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Sending a "Like" notification (Node + Bull + Redis + Firebase Cloud Messaging)
const { getReview } = require('app/services/reviews/get.js');
const { getUser } = require('app/services/users/get.js');
const { Sentry, getEnv } = require('app/config.js');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const { errorLogger, infoLogger, warnLogger } = require('lib/logger.js');
const { createPushNotification } = require('app/services/push_notifications/create.js');
const { getContactPreferences } = require('app/services/contact_preferences/get.js');
const isEmpty = require('lodash/isEmpty');
const isNil = require('lodash/isNil');
const get = require('lodash/get');
const truncate = require('lodash/truncate');
const { pushNotificationReceiptQueue } = require('workers/queues.js');
module.exports = async (data, eventInfo) => {
let eventId = null;
let eventName = null;
try {
eventId = get(eventInfo, 'id', null);
eventName = get(eventInfo, 'name', null);
infoLogger(`EVENT ID (${eventId}): starting execution of event consumer for event: ${eventName}`);
if (isEmpty(data)) throw new Error(`malformed event consumed for like_created consumer`);
const user = await getUser({ id: data.userId });
if (isNil(user)) throw new Error(`cannot create like push notification with missing source user ${data.userId}`);
const review = await getReview(data.reviewId);
if (isNil(review)) throw new Error(`cannot create like push notification with missing review ${data.reviewId}`);
const contactPreferences = await getContactPreferences({ userId: review.userId });
if (!contactPreferences || !contactPreferences.push_notification_contact_consent) {
`EVENT ID (${eventId}): warning cannot send push notification to user where contact preferences are falsely. For user with id: ${review.userId}`
const sourceUserFirstName = user.full_name.split(' ')[0];
const truncatedSourceUserFirstName = truncate(sourceUserFirstName, {
length: 30,
omission: ' '
const truncatedPlaceName = truncate(review.place_name, {
length: 50,
const message = {
title: 'The Green Book Project',
subtitle: 'Someone liked your review!',
body: `${truncatedSourceUserFirstName} liked your review of ${truncatedPlaceName}`,
data: {},
userId: review.userId,
const tickets = await createPushNotification(message);
tickets.forEach(ticket => {
if (ticket.status === 'ok') {
infoLogger(`EVENT ID (${eventId}): push notification created for like (id: ${}). Ticket id: ${}`)
} else {
errorLogger(`EVENT ID (${eventId}): Failed to send push notification for "like". Expo API returned a status of "${ticket.status}" for ticket id: ${}.`)
const now = moment();
const delayedTime = moment().add(delayTimeInMinutes, 'minutes');
const jobOptions = {
delay: delayedTime.diff(now, 'seconds') * 1000, // job delay is set in milliseconds
const receiptIds = =>;
pushNotificationReceiptQueue.add({ receiptIds }, jobOptions);
infoLogger(`EVENT ID (${eventId}): completed execution of handler for event ${eventName}`)
} catch (error) {
errorLogger(`EVENT ID (${eventId}): ${error.toString()}`, error.stack);
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