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Created July 13, 2022 20:33
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"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"queryPackName": {
"value": "InvestigationsPack"
"queryPackQueries": {
"value": [
"labels": "Account",
"displayName": "Track sign-in Activity",
"body": "\/\/ Track Sign-In Activity\r\n\/\/ This KQL query is used to determine the history of sign-In activity for a particular user account\r\nlet userPrincipalName = \"UPN\"; \/\/Set the users userPrincipalName i.e.\r\nlet days = ago(90d); \/\/Set the time i.e. 12h, 30d\r\n\/\/ Do not edit below this line\r\nSigninLogs\r\n| where TimeGenerated > days\r\n| where UserPrincipalName =~ userPrincipalName\r\n| summarize count(IPAddress) by TimeGenerated, \r\n Identity,\r\n AuthenticationRequirement,\r\n ResultType,\r\n RiskState,\r\n RiskDetail,\r\n UserAgent,\r\n ClientAppUsed,\r\n AppDisplayName,\r\n IPAddress,\r\n tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion),\r\n tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem),\r\n tostring(DeviceDetail.browser),\r\n ResultDescription,\r\n tostring(DeviceDetail.deviceId),\r\n tostring(DeviceDetail.isCompliant),\r\n tostring(DeviceDetail.isManaged),\r\n ConditionalAccessStatus,\r\n tostring(ConditionalAccessPolicies)\r\n| order by TimeGenerated desc"
"labels": "IP",
"displayName": "Check IP details",
"body": "\/\/ This KQL query is used to inspect the details of a IP Address.\r\n\/\/ IP Details:\r\n\/\/ Priority, ISP, RiskLevel, network, continent_name, country_name, city, is_anonymous_proxy, is_satellite_provider\r\n\/\/ Used by device:\r\n\/\/ Logons, FullMFA, Users, authM, Services, Apps, OS, Browsers\r\nlet ipAddress = dynamic([\"IPADDRESS\"]); \/\/ Replace with IP address(es) you want to check i.e. dynamic([\"\",\"\",\"\"])\r\nlet shorttime = 7d;\r\nlet longtime = 30d;\r\nlet signInLogsShort = SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(shorttime);\r\nlet signInLogsLong = SigninLogs | where TimeGenerated > ago(longtime);\r\n\/\/ Do not edit below this line\r\nlet geoData = externaldata(network:string,geoname_id:string,continent_code:string,continent_name:string,\r\ncountry_iso_code:string,country_name:string,is_anonymous_proxy:string,is_satellite_provider:string)\r\n[@\"https:\/\/\/datasets\/geoip2-ipv4\/master\/data\/geoip2-ipv4.csv\"] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true, format=\"csv\");\r\nlet ips = ( signInLogsShort\r\n | where ResultType == 0 );\r\nlet mfaip = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | where AuthenticationRequirement == 'multiFactorAuthentication'\r\n | where ResultType == 0\r\n | extend authentication1Method_ = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[0].authenticationMethod)\r\n | extend authentication2Method_ = tostring(parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)[1].authenticationMethod)\r\n | where authentication1Method_ in (\"Password\")\r\n | where authentication2Method_ != \"Previously satisfied\"\r\n | summarize FullMFA = dcount(TimeGenerated) by IPAddress, UserPrincipalName );\r\nlet users = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | summarize count() by UserPrincipalName, IPAddress\r\n | extend d = pack(\"User\", UserPrincipalName, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize Users=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet service = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | summarize count() by AppDisplayName, IPAddress\r\n | order by AppDisplayName asc\r\n | extend d = pack(\"Svc\", AppDisplayName, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize Services=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet apps = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | summarize count() by ClientAppUsed, IPAddress\r\n | extend d = pack(\"App\", ClientAppUsed, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize Apps=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet authmethod = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | summarize count() by AuthenticationRequirement, IPAddress\r\n | extend d = pack(\"authM\", AuthenticationRequirement, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize authM=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet OS = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | extend OS = tostring(DeviceDetail.operatingSystem)\r\n | summarize count() by OS, IPAddress\r\n | extend d = pack(\"OS\", OS, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize OS=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet browsers = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | extend Browser = tostring(DeviceDetail.browser)\r\n | summarize count() by Browser, IPAddress\r\n | extend d = pack(\"Browser\", Browser, \"Count\", count_)\r\n | summarize Browsers=make_set(d) by IPAddress );\r\nlet IPDetails = ( signInLogsShort\r\n | evaluate ipv4_lookup (geoData, IPAddress, network, false)\r\n | distinct IPAddress,\r\n network,\r\n continent_code,\r\n continent_name,\r\n country_iso_code,\r\n country_name,\r\n is_anonymous_proxy,\r\n is_satellite_provider );\r\nlet RiskLevel = ( signInLogsLong\r\n | project Identity, IPAddress, ConditionalAccessStatus\r\n | extend count1=iff(ConditionalAccessStatus == \"success\" , 1 , 0) \/\/If Success, Return 1, else 0\r\n | extend count2=1 \/\/ to be used for total row count\r\n | summarize SuccessCount=sum(count1), TotalRecords=sum(count2) by IPAddress\r\n | extend SuccessfulLogonPercent=(SuccessCount*100)\/TotalRecords\r\n | extend RiskLevel = case(SuccessfulLogonPercent > 80, \"Low\", \r\n SuccessfulLogonPercent < 30, \"High\",\r\n SuccessCount < 5 and SuccessfulLogonPercent < 80, \"High\",\r\n TotalRecords < 5 and SuccessfulLogonPercent < 80, \"High\",\r\n \"Low\" ) \/\/ else\r\n | extend d = pack(\"Level\",SuccessfulLogonPercent,\"Success\", SuccessCount, \"Total\", TotalRecords)\r\n | summarize Logons=make_set(d) by IPAddress, RiskLevel );\r\nips\r\n| join kind=fullouter mfaip on IPAddress\r\n| join kind=inner users on IPAddress\r\n| join service on IPAddress\r\n| join apps on IPAddress\r\n| join authmethod on IPAddress\r\n| join OS on IPAddress\r\n| join browsers on IPAddress\r\n| join IPDetails on IPAddress\r\n| join RiskLevel on IPAddress\r\n| project IPAddress,\r\n RiskLevel,\r\n network,\r\n continent_name,\r\n country_name,\r\n tostring(,\r\n is_anonymous_proxy,\r\n is_satellite_provider,\r\n Logons,\r\n FullMFA,\r\n Users,\r\n authM,\r\n Services,\r\n Apps,\r\n OS,\r\n Browsers\r\n| order by network asc\r\n| where IPAddress in (ipAddress)"
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