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Last active July 1, 2024 20:06
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  • Save TheAMM/147be5001e43b7d8c60151716bbef703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TheAMM/147be5001e43b7d8c60151716bbef703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
It is 2024 and discord still displays embeds in a column, the fuck
// ==UserScript==
// @name Discord Embed grid
// @namespace
// @version 0.5.4
// @description Adjust message embed CSS to display them as packed rows
// @author AMM
// @match*
// @downloadURL
// @grant none
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Script to try and find the class names. Requires a channel with examples set up.
// Not trusting this for automatically deriving the classes; intended to be used as a snippet and then copying
function find_class_names() {
const get_class = (selector, prefix) => {
let elems = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
let classes = Array.from(new Set( => Array.from(e.classList).find(c => c.startsWith(prefix)))));
if (classes.length != 1) { throw new Error(`No single class for ${prefix}: ${classes}`); }
return classes[0];
let container_class = get_class('div[id^="message-accessories-"][class^="container_"]', 'container_');
let inline_class = get_class(`div.${container_class} > [class*="inlineMediaEmbed_"]`, 'inlineMediaEmbed_');
let wrapper_class = get_class(`div[class*="clickableWrapper_"]`, 'clickableWrapper_');
let full_class = get_class(`[class*="embedFull_"]`, 'embedFull_');
let reactions_class = get_class(`[class*="reactions_"]`, 'reactions_');
let today = new Date().toJSON().split('T')[0];
let lines = [];
lines.push('/* Main embed container */');
lines.push(`.${container_class} /*${today}*/`);
lines.push('/* Embed items */');
lines.push(`.${container_class} > .${inline_class} /*${today}*/`);
lines.push('/* Workaround for loading images (gets overridden when image is loaded), and YT embeds and such */');
lines.push(`.${container_class} > .${inline_class} .${wrapper_class} > *, .${container_class} > .${inline_class} .${full_class} /*${today}*/`);
lines.push('/* Fix playing youtube embeds */');
lines.push(`.${container_class} > .${full_class} /*${today}*/`);
lines.push('/* Fix reactions */');
lines.push(`.${reactions_class} /*${today}*/`);
function addStyle(style) {
let elem = document.createElement('style');
elem.innerHTML = style;
Revision 2024-07-01
Refresh classes
Revision 2024-04-06
Look up new classes once more
Revision 2023-12-24
Fix playing Youtube embeds
Revision 2023-11-09
Added new container_dbadf5-style classes, dash-separated are likely obsolete.
/* Main embed container */
.container__62863, /*2024-04-06*/
.container_b558d0 /*2024-07-01*/
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
/* Embed items */
.container_dbadf5 > .inlineMediaEmbed__4270e,
.container__62863 > .inlineMediaEmbed_b25e49, /*2024-04-06*/
.container_b558d0 > .inlineMediaEmbed_ad0b71 /*2024-07-01*/
margin: 0.25em;
vertical-align: top;
/* Workaround for loading images (gets overridden when image is loaded), and YT embeds and such */
.container_dbadf5 .inlineMediaEmbed__4270e .clickableWrapper__64072 > *, .container_dbadf5 .inlineMediaEmbed__4270e .embedFull__8dc21,
.container__62863 > .inlineMediaEmbed_b25e49 .clickableWrapper__2d2ea> *, .container__62863 > .inlineMediaEmbed_b25e49 .embedFull__14919, /*2024-04-06*/
.container_b558d0 > .inlineMediaEmbed_ad0b71 .clickableWrapper_d4597d > *, .container_b558d0 > .inlineMediaEmbed_ad0b71 .embedFull_ad0b71 /*2024-07-01*/
width: 520px;
/* Fix playing youtube embeds */
.container_dbadf5 > .embedFull__8dc21,
.container__62863 > embedFull__14919, /*2024-04-06*/
.container_b558d0 > .embedFull_ad0b71 /*2024-07-01*/
{ flex: 1; }
/* Fix reactions */
.reactions_da5b2a, /*2024-04-06*/
.reactions_ec6b19 /*2024-07-01*/
{ flex-basis: 100%; }
/* Send Nitro gift button */
button[aria-label='Send a gift'] { display: none; }
/* Discord Nitro Store */
a[href="/store"] { display: none; }
/* Nitro boost icon on members - 2023-11-09: where is this? */
/* .premiumIcon-1rDbWQ { display: none; } */
/* Stage Discovery */
a[href="/discovery"] { display: none; }
/* Sticker suggestion */
.container-JHR0NT { display: none; }
/* Hide sticker tab in emoji picker*/
#sticker-picker-tab { display: none; }
/* Hide sticker button on input field */
button[aria-label="Open sticker picker"] { display: none; }
button[aria-label="Open GIF picker"] { display: none; }
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