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FocaBot changelog

FocaBot Changelog (Older Releases)

Here are the changelogs for all versions prior to FocaBot 0.5.5.

Changelogs for version 0.5.5 onwards are on the releases page.

Version 0.5.4 (December 15, 2016)

This is the biggest update FocaBot has got in a while.

  • FocaBot is now fully open source! Take a look
  • The new queue and filter system is now live!
    • This is a rewrite of the previous system, most bugs related to these 2 components should be fixed now, but nothing is bug-free in this world.
    • The queue is now permanently stored in the bot's database. This means that even if the bot restarts, you won't lose your 400 queued songs. You can even pause the queue and resume it the next day.
    • f'pause and f'resume commands are back!
    • Playback is automatically paused if there's nobody on the voice channel (apart from the bot)
    • Audio quality and performance improvements (less than half the CPU usage compared to previous versions).
    • Those improvements however, killed the f'volume command. RIP.
  • New configurable parameters (see configuration)
    • allowTags: Set it to false to disable the tag commands entirely on your server. (Only DJs will be allowed to use it)
    • maxSongLength: Allows setting a max length for songs requested by non-DJs.
    • Configurable greet and farewell messages for new members (and those who leave your server :c)
  • The hosted FocaBot now uses sharding
  • FocaBot now uses embeds where possible.
  • Added a f'imgur command.
  • The f'queue command now displays links to all the items.
  • f'np was redesigned as well.
  • NSFW is now allowed by default on channels with nsfw in their name.

Version 0.5.3 (November 21, 2016)

Very small update.

  • The bot now uses embeds instead of WebHooks, the design is slightly changed, but the bot no longer requires the Manage Webhooks permission.
  • Added more useless commands: f'roll, f'choose, f'rate, f'8ball (check the commands section)
  • Added a danbooru search module
    • f'danbooru {tag} and f'safebooru {tag} commands.
    • f'setWaifu {tag} and f'waifu commands.
  • The vote skip function can now be disabled using f'config voteSkip no.
  • Fixed the loop filter (now you can use 0 as the start position)
  • Fixed the skip function (now you must be in the same voice channel the bot is in)
  • The new queue system is still comming soon™ (still no laptop ;-;)

Version 0.5.2 (November 14, 2016)

It has been a long time since the last update. And i'll probably stop doing these for a while, as my laptop died 2 weeks ago (RIP in pasta). Now all i have to code is a toaster, and it's sloooooow as hell, so yeah, until i get a new laptop, i think i'll stay away from development.

Anyway, to the actual changelog:

New Stuff

  • f'img now uses Google Search instead of Bing. Sadly, it only allows up to 100 queries/day now.
  • f'move is now a thing. You'll no longer need to do a lot of f'swap just to move one item to the top without changing the order.
  • Added 4 new filters: | distort, | tremolo, | loop and | karaoke. Check the filters section!
  • Fixed the f'seek 0 bug. Now you can seek to the very beginning!
  • Added a f'poll command. Check the command list.
  • The RNG was nerfed. Less rare seals now.
  • (The classic) Bug fixes and performance improvements

Coming Soon™

(This was actually planned for the 0.5.2, but shit happens, laptops die, and developers cry)

The queue and filter system is being rewritten from scratch. Even though the bot still uses the old system, the new one is already in the codebase, and is 60% done. The website is also coming soon™.

Version 0.5.1 (October 8, 2016)

0.5.x will be mostly about adding new features to the bot.

I originally wanted to add them all at once, but it would slow down a lot the development, so i'll be adding lots of fetures between releases in the 0.5.x range.

Here's what is new for 0.5.1

Prefix Changed

The default prefix is now f', though you can change it using the f'config command.

(another) Redesign


Discord recently implemented Web Hooks, which allow better message formatting. FocaBot now uses this feature to format some messages.

To enable the new layout, you'll need to login from discord canary and give FocaBot the manage webhooks permission. To disable it, just remove the permission (and all the WebHooks created by the bot)


FocaBot has (very) basic support for playlists now, but this feature is literally half done at this point, so it might not work. Just use 'play as always, using a playlist link, cross your fingers and hope it to work

What has been tested:

  • Soundcloud Sets: They seem to work fine, i only tested 3 though
  • Bandcamp Albums: They also work fine ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (except for REALLY big albums)
  • YouTube Playlists: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (some of them work though, but only like, 10% of the tested playlists)

So your best bet for the moment is to use either SoundCloud or Bandcamp playlists if you want to add multiple items to the queue at the same time.

Tag System

It works pretty much like Nadeko's "quotes":

Per-Server Configuration

FocaBot can now have different settings per server, check out the f'config command!

| chipmunk filter preset

Because people on my servers were asking for it

Version 0.4.13 (September 28, 2016)

Very small update.

  • Fixed some bugs related to the new 'DJ' role.
  • Updated to the latest development version of discordie, if you find any bugs please tell me!.
  • 'seal now uses seals from instad of Bing.
  • 'img, 'rimg, 'imgn, 'rimgn commands added (check 'help).
  • Added a dummy | nofx filter that prevents filters from being altered during song playback.

Version 0.4.12 (September 25, 2016)

Another "minor" release.

These things were fixed:

  • 'np should now display the correct length of the song when filters are changed.
  • There should be close to no delay when swapping filters, even on long tracks.
  • The "Nothing more to play" message should now appear only once.
  • Most external links (including attachments) were displaying duration , that should be (mostly) fixed.
  • Filters should now work on attachments and most external links

These things weren't there before:

  • 'seek command added!
  • The bot now has 2 levels of permission (roles):
    • Bot Commander - Nothing changed for them
    • DJ - They are able to do pretty much the same things Bot Commanders are able to do (except some administrative commands). Useful if you want to give some people the power to manage the queue without giving them full access to other bots.
  • The limit on song length was (dramatically) increased:
    • @everyone: Up to 30 minutes per song
    • DJ: Up to 2 hours per song
    • Bot Commander/Server Owner: Up to 12 hours per song
    • Bot Owner: endless hell

Version 0.4.9 (September 14, 2016)

This is a minor release as well.

The following was fixed:

  • 'skip doesn't display double messages anymore (gg coffeescript)
  • 'swap was displaying the items in the wrong order
  • 'skip and 'stop should now make the bot disconnect if there is nothing left in queue
  • Turns out the speed filter wasn't being 100% accurate. Now it should be.

Some new things:

  • Now it's possible to change filters while a song is playing (check the 'filters command for more info)

Additional notes:

  • FocaBot is now 150% more kawaii (will eventually return to its seal form though)
  • There's a bug that ocasionally corrupts the queue data, making it impossible to play music. If the seal doesn't want to play music, you can 'reset it in your server (for better results, do it while being in the same voice channel as FocaBot). This will clear the queue and force the bot out of the voice channel. This bug might be fixed in 0.5.x and thus, the 'reset command is temporary.

Version 0.4.8 (September 8, 2016)

This is a minor release. Just some changes to the aesthetics of the bot (pretty, huh?) and 2 new commands:

  • 'remove <position> - Removes the item at the specified position (only if you are a bot commander OR the item was added by you).
  • 'swap <pos1> <pos2> - As the name implies, it swaps 2 items in the queue. Bot commanders only.

Version 0.4.1 (September 6, 2016)

  • Basically rewrote the entire thing to use Discordie instead of discord.js
  • Bot will now play almost any link, including radio streams and files sent from your computer (send a file with 'play as the message)
  • Removed the 'pause and 'resume commands (Discordie limitations)
  • You can now skip your own items in the queue, even if you are not a bot commander
  • Fixed incorrect video length parsing. Now it should be consistent.
  • The number of voters required to skip a song is now relative to the amount of people in the voice chat (40%)
  • Bot Accounts and people outside the voice chat can't use 'skip anymore.
  • Since we don't use d.js, the bug that sometimes required you to re-join the voice channel in order to request music shouldn't happen anymore.

Since releases before 0.4.x weren't properly versioned, i can't provide an accurate changelog for older versions. But there aren't many differences between those releases apart from bug fixes, the voteskip function and the 'seal command.

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Just came here to tell you how amazing this bot is on discord! Me and my friends are extremely happy with it. It is unbelievably sophisticated and noob friendly like you mentioned with some really fun functions to play with. It barely crashes or anything even. However I'm still trying to figure out how to make it play a playlist from youtube, never the less, dude this is such a God like bot.

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