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Created October 22, 2023 12:24
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Bellman Ford Implementation in TypeScript.
class BellmanFord {
// Graph represented as an adjacency list
graph: Record<string, Record<string, number>>;
constructor(graph: Record<string, Record<string, number>>) {
this.graph = graph;
bellmanFord(source: string) {
// Initialize distances and predecessors
const distances: Record<string, number> = {};
const predecessors: Record<string, string | null> = {};
for (const vertex in this.graph) {
distances[vertex] = Infinity;
predecessors[vertex] = null;
distances[source] = 0;
// Relax edges repeatedly
for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(this.graph).length - 1; i++) {
for (const vertex in this.graph) {
for (const neighbor in this.graph[vertex]) {
if (
distances[vertex] + this.graph[vertex][neighbor] <
) {
distances[neighbor] =
distances[vertex] + this.graph[vertex][neighbor];
predecessors[neighbor] = vertex;
// Check for negative-weight cycles
for (const vertex in this.graph) {
for (const neighbor in this.graph[vertex]) {
if (
distances[vertex] + this.graph[vertex][neighbor] <
) {
throw new Error("Negative-weight cycle detected");
return { distances, predecessors };
// Test data
const graph: Record<string, Record<string, number>> = {
A: { B: -1, C: 4 },
B: { C: 3, D: 2, E: 2 },
C: {},
D: { B: 1, C: 5 },
E: { D: -3 },
const source = "A";
// Run the algorithm
const bellmanFordInstance = new BellmanFord(graph);
const result = bellmanFordInstance.bellmanFord(source);
console.log("Distances:", result.distances);
console.log("Predecessors:", result.predecessors);
// Result
// Distances: { A: 0, B: -1, C: 2, D: -2, E: 1 }
// Predecessors: { A: null, B: 'A', C: 'B', D: 'E', E: 'B' }
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