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Hi.. Don't hesitate to ping me.. I would love an interesting chat about tech.

Ashwani Kumar TheAshwanik

Hi.. Don't hesitate to ping me.. I would love an interesting chat about tech.
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nolim1t / gist:271018
Created January 7, 2010 05:29
Sample HTTP Request in Powershell
Powershell HTTP Request
$r = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("http://url/")
$resp = $r.GetResponse()
$reqstream = $resp.GetResponseStream()
$sr = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $reqstream
$result = $sr.ReadToEnd()
write-host $result
Username and passwords
I am the owner of And I'm glad to hear it's helpful. In truth, it's just a fancy DNS trick. and all of it's sub-domains just point back to your computer ( That means running ssl is as simple (or difficult) as running ssl on your computer.
I'm not sure how comfortable you are with the command line, but here's my how I setup my development environment. (rvm, passenger, nginx w/ SSL, etc).
# Install rvm (no sudo!)
# ------------------------------------------------------
bash < <( curl )
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install ree-1.8.7-2010.02
igrigorik / ruby-1.9-tips.rb
Created February 3, 2011 17:19
Ruby 1.9 features, tips & tricks you may not know about...
def tip(msg); puts; puts msg; puts "-"*100; end
# 30 Ruby 1.9 Tips, Tricks & Features:
tip "Upgrading to Ruby 1.9 is simple: rvm install 1.9.2 && rvm --default 1.9.2"
tip "Ruby 1.9 supports named captures in regular expressions!"
kmile / xml_parser.rb
Created February 15, 2011 12:53
A small nokogiri xml reader DSL.
# A small DSL for helping parsing documents using Nokogiri::XML::Reader. The
# XML Reader is a good way to move a cursor through a (large) XML document fast,
# but is not as cumbersome as writing a full SAX document handler. Read about
# it here:
# Just pass the reader in this parser and specificy the nodes that you are interested
# in in a block. You can just parse every node or only look inside certain nodes.
# A small example:
schleg / 01. Gemfile
Created May 26, 2011 17:26
Setup for Devise + Omniauth
gem 'pg'
group :development do
gem 'ruby-debug'
gem 'rake', '~> 0.8.7'
gem 'devise'
gem 'oa-oauth', :require => 'omniauth/oauth'
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'haml'
gem 'dynamic_form'
jwo / registrations_controller.rb
Created September 30, 2011 23:11
API JSON authentication with Devise
class Api::RegistrationsController < Api::BaseController
respond_to :json
def create
user =[:user])
render :json=> user.as_json(:auth_token=>user.authentication_token, :email=>, :status=>201
diff --git a/ext/bluecloth.h b/ext/bluecloth.h
index 230618b..97053b5 100644
--- a/ext/bluecloth.h
+++ b/ext/bluecloth.h
@@ -7,20 +7,21 @@
+#include "ruby.h"
kmorcinek / git commands.txt
Last active September 30, 2023 09:16
Git Commands. My common scenarios for using git.
# good git book
# Discard uncommitted changes in a specific file
git checkout file_name
# Clear everything not in repo
git checkout -- .
# A way to quickly move to the previous commit in a git branch. This also way for "deleting" last commit.
roberto / _flash_messages.html.erb
Created August 13, 2012 22:47
Rails flash messages using Twitter Bootstrap
<% flash.each do |type, message| %>
<div class="alert <%= bootstrap_class_for(type) %> fade in">
<button class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</button>
<%= message %>
<% end %>
igrigorik /
Created August 28, 2012 16:53
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