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Forked from xntrik/Intro
Created April 18, 2017 00:50
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Batch job for Windows Powershell Movies/TV Shows via Handbrake into iTunes
$tvsourcefolder = "F:\TV Shows\"
$moviesourcefolder = "F:\Movies\"
$tvproxfile = "C:\tvprox.txt"
$movieproxfile = "C:\movieprox.txt"
$targetfolder = "F:\iTunes\"
$handbrakecli = "C:\Program Files\Handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe"
$handbrakepreset = "AppleTV 2"
#Before you run me, I would recommend running the following commands
#To run these, start up powershell, and, either set the variables as above, or execute these long hang
#This command will populate the initial tv show file
#get-childitem $tvsourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | foreach ($_) { $_.fullname } | Out-File $tvproxfile
#and this command will do the same for movies..
#get-childitem $moviesourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | where {$_.length -ge 100MB} | foreach ($_) {$_.fullname} | Out-File $movieproxfile
#After these files are populated, when this script runs, it'll only ever look for differences.
"Starting TV Prox"
"Checking for existing TV Prox"
$prox = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name like '%powershell%'" | select-Object CommandLine | where {$_ -match "tvprox"}
$proxc = $prox | measure
if ($proxc.Count -gt 1) {
"We already have a running TV Prox .. exiting"
} else {
"No other TV Prox running .. continuing"
#This just gets all the files and dumps them into a folder
#get-childitem $tvsourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | foreach ($_) { $_.fullname } | Out-File $tvproxfile
#The same for movies
#get-childitem $moviesourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | where {$_.length -ge 100MB} | foreach ($_) {$_.fullname} | Out-File $movieproxfile
#Similar to above, but, dumping it into an array
$filelist = get-childitem $tvsourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | foreach ($_) { $_.fullname } | sort
#Doing the same for movie files
$filelistmovies = get-childitem $moviesourcefolder -include *.mkv,*.avi,*.m4v,*.mp4 -recurse | where {$_.length -ge 100MB} | foreach ($_) {$_.fullname} | sort
#Gather the processed files into a different array
$alreadyProcessed = Get-Content $tvproxfile | sort
#Doing the same for movie files
$alreadyProcessedMovies = Get-Content $movieproxfile | sort
#Comparing the file system to the processed file
$cmp = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $filelist -DifferenceObject $alreadyProcessed -PassThru
if ($cmp) {
"There are differences in TV shows.. processing files now"
foreach ($file in $cmp) {
"Processing input file: $file"
$targetfile = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)
"Saving to: $targetfolder$targetfile.m4v"
"Kicking off Handbrake...."
& $handbrakecli -i $file -o "$targetfolder$targetfile.m4v" --preset=$handbrakepreset
"Handbrake complete .. "
"Going to add to iTunes now .. lets hope iTunes is running :D"
$iTunes = New-Object -comObject iTunes.Application
$iTunesLibrary = $iTunes.LibraryPlaylist
"Added to iTunes .. file complete .. "
"Adding file to the processed file"
"$file" | Out-File -FilePath $tvproxfile -Append
"Done processing TV Shows.. "
} else {
"There are no differences in TV shows.."
#Comparing the file system to processed movie files
$cmpmovies = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $filelistmovies -DifferenceObject $alreadyProcessedMovies -PassThru
if ($cmpmovies) {
"There are differences in Movies.. processing files now"
foreach ($file in $cmpmovies) {
"Processing input file: $file"
$targetfile = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)
"Saving to: $targetfolder$targetfile.m4v"
"Kicking off Handbrake...."
& $handbrakecli -i $file -o "$targetfolder$targetfile.m4v" --preset=$handbrakepreset
"Handbrake complete .. "
"Going to add to iTunes now .. lets hope iTunes is running :D"
$iTunes = New-Object -comObject iTunes.Application
$iTunesLibrary = $iTunes.LibraryPlaylist
"Added to iTunes .. file complete .. "
"Adding file to the processed file"
"$file" | Out-File -FilePath $movieproxfile -Append
"Done processing movies.."
} else {
"There are no differences in movies.."
So I run a peculiar setup, ATV2 with my media coming from iTunes on a desktop, Windows 7 PC I never really touch
anymore. I know I could JB the ATV, or I could replace the PC with a NAS or some shit .. anyway, I'm lazy.
But not so lazy not to figure out how to make a crappy powershell script, hook it up in task scheduler under hstart
(, run it every 5 minutes against my TV / Movie folders, looking for new
files, then automatically converting them (with Handbrake) into the right format, and then automatically
adding them to iTunes.
.. Different kinda lazy really.
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