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Working from home

Eivind Fonn TheBB

Working from home
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TheBB / misc.el
Created August 31, 2015 17:44
use-package hooks
*** Welcome to IELM *** Type (describe-mode) for help.
ELISP> use-package-inject-hooks
ELISP> (macroexpand '(use-package derp))
(message "%s..." "Loading package derp")
For more information check the manuals.
Keymap for inner text objects.
key binding
--- -------
dependencies: #s(hash-table size 512 test eql rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold
0.8 data (emacs (aggressive-indent anzu async avy define-word evil-escape
fancy-battery helm helm-core helm-swoop highlight-numbers paradox quelpa
vi-tilde-fringe which-key) bind-key (use-package) diminish (use-package) cl-lib
(aggressive-indent anzu async avy epl evil-escape evil-exchange evil-jumper flx
flx-ido helm helm-ag helm-core helm-projectile hydra package-build paradox
pcre2el popup powerline smartparens) dash (helm-projectile projectile
smartparens) package-build (quelpa) pkg-info (projectile) epl (pkg-info) seq
(paradox) json (paradox) let-alist (paradox) spinner (paradox) hydra (paradox)
parent-mode (highlight-numbers) helm-core (helm helm-themes) helm (helm-ag
(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '("~/.spacemacs.d/")
dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages t
dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs
data = np.zeros(nr*nu*2, dtype=mesh.Mesh.dtype)
iel = 0
for i in range(nr):
for j in range(nu):
iis = [i,i+1,i,i+1,i+1,i]
jjs = [j,j,j+1,j,j+1,j+1]
data['vectors'].flat[iel+0:iel+18:3] = xpts[iis,jjs]
data['vectors'].flat[iel+1:iel+18:3] = ypts[iis,jjs]
data['vectors'].flat[iel+2:iel+18:3] = elevation[iis,jjs]
iis = np.zeros(6*nr*nu, dtype=np.int32)
jjs = np.zeros(6*nr*nu, dtype=np.int32)
iel = 0
for i in range(nr):
for j in range(nu):
iis[iel:iel+6] = [i, i+1, i, i+1, i+1, i]
jjs[iel:iel+6] = [j, j, j+1, j, j+1, j+1]
iel += 1
indexes = np.ravel_multi_index((iis, jjs), (nr+1, nu+1))
  • [ ] here’s a checkbox
  • [X] here’s a checked one


SPC (Jump to word)

TAB (Previous buffer visible in window)

! (Run shell command)

’ (Pop up shell)

* / (Search in project)

0,1,…,9 (Jump to window)

: (Run M-x)

; (Comment operator)

? (Helm session with keybindings)

(defun gist-region (begin end &optional private callback)
"Post the current region as a new paste at
Copies the URL into the kill ring.
path = ~/.gitconfig-local
email =
name = Eivind Fonn
default = simple
helper = cache --timeout=3600