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Created February 6, 2019 08:57
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import java.nio.ByteBuffer
object InetUtils {
private[this] val Radix = 16
// Fast Hex converters
private[this] val HexChars: Array[Char] = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray
// to lowercase hex chars
@inline def byteToHex(b: Byte): String =
byteToHexU(new Array[Char](2), 0, b).mkString
// fill buffer starting with startIndex with two Hex chars
@inline def byteToHexL(buf: Array[Char], startIndex: Int, b: Byte): Array[Char] = {
buf(startIndex) = Character.forDigit((b >> 4) & 0x0F, Radix)
buf(startIndex + 1) = Character.forDigit(b & 0x0F, Radix)
// fill buffer starting with startIndex with two Hex chars in UpperCase
@inline def byteToHexU(buf: Array[Char], startIndex: Int, b: Byte): Array[Char] = {
buf(startIndex) = HexChars((b >> 4) & 0x0F)
buf(startIndex + 1) = HexChars(b & 0x0F)
@inline def hexToByte(s: String): Byte = (
(Character.digit(s.charAt(0), Radix) << 4) +
Character.digit(s.charAt(1), Radix)
// IP-address ops
@inline def ipToInt(ip: String): Int =
@inline def intToIp(ip: Int): String = Seq(
((ip >> 24) & 0xFF).toShort,
((ip >> 16) & 0xFF).toShort,
((ip >> 8) & 0xFF).toShort,
((ip >> 0) & 0xFF).toShort
// MAC-address ops - MAC TO Long
@inline def macToLong(mac: String): Long = {
val bytes = mac.split(":").map(hexToByte)
val b8 = new Array[Byte](8)
bytes.copyToArray(b8, Math.max(0, 8 - bytes.length), 8)
// MAC-address ops - Long To MAC
@inline def longToMac(mac: Long): String = longToMac48(mac)
// Fastest LongToMac-48 version
@inline def longToMac48(address: Long): String = {
val buf = new Array[Char](17)
byteToHexU(buf, 0, ((address >> 40) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(2) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 3, ((address >> 32) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(5) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 6, ((address >> 24) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(8) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 9, ((address >> 16) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(11) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 12, ((address >> 8) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(14) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 15, ((address >> 0) & 0xFF).toByte)
new String(buf)
// Fastest LongToMac-64 version
@inline def longToMac64(address: Long): String = {
val buf = new Array[Char](23)
byteToHexU(buf, 0, ((address >> 56) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(2) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 3, ((address >> 48) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(5) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 6, ((address >> 40) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(8) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 9, ((address >> 32) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(11) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 12, ((address >> 24) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(14) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 15, ((address >> 16) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(17) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 18, ((address >> 8) & 0xFF).toByte)
buf(20) = ':'
byteToHexU(buf, 21, ((address >> 0) & 0xFF).toByte)
new String(buf)
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