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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Game Engine Post
// Old
// Define a data object for each circle
var nodes = d3.range(size).map(function() {
return {
radius: 8 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10),
x: Math.random() * w * .8 + w * .1,
y: Math.random() * h * .8 + h * .1,
v: speed,
r: Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
// New
var nodes = d3.range(params.ballNum).map(function() {
// Initialize variables
var r;
var rad;
var o = Math.random();
// If an initial radius was given use it, otherwise assign a random starting radius
if (params.r) {
r = params.r(o);
rad = params.r;
} else {
r = params.avgSize + Math.floor(2 * params.sizeVar * Math.random()) - params.sizeVar;
rad = r;
// Assign internal data for each circle, some of which might be functions to be evaluated in the engine
return {
// Radius size (may be a function)
radius: rad,
// Starting positions
x: Math.random() * (gameW - 2 * r) + r,
y: Math.random() * (gameH - 2 * r) + r,
// Momentum (may be a function)
m: params.momentum,
// Starting angle (evaluate if it is a function)
r: params.angle ? ($.isFunction(params.angle) ? params.angle(o) : params.angle) : Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI,
// Random angle interval time
int: (params.randAngleInt ? params.randAngleInt : 0),
// Random angle interval counter
lastChange: (params.randAngleInt ? new Date().getTime() : 0),
// Random double
o: o,
// Physics
physics: params.physics
// Old
// Define a redraw function which will be executed every 10 ms
function redraw() {
nodes.forEach(function(d) {
// Check if the circle is hitting the top or bottom border
if (d.y >= h - d.r - buffer || d.y <= d.r + buffer) {
// Reflect the trajectory angle accordingly
d.r = 2 * Math.PI - d.r;
// Check if the circle is hitting the left or right border
if (d.x >= w - d.r - buffer || d.x <= d.r + buffer) {
// Reflect the trajectory angle accordingly
d.r = (Math.PI - d.r) % (2 * Math.PI);
// Update the x and y positions based on the static velocity
d.x += d.v * Math.cos(d.r);
d.y += d.v * Math.sin(d.r);
// Update the position of each SVG circle
circles.attr("transform", function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')'; });
// New
// Define a redraw function which will be executed every 10 ms
function redraw() {
nodes.forEach(function(d) {
// Evaluate current radius
var r = ($.isFunction(d.radius) ? d.radius(d.o) : d.radius);
// Evaluate current momentum
var m = ($.isFunction(d.m) ? d.m(d.o) : d.m);
// Evaluate physics
var physics = d.physics ? d.physics : defaultPhysics;
// Check if the circle is hitting the top or bottom border
if (d.y >= gameH - physics.dy(d, r) || d.y <= physics.dy(d, r)) {
// Adjust the current position and angle based on the current physics
d.y = physics.y(d, gameW, gameH);
d.r = physics.ry(d, gameW, gameH);
// Check if the circle is hitting the left or right border
if (d.x >= gameW - physics.dx(d, r) || d.x <= physics.dx(d, r)) {
// Adjust the current position and angle based on the current physics
d.x = physics.x(d, gameW, gameH);
d.r = physics.rx(d, gameW, gameH);
// Update the x and y positions based on the current physics
d.x += physics.xx(d, m, r);
d.y += physics.yy(d, m, r);
// Check if it is time to randomly change the trajectory angle
if ( && new Date().getTime() > d.lastChange + {
d.r = 2 * Math.random() * Math.PI;
d.lastChange = new Date().getTime();
// Update the position and size of each SVG circle
circles.attr("r", function(d) { return ($.isFunction(d.radius) ? d.radius(d.o) : d.radius); });
circles.attr("transform", function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')'; });
var nodes = d3.range(params.ballNum).map(function() {
// Initialize variables
var r;
var rad;
var o = Math.random();
// If an initial radius was given use it, otherwise assign a random starting radius
if (params.r) {
r = params.r(o);
rad = params.r;
} else {
r = params.avgSize + Math.floor(2 * params.sizeVar * Math.random()) - params.sizeVar;
rad = r;
// Assign internal data for each circle, some of which might be functions to be evaluated in the engine
return {
// Radius size (may be a function)
radius: rad,
// Starting positions
x: Math.random() * (gameW - 2 * r) + r,
y: Math.random() * (gameH - 2 * r) + r,
// Momentum (may be a function)
m: params.momentum,
// Starting angle (evaluate if it is a function)
r: params.angle ? ($.isFunction(params.angle) ? params.angle(o) : params.angle) : Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI,
// Random angle interval time
int: (params.randAngleInt ? params.randAngleInt : 0),
// Random angle interval counter
lastChange: (params.randAngleInt ? new Date().getTime() : 0),
// Random double
o: o,
// Physics
physics: params.physics
// Define a redraw function which will be executed every 10 ms
function redraw() {
nodes.forEach(function(d) {
// Evaluate current radius
var r = ($.isFunction(d.radius) ? d.radius(d.o) : d.radius);
// Evaluate current momentum
var m = ($.isFunction(d.m) ? d.m(d.o) : d.m);
// Evaluate physics
var physics = d.physics ? d.physics : defaultPhysics;
// Check if the circle is hitting the top or bottom border
if (d.y >= gameH - physics.dy(d, r) || d.y <= physics.dy(d, r)) {
// Adjust the current position and angle based on the current physics
d.y = physics.y(d, gameW, gameH);
d.r = physics.ry(d, gameW, gameH);
// Check if the circle is hitting the left or right border
if (d.x >= gameW - physics.dx(d, r) || d.x <= physics.dx(d, r)) {
// Adjust the current position and angle based on the current physics
d.x = physics.x(d, gameW, gameH);
d.r = physics.rx(d, gameW, gameH);
// Update the x and y positions based on the current physics
d.x += physics.xx(d, m, r);
d.y += physics.yy(d, m, r);
// Check if it is time to randomly change the trajectory angle
if ( && new Date().getTime() > d.lastChange + {
d.r = 2 * Math.random() * Math.PI;
d.lastChange = new Date().getTime();
// Update the position and size of each SVG circle
circles.attr("r", function(d) { return ($.isFunction(d.radius) ? d.radius(d.o) : d.radius); });
circles.attr("transform", function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')'; });
def squaresSum = [1, 2, 3, 4].collect { n -> n * n }.sum(); // 30
// Define a data object for each circle
var nodes = d3.range(size).map(function() {
return {
radius: 8 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10),
x: Math.random() * w * .8 + w * .1,
y: Math.random() * h * .8 + h * .1,
v: speed,
r: Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
// Define a redraw function which will be executed every 10 ms
function redraw() {
nodes.forEach(function(d) {
// Check if the circle is hitting the top or bottom border
if (d.y >= h - d.r - buffer || d.y <= d.r + buffer) {
// Reflect the trajectory angle accordingly
d.r = 2 * Math.PI - d.r;
// Check if the circle is hitting the left or right border
if (d.x >= w - d.r - buffer || d.x <= d.r + buffer) {
// Reflect the trajectory angle accordingly
d.r = (Math.PI - d.r) % (2 * Math.PI);
// Update the x and y positions based on the static velocity
d.x += d.v * Math.cos(d.r);
d.y += d.v * Math.sin(d.r);
// Update the position of each SVG circle
circles.attr("transform", function(d) { return 'translate(' + d.x + ', ' + d.y + ')'; });
var squaresSum = [1, 2, 3, 4].map(
function(n) {
return n * n;
function(a, b) {
return a + b;
}); // 30
var levels = {
// Level number as the key
1: {
title: 'Easy Peasy',
avgSize: 15,
sizeVar: 5,
momentum: 100,
ballNum: 10,
expandSpeed: 1
23: {
title: 'Woah There',
avgSize: 20,
sizeVar: 5,
momentum: 350,
ballNum: 15,
expandSpeed: function(d) {
return 1 + Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (new Date() / 1000 + d.o));
24: {
title: 'So Close',
avgSize: 20,
sizeVar: 5,
momentum: 200,
ballNum: 10,
expandSpeed: function(d) {
return d.radius > 100 ? .5 : .0075 * (105 - d.radius);
ghostPhysics = {
// Distance from top or bottom when the x border interaction kicks in
dx: function(d, r) { return 0; },
// Distance from left or right when the y border interaction kicks in
dy: function(d, r) { return 0; },
// New x position when the x border interaction occurs
x: function(d, w, h) { return (d.x + w) % w; },
// New y position when the y border interaction occurs
y: function(d, w, h) { return (d.y + h) % h; },
// New trajectory angle when the x border interaction occurs
rx: function(d, w, h) { return d.r; },
// New trajectory angle when the y border interaction occurs
ry: function(d, w, h) { return d.r; },
// Change in x in one iteration
xx: function(d, m, r) { return m / (r * r) * Math.cos(d.r); },
// Change in y in one iteration
yy: function(d, m, r) { return m / (r * r) * Math.sin(d.r); }
28: {
title: 'Inchworm Ghosts',
avgSize: 15,
sizeVar: 5,
momentum: function(o) {
return 150 + 200 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (new Date() / 1000 + o));
ballNum: 20,
angle: 3 * Math.PI / 2,
expandSpeed: 1,
physics: ghostPhysics
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