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Created September 18, 2018 13:19
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import timeit
import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
import pymongo
import time
movie = pd.read_csv('Pandas-Cookbook/data/movie.csv', index_col='movie_title')
"""Sick function that lets you filter and return movie with specific characteristics
sc = imbd score
cr = content rating
ty = titleyear
def imdb_criteria(*criteria):
lastManStanding = []
finalframe = pd.DataFrame()
amount_of_crit = len(criteria)
assert amount_of_crit > 0
for c in criteria:
if c.startswith('sc'):
lastManStanding.append(movie.imdb_score > int(c[3:]))
# inputs for sc
# General inputs G for General Audiences, PG for parental Guidance suggested, PG-13 for parents strongly
# cautioned, R for restircted, NC-17 for aadults only
elif c.startswith('cr='):
lastManStanding.append(movie.content_rating == str(c[3:]))
#titleyear inputs can be >, < , = and then well u find the movie for that specific attribute
elif c.startswith('ty'):
if c[2] == '>':
lastManStanding.append(movie.title_year > int(c[3:]))
elif c[2] == '<':
lastManStanding.append(movie.title_year < int(c[3:]))
elif c[2] == '=':
lastManStanding.append(movie.title_year == int(c[3:]))
raise Exception("wtf that symbol")
# Final destination loop to cleanup the mess and find the result
for i in range(0, len(lastManStanding)):
lastManStanding[0] = lastManStanding[0] & lastManStanding[i]
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