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Created September 3, 2022 19:40
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Modified x-frame-bypass for Angular-based Chrome extension
"use strict";
document.addEventListener("click", e => {
if (e.defaultPrevented) {
var active = document.activeElement;
// Verify it'a actually an anchor tag
if (active && active.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "a" && active.href) {
// If the target is a subframe or _blank (new window), let it do its thing.
if ( && !== "" && !== "_self" && !== "_parent" && !== "_top") {
// I want to open links in a new window and leave the frame alone
// The old code could go here to restore the old functionality.;
document.addEventListener("submit", e => {
var active = document.activeElement;
if (!active) {
var form = active.form;
if (!form) {
if ( && !== "" && !== "_self" && !== "_parent" && !== "_top") {
// Can't post to a new window so don't bother trying to POST.
// Probably won't want to allow form submission at all for what I am doing
// but this is better than having submit seem to do nothing.
// The old code could go here to restore the old functionality.;
// based on
export class XFrameBypassElement extends HTMLIFrameElement {
static readonly observedAttributes = ["src"];
constructor() {
attributeChangedCallback(): void {
async load(url: string, options?: RequestInit): Promise<void> {
// Technically if there's no proxy there's no reason for the http check,
// but for my specific implementation I don't want other protocols anyway.
const u = new URL(url, document.baseURI);
if (!url || (u.protocol.toLowerCase() !== "http:" && u.protocol.toLowerCase() !== "https:")) {
throw new Error(`X-Frame-Bypass src ${url} does not start with http(s)://`);
// I don't want the interstitial page.
// Personally I would have the caller implment it if they really want one
// (they can listen to onload to hide a loading overlay).
this.srcdoc = "";
// I removed patch support since I didn't need it.
// Also using async/await since it's more readable and in TypeScript it can be compiled down
// for browsers that don't support it. And I can access res.url easily now.
const res = await fetch(url, options);
let data = await res.text();
if (data) {
// Make global to replace all occurrances (there shouldn't be more than one but just in case)
// Make sure we match on "head" and not "header" with \b
// Use .*? to match anything non-greedily (first > will stop)
const baseRegex = /(<base\b.*?href=)('|")(.*?)('|")(.*?>)/gi;
const headRegex = /<head(\b.*?)>/i;
const htmlRegex = /<html(\b.*?)>/i;
// If there's no <head> add one.
// If there's no <html> add one. Just in case.
if (!headRegex.test(data)) {
if (htmlRegex.test(data)) {
data = data.replace(htmlRegex, `<html$1><head></head>`);
} else {
data = `<html><head></head>${data}</html>`;
// Check for existing <base>
const baseMatch = baseRegex.exec(data);
let base: string | undefined;
if (baseMatch) {
// Grab the existing base url
base = baseMatch[3];
// Use an existing base url. If it is a relative url, resolve it to an absolute one so it works properly.
// Use res.url which updates in case of redirection.
// More code will be required to support proxies since you'll want to strip off the proxy url.
base = this.escapeHtml(new URL(res.url, base).href);
// If there's an existing <base> replace it rather than adding a new one.
if (baseMatch) {
data = data.replace(baseRegex, `$1$2${base}$4$5`);
} else {
data = data.replace(headRegex, `<head$1><base href="${base}">`);
// I am using this in a chrome extension.
// I suppose a more generic solution is to use document.baseURI to build the url.
// We want to inject a reference to a JS file instead of an inline script because
// in some contexts (such as chrome extensoons) inline scripts are blocked by default.
// I also tried to use DOM APIs from this class to attach events to this.contentDocument events,
// but becuase this.src is another domain this is blocked!
// That could be worked around by changing this.src to make it look like it's the same origin as us.
// This could also allow for cross-frame scripting (from us, not them!) to make things nicer.
// But for now using a separate script file works.
const scriptUrl = this.escapeHtml(chrome.runtime.getURL("/x-frame-bypass-inject.js"));
data = data.replace(headRegex, `<head$1><script type="text/javascript" src="${scriptUrl}"></script>`);
this.srcdoc = data || "";
// Why is there no built-in API to do this? Like encode/decodeURI.
private escapeHtml(unsafe: string): string {
return unsafe
.replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
.replace(/</g, "&lt;")
.replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
.replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
.replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { XFrameBypassElement } from "./app/x-frame-bypass";
if (environment.production) {
customElements.define("x-frame-bypass", XFrameBypassElement, {extends: "iframe"});
.catch(err => console.error(err));
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Based off of Apache 2.0 licensed code found here:

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