsplines(
T x, const std::vector<T>& knots, std::size_t order,
std::size_t nth_deriv = 1) {
// derivative vanishes
if (nth_deriv > order) {
// Find the knot index where the value is
int idx = 0;
while (x > knots[idx + 1]) idx++;
return {std::vector<T>(order + 1, 0), idx};
auto [iter, idx] = bsplines(x, knots, order - nth_deriv);
int n_knots = knots.size();
// function to get the knot, or automatically return ghost point if out of
// range
auto get_knot = [&knots, &n_knots](int i) {
if (i < 0)
return knots[0];
else if (n_knots <= i)
return knots[n_knots - 1];
return knots[i];
// resize the vector so we still have the spline of order
// k-nth_deriv in the beginning, but now order+1 elements
iter.resize(order + 1);
for (int cur_order = order - nth_deriv + 1; cur_order <= int(order);
cur_order++) {
double w1 = 1. / (get_knot(idx + cur_order) - get_knot(idx));
iter[cur_order] = cur_order * iter[cur_order - 1] * w1;
// indices of previous iteration are shifted by 1
for (int i = cur_order - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const int real_i = idx - cur_order + i;
double w1 = 1. / (get_knot(real_i + cur_order) - get_knot(real_i));
double w2 =
1. / (get_knot(real_i + cur_order + 1) - get_knot(real_i + 1));
// indices of previous iteration are shifted by 1
iter[i] = cur_order * (iter[i - 1] * w1 - iter[i] * w2);
double w2 = 1. / (get_knot(idx + 1) - get_knot(idx - cur_order + 1));
iter[0] = -int(cur_order) * iter[0] * w2;
// return the bsplines derivatives and the index
return {iter, idx};
} // namespace bsplines
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