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Created February 5, 2022 19:11
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# ~/.config/starship.toml
# Format
format = """
[┌───────────────────>](bold green)
[│](bold green)$username$hostname$directory on $shell $sudo $cmd_duration
[│](bold green)$git_branch $git_status
[│](bold green)$conda$python$dotnet$golang$java$kotlin$lua$nodejs$php$rust$package
[└─>](bold green) """
# Show the user currently running the command
style_user = "white bold"
style_root = "black bold"
format = "[$user]($style)"
disabled = false
show_always = true
# Show the hostname as shown in /etc/hostname
ssh_only = false
format = "@[$hostname](bold white)"
disabled = false
# Show the directory that the shell is inside
truncation_length = 5
truncate_to_repo = true
read_only = "📕"
read_only_style = "red"
style = "bold cyan"
home_symbol = "~"
use_os_path_sep = true
format = " [$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style)"
# Show the current shell
fish_indicator = ""
powershell_indicator = "_"
unknown_indicator = "mystery shell"
style = "cyan bold"
disabled = false
# Show if sudo credentials are cached
disabled = false
# Show the status of the last ran command
disabled = false
# Show the current Git Branch (if applicable)
symbol = " "
format = " on [$symbol$branch]($style)"
style = "bold purple"
truncation_symbol = "..."
disabled = false
# Show what's going on in the current Git Repository (if applicable)
ahead = "↑"
behind = "↓"
up_to_date = "✅"
disabled = false
# Show how long the command ran took in seconds
min_time = 500
format = " took [$duration](bold yellow)"
disabled = false
# Language support and other stuff
format = "[$symbol$environment](dimmed green) "
disabled = false
style = "bold purple"
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
symbol = "🐹 GoLang"
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
symbol = "☕ Java"
format = " on [${symbol}(${version} )]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " in [$symbol$version]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
style = "bold green"
format = " on [${symbol}${pyenv_prefix}($version)(($virtualenv) )]($style)"
disabled = false
format = " on [$symbol($version )]($style)"
disabled = false
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