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Last active August 29, 2017 18:59
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# Config Section
# columns, rows per window
set cols to 80
set rows to 50
# first window, pixels down from top of screen
set top_margin to 0
# pixels per terminal column - this might vary by screen - use screencap to show pixel count
# ie. 500 pixels for a 50 char window = 10
set pixels_per to 10
# pixel side space between windows
set gap to 6
# calcuated, do not edit below this line
set wpixels_wide to ((rows * pixels_per) + gap)
set wpixels_high to (cols * pixels_per)
# calc how many windows will fit on the screen
tell application "Finder"
set _b to bounds of window of desktop
set screen_width to item 3 of _b
set screen_height to item 4 of _b
end tell
set windows_wide to round ((screen_width - wpixels_wide) / wpixels_wide) rounding up
#display dialog screen_width & "x" & wpixels_wide & " windows_w: " & windows_wide
set window_id to 1
set row to 0
set col to 0
tell application "Terminal"
set numWindows to (count windows)
if (numWindows > windows_wide) then
set numWindows to windows_wide
end if
set start_x to ((screen_width - (numWindows * wpixels_wide)) / 2)
if (col > (windows_wide - 1)) then
set row to row + 1
set col to 0
end if
set start_y to (wpixels_high * row)
if (start_y > screen_height) then
set start_y to ((wpixels_wide * row) - screen_height)
set start_x to start_x + 50
end if
if (window window_id exists) then
tell window window_id
set pos_x to (start_x + (wpixels_wide * col))
set pos_y to (top_margin + (start_y * row))
set position to {pos_x, pos_y}
set number of columns to cols
set number of rows to rows
#display dialog "wid: " & window_id & " row: " & row & " col: " & col & " xy: " & pos_x & ":" & pos_y
end tell
set window_id to window_id + 1
set col to col + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
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