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let Unfamiliarsigninproperties = ExportSecurityAlerts_CL
| where AlertName_s == "Unfamiliar sign-in properties"
| extend IPAddress = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["Client IP Address"])
| extend Location = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["Client Location"])
| extend UID = split(tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["User Account"]),"@")[0]
| extend AlertDate = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[0]
| extend AlertTime = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[1]
| extend AlertDateTime = todatetime(strcat(AlertDate, AlertTime))
| project AlertDateTime, AlertName = AlertName_s, IPAddress, Location, UID;
let AtypicalTravel = ExportSecurityAlerts_CL
| where AlertName_s == "Atypical travel"
| extend IPAddress = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["Current IP Address"])
| extend Location = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["Current Location"])
| extend UID = split(tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["User Account"]),"@")[0]
| extend AlertDate = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[0]
| extend AlertTime = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[1]
| extend AlertDateTime = todatetime(strcat(AlertDate, AlertTime))
| project AlertDateTime, AlertName = AlertName_s, IPAddress, Location, UID;
let ImpossibleTravelActivity = ExportSecurityAlerts_CL
| where AlertName_s == "Impossible travel activity"
| where Description_s has "performed an impossible travel activity"
| parse Description_s with * "The user " UserName_ " performed an " descript0_ " in " Country1_ " and " descript1_ " in " Country2_ " within " descript2_
| extend Location = Country2_
| extend IP_Addresses = tostring(parse_json(ExtendedProperties_s).["IP Addresses"])
| parse IP_Addresses with IPAddress ", " IPAddress2_
| parse UserName_ with * " (" UserName2_ ")" __
| extend UID = split(case(
isempty(UserName2_), UserName_,
| extend AlertDate = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[0]
| extend AlertTime = split(TimeGenerated_Local_Time__s, ",")[1]
| extend AlertDateTime = todatetime(strcat(AlertDate, AlertTime))
| project AlertDateTime, AlertName = AlertName_s, IPAddress, Location, UID;
let TravelAlerts = Unfamiliarsigninproperties
| union AtypicalTravel, ImpossibleTravelActivity;
let JunosPulseLogs = _GetWatchlist("JunosPulseVPNlogs")
| extend JunosDateTime = todatetime(strcat(Date, Time))
| project JunosDateTime, Action, UID;
| where TimeGenerated = AlertDateTime > ago(30d)
| extend UID = tostring(UID)
| join kind=leftouter JunosPulseLogs on UID
| summarize arg_max(AlertDateTime, JunosDateTime, *) by UID
| where abs(datetime_diff('minute', AlertDateTime, JunosDateTime)) > 5 or isempty(JunosDateTime)
| project-away JunosDateTime, Action, UID1
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