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Created March 19, 2023 10:18
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fun main (){
* [gameRules] defines which choice wins between player and cpu
val gameRules =
'R' to 'S',
'P' to 'R',
'S' to 'P')
val cpuOptions = listOf('R', 'P', 'S')
val displayChoice =
'R' to "Rock",
'P' to "Paper",
"S" to "Scissors")
* index 0 is cpu score, while index 1 is players score in [scoreSystem]
val scoreSystem = intArrayOf(0,0)
println("Welcome to Yahya's RPS Game!")
println("Remember, first to 3 points wins!")
while (scoreSystem[0] < 3 && scoreSystem[1] < 3){
println("\nCurrent Score: [${scoreSystem[0]} - ${scoreSystem[1]}] \n")
* Getting player Input
print("Enter your choice [R,P,S]: ")
val userChoice = readln().first().uppercaseChar()
* Validating player input
if(displayChoice(userChoice) == "Invalid Input")
println("Invalid Input!! Try Again!")
println("\nYou entered ${displayChoice(userChoice)}")
* Generating random [cpuChoice]
val cpuChoice = cpuOptions.random()
println("CPU chose: ${displayChoice(cpuChoice)}\n")
* Calculating who won with [gameRules] and updating [scoreSystem]
if (gameRules[userChoice] == cpuChoice){
println("well done! you won 1 point!")
else if (gameRules[cpuChoice] == userChoice) {
println("Aw snap! The cpu won this round. Don't lose hope though!")
else {
println("Oh, It's a tie!")
println("\nFinal Score: [${scoreSystem[0]} - ${scoreSystem[1]}] \n")
if(scoreSystem[0] == 3) {
println("\nCongratulations, You won!\nSee you again next time!")
else {
println("\nAw shucks, You lost!\nTry again next time!")
* Helping function to display to player
fun displayChoice(choice : Char) : String {
return when(choice) {
'R' -> "Rock"
'P' -> "Paper"
'S' -> "Scissors"
else -> {"Invalid Input"}
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