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Last active July 4, 2018 01:14
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import unittest
import logging
import sys
# 1.) Given a two-dimensional array in which each row and each column is sorted,
# detect if a given element is in the array
from typing import List
TwoDMatrix = List[List[int]]
def detect_in_2d_arr(input:TwoDMatrix, target:int) -> bool:
max_coord = len(input)
# TODO: could perform binary search on diagonal and axes for speeeeeed
# go down the diagonal
for split_coord in range(max_coord):
if input[split_coord][split_coord] == target:
return True
if input[split_coord][split_coord] > target:
max_coord = split_coord
# check our 'horizontal' axis
for x_coord in range(max_coord, -1, -1):
# logging.debug('testing value of: %d', input[x_coord][max_coord])
if input[x_coord][max_coord] == target:
return True
if input[x_coord][max_coord] < target:
# check our 'vertical' axis
for y_coord in range(max_coord, -1, -1):
# logging.debug('testing value of: %d', input[max_coord][y_coord])
if input[max_coord][y_coord] == target:
return True
if input[max_coord][y_coord] < target:
return False
class TestDetect2DArr(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_success(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2], [3]], 2), True)
def test_between(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2, 4], [5, 6]], 3), False)
def test_too_big(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2, 4, 6], [3, 7, 8], [4, 8, 10]], 9), False)
def test_found_value(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2, 6, 10, 89],[7, 23, 46, 667],[8, 25, 50, 700],[9, 30, 55, 800]], 667), True)
def test_no_value(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2, 6, 10, 89],[7, 23, 46, 667],[8, 25, 50, 700],[9, 30, 55, 800]], 668), False)
def test_fast_scale_one_axis(self):
self.assertEqual(detect_in_2d_arr([[2, 6, 10, 89],[7, 23, 46, 667],[8, 25, 50, 700],[9, 10000, 50000, 70000]], 9), True)
# 2.) Write a method that sorts a list of strings such that all anagrams are adjacent in the list
def anagram_sort(str_list:List[str]) -> List[str]:
letter_dict = dict()
for idx, word in enumerate(str_list):
letters = ''.join(sorted(word))
if letters in letter_dict:
letter_dict[letters] = [idx]
output = list()
for letters in letter_dict:
for idx in letter_dict[letters]:
return output
class TestAnagramSort(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_pass(self):
input_data = ['rail safety', 'roflcopters', 'fairy tales']
result = anagram_sort(input_data)
first_anagram_idx = result.index('rail safety')
second_anagram_idx = result.index('fairy tales')
self.assertEqual(abs(first_anagram_idx - second_anagram_idx), 1)
# 3.) Given an integer, return as a string the binary representation of the integer.
def dec_to_bin(given:int) -> str:
output_string = str()
while given > 0:
output_string += '{}'.format(given % 2)
given //= 2
# logging.debug('output string: %s -- new given: %d', output_string, given)
return output_string[::-1]
class TestDecToBin(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_success(self):
self.assertEqual(dec_to_bin(40), '101000')
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig( stream=sys.stderr )
logging.getLogger().setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
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