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Last active October 23, 2019 13:18
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A wrapper around promises that allows for easy chaining them together.
* Created by Dimitris Vlachakis (TheCrafter) on 23/10/2019
* A wrapper around promises that allows for easy chaining them together.
* Example usage:
* {code}
* const pc = new PromiseChain<number>(125);
* pc.append(async (n) => { log(n); return n + 5; })
* pc.append(async (n) => { log(n); throw ("wtf"); })
* pc.append(async (n) => { log(n); return n + 5; })
* pc.append(async (n) => { log(n); return n; });
* try {
* await pc.wait();
* } catch (e) {
* log(e);
* }
* {/code}
export default class PromiseChain<State> {
private _promise: Promise<State> = Promise.resolve({} as State);
constructor(s: State) {
public reset(s: State = {} as State) {
this._promise = Promise.resolve(s);
public append(f: (s: State, ...args: any[]) => Promise<State>, ...args: any[]) {
this._promise = this._promise.then(async (s :State) => {
return await f(s, ...args);
public async wait() {
try { await this._promise; }
catch (e) { throw e; }
finally { this.reset(); }
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