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Created October 24, 2019 00:21
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  • Save TheCherry/70678495378b3c8c222dd1e156a0e711 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TheCherry/70678495378b3c8c222dd1e156a0e711 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "raylib.h"
#include "../extern_libs/cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "../extern_libs/cJSON/cJSON_Utils.h"
#include "headers/views.h"
#include "headers/errors.h"
struct ControllerInput input_mapping[16];
void load_bool(cJSON *object, bool *dst, char *key) {
cJSON *input_data;
input_data = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(object, key);
if (!cJSON_IsBool(input_data) && !cJSON_IsNull(input_data)) throw_error(ERROR_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_NOT_FOUND);
if (cJSON_IsNull(input_data))
*dst = false;
*dst = input_data->valueint;
void load_int(cJSON *object, int *dst, char *key) {
cJSON *input_data;
input_data = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(object, key);
if (!cJSON_IsNumber(input_data) && !cJSON_IsNull(input_data)) throw_error(ERROR_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_NOT_FOUND);
if (cJSON_IsNull(input_data))
*dst = -1;
*dst = input_data->valueint;
void lj(char *json) {
const cJSON *mapping = NULL;
cJSON *input = NULL;
cJSON *input_data = NULL;
cJSON *monitor_json = cJSON_Parse(json);
if (monitor_json == NULL)
// const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr();
// if (error_ptr != NULL)
// {
// fprintf(stderr, "Error before: %s\n", error_ptr);
// }
mapping = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(monitor_json, "mapping");
if (!cJSON_IsObject(mapping)) throw_error(ERROR_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_NOT_FOUND);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
input = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(mapping, input_mapping[i].id_name);
if (!cJSON_IsObject(input)) throw_error(ERROR_CONFIG_EXAMPLE_NOT_FOUND);
load_bool(input, &input_mapping[i].is_axis, "is_axis");
load_bool(input, &input_mapping[i].flipped, "flipped");
load_int(input, &input_mapping[i].index, "index");
void config_save() {
char *json_config_str = NULL;
cJSON *root = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON *mapping = cJSON_AddObjectToObject(root, "mapping");
for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
cJSON *input = cJSON_AddObjectToObject(mapping, input_mapping[i].id_name);
cJSON_AddBoolToObject(input, "is_axis", input_mapping[i].is_axis);
cJSON_AddBoolToObject(input, "flipped", input_mapping[i].flipped);
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(input, "index", input_mapping[i].index);
json_config_str = cJSON_Print(root);
FILE* fp;
int err = fopen_s(&fp, "config.json", "w");
if (err < 0) {
view_state = VIEW_EXIT;
fprintf(fp, json_config_str);
#define NewControllerInput(i, id, _axis, _flip, _index, path, _name, x, y) \
do { \
input_mapping[i].id_name = id; \
input_mapping[i].is_axis = _axis; \
input_mapping[i].flipped = _flip; \
input_mapping[i].index = _index; \
input_mapping[i].image = LoadTexture(path); \
input_mapping[i].name = _name; \
input_mapping[i].text_pos = (Vector2) { x, y }; \
} while(0)
void init_mapping() {
NewControllerInput(0, "A", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/a.png", "A Button", 731, 328);
NewControllerInput(1, "B", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/b.png", "B Button", 731, 390);
NewControllerInput(2, "C-U", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/c_u.png", "C-UP Button", 731, 85);
NewControllerInput(3, "C-R", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/c_r.png", "C-RIGHT Button", 731, 145);
NewControllerInput(4, "C-D", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/c_d.png", "C-DOWN Button", 731, 205);
NewControllerInput(5, "C-L", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/c_l.png", "C-LEFT Button", 731, 266);
NewControllerInput(6, "AN-LR", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/analog_lr.png", "Analog Left-Right", 574, 529);
NewControllerInput(7, "AN-DU", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/analog_du.png", "Analog Down-Up", 574, 590);
NewControllerInput(8, "Z", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/z.png", "Z Trigger", 166, 590);
NewControllerInput(9, "D-U", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/digi_u.png", "Digital Up", 7, 158);
NewControllerInput(10, "D-R", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/digi_r.png", "Digital Right", 7, 345);
NewControllerInput(11, "D-D", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/digi_d.png", "Digital Down", 7, 283);
NewControllerInput(12, "D-L", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/digi_l.png", "Digital Left", 7, 220);
NewControllerInput(13, "L", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/l.png", "L Button", 7, 94);
NewControllerInput(14, "R", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/r.png", "R Button", 731, 22);
NewControllerInput(15, "S", false, false, -1, "resources/images/controller/start.png", "Start", 166, 529);
void load_config() {
char *json_config_str;
if (!FileExists("config.json")) {
if (!FileExists("config.example.json")) {
view_state = VIEW_EXIT;
FILE* fp;
json_config_str = LoadText("config.example.json");
int err = fopen_s(&fp, "config.json", "w+");
if (err < 0) {
view_state = VIEW_EXIT;
fprintf(fp, json_config_str);
} else {
json_config_str = LoadText("config.json");
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