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Created March 27, 2017 15:14
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# Install chocolatey
iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
# Confgiure chocolatey defaults
choco config set commandExecutionTimeoutSeconds 14400
choco feature enable -n allowGlobalConfirmation
choco feature enable -n allowEmptyChecksums
# Add the Win-Boxstarter source to your local configurtion with top priority
# Then add the Chocolatey official feed at priority 2
choco source add -n=Win-BoxStarter -s -priority=1
choco source add -n=Chocolatey -s "" -priority=2
# Install the Carbon module so you can modify your local hosts file
choco install Carbon
# Install applications
# Look for packages at the official Chocolatey feed at
# Or use MyGet feed at
# List Packages at the MyGet feed with:
# choco list -s Win-BoxStarter
# List Packages at the Chocolatey feed (should return 4k+ packages)
# choco list -s Chocolatey
# Or more usuful is to search the Chocolatey feed
# choco search Notepad -s Chocolatey
# Install DotNET Core (form my feed since it's top priorotiy)
choco install DotNETCore.Runtime
choco install DotNETCore.SDK
# Install applications
choco install Dropbox
choco install F.Lux
choco install GitExtensions
choco install GoogleChrome
choco install JRE
choco install Launchy
choco install NodeJs
choco install Spotify
choco install TeamViewer
choco install VisualStudio2015Enterprise
choco install VisualStudioCode
choco install WebPI
choco install WebStorm
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